This article first appeared on The Stream.
A recent video of Muslims and Danes quarreling in Denmark is revealing in more ways than one—especially for those who are considering the merits of the Great Replacement theory. In the video, one Muslim man can be heard yelling the following words to a Dane:
We have five children, you only have one or two. In ten to fifteen years there will be more Pakistanis than Danes in this country!… The Danes are five million, soon you’ll be exterminated [or extinct?]. Look at the Swedes, look at the Norwegians, look at the Finns, man! We are multiples [of] millions, man!
The clamorous Muslim goes on to accuse Europeans of preferring bestiality to marriage, hence their lack of procreation. Soon other Muslims chime in. One says, “I just got married and will also have five children.” Others start yelling about how the Danes’ “mothers will be pregnant again,” because their mothers and sisters are “whores” (who presumably sleep around with the Muslims). Others chant, “This isn’t Denmark anymore, this is Paki-land” repeated several times, “We are taking over your country.”
Several indicators certainly support this last assertion—beginning with what the main Muslim man in the recent video was hollering about: Muslims are certainly outbreeding Europeans. This is evident in the simple fact that, all throughout Western Europe, the name Muhammad is either one of the most popular names given to newborn baby boys, or, in some countries and major cities—the Netherlands, England, Berlin—the most popular name.
This is to say nothing of other Arabic/Muslim names, which are also topping the charts of newborn baby names. Even in the U.S., Muhammad recently made the list of top ten baby names. “Arabic names are on the rise this year,” the Baby Center explained, “with Muhammad and Aaliyah entering the top 10 and nudging Mason and Layla off.”
All this may seem innocuous enough; after all, what’s in a name? In reality, however, because more numbers equate more influence and power, many Muslims see their progeny as their contribution to the jihad—the “struggle” to make Islam supreme.
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe,” Muammar Gaddafi exaggerated back in 2006, before more realistically adding, “There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”
Ongoing reports and polls suggest this long cherished Muslim dream may not be so farfetched.
Thus, in the U.K., “Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion,” a report revealed back in 2008: “The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside.”
One Pew report found that one out of every three people on earth is set to be a Muslim by 2070. Another Pew report says that the Muslim population of Europe could triple by 2050—just when all those baby Muhammads are coming of age.
In Germany alone, nearly 20 percent of the population could be Muslim by 2050; considering that the average Muslim man is more zealous over his way of and purpose in (Islamic) life than the average German male, 20 percent may well be enough for an Islamic takeover of—or at least mass havoc in—Germany. Yet the report also finds that even “if all migration into Europe were to immediately and permanently stop” and due to significantly higher Muslim birthrates, Europe’s Muslim population will still grow significantly, to about 36 million, almost double the current population.
Incidentally, the baby jihad can be achieved with either Muslim or infidel women. As an example of the latter, a Muslim imam was videotaped saying that, because European men lack virility, their women seek fertility among Muslim men:
We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we will conquer their countries! Whether you like it or not, you Germans, Americans, French, and Italians and all those akin to you [Western people]—take in the refugees. For soon we will call them [and their European born sons] in the name of the coming caliphate! And we will say to you, “These are our sons.”
Similarly, the diary of Patrick Kabele, an African Muslim man who was living and arrested in Britain for trying to join the Islamic State—his primary motive being to purchase a nine-year-old sex slave—had references that only likeminded Muslims would understand: in an effort, as the aforementioned imam said, to use European women as incubators and “breed children with them,” Kabele noted that he had been “seeding some women over here, UK white,” adding, “I dont [sic] kiss anymore.” (Unlike straightforward mating, kissing is deemed an intimate act, and Muslims, in keeping with the doctrine of al-wala’ w’al-bara, must never be intimate with, certainly not love, non-Muslims—even when married to them—though they can have carnal relations with them.)
As discussed here, the same strategy is being used in the Muslim world against Christian minorities. Unlike in the West, however, where women freely give themselves to Muslims, Christian minorities are seized and seeded by Muslim men.
Even so, Muslim women remain the primary incubators for the jihad—and many of them see it as their obligation. A Christian Eritrean volunteer and translator who worked in migrant centers in Germany and was often assumed to be Muslim by the migrants, confessed last year that “Muslim migrants often confide in her and tell her about their dislike towards Christians,” and that “a number of the Muslim migrants she has spoken to have revealed a hatred for Christians and are determined to destroy the religion.” How they plan on doing this is telling: “Some women told me, ‘We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here.’”
