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Maybe Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is playing 5D chess and everyone else is simply picking their noses. And maybe picking Oklahoma Senator James Lankford to negotiate on behalf of Republicans was a stroke of genius – he was just reelected in 2022, so any anger he inspires will likely dissipate before he faces voters again. And just maybe McConnell knew that any deal would be unacceptable to Republicans because Democrats want open borders, so he set up this scenario so he could claim to have tried, then will separate out the foreign aid part, which is all he really cares about. Maybe. But I don’t care. A message needs to be sent here that we, the people, do not want a “deal” on the border, we want a border. A border that is vigorously enforced, and we want a government that deports everyone here illegally. And we want it done quickly.
Expect Democrats to start whining about how they “gave up” the idea of amnesty and citizenship for the illegal aliens already here is some sort of “compromise.” But they didn’t. Citizenship is their ultimate goal, and as long as the illegals are here, it’s still on the table for the future.
But their immediate need is to flood the zone for federal aid distribution and Congressional district redrawing purposes.
See, thanks to Democrats, immigrants count in the census, and their status – either being here illegally or legally – has no impact on what our government does with those numbers. Federal aid to cities and states is disbursed by population, not citizen population, so more illegals means more money; it means states get to gerrymander differently to protect Democrat congressional seats. These people are evil, not stupid.
This bill is an embarrassment to anyone interested in securing our border.
Democrats, after years of insisting there was no crisis at the border, that it was secure and Republicans were simply fearmongering on the issue, have now switched to, “If you want a secure border, this bill creates one.” If the second statement is true, the first one can’t be. If the first statements were true, the second one is a lie.
Of course, we know Democrats have been lying all along; they have no interest in a secure border because an open one serves their purposes. So, they lie about everything.
Democrats have to lie because the truth does them no favors. “Illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than Americans do.” That’s an easy claim to make because Democrats forbid the collection of data to prove it in states they control and on the federal level. That it can’t be proven isn’t what matters, that it can’t be disproven is all that does.
They do this everywhere. “Crime is actually down,” is another one of their lies. Violent crime is up, as is assault and sex crimes. What’s “down” is property crimes and theft, largely because there’s no point in reporting them since liberal prosecutors won’t prosecute the criminals. It’s not like the crimes aren’t happening, it’s that people are being conditioned by Soros-funded prosecutors to not bother calling the cops anymore unless someone is dead, sexually assaulted or beaten. It’s like if you killed all the sick people, then threw yourself a parade for having such a healthy population.
Most of what Democrats say is wildly dishonest, but few lies are greater than what they say about the border.
This bill, they insist, will require the President to shut down the border if they catch 5,000 illegals, on average, for 7 days.
First, would you trust this administration with accurately counting and reporting those numbers? Second, this provision, which is still incredibly weak, can be waived by the President in case of an “emergency.” What constitutes an emergency is open to anything a President thinks it to be – like, say, a bunch of illegal aliens crashing to border. Yes, it’s that stupid.
It also creates a new “right” for illegals to get lawyers, and uses our tax money (actually our great grandkids’ credit cards, because our tax money is already spent) to pay for it. We pay for their lawyers, those liberal lawyers donate to Democrats, Democrats keep funding lawyers for illegals…lather, rinse, repeat – the circle of life in DC.
To hell with all of these people. It needs to be made clear that selling us out will not be tolerated. A bill without any deportation is unacceptable, in fact, only a bill with only deportation and massive fines for anyone who hires them before they’re found is all we’ll accept. The only funding should be for 100,000 (temporary, but for as long as it takes) deputy ICE agents to identify illegals to ICE itself and for flights out of the country. Where they want to go does not matter, just out of here. Let where they land deal with the rest.
It also needs to eliminate funding for any state that allows illegals to collect any welfare benefits that receive federal tax dollars. States can do what they want with their money, they don’t get the same ability with federal money.
And end birthright citizenship, period. It was never meant to be that way and everyone knows it, kill it now and forever.
Washington, DC, can choke on this bill. In fact, they can choke on every bill. Any and all patience or caring about illegal immigrants is gone, the American people are sick of it and all they lying about it. Get the illegals out, or get the politicians who enable it or who are even slightly soft on it, out.
I get that this will lead to nothing changing, but better no deal than a counter-productive bad one.
Until then, avoid places that employ illegals, or allow them to congregate in their parking lots looking for under-the-table work. Metaphorically spit on the politicians who protect them, blow off any friends who support them. As a Catholic, join me in stopping giving money to the church to enable them, whatever your church. Be done with it. Anyone, any group or organization “welcoming” illegals is giving you the finger, give it right back. They’re only able to do what they do because we engage in commerce with them. Stop it.
This is a time for choosing, Americans or not? There is no tie, it’s one or the other. Until we can get rid of the welcome mats in our own party, and the enablers in theirs, we have to enforce the line that needs to be drawn the best way we can, with our wallets and then our votes.
