The Virginia Military Institute is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the presence of women at the nation’s oldest state military college with an appearance by Kimberly Dark: a fat rights activist and author of lesbian fanfic who wants to “reimagine masculinity”.
“Why couldn’t we see that America has been racist forever, sexist forever?” Dark ranted in a post titled, “For those who do not want a Trump presidency — this is what we will do now.”
Under Superintendent Cedric Wins, this is what the Virginia Military Institute has become.
“How have you benefited from adherence to your gender role?” a VMI diversity training presentation asks. The resources for it included journal articles like, “How Military Service Members Reinforce Hegemonic Masculinity.” There’s not meant to be any room for “hegemonic masculinity” at an institution whose students experience spartan living and the warrior tradition.
The institution that gave us Patton, Marshall and Byrd now asks about your “gender role”, urges you to reimagine “masculinity” and spews hate toward anyone who happens to be white.
VMI’s Preston Library’s DEI resources features “The History of White People” and “White Guys on Campus” discussing “whiteness” and the “habits of racism among white male undergraduates” along with the racist ravings of Ibram X. Kendi in “How to Be an Antiracist”, Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility” and Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “Between the World and Me”.
The message at VMI is one of undisguised loathing for white people, injecting the ugliest racist concepts of critical race theory directly into the campus dialogue while trying to silence critics.
Superintendent Wins, VMI’s woke head, has been accused of undermining its proud tradition and driving away cadets. His “One Corps, One VMI Unifying Action Plan” puts DEI at the heart of VMI and claims that it will “empower Cadets to gain strength through diversity, acceptance by inclusion”. But the cadets aren’t coming.
Enrollment for the new VMI class fell by 25%.
Wins blamed the pandemic and even falling birth rates, but that fails to explain why the number of freshmen fell from 522 in 2020 and 496 in 2021, to 375 now.
It clearly wasn’t the pandemic. Were those the birth rates kicking in?
The VMI Inclusive Excellence plan called for pushing “diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice” on students, faculty and alumni. It was based on the One Virginia Plan which declared that “Inequity is rooted in America’s foundation.” Young men who once turned to VMI for its tradition of excellence and were eager to serve their country are now going elsewhere.
VMI’s Board of Visitors had already hosted a state equity official pushing critical race theory and the hatred toward white people of “White Fragility” author Robin DiAngelo. A good deal of effort is being spent on eliminating, renaming and “recontextualizing” historical elements of VMI’s legacy. And VMI’s woke personnel are overtly dismissive. A faculty member insisted, “We really aren’t military. I have a bird on my shoulder – doesn’t mean anything – just I am a field professor, So – compare us more to University of Maryland than a military academy.”
VMI’s DEI training included “White Like Me: Race, Racism, and White Privilege in America.”
According to the video, “white privilege” is “built into the very foundations of the country.” The video, with its racist attacks on white people, its partisan attacks on Republicans and promotion of Obama shows where VMI’s woke leadership wants it to be.
Another video, “Disarm Hate”, uses the Islamic terrorist attack at the Pulse nightclub to “demand LGBTQIA equal rights, fight the NRA and challenge America’s obsession with gun violence.”
Critics of critical race theory at VMI have spoken out through the Spirit of VMI PAC. Gov. Youngkin’s victory has brought a fresh wind of change to the racist equity systems imposed in the Northam era. But VMI’s woke leaders are doing their best to turn the proud institution into just another woke college campus. And the fall in enrollment shows that it’s working.
Superintendent Wins has angrily fought with VMI alumni working to defend its proud traditions in clashes that have gone public. Arguing over VMI’s massive spending on “equity”, the superintendent railed at a critic, “You have no understanding of DEI or what it means, or how much of the funding for DEI is represented in our request.”
To see what DEI means, just go to VMI’s DEI resources list assembled by Lt. Col. Ticen and Maj. Carroll that includes Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “Between the World and Me” which states that the 9/11 firefighters and police officers “were not human to me” and Ibram X Kendi’s “How To Be an Antiracist” which contends that, “The most threatening racist movement is not the alt right’s unlikely drive for a white ethnostate but the regular American’s drive for a race-neutral one.”
If there’s any ambiguity left about how much the VMI administration loathes and discriminates against white people, there’s a direct link of “anti-racism resources” as a “resource to white people”. Black people and other races, it’s understood, cannot be racist. Only white people.
