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An Afghan refugee in Oklahoma City was just caught plotting an Election Day jihad massacre. The Justice Department announced this on Tuesday, and there was no reason to doubt it. After all, Afghanistan is a hotbed of jihad.
The accused perpetrator, Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, got into the United States on a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV), which is only issued to people who aided American forces while they were in that country, so he might have been assumed not to be a jihadi. Still, he could have been practicing Muhammad’s dictum “War is deceit” or imbibed jihadi sympathies after he helped American troops.
Now, however, it has come to light that he worked for the CIA, which casts doubt upon every other aspect of this story.
The New York Post reported last Thursday that Tawhedi, “who was nabbed in Oklahoma on Monday over the alleged terror plot, was employed as a security guard for the agency but was not a CIA informant.” The Post’s report adds that “it wasn’t immediately clear when or how long Tawhedi worked security before he came to the U.S. in 2021 — just weeks after the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan and the last U.S. troops departed from the war-torn nation. It also wasn’t known if there were signs Tawhedi had ties to radical Islam before he entered the U.S.”
What’s the big deal? He was just a security guard, right? That hardly means that he was the Afghan version of Agent 007. Sure, but when the CIA is involved, it’s impossible to dismiss the suspicion that there is more going on here than meets the eye. The agency, like all other intelligence agencies around the world, is not exactly open and honest about who exactly works for it and what they actually do.
Back in the early years after 9/11, I spoke at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., a few times. The agents all had nameplates giving only their first names, in contrast to the full names that were on the nameplates when I spoke at the FBI. During a break, one CIA agent told me a funny story about how he told a woman he was dating that he worked at the State Department, only to be stuck next to her in traffic the next day all the way to Langley, where she saw him turn into the CIA parking lot. So in this case, can we be sure that Nasir Tawhedi was just a low-level security guard? No. We can’t be sure of anything at all.
Sometimes it seems as if we can trust absolutely nothing that our governing authorities and the establishment media tell us. That may (or may not) be a wild exaggeration, but those in positions of public trust have no one but themselves to blame for the widespread and increasing suspicion. They’ve been discovered to be dishonest about so very much (remember all the falsehoods that have been attached to Donald Trump: Russian collusion, “insurrection,” rape, fraud, and so very many others) that it’s hard to assume that they’re being aboveboard and honest about literally anything.
For years, leftists have charged that U.S. intelligence agencies have grossly exaggerated the jihad threat, even to the point of fabricating jihad plots by entrapping unstable individuals, manipulating them into agreeing to participate in plots when they never would have done so on their own. The reality of the jihad worldwide made this claim unlikely, but when we learn that an accused jihadi worked for the CIA, it raises these questions all over again.
There is, after all, no good way to spin this. Tawhedi could be a CIA agent and his Election Day jihad plot is fake, perhaps fabricated in order to make Americans afraid to head to the polls and more accepting of mail-in ballots, which can be so easily used to commit election fraud. Alternatively, Tawhedi is a bona fide jihadi who worked as a security guard for the CIA, indicating that the vaunted intelligence agency is incapable of recognizing jihadis even when they’re standing at their own gates.
Either way, it’s bad. And even worse, we will likely never get the full truth of this matter. There is no doubt whatsoever that there are Islamic jihadis who are actively plotting to murder Americans. In these dark days of the Biden-Harris regime, however, there is also no doubt that government agencies have been weaponized for political purposes. Was Nasir Tawhedi’s Election Day plot another manifestation of this corruption? We need answers but aren’t going to get them.
For once, I actually disagree with you.
Tawhedi could in fact betoken malign intent on the part of the CIA, or the Justice department, or both.
It is also possible that he betokens a change in tack at the CIA, or the Justice department, or (especially unlikely) both.
If there is a change in tack, it could have several motivations…
• a sincere re-think in moral terms (unlikely but possible)
• military analysis which shows the Iranian regime falling in aftermath
• further analysis which shows pro-Israel protests in Lebanon
• …and possibly even Turkey
• internal polling which has Trump winning; worry about Trump’s treatment of CIA and/or Justice department in retaliation for previous fucking over of him
Spooks are harder to read than seekers of elective office. But after decades of after-the-fact analyzing, I believe that spooks too can and will tack with prevailing winds.
I agree with you that we won’t get the answers we deserve ……in a timely manner. We WILL get them, eventually.
Whatever the political voting scheme might be , the fact remains that Joe Biden. Kamala Harris scheme is to settle all those Afghan “refugees”, migrants, entering into the different States in American is a recipe for disaster.
Take England for example , The United Kingdom has already experienced many vicious and malice-filled murderous Muslims terrorists attacks ,as those ,for example, those different malicious and deadly jihadists attacks in London and that horrendous mass murder jihad homicide bombing in the city of Manchester in which so many innocent young girls died.
Another way to illustrate the folly of foolish and reckless kindness is by the fable of Aesop which of a kind old farmer who saw outside a poor helpless viper that was freezing to death in the winter cold. The compassionate but foolish farmer felt sorry for that creature so he went outside and put it in his vest pocket to warm it up and therefore save its live. The viper revived in the warmed of vest ,felt better then bit the farmer through the vest and the kind but foolish farmer died a slow and painful death from that viper’s bite.
Therefore, allowing all those Afghan /Muslim jihadists into America is a dangerous folly, For no amount of caring and kindness will change the murderous and destructive nature of a violent /jihadist/Muslim because such a man has been infected with an evil and deadly nature because of the evil and deadly religion.
The duty of any genuine President of the United States is to protect the safety, security and lives of the American citizens, of which Biden is a disaster.
Their not Refugees or Migrants their Invaders sent by the UN/CFR as Soros as well
“For years, leftists have charged that U.S. intelligence agencies have grossly exaggerated the jihad threat, even to the point of fabricating jihad plots by entrapping unstable individuals, manipulating them into agreeing to participate in plots when they never would have done so on their own. The reality of the jihad worldwide made this claim unlikely.”
You misspelled “never COULD have done so on their own.” Neat trick, though — that and first inoculating yourself from critique by implying that only leftists disagree with your demonstrably false assertions born of your longtime pseudo “expertise.” You really should give serious consideration to a career as a magician at children’s birthday parties. The “reality” is you’re more qualified for that. Evan Kohlmann can be your coin collecting capuchin.
Jihadi Joe, Kamala Akbar and Barak Huessain Osama need to learn a bit about American law – especially regarding the punishment for TREASON.