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Do Presidential Medals of Freedom Really Mean Anything?
At a White House ceremony last Saturday, President Biden passed out Presidential Medals of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, with the same profligacy that he dispenses pardons to Death Row inmates. Nineteen recipients ranging from rock singers to fashion designers to the captain of Argentina’s soccer team scored the prestigious award.
The White House wrote in a statement, “These nineteen Americans are great leaders who have made America a better place. They are great leaders because they are good people who have made extraordinary contributions to their country and the world.”
The nineteen “great leaders” included Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour; U2 frontman Bono; fashion designer Ralph Lauren; Lionel Messi, the captain of Argentina’s World Cup-winning soccer team; Oscar-winning actor Denzel Washington; Bill Nye “the Science Guy”; renowned anthropologist Jane Goodall; and late civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer.
Notable among these “individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors” were failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Left-wing billionaire financier George Soros.
It’s bad enough that Bill Nye the Gender Propaganda Guy and climate hysteric Bono get Medals of Freedom, but the vindictive totalitarian Hillary? The woman who publicly smeared more than half the country as “deplorables”? The woman behind too many lethal lies and hoaxes to count in a career devoted to power and the progressive agenda?
And George Soros? The Hungarian-born Democrat megadonor has done immeasurable damage to this country through the far-reaching tentacles of his Open Foundations activist organization and his funding of far-Left, pro-crime judges, prosecutors, and district attorneys all across the country. The 94-year-old, by the way, wasn’t present to receive the award; his son and successor Alex, an even more ambitious ideologue than his father, appeared in his stead (pictured above).
I give a pass to the great actor Denzel Washington, who deserves a Medal of Freedom just for his Equalizer vigilante series alone, but if this honor can go to Democrat shills like Bill Nye and demonstrably evil subversives like George Soros, then it means literally nothing.
Multiculturalism Trumps Feminism – Again
On Bill Maher’s Club Random podcast on Sunday, Two and a Half Men star Jon Cryer refused to make a moral judgment about women under the boot heel of sharia law being required to cover up – demonstrating once again that Leftists will always rank multiculturalism above feminism.
Host Maher had referenced a 60 Minutes report stating that a woman walking through a Muslim neighborhood in London was “screamed at” for wearing a skirt rather than a burqa. The normally liberal Maher told Cryer that “there are places in western civilization that are not run by western standards and that doesn’t mean they’re just different.”
“We should agree that women should be able to wear what they want,” Maher continued. “If you don’t agree with that, you’re not a liberal to begin with.”
But Cryer rejected Maher’s point, noting that there are many places around the world where women don’t have the freedom to dress as they’d like. “In many places they used to get catcalled all the time,” Cryer said, as if a wolf whistle were the same thing as being threatened with stoning for dressing too westernized.
Maher replied, “Would you really want to have your wife live in Gaza or [somewhere else] where she would have to cover up?”
But Cryer would not concede Maher’s point, shrugging, “It’s not my culture.”
“You won’t judge it?” Maher pressed.
“I’m not going to judge it,” Cryer replied. “No.”
Even Maher felt that Cryer’s refusal to make a pretty easy judgment was “crazy woke.”
But it’s not crazy woke. It is the standard progressive position that the capitalist, Judeo-Christian West is the fount of all evil and oppression and exploitation throughout human history, but other cultures – especially Islamic culture – are entirely off-limits to criticism. It is the standard progressive position that it is verboten to make moral judgments of cultures that they perceive to belong to the class that is “oppressed” by Western civilization.
This is why the Left can claim to be allies of the feminist movement but then throw women under the bus when a group or demographic that is higher on the hierarchy of oppression is involved.
Maher should have pressed Cryer further by asking him where he would draw the line at refusing to make a moral judgment. Would Cryer condemn the Taliban for declaring, as they recently did, that women must not be visible even through windows in their own homes? Would he condemn the sharia requirement that women be stoned to death for adultery? At what point would the self-admitted “stupidly woke” Cryer, and millions of other progressives like him, be willing to make a moral judgment about a non-Western culture’s denial of women’s rights?
