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Historian and pundit Victor Davis Hanson delivers, in the short video below, an incisive, two-minute breakdown of the political and ideological issues that led to the disaster currently engulfing Los Angeles and environs.
Check it and the transcript out below:
🚨NEW: VDH weighs in on the LA fires: “It’s something like a DEI Green New Deal hydrogen bomb — the alarming symptoms of a society gone mad.”
An incisive, two-minute breakdown of the political and ideological issues that led to this disaster:
“It was a total systems collapse…
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) January 10, 2025
“It was a total systems collapse from the idea of not spending money on irrigation, storage, water, fire prevention and forest management, a viable insurance industry, a DEI hierarchy, you put it all together and it’s something like a DEI Green New Deal hydrogen bomb.” “Gavin Newsom was fiddling, he’s almost Nero Newsom. And this has been something that is just unimaginable.
“The systems breakdown. And to finish, what we’re seeing in California is a state with 40 million people. And yet the people who run it feel that it should return to a 19th century pastoral condition. They are de-civilizing the state and de-industrializing the state and de-farming the state. But they’re not telling the 40 million people that their lifestyles will have to revert back to the 19th century, when you had no protection from fire.
“You didn’t have enough water in California. You didn’t have enough power. You didn’t pump oil. So we are deliberately making these decisions not to develop energy, not to develop a timber industry, not to protect the insurance industry, not to protect houses and property. And we’re doing it in almost a purely nihilistic fashion.
“And Karen Bass should resign. She came to the airport back from Africa. She had nothing to say. She was confronted at the airport. Why were you in Africa? Why did you cut the fire department? They cut the fire department by almost $18 million. They gave fire protective equipment to Ukraine’s first responders. And she had nothing to say. She had nothing to say because she couldn’t say anything.
“I don’t want to be too pessimistic or bleak tonight, but this is one of the most alarming symptoms of a society gone mad.
“And if this continues, and if this were to spread to other states, we would become a third world country if we’re not in parts already.”
interesting how the MSM are running cover for their overlords . very little true criticism of failures in the lead up to the destruction of LA only harris word salads from gavin nero . endless commentary by the so called experts and failed city officials . they need to be jailed but the left never are and no consequences for criminal negligence will happen . vdh always nails it as usual thats because he has lived in the failed state that is LA . notice none of the MSM have interviewed him . as per usual its climate change to blame not their incompetence .
Rigged elections have deadly consequences.
Americans are horrified that the second largest city in the U.S. –
Los Angeles – has been harmed so badly by fire – because of a
lack of water in its hydrants and reservoirs.
Mayor Karen Bass and Janisse Quiñones of Dept. of Water & Power
have countered that there was plenty of water in the Pacific Pallisades
tanks before the fires – but the strain of such a catastrophe “never
before seen in L.A.’s history” quickly dried up the hydrants and tanks.
I heard Bass say with my own ears that there had never been such wind
before as some kind of explanation as to the fires’ devastation. Mr. Hanson
refutes these excuses with his description of a total systems collapse,
including proactive fire prevention measures – especially in an area like
L.A. with its history of raging wildfires. And based on his observations –
particularly the one of a DEI hierarchy – he is so right.
Mayor Bass wants to blame the deadly carnage on nature – something
beyond their control. No exceptional wind caused the water to run out
nor her entire evil system to collapse.
Santa Ana Winds are an endemic, katabatic air flow that have been occurring before humans were walking the hills of California. What has changed is not climate, but the intellects of people in charge.
Just in case we forget what we’re dealing with Joy Ried says RD has ruined Florida.
But last night the LA Rams managed to play their playoff game against the Vikings… Phoenix…….so there’s that.
Meanwhile the Santa Ana winds are still raging and the Palisades fire just “kissed” the Pacific Ocean. And as of yesterday the Palisades fire is moving on Brentwood, the area that is home to many Hollywood A-Listers. I wonder of these Hollywood Libs, who may loser their homes, will still vote for the jerks that run that city.
Way to go Karen The “Basshole” Bass
At this point, the federal government should declare California a failed state and take control of the territory. Martial Law can be declared, all state assets seized, all state officials jailed under federal law. Let the games begin.
If only. These incompetents caused this horrible destruction with their inept corrupt policies & failure to address obvious problems they themselves caused. They need to be removed from office & the federal govt needs to step in.