The resources also include not only the 1619 Project, which claims that America was built on racism, but also “The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution” and Howard Zinn
While trying to explain why students weren’t coming to VMI, Superintendent Wins blamed, among other things, “Ideological differences among a divided alumni base.”
But the divisions aren’t among the patriotic alumni who served their country, they were imposed by Wins and leftists who are making VMI a divisive place defined by the ugliest racism.
“Misinformation regarding our initiative for diversity, equity and inclusion and the thought, the notion, the misinformation about the institute and what it’s doing or what it’s not doing with critical race theory is certainly having an impact, we believe,” Wins complained.
Except it’s not “misinformation”. It’s the DEI agenda that’s right there in VMI’s resources.
The Virginia Military Institute deserves better than Wins and wokeness. So do the great men who came out of it. And their nation that needs the service of the heroes of tomorrow.
It doesn’t matter what current or future enrollment is. What matters to the Masters of the Universe is what Kind of army the United States has in the future, its ethos and who its loyal to.
The left is doing everything they can to provoke a civil war now that they have control of the military.
VMI gone wacko!? It would appear to have indeed done so.
I would guess that Cedric Wins is a Northam appointment.
I have heard dismal stories of West Point and the Air Force Academy as well, not to mention the armed forces themselves.
Election time is ever nearer. This is all we have.
If I had a kid now of college age, I would urge a trade school.
Time to stop federal and state funding for institutions that are the seeds of America’s downfall.
War is not a game for sissies.
This Total BS, A step WORSE than Refund the Police.
Let me guess: your mind is a void surrounded by a sphincter muscle?
You identify as A wizard hiding behind a curtain?
Indeed- the beloved “I” produced MEN like Patton who defeated REAL Nazis, and Marshall that not only defeated three Rasicts ideologies- but helped Re-build a Free -World from their ashes- to the point of them now standing . Shoulder the shoulder with us against Communism, Marxism. Whilst the woke is now a tool to bring America down from within!
The governor does not make college president appointments in VA, the universities’ Boards do.
At the time of MG Wins selection, the VMI Board of Visitors was composed of Gov. McAuliffe and Gov. Northam appointees.
“How have you benefited from adherence to your gender role?”
That’s a good one (evil one). It inserts a false premise unnoticed, namely that gender role comes from outside, from society, rather than gender being something innate.
I realized earlier today that the leftists are piling delusions and illusions on top of the existing illusions and delusions people have, and am looking for examples. I imagine a big pile of delusion on top of delusion on top of delusion … and wonder when it will collapse.
After the lackluster, fat bitch Beth Hogan was used by her family & feminists to begin undermining traditions of excellence.
The fat cow quickly washed out, and her effeminate dad got his 15 minutes.
The women’s rights argument was bullshit, as an all female military academy was also available. The left is lacks any ability to build; only destroy – and only care to destroy greatness. Hence, they never bother protesting islamic tyrants oppressing Iranian women.
Now we have a different bitch undermining VMI in the form of Win. (Call it a Win/loss.)
Bad language, but true statements.
How do enrollment trends at VMI compare with the Citadel, the obvious peer institution? And how does wokeness at the two institutions compare? One could also compare VMI with the service academies, and base the comparison on applications as well as enrollment. That would give stronger evidence that wokeness is behind the decline. This is important research, needed to buttress the claim that the decline is caused by wokeness, not just associated with it.
Mr. Gehringer,
I am a 1976 graduate of the Virginia Military Institute. I have a BS in mathematics and did an analysis on enrollment. I did touch upon the Citadel and military academies. The Citadel enrollment INCREASED year-over-year by 14.4% (695 vs. 795). If you would like to see that analysis, you can use the following link. I hope you will find it informative. Thanks for asking the question.
Carmen, was VMI coed in 1976?
“How have you benefited from adherence to your gender role?”
To the extent that we still have gender roles, for a male, following your traditional gender role would mean getting married, having a steady job, supporting your wife and family, and remaining faithful to your wife. It would be a life of commitment and responsibility. But the question implies that it would somehow be a life of easygoing privilege, power, and independence, perhaps even license.
It is the demise of traditional gender roles which has contributed to increased numbers of irresponsible males. Largely deprived of their traditional role as husband and provider, they increasingly turn to drugs and alcohol, promiscuity, and prolonged adolescence.
