At the Chinese Communist Party’s 20th Congress in October 2022, Xi Jinping’s report included the following statement: “Over the past decade, we have stayed committed to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory…” Karl Marx was a scumbag (study his life), Deng Xiaoping was the thug who killed over 3,000 protesters at Tiananmen Square in June 1989, and Mao Zedong was the greatest mass murderer in human history (read more about him here). These men are the forerunners and mentors of Leftists in America today. This is the Left, folks. Study history to find out more about what these men were and believed. And thus, what their American offspring have in store for our country.
In this article, I want to home in on Vladimir Lenin, who Xi also mentioned, and who was the major instigator and theoretician of the communist revolution in Russia in 1917. I only have space to share with you a few quotes from this man whom, again, the Left idolizes. You’ll get an idea of what Lenin was and what the Left is.
1. “We must hate—hatred is the basis of communism. Children must be taught to hate their parents if they are not communists.” Hate is indeed a major characteristic of the Left; it is probably the main motivation for most of them. They have no clue what love is. Contrast Lenin’s words with the following: “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Jesus, Matthew 5:44). Which system would you rather live under?
2. “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” Most decent people think lying is wrong, but not Leftists. Anything to advance the cause is morally acceptable. And American Leftists certainly follow this adage of Lenin, hoping the American people will eventually accept their lies as truth. Sadly, too many do.
3. “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” This is frightening but is one of the reasons the Left is trying to “groom” children now. Indoctrinate them, as early as possible, with Leftist propaganda. It’s right out of Lenin’s playbook.
4. “The way to crush the bourgeoisie [middle class] is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” Joe Biden and the Democratic Party certainly understand this. They attempt to hide their Marxist-Leninist beliefs, and they never speak of them, except in unguarded moments. But as always, look at what a person does, not what he says. The American Democratic Party is a Marxist-Leninist Party, and not-so-slowly becoming a Maoist one as well.
5. “Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.” Yep, sure does, which is one reason they hate Christianity so much. This should not surprise us. “And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake” (Matthew 10:22). “For everyone practicing evil hates the light” (John 3:20). “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before [it hated] you” (John 15:18). “Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you” (I John 3:13). Jesus and his apostles predicted, almost 2,000 years ago, the reaction of the world to his teaching, and they have been 100% accurate in those predictions. Well, they killed Jesus, why do we expect anything any different?
6. “One man with a gun can control 100 without one.” Joe, and every other tyrant, would certainly agree with that one.
7. “It is necessary—secretly and urgently—to prepare the terror.” I just wish Americans weren’t so naïve and ignorant of history.
8. Lenin sent this one to his enforcers around Russia: “Hang (absolutely hang, in full view of the people) no fewer than 100 known kulaks [peasants who might have owned two cows], fatcats, bloodsuckers.” In other words, anyone Lenin didn’t approve of. Countless millions were murdered by Lenin’s hordes.
9. The American media has gotten Lenin’s message: “The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.” That should be the masthead of the New York Times now.
10. “Surely you do not imagine that we shall be victorious without applying the cruelest revolutionary terror?” Vlad, those of us who know history know that is EXACTLY what Leftists plan and do.
In the above, I have listed just a few choice quotes from one of the leading Leftists in history. As they have elsewhere, the Left in the West will start killing people (other than just the unborn) as soon as they can get away with it. Their hatred, especially of Christianity and religious people, is deep, vicious, and real. As they did in Lenin and Stalin’s USSR and other atheistic, communist countries (and still do in China), their number one target will be a religion because people can have no higher allegiance than to the state. Homosexuality and abortion HAVE to be honored because they are condemned by Christianity, and the only “freedom” the Left allows is the “freedom” to believe what they tell you to believe. And if you don’t, they hate you passionately, they will say all manner of vile things about you, and, if they ever get power, they will kill you. Opposition cannot be tolerated and must be obliterated. Hundreds of millions of deaths since Lenin led communism into world power 100 years ago is testimony to the real moral code of the atheistic Left. Lenin’s comments—and they could be multiplied—show the true nature of the horrible hatred and evil that dwells in the hearts of these people. It is truly frightening. We better get prepared.
One final quote from Lenin: “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”
Read The Washington Post.
Excellent quotes. Quotes from Lenin are a rich source of information.
I understand now how Sarajevo could have led bit by bit, step by step to WWI. We are seeing that unfold bit by bit, tank by tank in Ukraine-Eastern Europe. It is madness. My wife is from former Soviet Union and has relatives there. Russians remember the last time German tanks went into Ukraine and to the Russia.’s border. They remember. Russians do not hate Putin.
They should. Putin is evil.
Part 1
“I understand now how Sarajevo could have led bit by bit, step by step to WWI.”
