[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/08/criminal-handcuffs-web-small.gif)A suspected illegal alien who attacked two agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in El Paso, Texas was immediately then released last month by ICE rather than being held in custody to await deportation proceedings as a result of President Obama’s recent directive to administratively implement the DREAM Act without legislation.
According to a press release from the National ICE Council, a suspected illegal alien already charged by El Paso County with domestic battery attempted to flee during the interview with ICE agents and assaulted multiple ICE agents during the escape in an incident that occurred in July. At least one agent was forced to miss time as a result of the attack. The report continued:
The alien involved in the assault and attempted escape was arrested and jailed by sheriff’s deputies earlier that same morning and charged with assault causing bodily injury to a family member and interfering with a person attempting to make an emergency phone call for assistance. ICE agents were following up on what prior to the Obama Administration would have been considered a routine jail check in search of aliens arrested by local police on criminal charges.
Agents allege that following the escape attempt, the 5’9, 245 lbs subject was pursued for approximately one block before being captured. While the criminal alien was released without charge, agents were questioned before medical treatment was even administered and may face disciplinary charges from ICE regarding the escape. One agent is medically restricted from duty for at least two weeks due to injuries sustained during the incident.
Chris Crane, President of the National ICE Council, spoke exclusively with FrontPage about this incident and said that ICE agents were forced to release this individual in conjunction with the new directive which administratively implements the DREAM Act.
The new directive is supposed to apply to young people thirty years of age and under. Those folks are presumed to have been brought to the United States of America by their parents, and they are supposed to have a clean criminal history.
Crane told FrontPage that a new more lenient interpretation by the Obama administration allows those only accused of a crime to be considered to have a clean criminal history. That’s because under the Obama administration a suspected illegal alien must be convicted of a felony before they are considered to have a criminal history. Under the Bush administration, said Crane, an individual only needed to be accused of a crime.
This might explain why DHS released a suspected child molester last year. In August 2011, DHS took custody of Amado Espinoza-Ramirez from Cook County officials. At the time of the transfer, Espinoza-Ramirez was charged with a number of offenses including rape of a child under 13, sexual assault with the use of force, and sexual relations within the family. DHS released Espinoza-Ramirez shortly after taking him into their custody. He’s since missed court dates and DHS considers him a fugitive.
Espinoza-Ramirez has not yet been convicted of any crimes despite facing numerous child molestation charges.
Crane said that while the administration has made their DREAM Act policy appear humane, its actual implementation has been something totally different.
“It’s a disaster. It’s a train wreck how it’s implemented in the field.” He continued, “The policies they put out don’t reflect what’s happening in the field.”
One difficulty, said Crane, is that ICE agents are forced to accept anything a suspected illegal alien tells them.
“If we make contact with them, and they say they’re a dreamer, we have to take their word for it.”
Crane said the assault the suspected illegal alien in El Paso allegedly perpetrated on ICE agents carries with it serious consequences.
“The last guy that assaulted me got thirteen months in a federal prison.”
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