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Why does Biden play Iranian poker with American and Israeli lives?
Answer? He envisions war sort of like affirmative action, in which the less accomplished belligerent is allowed all sorts of concessions for the sake of equity.
Israeli and American military capability, and particularly their missile defenses, are seen as unfair, almost like high achievers’ top SAT scores that are seen as unearned and used to privilege some over others and therefore must be countered or dropped.
Given Iran’s and its surrogates’ incompetence, the administration, then, must extend the theocracy some allowances “to level the playing field.” Biden does not believe in an equality of opportunity in war, when an aggressor does its best to attack or indeed destroy a defender, who in turn does its own best to retaliate and achieve victory.
Instead, the Biden administration sees war leading to equality of result as something to be waged “proportionally,” especially when the power attacked is stronger and Western while the attacking aggressor is weaker and non-Western. The method, then, is to restrain the western power and give repeated chances for the non-western aggressors to catch up.
As a result, the Biden administration’s strategic attitude toward Iran ignores Iranian intent and agendas. So it does not respond fully to its acts of aggression and thereby almost rewards the incompetence of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis without consideration of their murderous aims.
Americans are thus baffled that Biden has not responded to some 170 or more attacks on U.S. installations in the Middle East by Iranian-backed terrorists in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. But in his calculus, Americans “can take the hit” due to their superior defenses—appeasement that only assures more hits.
Thus, other than a few apparently acceptable wounded or dead, there is no need for disproportionate responses to reestablish deterrence and end such opportunistic attacks. Such calculus in the Biden team’s mind would be “over the top,” perhaps “unfair,” or even “medieval.” And yet, it certainly would stop all such aggression quickly and warn aggressors not to touch a single American.
After the successful but mostly demonstrative Israel April 19 retaliatory strike against the Iranian anti-aircraft missile batteries at Isfahan, Biden cautioned Israel “to take the win” and apparently not to rub in the fact of Iranian incompetence, much less stage a follow-up and much greater response.
But what if instead, Biden had warned the Iranians that Israel was not through. Rather, he would tell the Iranians that the restrained Israeli response was a one-off warning and demonstration to Iran that 1) Israel had the ability to strike and destroy the very protective shield of the nuclear installations at nearby Natanz, and thus Natanz itself and plants like it; 2) that unlike the 320 missile/drone Iranian attack on Israel, even Israel’s tiny response was entirely successful; 3) and that in any future Iranian-envisioned nuclear attack on Israel, Iran’s rockets would likely either fail at launch or in the air (half did so on April, 13), with the remnant having a 99 percent surety of being shot down, while earning a 100 percent surety of a devastating Israel counter-attack with the same sort of weapons that Iran claims it will shortly use.
Would such a warning have been more likely to end the current tit-for-tat, “de-escalatory escalation” than the Biden administration’s advice to Israel to “take the win”–in an endless cycle of supposedly managed violence as Iran and its terrorists seek to get it right and respond commensurately?
Similarly, recently, third-party communications with Iran were disclosed about its earlier April 13 attack on Israel. Apparently, the Turkish third-party emissaries claimed that “Iran informed us in advance of what would happen. Possible developments also came up during the meeting with (Secretary of State Antony) Blinken, and they (the U.S.) conveyed to Iran through us that this reaction must be within certain limits.”
Translated, that meant that apparently launching over 320 cruise, ballistic missiles and drones were acceptable Iranian responses as long as they did not kill too many Jews?
So what did Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan actually define as damage “within certain limits?” Something like the relatively small number of dead and wounded Americans who have fallen victim to Iranian-backed terrorist attacks from the Red Sea to Iraq and Jordan?
“Within certain limits” for Iran certainly could not mean the huge number of lethal projectiles Iran sent into Israel that were intended by Iran to kill thousands, but apparently only how many Israelis were killed by them?
So again, what would have been beyond “certain limits” for team Biden? One dead Israeli for each launched rocket, missile, or drone? 320 Jews or so in total? Did Biden and Blinken assume that some 300 or so projectiles would be mostly shot down or blown up, and thus they played poker with Israeli lives and assumed that the attack would probably fail?
But what might have happened had instead Biden transmitted to Iran the following warning:
“Given your record of unleashing terror and death throughout the Middle East, I warn you not to send a single rocket into Israel. If you do, we will ensure that none get through, but we will not ensure that there will be any limits on what will likely be a devastating Israel response to your homeland.”