It seems Cedric Wins is just another affirmative action hack filled with racist hate, and motivated by grievance. His task? To systematically destroy yet another historic institution hated by the left. Destruction and hate is all the left has to offer. Their vision of an utopian society is what sane people would see as hell on earth.
Utopia always ends in dystopia. There are no exceptions.
I tried to repost this on GETTR AND it would come up??? I tried 4 times clicking GETTER, no dice. No point reposting on Twitter since they only censor!!
If the woke administration continues and is not stopped then the name should be changed to The Virginia Marxist Institute!!
Wow, My son & I visited the campus during the pandemic the summer before the previous superintendent was forced out and when Jackson’s statue was still up. He didn’t end up applying but if he had enrolled he would have been there the year before enrollment dropped 25%. Close call.
The satanic agenda the left/democrats are pursuing is now fully in the open, why does not the public see it? Deafness, is not an excuse when the lies of the left are so blatant, even those who are blind can see, just from what they can hear, how the evil of the agenda the left/democrats are following is destroying the nation and as much of the world as it can.
Not only is it in the colleges, universities and military academies, it is also in the K-12 school systems. The idea of destroying the minds of the young is done so it also destroys the future of the human race.
But, the end of the human race is not going to happen, the end of the satanic agenda, is, going to happen.
He who said, “the meek shall inherit the earth,” meant what He said.
They get their info from leftist rags like The Atlantic (gold standard for the Democrats).
When young men see that the leaders of the military are too cowardly to admit the differences between men and women, then they won’t join.
There’s nothing wrong with whiteness that euthanasia can’t repair.
And the conversion of emergency use authorization to mandate has been demonstrated.
Essential infrastructure spending has been allocated by our foresight enhanced administration, has it not?
Utopia, here we come!!
If examining your gender role means continuing on the same genetic dead end that a society that is at less than replacement population levels is now on, it is a great idea to do that in terms that might get a girl to actually want to fill the world with your children- someone who is actually sexually useful to the opposite gender.
A lesbian feminist would be someone who has some pretty useless advise to give to you. By definition she is a genetic dead end, absence the turkey baster culture at any rate. This is the kind of advise that has had girls popping out abortions like little Jack Horner pulling out plums.
Thanks so much for this really well done article. As someone in the fight at VMI, it is obvious you did your homework. I hope everyone knows that the cadets and alumni, which are the true VMI, are not for this at all. There are many wonderful people on staff as well. Like so many other things, there are only a handful of radical leftist activists on post that have been doing all the damage, and General Wins is their leader. They were installed by the disgraced former democratic governor (Northam). Of course, they are all connected, as well, to their respective national activist victimhood groups.
At VMI, the honor code is truly still central to the Corps. Yet General Wins has lied about CRT repeatedly. He does not adhere to to honor himself, yet has been given charge over the cadets. Inviting Kimberly Dark and her sick, twisted ideology on post was the last straw. They let her speak in the Hall of Valor. Veterans, parents, and alumni will not be letting that go. This fight just went to a whole new level.
These are tragic developments. Prayers for you and your fellow warriors as you fight to preserve the honor and traditions of your great institution.
There’s not meant to be any room for “hegemonic masculinity” at an institution whose students experience spartan living and the warrior tradition.
Am I wrong, or is this contradictory on its face?
Is their anything these WOKE wacks won’t do to wreck our country and military. These WOKE people need to be canceled and get a taste of their own medicine, ASAP , or we wont have a country .
Are these VMI wokateers just idiots? Or are they treasonous scumbags needing to be exsanguinated, violently?
Northam acted like a dictator for 4 years. The Washington Post began the assault on VMI a couple of years ago with a fake black female discrimination story. Soon, Northam ordered an investigation, appointed Wins after forcing the resignation of former supt and installed a new Board.
Now, VMI alumni are demanding Gov Youngkin stand up to these radical America haters by withholding the $29 million in taxpayer money allocated for the PUBLIC institution. It’s public. Youngkin needs to stop campaigning in other states and fire the whole board and Wins. But he won’t. He’s afraid of being called racist and the wrath of the black supremacists and their white benefactors.
The purpose of DEI at VMI is to cause the institution to die. The decline in enrollment and the subsequent death of the institution is the goal. Any enemy would want to destroy a military school, thus depriving its intended victim of future military leadership.