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Much of the Hamas enthusiasm we’ve seen has been at a distance, shaky camera shots of mobs of rioters, some quick clips of a poster-ripper or a few tweets or videos gleaned from the madness of social media influencers, but here they are given a full forum to speak at the Oakland City Council.
The issue on the table is whether the Oakland City Council will just demand that Israel stop attacking Hamas, misleadingly described as a ‘ceasefire’, or whether the resolution will also at least condemn Hamas’ mass murder of Israelis.
That brought out a cast of leftists to explain why opposing Hamas is racist, why Israel had it coming, and why Hamas didn’t really do it.
⚠️ Oakland California
When people say the ‘Free Palestine’ movement is not about hatred of Jews or support of Hamas – play them this video from the Oakland City Council..— Ron M. (@Jewtastic) November 29, 2023
It’s instructive to see this because it’s taking place in an official formal environment. There are prepared statements. It’s not an out-of-context clash on social media.
This is evil up close.
And we’re not really allowed to see it. Usually, the media spins, filters and distorts, pretends that these people want a ‘ceasefire’ and are calling for peace and an end to the violence.
Here they are unfiltered.
It’s instructive to watch this because you can see contemporary Nazis up close. They’re real and they dominate the Left. These people are not an aberration. If you doubt that, the Oakland City Council voted 6-2 not to condemn Hamas.
This is the base for AOC and the Squad. It’s also a reality we have to deal with. There are people who have been as brainwashed into evil as anything in Maoist China, Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. They are willing to defend and commit any crime.
We cannot afford to pretend that they don’t exist. It’s hard to believe in evil until you see it up close. It’s real.
Steven Brizel says
These are Nazis 2023 stykec
Jeff Bargholz says
What does stykec mean?
Algorithmic Analyst says
Maybe a typo for “style”
Algorithmic Analyst says
Born in Oakland. From Paradise to Hell in my lifetime.
Jeff Bargholz says
The Hell having been created by the usual suspects and supported by the Dirtbagocrat party.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, exactly. I play it over and over again in my mind, what it used to be like and how it changed over the decades. From my grandfather feeding the ducks in peaceful Lake Merritt to Children’s Fairyland there where my Mom took us for birthday parties to the Oakland Zoo where the neighbor kids and us had a great time …
roberta says
Is there some luxury in being this stupid? It is an absolute refusal to believe their own eyes.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a pineapple.
CowboyUp says
There’s that very luxury in the West, for now, because of our prosperity. We can, we do. It’s good’s nature to protect the weak and mentally deficient, mea culpa, I wouldn’t feel right being any other way. People life would normally kill off early, live to reproduce, teach (education majors have the lowest standards next to *-studies majors), or influence. When these same idiots destroy that prosperity, they’ll destroy their historically rare luxury to be stupid. Unfortunately a lot of innocent people will die, a lot of wealth will be destroyed, and the flame of freedom (self ownership) will be extinguished, before they get theirs.
THX 1138 says
None of these ALTRUISTIC, evil fools, forced Israel to give 21,000 work permits to the Gazan savages. Without those work permits given to the Gazan savages out of mercy, pity, and self-sacrifice, the massacre would not have happened. Israel is destroying itself by also having altruistic pity and mercy for the Gazan savages.
“Should you be just? To the contrary, altruism insists that you treat people with mercy, rather than justice. If others are guilty of some wrongdoing, you should offer them absolution, not judgement. Treat them with pity in place of censure. Deal with people based not on what they deserve but on what they NEED….
Need — the altruist asserts — overrides everything.” – “In Defense of Selfishness: Why the Code of Self-Sacrifice is Unjust and Destructive” by Peter Schwartz
Jeff Bargholz says
It wasn’t altruism that handed out 21,000 work permits to sub-humans, it was misplaced compassion.
CowboyUp says
Perfect response, though he wasn’t too far off this time, so I upvoted him too again. “Objectivists,” aren’t totally off, but they tend to be fanatical, and are often annoying.. Not all compassion is misplaced, THX might eventually learn it.
This post would have just been the first two words, but there’s a limit on the pithyness of your comment here. I can understand why, but I don’t like it. Sometimes the response can be pithy.
Jeff Bargholz says
I agree. It’s annoying to be informed my comment is too short.
Angel Jacob says
Islamic terrorist take over of the US government positions continues, one step at a time.
People won’t do anything to stop it, until it comes to being the victims of islamic terrorism. By then it’ll be too late.
That’s the plan.
The best strategy to counter that is
1) Restore and use the freedom of speech to condemn and attack islam as an ideology.
2) Use our god given right to self-defense when the mulims get violent or start threatening.
3) Keep it up, it’s a life time strategy, never let the guard down.
Time to start deporting all of them back to where they came from and left to fend for themselves
Taylor says
David Horowitz was very effective in Oakland.
It’s really easy to tear down what’s been painstakingly built over generations, but nearly impossible to build back up. No one should ever listen to “world repairers”, ever.
glpage says
Those who do not remember the past, or refuse to do so, are condemned to repeat it and we are watching them goose step into that repetition.
Hugh Jassol says
These simpletons obviously ascribe to the notion that there are only the “oppressed” and the “oppressors”, that the lowlife losers are being kept down by those who are successful, rather than by their own poor choices and deeds. The Paleostinians have no one but themselves to blame for their plight. Anyone but the Jews would have exterminated them long ago.
CowboyUp says
Their own would have done so by now. You can easily distinguish their areas from satellite photos. Israeli areas are green, theirs are brown. They don’t irrigate, they don’t grow anything, and they don’t manufacture anything but crude rockets and suicide vests. They live off whatever their leaders don’t skim from foreign aid.
Jeff Bargholz says
The Oakland City Council also voted 8 to 0 to support a “ceasefire.” Only one of them wanted to include a provision that condemned the 10/7 atrocities, and was obviously overridden.
I notice all those psychotic, terrorist loving, Jew hating skanks who addressed the Council seem to be dykes. I know American dykes tend to be butt ugly hate mongers but these ones seem to be particularly deranged. Who knew dump trucks love terrorists and hate dem Joos?
Based on its City Council and that herd of dykes, is it any wonder Oakland is a crime ridden, racist shit-hole?
I hate sharing the planet with scum like them. And they never quit trying to impose their depraved and foolish will on the rest of us, who just want to go through life unmolested.
David Zellaby says
Sick f–ks, one and all. THAT is what our universities are puking out every year.