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Paul Joseph Watson’s latest short video commentary blasts the “public noise pollution” of entitled youth on public transportation, who have no manners or sense of public decorum. Ah, can you hear the cultural enrichment?
Check it out below:
Tell those idiots to quit their stupid screaming and Yelling and trying to Drown Out Conservative Speakers and any Campus tj=hat blocks Free Speech with mobs of Bolsheviks blocking their way should be facing Lawsuits and those doing the Blocking can be defendants on those Lawsuits
The leftist elites who tell the plebs that they can’t drive to work and impose their 15 minute cities and congestion zones don’t use public transport other than first class rail and air travel.
Until they do, nothing will change.
Diversity is our strength but is even closer to division.
Even Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock can’t handle the noise…
I have to take the bus here where I am, and after a few back and shoulder operations, I have to use a 4 wheeled cart for my groceries and my laundry. We have people like this on the bus, who do this, as well as let their feet well out in the spaces where people need to walk, and after getting on the bus with my cart full of groceries, I couldn’t pass this one young guy with shower shoes on, and after asking him several times nicely to move his feet in, and ignoring me, I just glanced up at the drive, who SMILED at me, and I ran the cart over his feet.
I had his attention then, let me tell you! That hurt! I just told him, ‘Maybe next time, put the phone down and show a little respect for others’…and went on my way. Bus was dead quiet, no one said a word. Driver kept right on smiling…