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In this new video, Paul Watson discusses: The Truth About The Wildfires, analyzing Leftism’s specialty in burning a city down.
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Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
In this new video, Paul Watson discusses: The Truth About The Wildfires, analyzing Leftism’s specialty in burning a city down.
Don’t miss it!
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It’s all too terrible to contemplate. Internet “jackup’ claptrap needs leave it be. regardless of perceived cause or blame, I’d rather pray for the victims.
I went through the New Orleans Katrina flood……this L. A. fire is the definition of catastrophe.
FrontPageMag still publishing this antisemite?
Talk to David Horowitz, you know the Jewish editor, of this website.
I already know he’s a kapo so he’ll be fine with calling to kill Jews.
This is your big issue? This is what you spend time on? I have a feeling that killing Jews is right up your alley.
It’s up FPM’s ally. They can’t stop publishing a guy who wants just that.
The question on every American’s mind, especially those in Los
Angeles should be “Who is ultimately responsible for not having
enough water in the fire hydrants and not having water in the
water tanks?!”
Not having enough water allocation resulting in the abomination
of desolation Americans are witnessing in L.A. is beyond incompetence.
It is sheer evil. The person or persons responsible should be criminally
charged for some kind of utter dereliction of duty – prosecuted and
severely punished.
If the Left has the political system so rigged that the guilty will never
answer for such a crime against humanity – then the perps should be
sued into insolvency lasting as long as they live. If ordinary people
cannot do this, then maybe the rich celebrities suffering from the fires
can get together for a joint lawsuit. And for once in their lives, unite
with the rest of us to do what is . . right.
I heartily concur..
The left-wing scum in charge here in California pump millions upon millions of gallons or river water into the Pacific Ocean every day. They just waste it. And now they can’t put out fires in LA. But hey, the San Fag Bay smelt are safe. Stupid little fish that nobody normal eats or cares about.
That’s all that matters to those scumbags.
Kill all politicians.
I looked up “smelts” just to see if they are endangered as the govenor of California claims. They are actually found all over the world including – if I recall correctly – lakes in the USA. More BS from the environmental crazies.
but biden had a fire in his kitchen so he can relate to all those suckers that voted for gavin nuisance . NO JOKE . !
Karen Bass is and always been a psychopath. She is devoid of a conscience:
1. Pathological Lying and Manipulation
2. Lack of Morality and Rule Breaking
3. Lack of Empathy and Cold-Heartedness
4. Narcissism and False Superiority Complex
5. Gaslighting and Psychological Bullying
6. Lack of Contrition and Self-Serving Victimhood
7. The “Situational” Sociopath or Psychopath
Judge for yourself.
Yes, when she was asked why she didn’t do anything about the fires and why she was on “vacation” in shit-hole Ghana she just sated vapidly and didn’t answer.
She’s clearly insane.
You left out Marxist. She’s probably home celebrating the losses suffered by all the capitalists in LA.
When there is another big time Forest Fire we need to putt he Eco-Freaks and Tree Huggers on the fire so they can show their dedication to saving the Earth from their own stupid ideologies
Yes, burn them like logs.
It takes my breath away to read article after article on celebrities weeping, mourning, crying, whining, moaning etc etc etc over their loss while at the same time people in North Carolina are STILL sleeping in tents with a freezing winter headed in their near future. Maybe the celebrities will get lucky, and FEMA can help them out. VOTE WOKE GO UP IN SMOKE!
I think I heard where Biden is going to 100% cover the losses in California. I don’t remember hearing anything like that after hurricane Helene. Hmmm, let’s see: Southern California-90%(+-) woke Democrats. W. North Carolina/East Tennessee-90% (+-) Republican. So much for “looking out” for ALL Americans. Once in office, Trump should reverse that. Let the millionaires/billionaires in LA spend some of their own money on rebuilding Paradise.
Interestingly enough, anti-woke James Woods home was spared while everything around it burned.