Paul Watson is back with another biting video take on Progressive insanity — this time about the loss of an entire generation of young men to the online addiction of OnlyFans.
Don’t miss his latest below:
Paul Watson is back with another biting video take on Progressive insanity — this time about the loss of an entire generation of young men to the online addiction of OnlyFans.
Don’t miss his latest below:
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A Project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center
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I think you miss that female arousal is very different from male arousal. Men are visual. Women much less so. Woman is more relational than man, and her arousal resides almost entirely within a relational dynamic with a man. Your mistake is in placing female arousal in the visual. Not saying the visual plays NO role with women, but it is miniscule compared to the visual role with men.
“Kapo Horowitz”
Say No To Teabaggers, always hiding like a coward behind his shitty nickname.
That’s all you have against Watson, the same shit you repeat here, we’re not even sure it’s him, you don’t know that there is software that can collect people’s voices and make them say what you want them to say.
Other than that, what do you have to prove Watson’s anti-Semitism? Because with that you’re not going to get very far in a court of law.
Shit bag.
Paul Joseph Watson on Jews :