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Not everything that looks like a duck is a duck and car accidents have been known to happen, but the gasoline can part of it raises a lot of red flags.
Two people were killed and five others, including three pedestrians, were injured early Monday in a crash outside the Kodak Center following a New Year’s Eve concert.
Police said a Ford Expedition traveling east on West Ridge Road struck a Mitsubishi Outlander that was pulling out of a parking lot around 12:50 a.m., killing two adult passengers in the Mitsubishi.
So far not so strange. And then it gets strange.
Police said one of the three vehicles involved exploded, and a police officer and numerous pedestrians were almost struck by one of the vehicles.
Police also reportedly located at least a dozen gasoline canisters in and around the Ford Expedition, causing the Rochester Police Department Bomb Squad and the Joint Arson Task Force to respond to the scene.
Why were there a dozen gasoline canisters around a car that had been rented at the airport?
Law enforcement officials confirmed to ABC News that the driver of the Ford Expedition is from Syracuse and that he drove his own vehicle to the airport in Syracuse where he rented the extra-large SUV.
So let’s say he wanted to transport a bunch of gasoline cans, for unclear reasons, why is he renting an SUV and not something better suited for the job?
Just before the crosswalk in front of the venue, an eastbound Ford Expedition hit a Mitsubishi Outlander that was leaving the parking lot.
“The force of the collision caused the two vehicles to go through a group of pedestrians that were in the crosswalk and then into two other vehicles. There was a large fire associated with the crash that took the Rochester Fire Department almost one hour to extinguish,” said Rochester Police Chief David Smith.
If you were an idiot terrorist and trying to detonate near a bunch of people around a concert, this is something you might do.
Might. We don’t know any basic details but it wasn’t all that long ago that Mohamad Barakat, a Muslim terrorist, tried to pull off that kind of attack in Fargo.
A photo was released of 37-year-old Mohamad Barakat and several photos have been released showing what investigators found inside Barakat’s car, including multiple guns, vests, knives, 1,800 live rounds of ammunition, three containers filled with gas, and two propane tanks filled with homemade explosives, as well as a homemade grenade.
Two Muslim terrorists tried something similar at the Glasgow Airport back in 2007 (before Scotland was officially taken over by Islamic terrorists).
We don’t know what happened in Rochester, but Rochester does have 25,000 Muslim settlers because it became a resettlement hub which means that it’s also a danger zone. In 2016 alone, Rochester suffered from over 1,000 ‘resettlements’ by settlers.
It also means that local officials will be in no hurry to reveal anything politically unhelpful.
Jihadi attacks are just “workplace violence,” nothing to worry about. The lies are for your own good.
I’m worried that they are not being tracked by law enforcement and nothing is being done to stop these terrorist attacks. After all we don’t want to offend “anyone that did something.” We are screwed.
Yes, as always, the authorities have immediately claimed, with no evidence whatsoever, that there was no apparent motive, and the non-suspect and non-moslem, Michael Avery has possible mental heath issues, even though the collision he caused was deliberate and he filled the gas cans at multiple locations to deflect suspicion.
If there is no motive, why use the mental health excuse? Morons. Scumbags.
And did you see the photos of Avery? What a shady looking dweeb. He even has a beanie and hoodie on. I hate beanies and I hate hoodies even worse.
Yeah, “nothing to see here,” as usual with our heroic authorities, particularly the FBI, which quickly took control of the cover-up…..ahem….investigation. There are perfectly legitimate reasons to stay in a motel for two days, rent an SUV and drive around two counties to fill up at least 12 gas cans and load it up. I do that all the time. Who doesn’t?
Nothing would surprise me anymore. Cover ups aren’t out of the question with this current administration.
The current Admin is full of Jews, not Jihadis.
Everyone knows what you are full of.
The only Jews in this administration are JINOs and there are actual members of the moslem Brotherhood in prominent positions.
Stop masturbating to “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” whack-job.
Is that you, Claudine Gay?
Cover ups are standard operating procedure with this illegitimate administration and law enforcement agencies whenever it comes to islamic jihad.
Probabilities say yes.
Those probabilities tell a story, don’t they? What’s the probability that a voting district will vote 100%?
Less than 1 percent 🙂
Unless it’s a Dirtbagocrat district, especially one in “the hood.” They have magic math in those places, you know.
So does my Magic Eight ball but mathematics are probably more accurate. 😛
Islam has a demonic pagan core with a veneer of godly pretense.
That veneer is pretty thin, all right. Islam’s creed is submission: control is its mandate. I find it hard to believe it would fit in very well in the USA.
Fits perfectly for the Democratic Party!
My thought exactly. I wonder if Fred was being facetious?