Would Iran have then sent the 320 missiles?
When Israel went into Gaza to end the medieval violence perpetrated by the Hamas cowardly terrorists, it had already been the target of some 7,000 Hamas rockets aimed at its civilian centers and bases. Did Biden see that failed Hamas effort to kill thousands of additional Jews as a legitimate cause for Israel to go into Gaza and destroy the rocket-launching Hamas?
Or instead, did Biden consider Israel’s unique ability to conduct war—again, sort of like having high SAT scores and a straight A average as proof of unwarranted privilege in admissions—as a disproportionate (and likely “unfair”) advantage over Hamas that thus should be ignored or discounted rather than admired? But had Hamas killed 1,000 Jews with its 7,000 rockets, would Biden have given Israel the green light to respond fully? Or would it have taken only 500 deaths? Or was the magic number 250 killed?
What would have happened had Biden not specified certain restraints on the IDF but instead, on October 21, transmitted the following message to Hamas: “You began this war with inhuman slaughter on October 7 and massive rocket attacks on Israeli cities, and Israel will now end the war with your destruction.”
Six months later, would the Middle East now be safer without Hamas?
In mid-October 2023, a failed Islamic jihad rocket hit Gaza’s al-Ahli hospital, prompting the blood libel that it was Israelis who supposedly were responsible and had killed hospital patients. An upset Joe Biden was asked about the identification of the perpetrator.
He answered with a joke, but a jest nevertheless quite revealing: “And I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it either. It’s that old thing; gotta learn how to shoot straight.” Aside from the embarrassing fact that Biden seemed more wary about wrongly blaming the murderous Hamas for the Islamic Jihad rocket than his ally Israel, did he really mean that the global condemnation of Israel for the act of Islamic jihad—and the predicament it put Biden in—would have simply vanished had only Islamic Jihad shot “straight”?
And further translated, did Biden logically mean—if only the Islamic Jihad rocket had not fallen short on Gazans but instead had reached its intended target of civilians inside Israel, then there would have been no controversies, no melodramas, given the stronger power Israel could more easily have “taken the hit?”
Note that Biden did not really express much anger that Islamic Jihad was shooting rockets to kill Jewish civilians. He was only lamenting that its incompetence had led to a blood libel, which required embarrassing explanations from Biden himself.
Biden, note, said something somewhat similar about a possible Putin invasion of Ukraine. He had predicted the U.S. response on whether it was a “minor” offensive or not. In other words, the American response was not predicated on the violation of national borders by an aggressor against an independent nation, but how effectively the aggressor attacked.
In the American Left’s vision of contemporary war, the West brings too many advantages in science, technology, and wealth, especially when fighting in the skies and not in the messy suburbs of Mosul, Fallujah, or Gaza City.
The result is disproportionate. Accordingly, it does not matter that Hamas only stopped butchering, raping, and mutilating Israelis at about 1,200 deaths because of an impending IDF arrival or killed few despite 7,000 rocket launches into Israel, when their rocketeers had sought to kill tens of thousands of Israelis.
Instead, by their very failures at the art of war, Iran and its surrogates are constructed as victims, not aggressors, at the moment when either their targets do not suffer too many causalities or their own losses vastly exceed those whom they sought to slaughter.
Third-party managed proportionality, accompanied by the banality of “both sides are at fault,” is not morality but pretentious amorality—as well as a sure prescription for endless war.
Or, in other words, what is unfolding now in the Middle East.
Biden is a fool and his delusional Iran policy is pure Obama. So there’s that.
Biden doesn’t know his left foot from his right!
This whole flood of diarrhea is all on Obama’s 3rd. Can we just call a Biden an Obama by now?
Unfortunately, Obama and Biden were elected by the American electorate.
After decades of brainwashing from the woke leftist democrat DEI hate-America crowd,
the mind of the American electorate may be metastasizing into something that can not be cured. or reversed.
That will mean the demise of America and Freedom and Liberty..
The hate-America nitwit crackpots on the left and the democrat party like Biden Obama Harris the Clintons Pelosi Schumer Schiff etc.etc.etc. are bersek.
What an historical Apocalypse is coming to America and its citizens.
