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A free society has a combative press that vehemently argues, debates and takes on all comers. A totalitarian society has a bizarre dystopian press whose articles make no sense because they leave out crucial pieces of the puzzle. The degree to which the media is haunted by the ‘elephant in the room’ reflects the degree of political censorship that any kind of reporting now undergoes. Take this bizarre article.
Anti-LGBTQ backlash grows across Middle East, echoing U.S. culture wars – Washington Post
Really? Who lives in the Middle East?
Don’t ask Mohamad El Chamaa who focuses on Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon without ever mentioning what they have in common. Most of the article is dedicated to Turkey and its dictator, Erdogan, the leader of an Islamist party that took power in order to Islamize Turkey.
You would think that this might be relevant, but it never gets mentioned.
“In Lebanon as well, LGBTQ issues have been seized on by political heavyweights. Hasan Nasrallah, the leader of the Iran-backed Hezbollah militia — the country’s most powerful political and military force — claimed in a televised speech in March that the United States was spearheading a campaign to change curriculums around the world to ‘promote a culture of homosexuality in schools and universities.’”
What is ‘Hezbollah’? It means the Party of Allah.
The Washington Post article keeps talking about the Middle East as if accidents of geography explain what’s going on here. It can’t bring itself to mention Islam because the Left is still in denial about the contradiction between their sexual identity politics and their alliance with Islam. So the ‘I’ word never gets mentioned even when the article is talking about Islamic parties.
Anyone who doesn’t believe the media is heavily censored need look no further.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Nice analysis Daniel, thanks!
Sir Richard Burton’s descriptions of his travels through the Muslim countries of the Middle East during the 1850s gave me a clearer picture, and deeper abhorrence.
NAVY ET1 says
Couldn’t agree more. Typically, when there’s a large, gaping hole in an article, Islam is the puzzle piece left out. Who would have thought that a country that experienced 9/11 could willfully choose to forget or have it “forgotten” for them?
I remember the radio PSA’s after, “…from your friends in Saudi Arabia” and knew then that our memories would be fogged.
Cat says
As. New Yorker who “was right there” 9/11/01 and called home to say goodbye, i still find it unbelievable that the US had a president named Hussein only a few years later.
How’s that workin’ out for us?
RAM says
Other major religions have had the same stance as Is;lam on this matter, differing sometimes as to the penalty.
Kevin says
And they get mentioned by the media — see how it works!?!
Kasandra says
As horrible a person as Nasrallah is, I can’t say he’s wrong about the U.S. pushing its gender ideology across the world. As radio station WMAL’s great host Chris Plante says of The Washington Post, “It looks like a newspaper but it’s not.”
Bird of Paradise says
I don’t suppose the Washington Compost would care to tell their Readers/Subscribers that Islamic throw gays off the tops of Building which the very same liberal scribblers ignore the persecution of Christians Nope that’s the truth and the M.S. media don’t tell us that
Kevin says
Throwing gays off buildings or from construction cranes in the Islamic Middle East is no big deal to the Washington Post or the New York Times or the rest of the media for that matter — nothing but a big fat yawner every time it happens … On the other hand, should an evangelical in Colorado refuse to bake a cake for a gay (ahem) “wedding”, why then of course all hell breaks loose … So, how to explain the difference? — Simply this: as long as Islam hates the same people that the media hates (Christians and Jews) they will get a free lifetime pass … Now, should they ever toss gays from a roof top while holding a Bible under their arm instead of a Koran, that’d be a game changer — the media and the left would be beside themselves with rage …
Mickorn says
There is no “alliance” with Islam. Progressives have the temerity to suggest Islam is a religion like any other and Muslims are human beings like any other.
It is certaily true that some religious Muslims opposed LGBTQ rights, very much like many religious Jews and Christians oppose LGBTQ rights. Right? You, Daniel Greenfield, oppose LGBTQ rights. Your Evangelical readers oppose LGBTQ rights. Many of your Jewish readers do too.
Let us talk about why conservative strands of Judaism/Christianity/Islam (which have the same roots and are essentially the same) are so intolerant and backward on this particular topic.
Daniel Greenfield says
“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” Barack Obama’
Nope. No alliance to see here.