Black Rage
Among the most pitiable sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome are black female TV pundits like MSNBC’s Joy Reid and The View’s Sunny Hostin, both of whom can be counted on to offer up daily doses of the most unhinged, racist propaganda in all the airwaves. The fact that all their wasted breath has done nothing to halt the momentum of Trump and the MAGA movement has to be personally and professionally devastating for them.
Reid, for example, recently attempted to argue that Trump’s indisputable, fair-and-square reelection is actually “the most violent transfer of power in U.S. history” because it is simply the culmination of an “insurrection” that began on January 6, 2021. As Trump might say: “Sad,” especially because at this point, having lost 47% of her audience since Trump’s reelection, she is merely shouting into the void.
Hostin, for her part, delivered a rant on the ABC gabfest The View in which she absurdly ranked what she called the J6 “insurrection” among the worst moments in American history, including World War II, the Holocaust, and the 9/11 attacks.
Imagine waking up every day and being Joy Reid or Sunny Hostin, especially facing a new Era of Trump. It must be physically and psychically draining to be so consumed by bitter anger and racist hatred, and to have to watch as Trump moves back into the White House and begins to reverse the catastrophic damage wreaked by their fellow progressives. Sad.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
Biden gave the medal to the Democratic puppet master.
George Soros is an embodiment of the antisemitic stereotype of a dirty Jewish banker who wants to control the world.
Only Soros was very much a Jew only according to Hitler. In the old days, Jews who left Judaism and left for other faiths had not been considered Jews. Soros parents changed their names and became Hungarians. By the way, it was the same for Madeleine Albright who never considered herself a Jew.
Soros was as much a Jew as Torquemada. Torquemada came from the Jewish ancestry but had never been considered a Jew.
Soros hates Israel and believes that Israel should not exist. He created and supported many fake Jewish organizations like J Street, Bend the Arc, JVP, IfNotNow.
After 10/07/2023 terrorist attack on Israel, Soros financed pro-Hamas demonstrations and riots in America.
Among other things, Soros dedicated his life to the destruction of the Jewish institutions. He placed his peopled on the pulpits of the Reformed and Conservative Synagogues. He took over Jewish charitable organization and turned them into radical PACs.
His son, who received the medal for him, is continuing his program. See more in this article:
Somewhere between a High school and University many years ago, I had an opportunity to read 1914 edition of History of the Jews by Simon Dubnov. One story really impressed me. Here is its English translation.
“In that same year (1146) … the testimony of an apostate Jew named Theobald of Cambridge, who related that Jews of various cities of Europe gathered annually and cast lots as to which Christian child should be “offered as a sacrifice” before Passover.”
I didn’t know what demons possessed this monk, but from that time, I learned that such monsters exist and that they appear among Jews in every generation.
In the old days, they converted first before spreading their venom. In our secular times, they claim that they are Jews even if they really converted to Arafatism. We cannot understand them. We just have to recognize them.
There is no space here to mention all other evil deeds of Soros.
Saw a small portion of the Maher/ obtuse Cryer interview. At one point an obviously exasperated Maher said to him “I shouldn’t talk politics with you “. Now he knows how we feel.
Giving Medals to Soros and Nye as well as Hillary is Pure Politics not anything of Merrit and Treason and Globalism by Biden
That picture of Hillary Clinton grinning as Biden stood behind her putting on the Medal of Freedom looked like a scene from the horror movie “SMILE.”
Check out this award clip… Not sure what that Son-of-a-Soros is on, but notice how sketchy he is while receiving the award from Biden.
Looks like he’s tweaking and extremely paranoid.
“Do Presidential Medals of Freedom Really Mean Anything?”
