Think of all the things that please you that would not be possible in a world ruled by Islam. The other day I made a list of 31 songs and routines that have pleased, amused, or enchanted me, and after I had listened to them again, I could not imagine even one of them being produced, much less tolerated, in a society where Islam dominates, and Muslims rule.
The accepted carefree and amusing and tender relations of men to women, as variously expressed in these pieces, would horrify Muslims. So would the aplomb and self-assurance of the women, none of whom are the least bit submissive in their approach to men. Their costumes would clearly violate the Muslim prohibitions on dress. Their dances would appall. And the humor in many of these songs would be anathema to the agelasts of Islam.
Ayatollah Khomeini was not alone in declaring that “there is no fun in Islam.” Finally, the musical instruments that were used to make all of this music violate Muhammad’s insistence that musical instruments are forbidden:
Love Is Good For Anything That Ails You
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
There was and is no fun in Judaism or Christianity either. Not when those religions are true to themselves. Not when they are practiced SERIOUSLY.
It was only after the Renaissance (the rebirth of Aristotelian reason) shattered Judeo-Christian mysticism that Europeans slowly came back to life and discovered that life wasn’t so tragic after all, that life could enjoyed.
The vast majority of today’s modern Christians and Jews are highly secularized. In any conflict between reason and faith they overwhelmingly choose reason. In other words they implicitly view this life on earth as superior to life after death. They pay lip-service to the possibility of an after-life but their actions speaking louder than words are all about the pursuit of happiness here on earth.
“The Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was a conscious rebellion against the anti-human, otherworldly values of medieval Christendom.” – Objectivist Historian Mary Ann Sures
“When Americans banned Christmas”
Now do “Woke.” i.e. Communism/Leftism/Socialism/Progressivism . . .
They laugh, of course. You know the source: “There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness.”
No Christian or Jew laughed for the first millennium and a half of Christianity? What a fantastical assertion.
No, we practice our faith seriously and have an awful lot of fun doing it. I think you may have an essentially bigoted view of religion?
What was there to laugh about during the one-thousand years of the Judeo-Christian Dark Ages? The Black Death?
Take a look at the art of the Judeo-Christian Dark Ages, when the religion was actually taken seriously, and what that art signifies about that culture of SERIOUS Judeo-Christianity.
“Metaphysics In Marble” by Mary Ann Sures
“The Black Death”? sigh
I hope you will understand if I continue to take my religion seriously while not taking your critique very seriously? You will forgive me if I find your focus rather tendentious.
And that’s why we don’t want them forcing Islam and their Sharia Laws upon us keep it to themselves
“Christianity on Trial,” Arguments Against Anti-Christian Bigotry” by Vincent Carroll and David Shiflett
Perhaps they can help you to learn something more about Christian history than “the Black Death”?