It really didn’t. While there was an initially protracted crisis in the July after the murders (mostly as Austria-Hungary and Germany consulted with each other in their plans for war), by the end of July it was basically all over and went from 0 or at most 3 to over 100 VERY quickly. First the Habsburgs declared war on Serbia on July 28th (after issuing an ultimatum so calculated as to be illegal under Serbian law only to be momentarily baffled by Serbia accepting all provisions of it short of allowing Habsburg police to occupy their country), which led to shelling on Serbia and the first skirmishes of the war. This prompted Russia to start mobilizing its army against Austria-Hungary while promising Germany it had no hostile intent towards it and that it was holding off on a declaration of war on either Austria-Hungary or Germany in the hopes of a peaceful outcome.
They did not expect that the German government (even dear “Willy” – Kaiser Wilhelm) would systematically lie about the nature of the Russian mobilization and the diplomatic channels, and use this to justify a declaration of war on Russia on August 1st, For various dumb reasons this meant planning to invade Belgium and France, and they declared war on both of those countries on August 3rd, pre-empting any French action and prompting British to declare war on them to guarantee Belgian independence on August 4th.
Part 2
Usually this gets mangled in most of the retellings you’ll see, which go something like “Austria declared war on Serbia, Russia declared war on Austria, Germany declared war on Russia, France declared war on Germany, Germany invaded Belgium, Britain declared war on Germany”, to spread out the blame, as if Germany entered the war to defend its ally against a Russian declaration of war. But if you look at the chronologies of the declarations of war (which admittedly are obscure) that is really not what happened.
The first declaration of war to be levied against the Central Powers by a nation they hadn’t already declared war on in WWI was the British declaration on August 4th, which was unsurprising since Germany had violated the Treaty of London guaranteeing Belgian independence with British Arms. And the first declaration of war against Austria-Hungary wouldn’t come until a day later, when Serbia’s sister-state Montenegro declared war on it.
Austria-Hungary wouldn’t declare war on Russia until a day after that, on August 6th, as a kind of belated “me too” to Germany’s war on Russia.
Part 3
This got covered up pretty heavily in the interwar period by propagandists paid for by the German and Hungarian governments in an attempt to deflect the blame and responsibility for the outbreak of war and in particular to undermine the scathing (but I think thoroughly justified) War Guilt clauses of the end of war treaties. Which is unfortunately quite common.
Moral of the story: Wars tend to happen less “step by step” than as a result of premeditated aggression by one side. Which is what we saw in the July Crisis and especially in its sequel “Kaiser Willy starts a World War by *pre-emptively* declaring war on almost everybody” And I think it is also what we see in Ukraine with Putin’s Russia.
“We are seeing that unfold bit by bit, tank by tank in Ukraine-Eastern Europe. ”
See above. We saw a volcanic outbreak of war in 2014 before it slowly simmered down.
Part 4
“It is madness. My wife is from former Soviet Union and has relatives there. Russians remember the last time German tanks went into Ukraine and to the Russia.’s border.”
It’s worth remembering how they got there in the first place. As a result of a Grand Bargain between Stalin and Hitler to partition Central and Eastern Europe. Stalin agreed with it in part due to seeking to further his mentor’s dream of sparking a World War that would spread Communism globally. He just did not expect the German military to use the resources he gave them so effectively and ultimately turn on him in the time frame they did.
Also for all of the “Great Patriotic War” Cultism and German-baiting in Russia based on memories of WWII, it’s worth emphasizing that Putin’s government has no genuine opposition to collaboration with Germany, hence its LONG STANDING cultivation of various corrupt German politicians and parties – especially the SPD – that helps explain things like why Merkel and Scholz were and are so hesitant to call a spade a spade.
Part 5
I also note there’s something perverse about the Kremlin making hay about the memories of WWII while simultaneously counting on the German government to undermine and veto the wishes of the independent nations of Eastern Europe and their ability to defend themselves.
“They remember.”
For the most part, they misremember. In large part because of decades of propaganda in which basic truths about Soviet conduct and policy – especially in the 1930s to 1941- could not be addressed and people are still imprisoned or fined for talking candidly about Molotov-Ribbentrop as an alliance to start a world war.
“Russians do not hate Putin.”
That is true for the most part, but unjust and costly wars tend to be opinion changers. Just look at how Soviet attitudes towards the Afghan war changed, and that was much less costly.
A BIG thank you to Mr Mark Lewis for shining the light of TRUTH into the dark pits of Communistic EVIL thinking.
This should be taught in schools & universities, but I guess they don’t, I wonder why ? Oh yes they don’t want you to
know the future they have installed for you.
Our public schools have removed “Animal Farm” and “1984” from the curricula.
These same leftist fools weep & wail when parents insist gay porn & CRT propaganda also be removed.
Home school or private school your kids.
Public schools have pushed actual learning aside to make room for hate-America indoctrination/compliance. (If you let your kids marinate in that leftist dogma, you might as well register them in the Democrat Party & buy ’em fishnet stockings.)
Good article.
Americans are woefully uneducated and misinformed when it comes to the threat of communism. As such they cannot comprehend the clear and present danger it poses to them. They will understand it when they are forced to live it.
Your Quote,” They will understand it when they are forced to live it.
By then it will be to late, so the answer is Education & not Indoctrination. Wake up America.