Not really. It is basically empty gestures by Leftists for other Leftists intent on destroying our Republic.
After the Jan. 20th no one will care or remember who got these B.S. awards
Thanks to Biden the medals mean nothing. Howie Carr reported yesterday that while walking his dog downtown (somewhere in FL) someone was handing out free Presidential Medals. He took two, one for himself and one for his dog. Sometimes you gotta laugh.
Good point.
Leftists don’t weigh merit in any decisions they make, and as such, only calculate how best to advance a lie.
Whenever a leftist, walking corpse hands out those awards, they go to shills, idiots, grifters, and Nazi enablers.
The Nobel Peace Prize has greater stench, as they are only ever handed out by America-hating quislings.
Yes, Denzel Washington is the only one worthy of the award.
“The Equalizer Part three” is a great movie. I love the way the character fell in love with that little Italian town. I fell in love with it too and I’ve never even been there.
I once saw him on TV where he asked how much a hospital or veteran’s place or whatever needed to keep going. He signed a check for a million bucks I think, right then and there.
Now, that’s a man.
You’d probably get a kick outta a video of Denzel seated with a Meryl Streep & liar Katie Couric.
YouTube makes sure it hard to find, because it shows the shock on Streep & Couric’s faces when Denzel denounced the bullshit Moore film Fahrenheit 911. (July, 2004 interview.)
They’d had expected him to join the smooze fest, but got a rebuke instead. (Whoops!)
I do think Jane Goodall was deserving!
There’s something extremely filthy about Jon Cryer.
I could easily see him luring children into a van with candy.
(I had no idea that timid fool was married to a woman.)
Anyway, it’s nice to know the effeminate prick would be copacetic with a grooming gang of muslims accosting his wife.
The smug bitch, jug-eared Barry once admonished us that a muslim woman should be free to wear what she wants.
He’s very pro burka & hijab.
What the little prick fails to understand is that muslim women dare not even think of using liberty to wear western clothing.
(They will wear the hijab/burka and wear it correctly, or else!)
Mahsa Amini was beaten to death because the religion-of-peace doesn’t allow such liberties.
Jug-eared Barry gave mild lip-service to the protests that followed.
The Ayatollahs weren’t too bothered by it – they were too busy spending the billions Barry sent them.
Presidential Freedom Medals , yep hand them out to any and all who agree with you and wish to destroy our nation . Of course it is just another excuse for Biden to go out in public and make it all about himself . Wonder why he didn’t award any to the convicts he pardoned ? One would ask , what has Hillary Clinton done to receive this award ? And what has Georgie “The SoreAss” Soros ever done ? To call him a banker is generous , This guy was a Nazi Collaborator during his youth spent as both lover to the camp commandant and the accountant keeping track of the wealth stolen from his fellow Jewish prisoners . A man born into the faith of God’s Chosen People and a supporter of those who would continue to attempt to wipe the Jews from the earth . The man is so contemptible that his native Hungary has a reward for his arrest , Russia has a reward of one million dollars on his head and no doubt Israel would love to arrest him as well for crimes against the people . The only reason the Mossad hasn’t moved against him is because Obama gave him citizenship .
I guess in making these awards , Sol-Joe has managed to make it all about himself .
On the flip side of all this, please realize that God has flooded Mecca and is in the process of incinerating Los Angeles. Who said He hasn’t got a sense of humor?
What has a Soccer Player from Argentina to do with the American Medal of Freedom ?.
What has a ”science guy” on TV got to do with a Medal of Freedom..
These are just two non trick questions I ask.
This ”Medal” has as much credibility as the Nobel Prize these days, both are bullshit…
Trump created Peace Deals with six (6) islamic Nations and Israel… No Nobel Prize even suggested.
Obummer got the Prize for being a Bi Racial American President…. Even before he was sworn in as President.
Did anybody think to ask Hitlery Clinton what level of Freedom she brought to Libya…
Inquiring minds want to know.