On the day when the “moral police” was beating Mahsa Amini, they could not have imagined that her shed blood would engulf the religious authority system like the way it did.
Mahsa Amini was a 22-year-old innocent Kurdish girl from Saqqez, western Iran, was taken to the hospital after being arrested and tortured by the “moral police” in Tehran and died on Friday 16 September in Kasra hospital. Now 4 days after, this cowardly act has angered all of Iran and the international community.
A member of the American National Security Council in the White House on Monday September 19 said: “The United States wants the Iranian government to be accountable for the death of an Iranian woman who was arrested and killed in Tehran last week on the grounds that she was “badly veiled”.
“While expressing his sympathy to the family of Mahsa (Jina) Amini, this American official said: “We share the grief of Mahsa’s family and loved ones.”
Addressing the Iranian government, he said that the Iranian regime must stop violence against women and stop limiting their basic freedoms and must also be held accountable for Mahsa’s death.
Now, from Tehran to London, Washington, Paris, …, everyone is protesting the unjustly shed blood.
NCRI’s (National Council of resistance of Iran) president, Mrs Maryam Rajavi tweeted:
“The clerical regime’s misogyny takes a toll on Iranian women and girls daily. The brutal beating of #MahsaAmini, a young Kurdish girl, by the so-called “moral police” was outrageous and appalling to every human being.”
After a long period of silence, Iranian universities have now risen and raised their voices against this cruelty and violence against Mahsa Amini and all the women of Iran. Following Tehran University, AmirKabir University, Melli University, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tarbiat Modares University, and Isfahan University have become the scene of student uprising and protest. And other universities will also rise.
The unjustly shed blood of Mahsa Amani’s and the unquenchable anger of the people of Iran and the international community have put the government leaders in a difficult position. Raisi left today for New York for the first time to speak at the United Nations General Assembly. Undoubtedly, the murder of Mahsa and the uprising of the Iranian people will cast a heavy shadow on his entire journey and make him more scandalous. To the extent that some of the regime’s leaders talk about the necessity of disbanding the Irshad (guidance) patrol!
Although everyone knows that the perpetrators of this murder will never be brought to trial, the very nature of these words and retreats against the initial denials shows the regime’s weakness in the face of public anger.
This issue has led to more confusion and disunity among the regime itself, and even many regime’s officials are trying to distance themselves from this crime. Some figures of the Khamenei gang and their newspapers tried to part away from this crime.
As it can be seen from the widespread condemnation of this crime at the global level, this incident will seriously trouble the heads of the regime.
The blood money of Mahsa Amini is the freedom of Iran.
Following this crime, people are now protesting to abolish the Irshad (guidance) patrol and discard the mandatory hijab. This is a rightful demand that even some of the dependents of the regime had to acknowledge and were forced to show themselves along with the people’s demand.
But beyond this, what is the real demand of the society, which has been widely reflected in the slogans of the students, is freedom. Freedom from all the shackles of slavery that mullahs’ regime has tied on the hands and feet of Iranians.
And everyone knows the angel of freedom will not rise in this country unless the demon of religious tyranny, namely the religious dictatorship, is swept away from this country with this public anger.
Therefore, the Iranian regime should be prepared for more violent storms. What happened to Mahsa Amini is a drop and a crystallization of 44 years of oppression that has happened to Iranian women in the Mullahs’ dungeons, and Mahsa’s blood materialized this public anger in the form of protest.
BLSinSC says
Other than the actual beatings, what difference is there between Iran’s treatment of “dissidents” and what the Biden Administration is doing to the Jan. 6th sightseers?? And where was the outrage over the blood of Ashli Babbett?? Should we be ready to not FORGET and NOT FORGIVE?? I do hope this LATEST horror from Iran will be the tipping point, but the “big guy” has his 10 PERCENT to look after!
Cat says
As soon as I read that the United States condemned this act, I thought “What?!?!?l Beating if women by police?!” And the name Ashli Babbitt comes to mid. And Boylan’s and now I hear of one additional life-threatening, vicious beating of a woman by capital police in which the woman did survive. So, that’s 3 beatings by police of women on Jan 6!! Who told the police to kill women that day? Why women?
The issue of the regime in Iran is serious to the Iranian people and has implications to the world, yes.
The issue of the current regime in America, similarly affects everyone.
Tellingly, we are inhibited from rioting. And sadly, shamefully , our generation of college students seems to support the tyrants.
Mo de Profit says
And the democrats will still vote for democrats and the Iranian muslims will still turn up in their mosques with segregated prayers and the U.N. will condemn Israel whilst ignoring this death.
David Palmer says
The Obama crew did nothing when Neda Agha-Soltan was murdered by the regime back in 2009 during rigged Iranian elections. Now another weak democrat is in the White House and will almost certainly do nothing as well. Here’s another attempt for the remnants of the Green Movement to take back their country from the lunatics. Will America help this time?
