In his latest incisive commentary, Paul Watson exposes what is at the core of the Establishment’s panic over controversial masculinity guru Andrew Tate.
Check out the short video below:
In his latest incisive commentary, Paul Watson exposes what is at the core of the Establishment’s panic over controversial masculinity guru Andrew Tate.
Check out the short video below:
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roberta says
Dont like the way he put it at all “kill a 14 year old farmer in yemen” but I am in a sort of agreement. Never let patriotism get the best of oneself. Governments and the military industrial $$$$ complex take advantage.
Fine young Americans die, and others make the profits of war.
“War is a racket” was written a long time ago by a patriot warrior who saw through the matrix of his time.
Its a quick read or audio book available for free on libervox
Joseph Di Frances says
I am grateful to Andrew Tate. I respect your bringing him up as a serious challenge. But … But I am reading so many “steps backward” ascribed to the globalists here in the States (you referenced several others yourself), – faux apologies that to my ears echo the lip service disassociations one would hear from ‘former’ communists in post Soviet Russia. I can’t help but think that the many years of planning have also included tactics for dealing with various levels of opposition and that this apparent ebb, so very maoist (and by extension Sun Tzu-ish), flowing like water, is also part of the strategic advance.
John Blackman says
state indoctrination schools won’t allow anyone to steal their thunder . [ euphemism for brainwashing ]
Hannah54 says
The idea that there is a controlled strategy to channel the opposition into some manageable direction is one I’ve heard before, and it sounded plausible. But as time goes on, it’s looking less likely.
There are too many secrets leaking out, too many plans crashing into walls that no one noticed were there.
Too many people who were loyal to the Cause are defecting – and revealing more dirt than can be damage controlled.
And the globalists seem to be unprepared. They’re trying the measures which worked fine until just last year – shut down the dissenters’ microphone, scrub the ‘misinformation’ from the internet, and ‘manage’ the narrative through the ‘authoritative’ voices. But suddenly that’s not only not working, it’s backfiring on them in spectacular ways.
It could be that the Great Reset, so carefully built by “the powers that be”, is suddenly glitching for a reason that our dear Watson might not have considered:
It’s being sabotaged by Someone who was declared by them to not exist… and who is currently “sitting in the heavens and laughing” at them (Ps. 2:4).