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A couple of recent Harris/Walz campaign ads making the rounds of the internet serve as further evidence that the desperate Democrat Party is not only out of touch with American men and women who aren’t privileged celebrities, but that it is contemptuous of them.
Exhibit A is a 30-second spot from a progressive organization called Vote Common Good urging women to keep their votes for Kamala secret in order to avoid trouble with their Trump-voting (and therefore probably wife-beating) husbands. It features a middle-aged woman sporting a glittering Stars-and-Stripes cap (to signify that she is conservative, or trying to pass as one; it’s revealing that Democrats acknowledge that their opponents, and not themselves, are the flag-waving patriots). Her husband, whose cap is also adorned with a flag and American eagle, tells her as she steps up to the voting booth, “Your turn, honey.”
“In the one place in America where women still have a right to choose,” celebrity Julia Roberts intones in a voiceover (ludicrously, I might add, since women never lost the right to choose to avoid unprotected sex with someone they don’t want as the father of a possible child), “you can vote any way you want, and no one will ever know.”
At the booth the woman hesitates as she looks over her choices: Harris/Walz and Trump/Vance. Looking up, she catches the eye of another woman voter, and they share a knowing smile of sisterhood and complicity before they both check the Kamala box. As they exit the polling place with their husbands, the first husband asks, “Did you make the right choice, honey?” With another knowing wink at her friend, she replies, “I sure did.” Julia Roberts delivers the punch line: “Remember – what happens in the booth, stays in the booth.”
Presumably this ad is directed at the wives of Republican men, because married Democrat women are surely married to men (and I use the word loosely) who are also voting for Kamala “Shout your abortion” Harris and Tim “Somebody help me load this shotgun” Walz. The message here is that the wives of Republican men are Trump supporters only because their overbearing MAGA menfolk won’t allow them to vote differently. Democrats believe they own the female vote, just like they believe they own the black vote, and they condescendingly believe wives for Trump are nothing more than hostages suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, that they have no agency or mind of their own. Democrats believe this quite simply because they do not personally know any Republican women.
In the voting booth, women still have the right to choose. New and important ad from @VoteCommon featuring Julia Roberts reminds women that no one will know who they voted for. Pass it on.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) October 28, 2024
Exhibit B is an absolutely jaw-dropping and literally pornographic ad from a pair of Democrat groups, Progress Action Fund and Defend the Vote, is causing a stir. The 30-second ad opens with a young (20-something?) man in bed, lustily masturbating to porn on his phone (you can hear loud female moaning from it), Suddenly his phone is snatched away by an older, white, suited male sitting on the edge of the bed.
“What the hell, man! How’d you get in here?” the young man asks.
“I’m your Republican congressman,” the older man replies. “Now that we’re in charge, we’re banning porn nationwide.”
“You can’t tell me what to do! Get out of my bedroom, you creep!” says the young man, but the congressman says, “I won the last election, so it’s my decision. I’m just going to watch and make sure you don’t finish illegally.”
The Hill reports that this explicit ad campaign, called “Republicans Rubbing You the Wrong Way” (get it?), is intended to depict Republicans as the party that interferes in people’s personal lives, and will stream on connected TVs, online and streaming services in all seven battleground states.
This is the message the Democrats want to send to young men? “Vote for Kamala so you can maintain your enslavement to porn”? Sure, it’s not news that Democrats are obsessed with removing any legal and moral boundaries to sexual libertinism, but this is wildly out of touch with a whole generation or two of young men today seeking masculine self-actualization and striving to rise above their animal nature to be the best they can be. They recognize that porn addiction is scornful weakness, and they’re working hard to conquer it.
Apart from the fact that Republican lawmakers have no plans for a federal ban on pornography (not that there’s anything wrong with that, as the comedian Jerry Seinfeld might say), what this ad tells the young men it’s targeting is that the Democrat Party is aiming at their basest instinct, encouraging their enslavement to one of the most serious social scourges our nation faces. This absolutely will not resonate with today’s young men, but Democrats don’t know that because as I’ve written numerous times lately, they are clueless about masculinity and out of touch with what young men today want for themselves.
Full disclosure: many years ago before I saw the light in many ways, I worked in the porn industry. I speak from personal experience when I say that it is a dark, insular subculture of lost souls (I was one) and the demonic, and it’s become much more so in the time that I left it. Today more so than ever, it enables and encourages human trafficking and sexual violence, and it destroys families and marriages and relationships and sets young men and women alike on a path to self-destruction that requires an Herculean effort to escape. And now Democrats proudly proclaim themselves the Party That Protects Porn. Shameful and evil.