To a greater understanding,
Ex KGB defector ( short interview ) 15 min
Here is the full documentary & Interview,
1 Hour 20 min.
The future is here.
Even though this was done in 1984, there is much to learn from what Mr. Bezmenov said. Unfortunately he felt that it was almost too late then; what can one say about now?
Senator McCarthy warned us about these commie scum its time to heed his warning
Senator Joseph McCarthy was proven right (again) when the Venona decrypts were declassified. (Turns out there were hundreds of communist spies/sympathizers in our government, Hollywood, and the press – I.F. Stone being one of them.)
Everything the left accused him of doing, was done TO him. Leftists have been projecting their own malevolence for decades.
This Frontpagemag. article had it right when it printed “Karl Marx was a scumbag (study his life),”
Nevertheless many leftist Americans and even a good number of historians agree that Karl Marx had good intentions when he labored so many hours writing his books .Such as the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO along with his long volumes which are entitled THE CAPITAL. Those volumes and his other written works were intended to remedy the terrible social conditions of the oppressed and exploited working class.
The reality was the only further tyrannical oppression and cruel exploitation came upon humankind as a result of his error filled philosophical economic political thesis. First, this awful disaster is what may be called “The law of unintended consequences.” Second, as already mentioned above Karl Marx had “good intentions.” So this serves a proof that the old saying must actually be true. Which is that “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Not the law of unintended consequences. Leftist ideologies (Communism and its equally filthy cousin Fascism) are first and foremost malevolent. Their desired adherents might be ignorant losers, malcontents, looters, graspers, and similar filth; but the leaders are motivated by revenge, envy, greed, and lust for power. They know exactly what they are doing and it’s bloody consequences….and they are perfectly fine with that.
The Left & Democommies are successfully using Lenin’s directives to prosecute the takeover of the United States. Reading Lenin’s many quotes will show you why our society has become so unstable & unhealthy. Also, read the Communist Party’s 45 goals to destroy the US. Almost all of them are now met. This has been underway for over a century & in now nearly complete. You need to see this.
When Americans think of authoritarian dictatorships, they have been conditioned to think of Nazism and fascism, not communism. We have been conditioned to think that any fear of communism is slightly goofy, irrational, and paranoid, e.g., “He thinks there’s a communist hiding under every bed.”
This conditioning is very powerful, yet subtle. And I think it is deliberate. The left controls the educational system and the entertainment industry, so our children learn of the evils of the Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, American slavery, colonialism, and Nazism, whereas the evils of communism are virtually ignored. And yet, in the past 100 years, communists have killed and enslaved more people than anyone.
100 million dead & counting.
The accompanying poverty is spread to everyone under it’s subjugation . . . except those in the politburo.
We know approximately how many millions Hitler and Stalin murdered. We do not have a number of people murdered under Lenin.
Estimates are roughly from 1 million to 3 million killed under Lenin.
The pictures of mass starvation and cannibalism under Lenin are brutal, markets were set up to sell human flesh of the dead for eating.
Obviously the left uses hate to demonize enemies and this appeals to human nature of many people. That’s why leftists are impossible to get along with (unless they mistakenly believe you’re one of them). Hate wrapped in “ do-good-ism” & virtue signaling. Leftists do not think, they follow slogans. They have no logic nor memory. They have no conscience. You can win an argument but they will revert to hatred and their dogma. They’re brainwashed. They hate you.
The left hates all religion-not just Christianity. Somehow today’s left makes an exception and loves Islam.
Your quote, ” Somehow today’s left makes an exception and loves Islam”
They are both in the same bed, they want to take over the world & they use each other to get to the end game.
One will destroy the other somewhere down the line.
It would be entertaining to see that happen, but none of us will be alive by that point. I hope my grandchildren will be, but there is doubt even of that, given the brutality of both sides.
Stalin had his propagandists working for the NYT’s Walter Duranty then it was Herb Mathews for Castro the NYT’s has been covering up for the leftists since 1932
Conservatives must push for the destruction of the public schools. They are hopelessly corrupt. Christians have been saving their kids through home schooling which is working wonders. Also, a voucher system needs to be on the 2024 political platform
for Republicans. I believe there is a better chance of getting it through now because even liberals are furious about transgender madness. The radicals want your children.
Homeschooled children will probably grow up to be the salvation of this Republic, assuming they are allowed to grow up under our Lords and Masters of the Universe in Davos.
I started reading Paul Johnson’s “Modern Times” and put it down after the first chapter covering Lenin. His evil was unspeakable and its results are apparent in “The Gulag Archipelago”, which I also had to put down after a while. Perhaps I understand evil too well to be able to bear seeing it laid out in black and white by two brilliant authors. But their words need to be read by everyone who can stand to read them, especially the young. Let everyone who enabled Democratic “victories” understand what they have done and hang their heads in shame. It might be too late to do anything more than that at this point.
Only an unforseen external event can pry us loose from this evil. And if it happens, there will be prodigious death and suffering but America, as it was founded, will prevail.