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Journalism is dead; the media is absolutely horrible and it can’t die fast enough. Thankfully, it is dying. Each year there are fewer newspapers and news websites out there, as the market speaks and people flee these left-wing propaganda machines and wither on the vine.
Don’t get me wrong, if these outlets did what they’re supposed to do – actually report the news honestly and without bias – I wouldn’t celebrate their demise. But they don’t, so to hell with them.
I find it difficult to not respond to various reporters announcing layoffs in their newsrooms with a resounding “learn to code” swipe, but I mostly succeed. It’s not about individual, awful reporters, most of the time (and they’re usually the last the be let go – looking at you, Taylor Lorenz), it about an industry so far removed from what it used to be that it’s unrecognizable.
Media is now an appendage of the Democratic National Committee. I’ll let you decide which appendage it is, but watching this clip from MSNBC’s Morning Joe clearly places it somewhere just below the equator on the human body.
The shame is journalism is needed and wildly important, as a concept anyway. We need to know what the hell our government and elected officials are doing. We need to know what corporations are up to. We need to know what’s happening in our world so we can avoid disasters.
But disasters are power now – never wanting a good crisis to go to waste is a marketing strategy, not the shame-worthy act it once was and still should be.
So, screw them. As journalism exhales its last few breaths, rejoice. There’s still a chance they could recover, but no one in any position of power in the editorial process seems interested in saving it.
Hell, The New York Times opinion editor was fired for running an opinion contrary to what the “news” department agreed with. Let that sink in: someone with the job of seeking out and running a variety of opinions was fired for doing just that – from an elected Republican United States Senator, no less – because people working in the department of the paper that expressly is not supposed to have opinions disagreed with it. Ownership at the Times should have fired every reporter who publicly expressed their outrage, instead they caved. This was their last chance to reimpose journalistic standards and the Sulzberger family retracted their testicles back into their stomach and went in the other direction.
Why not root for the collapse of outlets like that and everyone involved? Sure, there will be collateral damage – good reporters losing their jobs along with the worthless – but so be it. It’s necessary because the underlying message is so important.
The Times will be one of the last to fall, its brand is far too important to the left-wing industrial complex that whatever amount of money is needed will be thrown at it for as long as possible. Same with The Washington Post, which is now a plaything of Jeff Bezos and his enhanced mistress, only the Post won’t need new benefactors.
Until they die, expect to see more “news” stories like this one from the Business Insider entitled, “People are leaving Texas over rising costs, partisan politics, and a sense of disenchantment.”
Sounds bad, doesn’t it? Republican Texas is portrayed as a bright spot, along with Republican Florida, compared to Joe Biden’s work elsewhere and liberal bastions like deep-blue California. That means it must be destroyed.
When you read the story, the stench of what journalism has become is clear from the jump. It opens, “While some homebuyers seek the American dream in Texas, many are leaving the state to find it elsewhere. ‘Lifelong Texan here. I am definitely preparing an exit strategy,’ one anonymous user posted on a Reddit thread about leaving Texas. ‘From the heat to the stripping away of human rights, I’m just done.’”
The next paragraph starts, “Another poster struck a similar chord.”
Yes, anonymous accounts on Reddit were the basis of a story that just so happened to feed into the left-wing needs to attack conservative success stories. What an amazing coincidence!
The rest of the article cites leftists unhappy with abortion laws, etc. This is as intellectually “diverse” a slice of the population of Texas as you’d get in an Ivy League faculty lounge.
To hell with them all. When a left-wing media outlet is drowning, hand them a brick. Be careful, leftists tend to throw those at police, but if you give them enough metaphorical ones it may just send them to the bottom permanently. All the “journalists” who’ll lose their jobs can get gigs at CNN, MSNBC, start a Substack, open an OnlyFans page or learn to code, I really couldn’t care less.
I will, however, be watching. I’m morbidly curious about how many outlets must fail, how many people must lose their jobs and how many lives must be ruined before one of these places does something radical like revert to the standards they all lie to themselves and the public about having. I don’t know if there’s a number, I suspect there isn’t, but I’ll be happy to be proven wrong, if it ever happens.
I’ll drink to that! Metaphorically anyway because I quit drinking the real stuff recently. I’ll make an exception and drink a toast to the demise of the New York Times though. And I sure hope the Wapo, MSDNC and CNN crap out before my time is up. That would put a smile on my face.