Not that many Western Europeans seem to care; some are even glad to see their own kind die off and be replaced by Muslims—such as Dr. Stefanie von Berg, who exulted before the German parliament: “Mrs. President, ladies and gentlemen. Our society will change. Our city will change radically. I hold that in 20, 30 years there will no longer be a [German] majority in our city. …. And I want to make it very clear, especially towards those right wingers: This is a good thing!”
From here one understands the true root of the immediate problem—and, as usual, it is not so much Muslims as it is perverse elements dispersed throughout the West. Having turned its back on its founding faith, a moribund culture—typified by nihilism, hedonism, cynicism, and, as such, dropping birth rates—simply has little worth living for and gives way to a more zealous one.
Surely those many historic Defenders of the West who bled rivers over the course of many centuries to keep invading Islam out are turning in their grave.
Thanks Raymond!
It seems to me that democracy isn’t strong enough to resist Islam, a strong leader is needed who will expel Muslims from the country.
That’s the only solution but it won’t happen because anyone born in the country becomes a citizen of that country. Here in the UK the cities have been taken over completely by muslims, completely. In my birth city Birmingham, previously middle class regions are 90% muslim enclaves. I left there decades ago and whenever I return to visit relatives I cannot wait to leave.
I don’t hold out much hope.
Thanks Mo!
Between 1492 and 1610, some 3,000,000 Muslims voluntarily left or were expelled from Spain.
Spain was saved!
It is beyond my understanding of the Muslim leaving their own Muslim countries and moving to Christian ones. Denmark and Sweden have their traditions and accepted these people tso they would be able to improve their fate. What do they do? They bring Gaza, Somalia, Jenin, Pakistan and Iran to Sweden and Denmark and after few short years they live again in their horrible countries with their anti freedom culture. So why did they leave their countries????? Deport them back.
They leave their countries to CONQUER the new country. The goal is a world-wide caliphate where sharia is the law WORLDWIDE!
Where is Charles Martel now that we really need him?
Muslims stick to their traditions both religious and cultural. They frown heavily should a Muslims child deviate from them, thus Muslims do not assimilate well at all. Muslims form enclaves by buying up real estate and renting space near their mosques and families squeezing out all who are not Muslim.You can live with them but you can not live among them,
Mohammed Mohammed bin Mohammed al-Mohammedi.
Sort of what happend in Hamtramck, Michigan, it was mostly Polish now I believe its Mooslim.
I just visited Sweden, and spent two days in Copenhagen. You won’t see muslims outside the big cities, but in Stockholm, Malmo and Copenhagen, they are everywhere. Muslims had a march in Malmo. for some character, imam Hussain. The parade of muslims, kept coming and coming and coming. – thousands. A relative told me that Malmo is the crime capital of Sweden.
Thanks for the info!!!
…AND some irony here that they don’t / can’t build the ships & planes on which they depart from their own countries, yet they are ready to takeover the world.
I guess the western civilized world is not so civilized if we allow it to happen. Don’t be afraid to have children, good grief. The one true God will bless you for it.
And what will happen if those stupid animals do win demographically? Any European country they dominate will implode under their incompetence. They can’t maintain a society.
Good luck shouting that ollie akbar shit at me, Achmed.
Yeah, like Mark Twain had it pegged already in “Innocents Abroad”. Muslim countries are the dregs, some of them got lucky with oil is all.
They did not get lucky with oil at all. If not for the rational, scientific, and capitalist West the Muslim Barbarians would not know what to do with oil or that it existed underneath their camels and tents. The Western oil was handed over to the Muslim primitives because the West is collapsing philosophically and therefore morally and has been collapsing once again into a New Dark Age of Unreason since 1781 when Immanuel Kant published his attack on reason.
“October 2, 2001—Fifty years of increasing American appeasement in the Mideast have led to fifty years of increasing contempt in the Muslim world for the U.S. The climax was September 11, 2001.
Fifty years ago, Truman and Eisenhower surrendered the West’s property rights in oil, although that oil rightfully belonged to those in the West whose science, technology, and capital made its discovery and use possible. The first country to nationalize Western oil, in 1951, was Iran. The rest, observing our frightened silence, hurried to grab their piece of the newly available loot.