These two ads are just a couple of the most recent examples that the Harris/Walz campaign, desperate to secure male voters, doesn’t even understand that it is alienating men more with each passing day, because the Left hates and fears masculinity, just as they hate and fear women who don’t identify as feminist (i.e., most American women). The Democrat Party does not know how to empower men or women or families – only how to tear them down.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
Not all men or women who watch porn are porn addicts. And the porn industry has come a long way from the 1980s when you were a porn pimp.
Just as not all prostitutes are desperate, starving, drug addicted sex slaves either.
Plenty of beautiful women are making a fortune on websites like Onlyfans by themselves in the privacy of their own homes bought and paid by the money they get from their paying viewers WITHOUT being coerced or exploited by porn pimps like you were back in 1980.
Mr. Ex Porn Pimp you can’t and don’t speak for every young man who watches porn.
I’m not an advocate of porn but to claim that any young man or woman who watches porn is a desperate porn addict is ridiculous. And Mr. Ex Porn Pimp, the porn industry has changed drastically in the last twenty years with internet porn sites like Onlyfans. It’s no longer the porn industry you were pimping in the 1980s.
“I want to state, for the record, my own view of what is called “hard-core” pornography. I regard it as unspeakably disgusting. I have not read any of the books or seen any of the current movies belonging to that category, and I do not intend ever to read or see them. The descriptions provided in legal cases, as well as the “modern” touches in “soft-core” productions, are sufficient grounds on which to form an opinion. The reason of my opinion is the opposite of the usual one: I do not regard sex as evil—I regard it as good, as one of the most important aspects of human life, too important to be made the subject of public anatomical display. But the issue here is not one’s view of sex. The issue is freedom of speech and of the press—i.e., the right to hold any view and to express it.
It is not very inspiring to fight for the freedom of the purveyors of pornography or their customers. But in the transition to statism, every infringement of human rights has begun with the suppression of a given right’s least attractive practitioners. In this case, the disgusting nature of the offenders makes it a good test of one’s loyalty to a principle.” – Ayn Rand
You have no idea what you’re talking about. No idea.
He is consistent in that.
You are right, and brave enough to declare your past.
Behind every single porn video is an abuser.
Women seem oblivious to this, or deliberately ignore it because they don’t want as much sexual activity as men, despite what Hollywood shows.
As for banning porn it is easy to do, I’ve been in tech since the eighties and the ability to ban it was available then and is available now.
Some would argue that it shouldn’t be banned, fine if the likes of THX enjoys jerking off over a screen. It should be very difficult to access to prevent children from being exposed to it.
You made a reference, , “Not that there’s anything wrong with that”. About banning porn.
Seriously Mr Tapson? You are ok with the federal government banning things you don’t like?
We conservatives should be for freedom. How do we stand up to dems that always take away our freedoms when conservative pundits like you would just ‘ban’ something they find objectionable?
This is the land of the free. Wether you like it or not, individuals have the right to engage in activities that are bad for their soul, even bad for their family(I mean we wouldn’t ban alcoholism).
We have a right to be unhealthy and make bad and unhealthy choices for ourselves.
If you want to be an authoritarian, join the dems!
“Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, Copy, Paste, Repeat, ” – Ayn Rand
now that’s funny!
Rand was a woman and they tend to prefer verbal stimulation not visual.
It doesn’t take a genius to know this.
Behind every camera is an abuser.
Are you sure she was a woman?
Yeah, she looked like George Orwell without a mustache. (Sorry, George.)
In Rand’s case, visual stimulation would be impossible. She was a double bagger. One bag over her head and one over yours in case hers fell off. If I’d been stranded on a desert island with her I’d have killed her so she couldn’t rape me in my sleep.
Well, I guess you would know, Mr. Porn Advocate. What a hypocrite you are. Mr. Ex Porn Pimp? Really?
Are you actually that pathetic that you have to pepper your post with that stupid name? Or are you simply that jealous that he is regular contributor here and you never will be?
Small men with small minds playing with small things.
“Mr. Ex Porn Pimp”
Always an insult. One of the hallmarks of an unhappy person.
I guess it’s hard to be happy when you’re a nobody.
Was Ayn Rand an unhappy sap also?
you’re wrong about porn and just about everything you ever post – why is this? you like to instigate trouble no doubt or you’re some satanic individual in which the former applies to the latter.
