Ever since the Washington Post decided to give Qatari agent Jamal Khasoggi a forum, they’ve been riding that train. And the Amazon Post is determined not to stop advocating the Islamist cause in D.C.
Here is its latest bid.
Biden must not betray defenders of democracy in Saudi Arabia – Abdullah Alaoudh / Washington Post:
Who is Abdullah?
Abdullah Alaoudh is director of research for the gulf region at Democracy for the Arab World Now
Here’s a refresher of what DAWN is courtesy of the Middle East Forum.
Among DAWN’s inaugural publications is a presentation of the extremist Saudi cleric, Salman Al-Odah, as an innocent reformist, persecuted by the Saudi government for mere political dissent. According to DAWN, the charges brought by a Saudi court against Al-Odah in 2018 are an attempt to punish his “peaceful speech advocating reforms.”
Al-Odah was first jailed in the 1990s after he called on his followers to engage in jihad in Afghanistan and Iraq. Al-Odah even served at one point as a mentor to Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden. He claimed to have moderated while in jail. But in 2005, he again issued a call for jihad in Iraq. Since then, in 2012, he insisted that the Holocaust was exaggerated and turned into a “myth”
Not surprising as Jamal Khashoggi had some of the same views and was a good friend of Osama bin Laden.
One board member is Asim Ghafoor. In filed corporation documents, DAWN is registered to his address. Presented as a leading attorney on “high-profile cases related to national security and terrorism,” Ghafoor in fact worked for and represented several prominent Al Qaeda charities subsequently designated by the U.S. government.
Ghafoor also represented the U.S. branch of the Saudi Al Haramain Foundation (AHF) charity, which was designated in 2004. An investigation run by the IRS, FBI and ICE found that the charity’s U.S. branch had “direct links” to bin Laden.
Not surprising again considering Qatar’s links to the Taliban, Hamas and Al Qaeda.
This is what Jeff Bezos’ paper is promoting in D.C. This is its idea of democracy in the middle east.
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