The cause of the U.S. silence was not practical, but philosophical. The Mideast’s dictators were denouncing wealthy egotistical capitalism. They were crying that their poor needed our sacrifice; that oil, like all property, is owned collectively, by virtue of birth; and that they knew their viewpoint was true by means of otherworldly emotion. Our Presidents had no answer. Implicitly, they were ashamed of the Declaration of Independence. They did not dare to answer that Americans, properly, were motivated by the selfish desire to achieve personal happiness in a rich, secular, individualist society.
The Muslim countries embodied in an extreme form every idea—selfless duty, anti-materialism, faith or feeling above science, the supremacy of the group—which our universities, our churches, and our own political Establishment had long been upholding as virtue. When two groups, our leadership and theirs, accept the same basic ideas, the most consistent side wins.” – Leonard Peikoff, “End States Who Sponsor Terrorism”
“From here one understands the true root of the immediate problem—and, as usual, it is not so much Muslims as it is perverse elements dispersed throughout the West. Having turned its back on its founding faith, a moribund culture—typified by nihilism, hedonism, cynicism, and, as such, dropping birth rates—simply has little worth living for and gives way to a more zealous one.”
Mr. Ibrahim, you are either a very dishonest, very ignorant, or very evil man. Which one are you? Christianity did not give the West reason, logic, science, and capitalism — a man of your high level of education should know this, a man of your level of intelligence should be able to understand that.
The Cult of Jesus plummeted the West into the one-thousand years of the Christian Dark Ages. It was only when Thomas Aquinas introduced the rational philosophy of Aristotle to the Platonist Christian Dark Ages that the stranglehold that the Cult of Jesus had on the Western mind began to lose its grip and the Renaissance (the rebirth of reason) began.
An educated philosopher or intellectual who advocates a return to serious, devout, complete, and comprehensive Christianity should know and fully understand that he is advocating for a return to a totalitarian Christian theocracy and a return to the Christian Dark Ages. That’s why I unabashedly claim that you are either dishonest, ignorant, or evil.
A Muslim Dark Age, a Communist Dark Age, a Fascist Dark Age, a Nazi Dark Age, or a Christian Dark Age — those are five totalitarian tyrannies and Dark Ages without a damn difference.
You can also add to those a Hindu Dark Age and a Buddhist Dark Age because when men abandon reason for any form of unreason what they get is a Dark Age of Unreason.
“What — or who — ended the Middle Ages? My answer is: Thomas Aquinas, who introduced Aristotle, and thereby reason, into medieval culture. In the thirteenth century, for the first time in a millennium, Aquinas reasserted in the West the basic pagan approach. Reason, he said in opposition to Augustine, does not rest on faith; it is a self-contained, natural faculty, which works on sense experience. Its essential task is not to clarify revelation, but rather, as Aristotle had said, to gain knowledge of this world. Men, Aquinas declared forthrightly, must use and obey reason; whatever one can prove by reason and logic, he said, is true. Aquinas himself thought he could prove the existence of God, and he thought that faith is valuable as a supplement to reason. But this did not alter the nature of his revolution. His was the charter of liberty, the moral and philosophical sanction, which the West had desperately needed. His message to mankind, after the long ordeal of faith, was in effect: “It’s all right. You don’t have to stifle your mind anymore. You can think.”
The result, in historical short order, was the revolt against the authority of the Church, the feudal breakup, the Renaissance. Renaissance means “rebirth,” rebirth of reason and man’s concern with this world. Once again, as in the pagan era, we see secular philosophy, natural science, man-glorifying art, and the pursuit of earthly happiness. It was a gradual, tortuous change, with each century becoming more worldly than the preceding, from Aquinas to the Renaissance to the Age of Reason to the climax and end of this development: the eighteenth century, the Age of Enlightenment. This was the age in which America’s founding fathers were educated and in which they created the United States.
The Enlightenment represented the triumph (for a short while anyway) of the pagan Greek, and specifically of the Aristotelian, spirit. Its basic principle was respect for man’s intellect and, correspondingly, the wholesale dismissal of faith and revelation. Reason the Only Oracle of Man, said Ethan Allen of Vermont, who spoke for his age in demanding unfettered free thought and in ridiculing the primitive contradictions of the Bible. “While we are under the tyranny of Priests,” he declared in 1784, “. . . it ever will be their interest, to invalidate the law of nature and reason, in order to establish systems incompatible therewith.”