Yeah, allah was originally the moon and his daughters were the two stars we see on islamic flags. The islamopithecines make annual pilgrimages to Satan Central in Mecca to shuffle around the kaaba reverently like the anthropoids who circled the monolith in “2001: A Space Odyssey” and rub that chunk of camel coprolite in its niche to be “blessed.”
Mo once told a bunch of polytheists and his equally retarded followers in a mosque that three pagan goddesses, known as the high flying cranes, delivered his prayer to allah for his followers to stay loyal to his prophet pretender, and he bowed down ass up to their intercession. Later, when he didn’t need the polytheists anymore, he claimed the angel Gabriel came and told him his verses which praised the pagan goddesses came from Satan and not allah, and that Big Daddy allah came and forgave him. He also claimed that Gabriel came to him in a cave he’d been in long enough to befoul multiple times and strangled him three times until koranic verses came out of his mouth, that the sun sets in a muddy puddle, that it was perfectly acceptable to shit in kitchens, and warned his followers not to piss in holes because genies lived in them and would get mad if they got golden showers.
“A demonic pagan core with a veneer of godly pretense” for sure.
Big surprise that the average Paleosimian IQ is 65.
no way was this a terror attack.
sorry, it wasn’t.
i’m in Rochester
You forgot to sign your comment with Allah Akbar
So you were there…? Since there have been zero reports relating to this, please fill us in. You obviously have insider information, right?
He probably attends the same mosque as Michael Avery.
No way? Based on what? It’s identical nature to countless jihad terrorist attacks, or kitman and taqiyya?
Islam is the only major religion in the world that worships a psychopath who mandates the murder of non-believers.
Just like democrats
and does 9 year olds
There was a planned Muslim New Year’s Eve terror attack in Rochester 8 years ago.
Michael Avery crashed at 12:35 am on Monday the first, only five minutes after the New Year rang in.
Golly, I’m sure that was just a coincidence. Apparently the islamopithecines in Rochester don’t like sharing the city with Kuffar.
The good news is that Avery died last night. The bad news is that makes it easier for the scumbag authorities to cover this up. No doubt the contents of his home computer will be concealed along with any ollie akbar notes he may have written, and his social media pages have all been scrubbed.
If the perp was white, Asian, Jewish or a ‘white hispanic’ or could be framed as influenced by white, Asian, Jewish or a ‘white hispanic’ the mandated presstitute media and their FBI handlers would be blasting it from the rooftops. Not that they have any intention of helping so called ‘people of color’ (who are actually in more danger from these lying Nazi World Order globalists) Chris Wray and his ilk are just serving their masters who are keeping them in power.
He is white but he’s obviously a moslem, so no rooftop blasting allowed.
Michael Avery deliberately crashed a rented SUV, filled with 12 cans of gas from multiple locations from two different counties, at 12:35 am – just five minutes minutes after the New Year rang in. Another commenter here confirmed that moslem infested Rochester has been the target of a New Year’s Eve jihad plot before.
Nothing to see here. The FBI and the other authorities involved claimed straightaway that there isn’t any apparent motive and based on hearsay, Avery may have mental health issues. This is the same duplicitous narrative as always after a jihad terrorist attack.
These Muslims are just bad people.
keep the antenna up
Pray for discernment!!
Years ago it was the Lackawanna six.
Terrorism has to effect the backwaters, not just major metro areas.
Magic 8-Ball Says:
Signs point to yes.
“Two Muslim terrorists tried something similar at the Glasgow Airport back in 2007 (before Scotland was officially taken over by Islamic terrorists).“
Specifically, hamas as the muzlim First Minister’s wife and family are from Gaza and they were all airlifted to the U.K. as soon as Israel launched retaliatory attacks on that hellish dump.
Those scumbag jihadis probably have 24/7 security at taxpayer expense to ensure their safety from righteous retribution.
Biden the DNC, the UN, CFR, and Soros just keep encouraging these violent persons into America with heir Open Borders and the M.S. Media cover it all up
This article needs updated. MICHEAL AVERY is the name being released. He rented an suv from the rochester airport, left his vehicle there. He was from syracuse, no suicide note found
Avery died last night so there probably won’t be any confessions from him.
No suicide note? So what? That’s deliberately disingenuous and misleading. I notice the FBI and other authorities didn’t mention if he left an ollie akbar note or manifesto, what was found on his home computer or computers, or what was found on his social media pages, which have no doubt been scrubbed by now.
He was an obvious jihadi who deliberately crashed a rented SUV filled with 12 gas cans filled at multiple locations in two counties at 12:30 am Monday morning – 5 minutes after New Year’s Eve rang in.
Hmm, let’s see: Guy named Mohammed drives SUV into crowd of White people with multiple gas cans that explode. No. Nothing to see there.
He’s actually a white jihadi and traitor to his country named Michael Avery who looks to be of European descent but otherwise yep, nothing to see here.