David Ray says
Unfortunately *Biden isdoing something; he’s making every effort to reward this tyrannical regime more than B. Hussein did when he flew pallets of cash to the mullahs.
After his disgraceful abandment of Afghanistan leaving our enemies billions in war material, he’s thinking “Hey. I gave-it-away-now to the islamist scum in Afghanistan, so why not reward the Iranian regime with more billions currently sending assassins to our soil?”
Antimo says
Recent events on the world news scene have rekindled my opinion that the time has come for the entire civilized world to declare that the so-called religion of Islam is far less a religion and far more a system of government and a way of life that is totally incompatible with what the remainder of the planet considers civilized and acceptable.
I believe that all Muslims in the United States should be returned to their country of origin and banned from Western nations and the United States in particular, forever. Americans who have blindly converted to Islam will be told that public profession of Islamic values would be considered as treasonous speech.
Since we here in the United States have declared that this nation will offer and guarantee freedom to practice any religion, we must first declare our national opinion and belief that Islam does not qualify as a religion and that it is a system of living that denies freedom or equality for its women and subjects its members to the will will and interpretation of ancient texts by certain appointed men who run their government and society. It is no more a religion than Communism or Socialism and is unquestionably at war with everything we hold dear in the U.S. of A.
When one considers that the holy book of Islam is full of contradictions on nearly every topic and that supporting texts such as the Quran, Sunnah and Hadith are equally guilty in this manner, it is entirely too easy for a person to declare almost anything in the way of a rule of desired practice and be able to quote chapter and verse in one or more of the holy references to justify it, there is no consistency and virtually anything goes. About the only consistent view is that women are worthless chattel and men are of supreme authority and power.
We claim to be a nation that holds our own truths and conventions to be nothing short of sacred, yet we allow others to invade our land and act in opposition to these values without fear of being called out for it. In wartime and in years gone by, we guarded fiercely against communism and other nations attempting to alter our lives by sedition, treason and any other devices. Nowadays we allow virtually anything to happen without even raising an eyebrow.
We are a nation of laws and we need desperately to return to a hard nationalistic public face that say, “No More!” We need to expel any and all who would defeat us from within.
Risking the wrath of many, I will also state that, in my opinion, certain behavioral patterns and customs have clearly developed because such behaviors that were once considered manifestations of mental illness. And now we have been coaxed by social pressure to accept deviancy. I have a hard time coming to grips with believing that anything and everything is acceptable. At what point will it end? Will we eventually “evolve” to dispensing with all laws and rules altogether?
Some things should not be universally acceptable!
sumsrent says
“Americans who have blindly converted to Islam will be told that public profession of Islamic values would be considered as treasonous speech.”
And what will we do with those who do speak their islamic profession? Beat them until they die? Like this Iranian woman?
Yeah… enforcing y0ur whacked out beliefs wouldn’t make you any better than the Mullahs of Iran.
ed says
amen to that
Guy Jones says
Sure, the vile Dhimmi-crats and European, dhimmi Leftists will express muted criticism of Amini’s murder for about five minutes. Then, they’ll go back to their usual routine of whitewashing, rationalizing, excusing and enabling the glaring pathologies of the ideology of “Submission” and its most fanatical adherents — supremacism, totalitarianism, misogyny and belligerence towards/violence against non-Muslims.
Walter Sieruk says
That heinously cruel and murderous Islamic tyranny of Iran is very brutal and vicious to the Iranian people. Especially regarding females. Both girls and women.
The murder of Mahso Amini is very sad and tragic and that horrendous evil of her being murdered is because of the oppressive vicious brutal cruel and deadly misogynistic Islamic regime of Iran.
That action of male Muslim who are officials murdering defenseless, helpless women in cold blood is a heinous and hideous has occurred before and if that murderous Islamic regime isn’t overthrown such wicked killing will continue
Another example of such callous despicable heartless anti-female evil is when a teenage girl in Iran was talking to her boyfriend on the phone and then the Islamic state “police” walked over to her and shot her dead. They did that wicked and malicious thing to her because she was talking to her boyfriend, and they also didn’t like her clothing. [1]
That was a clear-cut case of murder and vicious Islamic madness by Iran’s Islamic state “police”, who call themselves the “Revolutionary Guards”, they got away with their hideous and malice –filled evil because the mullahs as well as other villains in power in that tyrannical Islamic regime.
[1] A TIME TO BETRAY by Reza Kahlili page 240
Walter Sieruk says
The vicious murder of Mahso Amini ,of which the misogyny filled Islamic tyranny of Iran is completely responsible for and totally guilty of is a strong reflection of the tyrannical controlling deadly and anti-female religion of Islam.
As revealed by a scholar of Islam who revealed in her book “Control of behavior and disregard for human life are key elements in Islam ideology.” Furthermore, the author also exposed that `” Women is Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt.” [1]
[1] THEY MUST BE STOPPED by Brigitte Gabriel, pages 171,171.
sumsrent says
Who cares!
