Senator Warren’s admitting that, “the first four contests haven’t gone exactly as I’d hoped,”
As they used to say in the native tribe of her people, “that’s mighty white of you.”
But come now, Liz. You did get 7% in South Carolina. That puts her behind Buttigieg, who can’t even pay black people to stand behind him at an event.
Still Chief Paleface is vowing to fight to make a last stand. It didn’t work well for her ancestor, George Armstrong Custer*.
Warren’s shift comes at a low point for her candidacy. She has not placed first or second in any of the four contests before next week’s Super Tuesday.
“I’ll be the first to say that the first four contests haven’t gone exactly as I’d hoped,” she said. “But Super Tuesday is three days away and we’re looking forward to gaining as many delegates to the convention as we can — from California to right here in Texas.”
“We are picking a president — and we need someone whose core values can be trusted, who has a plan for how to govern, and who can actually get it done,” she said. “I will be that president. I’ve been at the center of this kind of crisis before,” she added, noting her experience during the 2008 financial crisis
Yes, what this crisis truly demands is a Cherokee ex-Republican insurance company lawyer who has a plan to get paid six figures to teach a class because of the suffering of 1/1064 of her DNA.
If there were any questions about whether she would drop out of the race, she dispensed with them. “My campaign is built for the long haul,” she said.
It’s true. They’ve got a long haul truck carting away the Warren 2020 campaign to a radioactive dump in Utah where it will be sealed with a concrete plug for 200,000 years.
(* I’m joking. Please don’t cite that as fact.)
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