Elihu Palmer, another American of the Enlightenment, was even more outspoken. According to Christianity, he writes, God “is supposed to be a fierce, revengeful tyrant, delighting in cruelty, punishing his creatures for the very sins which he causes them to commit; and creating numberless millions of immortal souls, that could never have offended him, for the express purpose of tormenting them to all eternity.” The purpose of this kind of notion, he says elsewhere, “the grand object of all civil and religious tyrants . . . has been to suppress all the elevated operations of the mind, to kill the energy of thought, and through this channel to subjugate the whole earth for their own special emolument.” “It has hitherto been deemed a crime to think,” he observes, but at last men have a chance — because they have finally escaped from the “long and doleful night” of Christian rule, and have grasped instead “the unlimited power of human reason” — “reason, which is the glory of our nature.” ” – Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff, “Religion versus America”
Another idiot who probably never read a book about the reich,. THX1138.. How creative.
What’s your opinion of Shamanism?
What a boatload of worse than useless claptrap.
The ones you claim drove the world into darkness were NOT faithful followers of Jesus. They may have used His name, but did NOT adhere to his teachings. Same problem today. Those were the guys that made of what was once the church into a busienss or a natioin-building cause.
Return to the simple teachings of the bible, particularly the letters of Paul and some others, that paints a very diffferent picture.
Yes, a new “dark age” is upon us, but its roots are a wholesale rejection of what Jesus came to do, and what He has said.
An empty drum is always the noisiest!
All the philosophers in the world would still be debating the nature of man while ordinary people would have no idea or care much of their pronouncements.
It was the entrepreneurial spirit of Gutenberg, the invention of movable type and paper technology that lit the spark of economical transfer of knowledge and invention that lifted the veil of ignorance and caused the Renaissance.
WOW!!! Hot winded much?! 😝🙄🤦♀️
Same situation as described in the recent FrontPage article on France. The Danes are contracepting and aborting themselves to oblivion. And their abandonment of the Christian faith tends to lead to an inability to reason – a lack of understanding and foresight on what open borders will do.
Yes Patrick….”inability to reason”, as you say.. In IICorinthians 4:3-4 and several other places in the Bible it mentions that those who fall away from the one true God, those who worship false gods (money, pleasure, power, self), they will be ‘blinded from the truth’. That blindness is rampant in the world today.
People, fall on your knees before God and repent of your sins, in Jesus’ name.
I think it was bout fifteen years ago, maybe slightly more or less, but a guy names Mark Steyn wrote a book on precisely this topic. He presented statistics and numbers, projected them forward, and declared that precisely what we see here would happen within a couple decades. He cited Franc’s live birth rate per woman of childbearing age, which was, if memory serves, around point six per woman, about one third the rate necessary to maintwin present populations.
the name of that book is America Alone. Sadlyv it seems his prediction that Americ would continue having enuogh children to at least manitain then levels, but that has not happened. We are maybe ten years behind where he predicted France would be now.And he precisely called the root of the worldwide takeover by moslems as locals NOT having children in sufficient nubmers to even maintain, and moslems veraging fove to six children per woman of childbearing age.
I read his numbers and predictioins, and figured he pretty closely had it. Time has borne him out as bring VERY accurate.
No one of any consequence paid him any mind. He’s been ignored, but his predictions ARE coing to pass, raidly in many areas.
You might also be interested in my work on the ideological reasons for the submission of the West to Islamists and those Muslims who tolerate this. The book is called The Ideological Path to Submission… and what we can do about it. Available on Amazon.
What malice-filled Islamic gall the Muslim had to yell out “We will exterminate you.” to that Danish man.
First , to be a foreign who was welcomed to enter the nation of Denmark and then shout out such a horrible statement to a natural Danish citizen, This shows who ungrateful many of those Muslim immigrant actually are
That should serve as a ” reality check” and a “wake up call” to all those naive and smiling Europeans as those seen on a photograph who are standing together holding up a banner that has the words printed on it .”Welcome Refugees – You Are Not Dangerous.”