What can a person say about this?
Karen Ass should be executed.
Newsome and Bass should both be voted out of office, but as of 1/21/25 all Democrat staffed media will suddenly be blaming Trump for the disaster. I check ABC news headlines to get a feel for how the Democrat party bosses want information presented and so far I have not seen a single headline about the incompetence of Newsome, Bass, or any other Democrat. Other Democrat staffed networks always post the same stories.
About 1/2 of ABC’s headlines are about what a criminal Trump is and one even is about how Biden steadied the nation after Trump’s first term.
In exactly 1 week, I expect Democrat staffed media to have all headlines on how Trump is failing to put the fires out, the homeless in California, or in other words, the disaster will be all Trump’s fault.
And that is exactly what Dems want, it is what they plan & whatever lies & incompetence they spew just feeds their agenda
Pure Blue City and States are what Hanson is talking about! NM is pure Blue from the Justice System, city leaders/councils, State Legislature has been run by Democrats for NINETY YEARS, and the Governor is from the Lujan Mafia! She gave Richard Branson TWO-HUNDRED MILLION for his spaceport that Bill Richardson allowed and funded in the hundreds of millions too! Kickbacks… on no way. There’s a photo on the net with Branson lifting Lujan from behind after she announced the new funding. THE SPACEPORT IS A LEMON with one rocket launch in over a decade and right before Bezos, who grew up in Albuquerque, launched his. SHE ALSO PUTS MORATORIUMS on Oil and Gas but then uses the tax revenues for her GREEN AGENDA and now paying for ABORTION CLINICS near the Texas border! The Mayors of Albuquerque and Santa Fe are FAR-LEFT and into the Communist arena with their funding.
TRACE THEIR PAST! Which Communist group recruited and brainwashed them? The main period of recruitment started in the sixties with the VIETNAM PEACE MOVEMENT directed by the Communist Party USA and THE SOVIET KGB’S WORLD PEACE COUNCIL! Then a major period was the ’80s with the CPUSA starting the UNITED STATES PEACE COUNCIL with them teaming up again with the SOVIET KGB TO TAKE OVER CENTRAL AMERICA! “NO CONTRA AID!” Yes, to protect Daniel Ortega who still rules Nicaragua and who arrests all political opponents? Sound Familiar? “EL SALVADOR IS SPANISH FOR VIETNAM!”
MANY OF THOSE ’60s-’80s recruits, became our teachers, professors, Hollywood, Big Tech, city/state/national leaders, and filled the Halls of Congress and the White House which then appointed the same to head departments that ARE BEING USED TO ATTACK ALL POLITICAL OPPONENTS and who even conspired in a Coup attempt, maybe even two assassination attempts, against a Former President of the United States! (I didn’t mention Trump because this is bigger… against THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!)
All you needed to see was Mayor Bass’s return from Africa’ when she was questioned at the airport. Californians-
send her back to Africa1
And remember back in February 2021, when the far left went after Ted Cruz in Cancun? “Ted Cruz abandoned Texas” The headlines screamed. Only problem, Ted Cruz didn’t run Texas, the governor did. Why didn’t the far left go after Karen Bass?
What we have here is a combination of Murphy’s Law and the Peter Principle. A dangerous duo.
Between Governor Nuisance and Loud Mouth Bass California is in deep trouble
Victor is a national treasure.
Ah yes – to deindustrialize and go back to the pre-fossil fuels era. So I guess the other thing these Green New Deal people didn’t mention to the citizens of California is that they’ll need to start killing whales in order to collect fish oil to burn for heat and light. Oh and the glory days before the use of chemical fertilizers brought with it the contamination of the water table from animal feces (E. coli and Listeria just to name a few) used in organic farming. While you’re at it, if you’re not a hypocrite and want to revert back to 19th century living, you’d need to ban all vaccines that have eliminated childhood diseases. As a result, abortion will need to be banned because families will need to have as many children as possible because most will not live to see their teenage years. Don’t forget the wonderful news for those who think there’s too many people on this planet. Being true to 19th century living means most adults won’t live to see their 50th birthday.
The common link with devout Marxists and hardcore environmentalists is their unwavering belief in an utopian society. Equally both ideologies have failed to bring forth utopianism. As a deep irony both extreme movements only bring with them formulas that ultimately unravel society, bringing forth chaos rather than the promise of a perfect world.