Prostitutes are addicted by their pimps or their life style that led them to prostitution – 99.99% of them
You are satanic in which you offer nothing but pissing people off intently and if that is you high for the day as you hide behind the cyber veil it is you you have to live with –
You must be a very sad and lonely soul
Wow! Mega tons of self delusion there, THX. Disgusting. Pathetic. Ignorant.
The activist American woman has morphed into the true Greek gorgon Medusa, snakes and all.
Porn, abortion, government control, weed, open borders, lawlessness and sexual deviance. That’s a great message they’re selling. Wonder if democrats can smell what they’ve been shoveling.
If Republicans were serious about going after porn, they’d be putting age restrictions on their favorite X-rated sites and apps like 4chan, Telegram, and X (which had to loosen the rules against it due to its rapidly declining userbase and is full of spam, its new name even sounds like a porn site) rather than just one or two sites.
I think Republicans have more important things to do than regulate porn sites. But obviously you do not, Slammy Sammy
Yea. Regulating porn sites is unenforceable without turning to authoritarian tactics.
Regulating porn is parents job, not the governments.
We conservatives should always push against this nanny state insanity. I can’t believe how many of my fellow conservatives are foolishly promoting this nanny state nonsense.
is “slamdunk” the same pseudonym you use on Grindr? is it a synonym for “bottom boi”?
Dumb-O-Crats you can have Dope but your Private Guns must be turned in or Swell-Head will Nuke you
Very interesting and offbeat article. I hope after the election Mr. Tapson
writes an article expanding on what he has explained here about the
porn industry.
I had seen the disgusting ad with the young guy and older man but
chalked it up to the dirty pig Democrats just being their usual selves
and didn’t give it another thought. But understanding the far reaching
impact that porn has on so many lives – and watching the Dems promote
it through this ad makes the damage they do to American society even
more perverted. I’m amazed they somehow didn’t manage to bring a
little child into the ad as well. Also, I never for a nanosecond thought of
porn as encouraging or enabling human trafficking.
I’ve read in the past that people who become addicted to porn reach a
point where they are not stimulated enough and must go on to other
porn perversions to become aroused. But I think Mr. Tapson might be
referring to more than that and I hope he enlightens us about it more.
Porn sounds like one of those things like booze or drugs where you
just need more and more of it until it consumes you.
The big takeaway from this article though is that whatever scourge to
American society porn is – Kamala and her Commie cronies, as indicated
by the ad, are all for it.
Jack Mehoff: Democrat Spokesman …
the demonKKKrats are all about divisiveness and everything satanic – as practiced in commie dictator nations – they want to dissolve the family and take the children and indoctrinate them – this is luciferian – and they have the deep state owned main sleaze media and their propaganda and censoring mouthpiece – with the majority of lazy Americans glued to the MSM as they eat their junk food in the mouth and brain they influence far too many – well so be it – they are deadheading to the antichrist and the majority of people in the world are going with the flow
The largest per capita consumers of porn are PAKISTANI MEN. They have a robust viewership for child rape, bestiality and sexual sadism.
Have you ever seen the C-130 Infrared Camera night footage of the Afghanistan goat herders herding their goats?
I saw one of those a few years ago. Are the Taliban covering up the outbreak of “goat-pox”?
I’m tired of all this soft-core porn.
I want to hump a 🦄 unicorn❗
is kumala going up or down on the poles?
reading this is so fun. Trump supporters complaining about sexual deviants, government control and lawlessness……wow. Your candidate is the poster board for all of the above, not to mention corporate greed and corruption, big government and demonization as the first recourse of an empty mind. hey, good news, i think your boy is going to win. If I might quote the odd couple — let it be on your head.
The fact that the Democratic party uses porn to have votes is very dark. You are right to expose it. The massive diffusion of porn has changed the relationship to intimacy, it is very obvious with teenagers from the 1980s and now, people who deny it, deny the violence around children, adults and elderlies, which has become wild under the lefties, with no limits between private and public space. The other video with the two wives show how they see couples, cheating, lying and being malicious, what a sad reality, it only shows a lack of debate, trust and love in their own lives. What kind of couple goes to vote and become complice with a total stranger than with her own husband, totally pervert. What kind of a woman stays with a man with whom she can’t debate on politics?
I thought they outlawed spanking the monkey.
Brilliant Analysis by Caroline Glick on shocking events that are ongoing that don’t even get reported. You will not hear this anywhere else.
There are profound revelations and implications in this presentation that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I am not exaggerating.
The malevolent Biden regime is both treacherous and treasonous. They are representing Iran and working to undermine Israel 🇮🇱
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