Sadly those Europeans might discover the hard and bitter way that a terrible number of those foreign Muslim “refugees” are very dangerous.
Which is a reminder of the fable of Aesop with the title of THE FARMER AND THE VIPER . So here it is.
“Once in ancient Greece on a very cold winter day a farmer left his house to walk to the storage shed to get something. On the way he came upon a viper that was freezing to death from the cold. The kind and well meaning but foolings farmer actually felt sorry for it ,so he picked that creature up a put it in his vest pocket to warm it up and save its life.
So the viper revived from the warmth and then bit the farmer who had rescued it and the naive farmer who had helped it dies a slow and painful death for his action of kindness towards to viper.”
The lesson is no amount of kindness will chance an evil and destructive nature. Many of those Muslim migrants have that awful wicked nature because of their religion with is Islam.
Second, that Muslim man threat to the Danish man of “We will exterminate you.” is based on the fact the Muslim couples are having more children than Danish couples. As in victory by and through the numbers.”
That idea of Islamic “victory by numbers ” may also apply to the other nations of Europe.
Terrible, yes but not necessary a total disaster. For this leads to another fable of Aesop entitled THE LIONESS AND THE VIXEN. So here it is.
“Once there was a lioness and a female vexen who are both bragging about their children as mother’s sometimes do.
The vixen bragged that she “has many children but the lioness has only one.” The lioness to that replied Yes, but he’s a lion.”
The meaning of that fable is the important thing is quality is better than quantity.
Statistics show that 91% of terrorist attacks that occurs in Europeans countries are Islamic.
The sad and tragic reality of jihad-minded Muslims migrants who live in the Denmark and the nations of continental Europe who engage in Islamic suicide/homicide bombings attacks is for a large part, the outcome the extreme brainwashing that is performed in Islamic mind programming centers, which are mosques and madrasas.
In those jihad mind control places students are thoroughly indoctrinated into the jihadist mindset of committing murderous bombing attacks in the jihad for the advancement of Islam. As Islam’s “holy book,” the Quran instructs in 9:111. , for example, “The believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain they kill and are killed.” Therefore, those who come out of those Quran based mind programming centers. mosque and madrasas, are so terribly harmed and damaged that they are literally, as it has been rightfully called, “dangerous to self and others.” This results in jihad suicide /homicide attack in which those jihadists who commit such murderous actions are so very deluded that they think of that jihad mass murders as “martyrdom operations.” This is Islamic delusion of the most heinous and malicious kind.
This may be, somewhat, explained by the narrative from the fable of Aesop which is entitled THE SCORPION AND THE FROG So “Once upon a time there was a scorpion who really wanted to get to the other side of the river, but he could not swim. Therefore, the scorpion begged a frog to carry him on his back across the river. The kind but foolish frog agreed and then half-way across the river the scorpion stung the frog. In shock and horror, the dying frog asks the scorpion “Why did you sting me since this means that we both are going to die” The scorpion replied “The reason that I stung you even though we both will now die is because that just what a scorpion, by nature, does.”
In conclusion, just as that scorpion in the fable had proven himself by the dangerous and deadly, to self and others, because of his nature. The violent and murderous jihadists of Islam are as that scorpion, dangerous so self and other because they is their nature because they have been thought programmed in the ways of the violent and murdering jihad of Islam. As always stated above ,this is the sad and tragic reality of Islamic terrorism in today’s world.
Having been born, raised, educated and employed in NYC, I have some experience with peoples of many races, religions, national origins, cuisines, behavioral norms. While I readily agree that not all of any group are hostile to and/or seek to replace the European groups, when push comes to shove and lines are drawn, they will almost always side with their “landsmen”, their own, familiar ethnicity/religion/culture. No matter who is technically or legally right or wrong. It is anchored in Biology and will never change. Whitey better wise up. Or find other arrangements.
Those Muslim migrants who were allowed to enter the countries of Western Europe which resulted in them not only being ungrateful but even worse yet many of those Muslim migrants becoming so very arrogant to the point that they became criminals. As in some of them engaged in rioting and even rapes of the European girls and women.
