In the great war between art and life, the latter won with a knockout punch in 2020. Despite satire’s best efforts, it can’t even begin to compete with wokes actually churning out this stuff with a straight face.
‘Shark Week’ lacks diversity, overrepresents men named Mike, scientists say – The Washington Post
When you can’t quite decide if you want to complain about a lack of diversity or accuse shark experts of being racist toward sharks.
Lisa Whitenack loved sharks as a kid. She spent rainy days leafing through a guide to sharks in Reader’s Digest. Every summer, she would watch “Shark Week,” Discovery’s annual TV event that spotlights the ocean predator with seven days of dedicated programming.
But when the scientists appeared on her TV screen, she rarely saw any women she could look up to.
Whitenack led a team of researchers to examine hundreds of “Shark Week” episodes that aired between 1988 and 2020. In a study published last month by the Public Library of Science, their research claims that Discovery’s programming emphasized negative messages about sharks, lacked useful messaging about shark conservation and overwhelmingly featured white men as experts — including several with the same name.
You’ll be shocked, really shocked to learn that Lisa has contributed such gems to science as “Minorities in Shark Science: Diverse Voice in Shark Research”, “Speaking out about sexual harassment in shark science” and ” What can professional scientific societies do to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion”.
And don’t forget a $435,235 grant for “creating cultural change in the American Elasmobranch Society”.
We happen to be talking about science, but there’s a generation of these useless parasites flooding into every possible field who know one trick and one trick only.
And you’re seeing it.
In today’s miserable woke climate, it works. Odds are great that Discovery will launch some sort of equity program for Shark Week and Lisa will be brought on and charge an arm and a leg. At least until she’s accused of racism and purged. Because in a shark-eat-shark world, there’s always blood in the water.
And Lisa is just a white girl with a gimmick, unleashing “systemic change” that will turn her into chum once all the aspiring black, transgender and genderfluid professional victims get their 15 minutes to complain that Lisa is on TV and they never see anyone like themselves.
Meanwhile, the pathway is clear. Write another blog post and do interviews complaining about harassment in response to her garbage study. II’s what the bottom feeders of wokeness do.
Destroying yet another branch of science.
In olden days, they used to kill or otherwise keep sharks away from surfing beaches. Nowadays sharks have rights, people don’t.
Nasty creatures, I’ve seen enough of them up close. Although they serve a necessary function, to keep the other fish on their toes 🙂
I always got nervous sitting on my board with my feet & legs underwater where you can’t see what’s down there. Never know what nasty creatures are swimming around down below 🙂
Yeah, sharks scare the shit out of me. They’re always swimming around and watching you, deciding whether they’re going to try to eat you or not. I hate them. In “third world” counties you can rant spear guns. I don’t know if those are even legal in America anymore.
Can you believe that great whites are a protected species? WTF? Those man eating monsters? n all the countries wher they eat the most people. America, South Africa and Australia. Madness.
Thanks Jeff, my sentiments also 🙂
I remember one that was trapped in a tidepool that I saw while walking along the SF Bay shoreline. Mean looking sucker. Presumably he got out at the next high tide.
Some guy on the BBC was trying to explain that human beings are different from ants because they can manufacture anything. Yes, human beings are different from ants but what they can’t manufacture is equality.
What they can manufacture on an industrial scale is stupidity and despite what Marxists suggests that is what is historically demonstrated.
Yeah, the local retards who cherish smash and grab groids and homeless crazies crapping in the streets probably rescued the killer shark.
And I remember the days when I would poke sea anemones and catch crabs in tidal pools. I hate sharks. Only cretins like them.
Sharks are scary if you’re a human being swimming in the ocean but apparently not for future generations who think they’d be at home swimming in the Cosmos without a space suit.
There’s only one animal in the sea dumb enough to romanticize sharks. But what they lack in brains they try to make up in neurons.
You’ve never seen sharks close up? Lucky you. I’ve seen them close up when they die. I can sure you there is nothing to see but naked aggression. If you ever went on a glass bottom boat you can see their scars littered everywhere.
Yeah, I have seen them up close. That’s the main reason I hate them. But ha ha, I’ve eaten more than one of them and none of them have ever eaten me. Shark fin tacos are yummy. But you have to use cabbage instead of lettuce and crema instead of sour cream. Any hot sauce or salsa will do.
And I did ride the glass bottomed boat off Santa Catalina Island a few times. I swam with a big sea lion underneath it, too. Great whites cruise around there and end up hung on the pier sometimes but the swimming beach has a kelp bed that keeps the sharks out.