What would be the reaction of Americans to a country that gave al Qaeda the ok to do a “limited” attack on the US by hijacking only 4 planes on 9/11?
And after such a “limited” attack on 9/11, did the US “take the win”? No, the US sent its military into Afghanistan and destroyed al Qaeda.
It’s worth consideration that the Biden administration is beholden to China and hates Israel.
It wants Iran to be able to continue to export oil to China, which buys 67% of it, because Beijing Biden is OBVIOUSLY a Chinese asset, and his handlers use him as a figurehead asset too. If the administration were to interrupt the oil supply to China by sanctioning or attacking Iran or allowing Israel to attack, China would retaliate. China could easily ensure Biden wouldn’t be reelected no matter how extensive the Dirtbagocrat election cheating will be just by revealing the extent of his dirty deals and treason with it. All it has to do is threaten that and the administration will do what it’s told and protect Iran. Hence the unprecedented monetary payment it’s about to send to Iran, which exceeds its last unprecedented payment.
The Biden administration could try and deter Iranian attacks on Israel with threats but even if that would work, it doesn’t do that because it wants Israel destroyed. That’s why it also aids Hamas and the PA.
The latest administration scheme to destroy Israel is being run through the State Department. It’s sanctioned Israel by demanding an Orthodox unit stationed in Judea and Samaria, the so called West Bank, be refused any weapons. None from America and any internal transfers will incur more sanctions, first on other units and then the entire IDF. The goal of course is to continue sanctioning unit after unit in Judea to force the IDF to withdraw and allow the PA to form an islamic country there,
With a Psuedostinian islamic country in the “West Bank,” Israel would be subjected to constant and concerted attacks from the PA in the east, Hamas in the west and Hizb’allah in the north.
The excuse given for sanctioning the Orthodox unit is that a drunk Psuedostinian was left on the side of a road and died. The very belligerent drunk was left along the road instead of being arrested because he was drunk but otherwise seemed fine. The administration is claiming to sanction the unit for humanitarian reasons but whenever it cites humanitarian reasons for any of its actions, it’s lying. As always, the Biden administration is lying about its motives. It will find similar excuses to force the IDF out of Judea and Samaria if Israel allows it to.
And this plot was conceived by some Jew hater woman who runs a Jew hating organization. I forget the names of both but a web search will reveal them.
Very insightful. There is clearly something wrong with their thinking, and you may be on to something here. This whole “DEI” type of thinking is pure poison.
True social justice will mean that everyone is equally inferior, and equally miserable, yes?
Keep poking the Eagle Biden and wait for a reaction
This is the exact reason our Patriots won’t join the Military. Our Politicians don’t enter Wars to win. But rather to profit for themselves. The war in the Middle East could have ended in 6 months. But 20 years later many and injured Heroes so politicians can Profit. And we become the embarrassment of the world with our pullout. What do you imagine those who sacrificed so much must feel?
A real American president would have incinerated the Iranian nuclear weapons facilities by noon on October 7th, 2023.
What is this dweeb up to now? Same ole. No good.
The problem is that the over half the country that will vote for this incompetent boob in November, have absolutely no understanding of the cold hard facts of this excellent article and never will. Republicans killing women by denying abortion and Trump is Hitler are more important to them than their survival.
It’s very clear to me that Obuttpumper is running the government. We have a dog king president who is on the payroll of both China and Iran. We have Iranian spies operating within the pentagon and yet they remain, unscathed, running the place. We have many, many members of Obuttpumper’s Muslim Brotherhood scattered throughout the administration who Obuttpumper installed during his administration.
Here’s my question: why is Obuttpumper so special? Why do Republicans do absolutely nothing to oppose him? Why is Mike Johnson doing everything in his power to enable him? This is a man who would be hanging from a crane in Iran. Why is he empowered here?
A valid perspective but I think the explanation is simpler. Whoever is running the US – probably Obama and Jarrett and maybe even Clinton – has a rabid hate for Jews and israel.
Now do a column on what Biden is permitting the “International Criminal Court” to to to Israelis political and military leadership without a threat of defending the UN. Biden is not only an imbecile. He’s evil, as well.
Make that, “to do to” and “defunding.”
Everyone becomes equally poor, powerless etc., except the leaders of the DNC and Alphabet administration.