I covered this story of a sexual assault by a Murphy aide last month.
Governor Murphy, an Obamaite, who ran as a hard lefty dedicated to illegal aliens and the #MeToo movement, has been badly tainted by his refusal to address a sexual assault by one of his aides.
“Donald Trump represents a historic threat to women everywhere,” Phil Murphy had declared.
3 months later, Al Alvarez, a top Murphy aide, originally in charge of Muslim and Latino outreach, allegedly tried to rape one of the feminist candidate’s campaign volunteers.
According to Katie Brennan’s account, the Murphy aide got into her home by claiming that he needed to use the bathroom. He then forced her down on a couch, partially undressed her, undressed, groped her and tried to rape her. Brennan fled into the bathroom, locked the door and called her husband.
A recent Wall Street Journal expose revealed that top Murphy officials, including his chief of staff, were aware of the allegations against Alvarez. Murphy won the governor’s race and, according to his communications director, “Mr. Alvarez received an offer of employment in state government.”
Meanwhile the Murphy team was touting its feminist credentials.
Now Brennan has testified and the same media that zoomed in on Christine Blasey Ford, has mostly ignored her.
“I had access to people in the highest positions of power in the State of New Jersey,” Katie Brennan, chief of staff for the state’s housing agency, testified during a legislative hearing. “And at each turn, my pleas for help went unanswered. Somehow, it wasn’t a priority to address my sexual assault and working with my rapist until it impacted them.”
She spoke confidently during nearly five hours of testimony, telling lawmakers that she feared encountering Albert J. Alvarez during the campaign and later in the administration, and that she had at times felt “ostracized” by the governor’s office since she went public with her accusation.
“She is right: no one should have to go through an ordeal to have their voices heard,” Murphy said.
He added that he had ordered investigations into Alvarez’s hiring and the administration’s policies and procedures, and tasked his attorney general with making New Jersey’s criminal justice system more victim-centered.
Except that Murphy was well aware of it and chose to ignore her until she went to the Wall Street Journal.
The story is a whole lot more horrifying than the nonsense that was “Bridgegate”, yet the national media continues to boycott the story.
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