In addition to this vile brutal behavior by the heinous Muslim who were kindly permitted to enter the nations of Europe to live, As the countries of, for example Germany France, Sweden, Denmark etc. This unthankful Islamic spirit on the part of those lawless violent Muslims who immigrated to the countries of Europe may be explain, in part, by the fact that the Muslim fundamentalist group that even had the president of Egypt assassinated in the month of October of the year 1981 has a fifty –five booklet that is was written only for Muslims fundamentalists but was later discover by non-Muslims.
This booklet’s title is THE NEGLECTED DUTY. One scholar, Johannes Jansen who had thoroughly investigated Islam and Islamic terrorism has even discover that those Muslims, who had entered Europe of behaved in violent and heinous ways, are actually action out what they view and a sacred individual duty of the jihad as by engaging in awful violent criminal action in non-Muslim lands. As Jansen revealed that jihad booklet of Islam, THE NEGLECTED DUTY “contains all the ideological material needed to justify the attacks of 9/11 or any other acts of terror committed to frighten non-Muslims. And he thinks the document explains the criminal behavior of suburban and center –city immigrant youngsters in many European cities; its author clearly ‘sees Islam as license to kill rob and commit arson.’ “ [1]
Nevertheless, many of the apologists for Islam still have that blatant gall, in spite of all the facts of reality, to actually make the claim the Islam is a “peaceful religion.” What a totally false to make that Islam is “a peaceful religion “What Bull! A “peaceful religion” indeed.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq pages 308, 309.
Those Muslim migrants who were allowed to enter the countries of Western Europe which resulted in them not only being ungrateful but even worse yet many of those Muslim migrants becoming so very arrogant to the point that they became criminals. As in some of them engaged in rioting and even rapes of the European girls and women.
In addition to this vile brutal behavior by the heinous Muslim who were kindly permitted to enter the nations of Europe to live, As the countries of, for example Danmark Germany France, Sweden, etc. This unthankful Islamic spirit on the part of those lawless violent Muslims who immigrated to the countries of Europe may be explain, in part, by the fact that the Muslim fundamentalist group that even had the president of Egypt assassinated in the month of October of the year 1981 has a fifty –five booklet that is was written only for Muslims fundamentalists but was later discover by non-Muslims.
This booklet’s title is THE NEGLECTED DUTY. One scholar, Johannes Jansen who had thoroughly investigated Islam and Islamic terrorism has even discover that those Muslims, who had entered Europe of behaved in violent and heinous ways, are actually action out what they view and a sacred individual duty of the jihad as by engaging in awful violent criminal action in non-Muslim lands. As Jansen revealed that jihad booklet of Islam, THE NEGLECTED DUTY “contains all the ideological material needed to justify the attacks of 9/11 or any other acts of terror committed to frighten non-Muslims. And he thinks the document explains the criminal behavior of suburban and center –city immigrant youngsters in many European cities; its author clearly ‘sees Islam as license to kill rob and commit arson.’ “ [1]
Nevertheless, many of the apologists for Islam still have that blatant gall, in spite of all the facts of reality, to actually make the claim the Islam is a “peaceful religion.” What a totally false to make that Islam is “a peaceful religion “What Bull! A “peaceful religion” indeed.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq pages 308, 309.
Ya know, the Western Christian WOMEN might be so much more enthused about having THEIR BABIES if the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION wasn’t SUPPRESSING the SCIENCE that would INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD of SUCCESSFUL BIRTHING….
As it is, there’s a damn horrifying 1 chance in 5 of STILL BIRTH in the AMA protocol of Obstetrics… could be near ZERO if they were not suppressing what is needed…
Plus the frightful probability of BIRTH DEECTS, also a product of the AMA SUPPRESSION OF SCIENCE… on top of which is the EVIL VACCINATING OF NEW BORNS for sexual disease… in the USA, not Japan et al…….
Add to that the fact tha those who practiced the ORTHOMOLECULAR USE OF ASCORBATES IN PREGNANCY had shorter and less painful DELIVERIES… and NO HEMORRHAGING either……
Just sayin…. of the published 323 CONSECUTIVE CLIENTS’ cases in the original article by the Ascorbate enthusiastic doctor — Fredrich Robert Klenner — those were the results…
Do what you will with these FACTS… Example case…
Denmark like Sweden are waking up too late to the Islamic wave that has swept their countries.Denmark has almost a Million Muslims in a population of 6 Million, Sweden is in worse shape , 20 % of their 10.5 citizens are Muslims
Ephesians 6:12…