No dice, no deal; deportations. The time for deals is over, they had their chance and blew it. This isn’t the start of negotiations, it’s the end of them. We’ll see where the American people really are in November. Until then, nothing.
Before you sign the Contract be sure you read the Fine Print
Nyfarmer says
Such is NOT what the ruling class is advocating. Boston City Council woman Julia Mejia has proposed MANDATING the placement of ‘migrants’ in private residences. (Review scene from Dr Zhivago here!) Affluent communities must ‘share responsibility’ for the ‘asylum’ seekers. – Note the doublespeak – illegal immigrant, to migrant, and now to asylum seeker.
Progressives ALWAYS outline what they want done! Most do not pay much attention until to late!
Ullr Rey says
Democrats have found a way around the law and maybe the Constitution by changing the meaning of words. “Marriage’ for instance used to mean between a and a woman. Newer dictionaries are more inclusive. Judge must feel the pressure to make judgements based on current dictionary definitions. Use the succinct legal term ‘illegal alien’ and Yahoo News will not print one’s comment. Social media sites are ramping up their algorithms to screen out conservative viewpoints this election year..
This article correctly points out that the discussion should not just be about setting a goal of how many illegal aliens should be allowed in daily. It should be about how many we need to push back across the border daily., If, for instance, 5,000 illegals were returned on planes and busses daily to wherever they entered the Country, it would take about 3.5 years just to remove the first 6M Biden let in. Imagine how the army of Obama and Biden appointed judges are going to deal with that.
Alternatively, we could punish employers with heavy fines and prison time for hiring illegals since e-verify is an option. Imprisoning the CEO’s of meat packing and other companies would make it more reasonable to hire Americans or invest in labor saving technologies. Without employment options, many illegal would find their own way back home.
Joseph Gates says
We must get back to accurate word definition. Properly defined. Illegal aliens are not undocumented migrants. Transgender women are not women. Ever. Protester are not Insurrectionists . Systemic racism does not exist in a country where nearly every major city is controlled by minorities, from mayors to police commissioners. Until we recognize by law that an illegal alien cannot have a baby on American soil and expect citizenship the gamed, corrupt system will continue.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
They are illegal aliens, period, by federal law.
The FIRST item of Julia’s business will be to place a few illegal aliens, maybe a felon or two since they are invited in here too, into her cozy NY home. IF that works out, then next will be the homes of her family.
Ed Snider says
A nation cannot survive when one of its major political parties is bent on its destruction. Deporting wetbacks is a fine idea. Deporting Demorats is a better one.
Skipping Dog says
Yeah, opting out of the various asylum treaties, ignoring our asylum laws, and attempting to deport 25 million people will be easy as pie. /s
Tionico says
Well, Skippy, you need to do some homework. the percentage of all individuals who have, have attempted to, or entered, this nation in the past five years who actually qualify as a true assylee has quite a large string of zeroes to the right of the decimal point and before the first integer. And the poohbahs :in charge” know it full well. They are playing scrabble with the laws, no intention of enforcing them. At all at all.
Chris Shugart says
It’s come to this has it? Since when does it require a “deal” in order to enforce the law? Next thing we’ll be seeing is a senate bill to address violent assaults which will lay out a compromise as to whom to arrest, whom to prosecute, and whom to sentence. It’s just the same old metaphor; the ship is sinking, and all the bureaucrats can to is rearrange the deck chairs.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
They are specifically instructed to claim “asylum” even when it is clearly not their reason. They are being coached on what to say and to NOT speak to certain people here. This is a planned MOVEMENT.
Tionico says
Any bill purporting to address this travesty MUST also include string provisions for very painful consequences for anyone caught who is involved in the planning, logistics, and promoting/publicising of enabling the massive caravans and groups bringing these hordes from wherever they used to live and up to our borders to then enter our country. WHO are buying all those bus and plane trips, WHO are managing the collection bases just on the other side the line?
Personally I hold that those yanks performing those asks need to be charged with treason.. enabling a foreign invasion of our territory.
Ugly Sid says
Is it not true the State Department runs a website instructing migration criminals how to complete a “plausible” asylum application?
We cannot honor a singleton application. They should be rejected en masse, and the prevaricating applicants summarily removed.
As non-citizens they lack access to our courts, or any aspect of our polity. That is exactly the point.
TRex says
They had no problem asking for 87,000 new IRS agents but they can’t seem to find the money to provide border protection. Don’t pay your taxes and you get a SWAT team at your door. Sneak into the country illegally (or more likely, be welcomed in by a border agent) and get a credit card, airline ticket and a hotel room. What’s wrong with this picture?
Jojo says
I want Mitch McConnell and his Chinese wife deported too. Let him go live in China, the land that pays him and that he loves so much.