Thanks Jeff, I didn’t know kelp beds kept the sharks out.
One time I went scuba diving with my Dad in Monterey during the 1960s. Lots of kelp beds. I kept worry about another dangerous predator fish they have down there, can’t remember the name at the moment.
A barracuda. A moray eel?
I’ve had some fish bite my toes, sometimes. Just swimming in lakes and the little f’ers would nibble on me. I would look down and see them grinning, the way fish do. I didn’t catch them, though. Little f’ers.
Yes, kelp helps keep the sharks out. They also help conditions oily. I remember explaining this to a guy who couldn’t even scrape his way over the kelp beds on the surface but somehow thought sharks like confined kelp areas.
He was not as deluded as the countless morons who thought Jaws was complete propaganda but that’s another story.
Generally I feel bad for fish that get landed. They kind of flop around pathetically. Sharks are not like that at all. And isn’t because they aren’t pathetic.
Yeah, thanks Jeff! I finally remembered it was Barracuda that I was afraid of. Lots of them in Monterey apparently.
I’ve also had little fish nibbling on my feet in the Eel River. Weird sensation.
Yeah, you think you’re imagining it but you’tr not!
I’ve never eaten them but I have seen them die. So I understand where you’re coming from Jeff.
Thanks Una, I always enjoy your comments 🙂
“Naked Aggression”. That’s an excellent way of putting it.
Thanks AA. People that have really seen sharks have no other way of putting it..
We are treated to many spectacles here on the BBC. Despite how they lie about themselves in ways that are manifold. But at the end of the day it’s just Rome.
On the BBC we are constantly treated to the sight of sharks gobbling up baby seals. Apparently this is one of the great spectacles of nature.
Then again, I’ve had the same spectacle recommended to me by my high IQ aunt. These people who have been in nature but have never understood it. Even as it applies to them.
As Mr. Greenfield begins to write more and shorter articles, we begin to see a delightful ironic humor. Very enjoyable.
these are posts, so they’re more casual and provide more scope for commentary
It’s all just so ridiculous. We are truly living in clown world.
Have you ever been anywhere near the coast let alone the sea? It’s more ridiculous there.
A team of researchers, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and hundreds, if not thousands of man-hours to watch tv to determine race, gender, name of scientist, if sharks were portrayed ‘fairly’, and if conservation was preached enough on shark shows. Don’t know how the world would have survived without this critical knowledge.
But then, Lisa’s a piker. My hat’s off to the guy that got funding for ‘research’ to determine if drunk coeds really put out better than sober ones.
The sober ones put out more because they’re awake. I think that’s all I did in college. Chicks everywhere. I dropped out three times but I didn’t miss out on the tail.
Pretty sure my white son would like to play in the NBA, not going to happen.
Is that racist?
ABSOLUTELY – not!! UNLESS your son is CAPABLE!! For SOME, their ABILITY is the FACTOR!! White men can’t jump!
Yeah, I heard about this. I guess the great white shark is racist. It’s name should be changed to big n***er, I guess.
As if black people know how to swim, anyway.
Do you know how to swim in shark infested waters Jeff? Very quietly but not exactly efficiently.
Yeah, that sounds right. They infest Indonesian waters. I never went wall diving and never will. They were even in the placid and safe seeming lagoons. Always watching you. They’re much worse than the stone fish, which are on every beach there. I lied on a stone fish once. Lucky it didn’t poke me with its fin. It was right under my ass. I think my body weight held its dorsal down.
Surely a series on sharks that ran between 1988 and 2020 would have featured ichthyologist Eugenie Clark, who was alive until 2015 and was the world expert on sharks. Did the future plaintiff miss those episodes, or was Dr. Clark, being only one person and being one-half white, not count in her calculus?
Thanks, I didn’t know about her. Impressive.
As long as they’re wearing their masks, sharks don’t bother me!
80% of those attacked by sharks are males. Will the systemic misandry in the shark world never end?
I’m hoping for a grant to research the possibility of turning sharks into vegans. Maybe we can just “identify” them as vegans and consider the effort a success.
Looking forward to her NEXT expose on the RACIST over representation of blacks in the nba/nfl/track/Black Congressional Caucus and a few OTHER institutions!
Sharks have always been often compared to Trial Lawyers
“But when the scientists appeared on her TV screen, she rarely saw any women she could look up to.”
And instead up stepping up and doing the hard work of becoming a real scientist, she took the lefty loser way out to become a professional crybaby. How typical. Now gullible suckers will pay her top dollar to hear of her “discoveries”, and another ranch of science will be contaminated with woke nonsense. Yay…