CNN/NYT Etc. the Lie a Day M.S. Media their Turkeys have come home to roost
The legacy media will die soon, and the government is going to become more and more tyrannical before they learn the error of their ways.
II wouldn’t be surprised if our governments were to print their own Soviet Pravda type newspapers – at our expense, of course.
There has never been honest mainstream journalism. Every single outlet has been a mouthpiece of the left for over 100 years. What we are witnessing at the moment is the birth of a new golden age of journalism with independent voices. These will become dominant and have a deep mistrust of centralized authority and elitist machinations. We are not out of the woods yet by any means and there is a ton of work to be done, but I do believe it’s gaining momentum and reaching a tipping point.
You’re right… many remember the 1980’s when sattelite TV came about, and people flocked to CNN to get the real news. After their demise, we had to wait till the late 1990’s to get the real news from Fox. Then Ailes was gone, Murdoch’s two sons took over, now we have Newsmax. History really does repeat itself.
Murdoch made his former secretary the CEO of Fox News when he left. That dumb twat is just as much to blame for Fox’s plummeting ratings as papa’s to whelps. A secretary can’t perform the job of a CEO any more than one could perform as an airline pilot or brain surgeon. She’s the genius who fired Tucker Carlson, who had the most popular show of any type on cable TV, and she fired him because he’s an effective conservative who exposes the lies, corruption, betrayal of the people, failure, racism, stupidity, government wide debilitation of America, and evil of her beloved DIrtbagocrat party.
Roger Ailes was very smart but Rupert Murdoch? Dumb despite his wealth. A secretary. Seriously, Murdumb? And a raging lefty control freak at that, for a conservative news site.
Fox deserves to die along with the rest of the fake news media.
The death rattle of these lying institutions will be music to my ears.
They believe the truth is an outdated idea, only the stupid believe it has value.
The NYT send a reporter in 2008 to Alaska, where Sarah Palin had something like an 80% approval rating, and they apparently couldn’t find anyone who supported her.
I quit watching network “news” in the 1990’s and quit Fox during PRESIDENT TRUMP’S first term – even dropped FBN! The only person I thought was truly 100% AMERICAN was the Naturalized Citizen, Stuart Varney! But then I just quit and began reading sites like this one and a handful of others. You have to be careful though because there are snakes in ALL the grassy areas!!
The LOW INFO/INTELLIGENCE Voters base decisions on slogans and sound bites so there’s only so much one can do to convince those people about the TRUTH! The BEST thing out of the biden bunglers is that so many Americans are being hit squarely in their faces with the CONSEQUENCES of their votes!! The R’s need to be out in the streets right now reminding and EDUCATING people – these high prices, these floods of illegals, these crimes that go unpunished – they are ALL results of the DEMOcrats you voted for and NOTHING is going to change until YOU realize that they are in power ONLY because you voted for them! Well, that and massive FRAUD!
Give “Newsmax” and “Real America’s Voice” a try. You’ll be glad you did. They’re both better than Fox ever was, even back in it’s heyday when it was good, before Rupert Murdoch made his secretary CEO and she proceeded to drive it into the ground. It’s ratings drop every day.
Oh, and RAV and Newsmax 2 are free and Newsmax plus only costs five dollars a month, which is half the price or so of Netflix. Both networks have hosts who are Fox News alumni: Rob Schmidt, Eric Bolling, Greta Van Susteren, Ed Henry and others.
The News is not the only failure of our societal degeneration (Stock market Illusion Makes the media complex look normal).The introduction of the Bitcoin The new delusional fairy-tale., Take a look at Argentina is prime example of our total Money Laundering social decay, they even managed to give us a Pope from this fanatical regime arena.
The incoming President of Argentina, Javier Milei, is a hardcore Libertarian who is going to cut wasteful and ruinous government agencies back to just a few. He seems to be just what Argentina needs, just like Trump is just who we need back. I think we’ve all had enough of the Alzheimer Joe administrations MASA (Make America Suck Again.)
“Sure, there will be collateral damage – good reporters losing their jobs along with the worthless – but so be it”
The good reporters, those few with their integrity still intact, could form a consortium of sort, that publishes, op eds and real stories. They would have to police their own so that the leftist reprobates are kept out. Guys like Tucker could run it, loosely, if he doesn’t run for VP with Trump.