If she’s gonna be a satanic worshiping muslim… then she’d best OBEY the laws of satanic islam…
We have Christian’s dying everyday because of satanic islam… and never have the world in an uproar over them…
I(f she was any bit of a devout muslim… she would cover her face…
sumsrent says
I have no sympathy for this Drew Barrymore looking pig face piece of slime!
If they have a problem with how Iran handles these women… they can go live in Saudi Barbaria!
If the fake god allah is her god… then she must show respect!
Walter Sieruk says
At least 9 people have been murdered the power of that Islamic regime by the Islamic “police” in their protest against the vicious torture and then murder of a young defenseless helpless woman ,Mahso Anini,,by the so called “morality police” of that brutal and oppressive tyrannical regime of Iran.
Still all that horrendous evil should be of no surprise to anyone knowledgeable the cruel and murderous history of Islamic tyranny of Iran ,since its very beginning with Ita Islamic revolution in 1979.
From that year on it has been nothing but oppressing and death. It’s not going to stop now but continue with its bloody death inflecting and especially since wickedness. Especially since fiend Ebrahim Raisi because that regime’s President.
Even before Rasis this latest murderous in Iran’s President Rasis he has been justifiably accused of being guilty of “crimes against humanity.”
The under the Islamic tyranny of the President of Iran Rasis, would by his callous Sharia law centered mentally be so vicious and murderous to have, this very year from January to March, have more than one hundred people put to death.
That despicable cruel and deadly character Rasis is in reality an inflictor of horrendous injustice. So much so that he has also been, rightly called the “hangman of Iran” which is a very fitting title for him.
For during the 1980’s he was the chief of that Islamic regimes” Death Committee” which was responsible for the murder of many people.
That tyrant of Iran , Rasis , is such a ruthless oppressive deadly fiend of a monster the the people of trapped in his Islamic tyranny live in fear because of him and other high ranking human rights violating Muslims villains in the Islamic regime.
Benjamin Franklin had explained about such awful dictators when he had printed in his periodical entitled POOR RICHARD’S ALMANAC which reads”Those who are feared are also hated.”
Walter Sieruk says
It’s highly unlikely that any of those brave Iranians protesters who are rightly now strongly and courageously opposed to the continued tyranny of that brutal cruel and murderous Islamic regime of that is now in power, and hopefully shakey power, in Iran are aware of the wise Latin saying “Nil carborundum illegitimi ” meaning “Don’t let the bastards grind you down” but those Iranian people are going by the spirit of that old saying by their righteous rebellion against that horrific regime
For those wicked tyrants of that bloody deadly regime really are bastards as Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei along the other ayatollahs and mullahs as well as their Islamic state “police.”
For those bastards ‘morality police” viciously and maliciously beat that helpless defenceless young,woman Mahso Amini to death for a slight infringement of Sharia regarding the proper wearing of her hijab was an horrendous action of evil by them ,therefore they are most despicable malice-filled Muslim villains.
That kind of misogynist murderous evil has occured before by the Islamic bands of those thugs who “police”
As one example of a teenage girl had been murdered by them in cold blood because they didn’t like her clothing. That specfic incited was exposed by a former Revolutionary guard member Reza Kahlili , now living in America in his book A TIME TO BETRAY on page 240.
Furthermore the trapped in and forced to exist in the Islamic dictatorship might not know about the intellect philosopher John Locke , but his ideas do apply to them. For Mr Locke taught that any good good government has the duty to ensure the security and safety of its citizens . Yet when is a tyranny the people in the tyrannical government do have every natural and ethical right to overthrow that terrible and oppressive tyranny/ government.
Walter Sieruk says
There is a old Latin saying that the Iranian people need to heed regarding those wicked oppressive tyrants that they exist under. That saying is ‘nil carborundum illegitimi” Which means “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”
For Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei along with the other ayatollahs and mullahs who al have such terrible influence in Iran’s parliament are all indeed, bastards . Meaning they are all ,as it’s been termed “Bastards of the Devil.”
For such dictators who viciously oppress the people are a reflection of the Bible’s book of Ecclesiastes which in 4:1 reads ” I saw the oppressed – and they have no comforter : power was on the side of their oppressors.” [N.I.V.]
Likewise, in Proverbs 15:15 reads “All the days of the oppressed are wretched.”
David Ray says
Jug-eared Barry & Hillary chided others with some sanctimonious BS that muslim women have a right to wear burkas & hijabs.
Better people than them always knew that what those women wanted was the right to remove those bondage garments.
They’re burning them in protest now. Later the mullahs will burn the protesters – and then resume their financing terrorism with the money sent by *Biden.
Maria Paganini says
Puffy nippled diva-wrestler with soft lips sporting some ivory satin yoga pants ↪️ https://is.gd/kNMnf2