But it won’t be easy.
These “good” reporters can join the “good” rank and file of the FBI.
The Easter Bunny will help them fill out their applications.
They should be able to do it. “The Epoch Times” is proof that a high quality newspaper can be produced and “Newsmax 2,” “Newsmax” + and “Real America’s Voice” are proof that high quality news networks can compete with the fake news.
please oh lord, let msnbc crash and burn asap..
they have my aging mother absolutely brainwashed and they must be stopped.
in jesus name we pray.
My mother is brain washed by PBS and the repugnant Judy Woodruff. She refused to believe me when I told her David Brooks was a fake conservative.
We all have family members who are zombified Dirtbagocrat supporters.
The Left infests, hollows out, repurposes, and eventually destroys every institution. Those who refuse to defend their institutions at the outset and crater to the Left as soon as it appears have caused this. I don’t expect the Left to be anything other than its destructive self. As the scorpion tells the frog, it is [their] nature.
J-School is for those people who cannot hack the intellectual rigors of a Physical Education Degree.
The New York Slimes has been lying since 1932 and covered up for Stalin, Castro, the Viet Cong and is behind this 1619 project
Once again, I pat myself on the back for dropping out of journalism school and never looking back, lo these decades ago. After three semesters I realized I was surrounded by the innumerate, incurious, and just flat ignorant. And they were all satisfied they were on the side of good and right. Well, we all know better now, don’t we?
After four years with a daily “news” paper, became a government employee. So it is possible to evolve into a slightly more honest prostitute.
History of English Podcast Episode 150 tells us we’ve been here before.
In the 1500’s the Catholic Church and Henry VIII forbid the bible from being translated from Latin to English. Doing so was heresy, and heretics were burned at the stake. Just as State Media wants to maintain its monopoly on news distribution, the church wanted to maintain its monopoly on religious communication. At that time, the advent of the printing press ensured their failure.
Today the battle weapons are different. Our government can pressure compliant social media to use today’s technology to aid their censorship.
Defeat of these evil forces isn’t something that will just happen. All of us will have to forcefully oppose those evil forces to make that happen.
I haven’t subscribed or read a main stream newspaper in over 20 years. Our local free weekly is enough for local issues and of course the rest is on the net. As a cultural aside…It’s depressing to see rising crime reports reflected in our once idyllic seaside community but criminals flock to where millionaires reside. Since the techies have bought up 2nd homes for weekend retreats, the long time locals are few…died off or moved. An old familiar story indeed. After 50 years on the California Central Coast our town and the nation as a whole is as unrecognizable as the faces in the Obits and we old time hanger’s on have become the strangers in a strange land.
That’s tragic. The Central CA coast is beautiful and pleasant. It was more pleasant back when I visited, apparently. Big Sur (which is a bit South, I guess) Carmel and Monterey are fantastic, and the small cities adjacent to them are great too. Heck, Clint Eastwood lives in Carmel by the Sea so you know it’s a cool place. The next time I go there I plan to eat at both of his restaurants. I looked up the menus online and the food seems unpretentious and good.
Sorry about the crime and the millionaires jacking up your taxes, wherever you live.
“The media”? You must mean the murky, stinking pipes of the Fake News SewerStream Media (SSM), Enemy of the People. Thank THE LORD for decent media like GAB, Rebel News, the American Spectator, Frontpagemag, (you) Epoch Times, X, et al.
People know what they know and they vote with their remotes and their money. When the Left was the underdog we were obliged to provide underdogs with opportunity to make their case. Now that the Left is on top, it doesn’t get any better than them so any opinion to the contrary is heretical and deserving of burning at the stake.
I’m sure Texans would be all broken up over dems leaving their state, lol. They can take the illegal aliens with them. Why would they allow those poor unfortunates to be trapped in backwards, oppressive, racist, zenophobic, capitalist red states that don’t have gun control, unions, abortion on demand, trans privilege, or kiddie porn in elementary schools? They should be funding a massive underground railroad to help these people escape to progressive democrat utopias. It’s baffling that they get so upset when those deplorable red states help with free bus tickets.
read your bible if you have one . it will inform you of the past , present , and future . everything else is chewing gum for the mind . once you have read it and believe it there is nothing to worry about . the MSM will fade into oblivion . you only thing you need to be concerned about is whether you and your family will be going to heaven , everything else pales .