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The Right Should DUMP Andrew Tate
I have written about the repugnant influencer Andrew Tate before, because as a role model for the legions of boys and young men who are seduced by the materialist lifestyle he flaunts, he is impossible to ignore – and indeed, he must not be ignored. His followers must see his blatant lies and moral vacuity exposed.
Too many conservatives have embraced Tate because he sometimes offers up some countercultural commentary that resonates with us – his unapologetic critique of feminism, for example. But some conservatives with huge online platforms, like Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and Benny Johnson, are choosing to give Tate access to their vast audiences without confronting the self-promoting pornographer, Muslim convert, and *alleged* sex trafficker about his well-documented, grotesque abuse of women, his contempt for Christianity, and his perverse model for a masculinity that is personally and socially destructive. Tate is a master at exploiting people and selling himself, and Carlson et al inexplicably have been too star-struck to call him out.
In the video below titled “The Right Should DUMP Andrew Tate,” Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro spends about the first ten minutes laying out the case for why conservatives must stop thinking that Tate has something to offer our side. Shapiro has succinctly and thoroughly summed it up and saved me the trouble of rehashing my argument for this. Don’t miss it below – it’s important for conservatives to know why Tate must not be held up as representative of the Right:
The Right Should DUMP Andrew Tate
— The Ben Shapiro Show (@BenShapiroShow) January 13, 2025
Do Californians ‘Deserve’ The Wildfires?
A common response I see from conservatives to the hellish, unimaginable swath of devastation that the wildfires are continuing to wreak in the Los Angeles area is something along the lines of, “Too bad, California, you voted for this.” And in the broadest sense, it’s true: every personal tragedy due to this ongoing fiery destruction can be laid at the doorstep of the willful incompetence of the elected Democrat leadership, from corrupt narcissist Gavin Newsom on down to Los Angeles’ Castro-loving, race-mongering Mayor Karen Bass to the trio of lesbian officials who prioritized anti-white gender diversity in the Fire Department over the lives and property and businesses of Angelenos.
But those who say that Californians, and other blue state residents who end up suffering from the entirely predictable consequences of destructive progressive policies, deserve what they get, must remember that there are countless conservatives in those states who did not vote for Democrats or their policies. Too often I see people then replying that their fellow conservatives should simply move to a red state. Hundreds of thousands of Californians – I and my family included – have fled because the state that should be paradise has degenerated into a Third World, failed state thanks to entrenched Democrat leadership.
But many more conservatives have stayed behind because they either aren’t in a position to leave their jobs and move to another state like I was (and even then it was a wrenching decision and emotionally challenging transition). Or they simply don’t want to leave their homes and families and friends. Those conservative Californians are fighting the good fight to turn things around politically – and it was evident from the last election that they’re picking up momentum. But they are up against a systemically corrupt Democrat machine that makes election victories damn near impossible. We owe them our support and respect and empathy, not to simply condemn them alongside the Democrats.
Yes, schadenfreude feels good. Believe me, I understand that thrill that runs up your leg (as former MSNBC host Chris Matthews once put it about Barack Obama) when, for example, you read that Black Lives Matter co-founder and Marxist grifter Patrisse Cullors “tragically” lost two of her three homes in the fires. It’s hard not to feel righteous satisfaction when the Hollywood elites who openly despise Americans in flyover country get some kind of karma.
But schadenfreude isn’t the Christian response to these ghastly California fires. Let’s not be like the Democrats who smirked about the hurricane victims in Trump-supporting states like North Carolina and Tennessee. Besides, the vast majority of people whose lives have been tragically impacted by these fires are not overpaid Hollywood elites, but ordinary fellow Americans. We should be praying that those people who previously voted “D” for whatever reason – whether because they are hardcore ideologues or just “brain-dead liberals” – now see the light and realize that Democrat policies never work. Pray that this disaster prompts them to wake up from their woke delusions and turn their backs on their failed god, progressivism.
Speaking of which…
Progressivism is Collapsing
From the lawless subways of NYC to Islamic terrorism in New Orleans to ravaging wildfires in Los Angeles, the people and policies of progressivism are being exposed as catastrophically incompetent at best, and a subversive danger to our national security at worst.
Ever since the COVID pandemic, when parents were awakened to the sick gender indoctrination to which activist “educators” were subjecting our children, normal American patriots have been getting a raw, unfiltered look at what progressivism in America is today: a threat to families, indifferent to the suffering of American citizens in need, weakness internationally and lawlessness domestically. It’s being exposed as an ideology that builds and grows nothing but corrodes and destroys everything. Its elites are power-mad totalitarian ideologues who are too incompetent to run a lemonade stand. The American people are fed up with it.
Progressive ineptitude kills. Progressive elites destroy everything they get their power-mad hands on. Progressivism destroys individuals, families, communities, culture, civilization, everything. Progressivism – that is, rebranded communism – has failed everywhere it has been allowed to take root, at all times in history.
This could be a turning point in the progressive advance against Western civilization. Now more than ever, American conservatives have the opportunity to throw off the Left’s cultural and political stranglehold and consign it to the dustbin of history. Don’t waste it.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
The Right Should DUMP Andrew Tate
Who is he and why should I care?
Do Californians ‘Deserve’ The Wildfires?
Some, like Patrisse Cullors, definitely do. Shadenfreude much?
Progressivism is Collapsing
Along with DEI, ESG and the rest of the idiotic abbreviations, progressivism will definitely not be missed.
“deserve what they get”
Ah yes, don’t say I told you so to progressives when they are down.
Actually son telling people how they should feel and act about a situation in life is EXACTLY progressivism. I can make my own judgements instead of receiving a lecture from you or any other progressive type. Thank you just the same.
“Too many conservatives have embraced Tate because he sometimes offers up some countercultural commentary that resonates with us – his unapologetic critique of feminism, for example.”
Christians and conservatives don’t need Andrew Tate’s critiques on issues like feminism to see what is wrong with them. We don’t need to give him a platform. He is an ungodly, worldly man and is not an example of Biblical manhood.
I have no intention of “being better than them.”. The left has abused the right’s good will for too long.
I feel for the conservatives in California. Those who support Newsom, Bass, and the like can go to hell.
Aren’t they already there?
Governor Nuisance allows for the L.A. Area to burn all up over a worthless 3 inch Fish so will the Eco-Freaks still support this idiot?
Once a person openly rejects Jesus Christ and embraces the darkness of Islamism, the heart and mind grows dark and evil.
Whether people like it or not, a critical result of the left vilifying masculinity for several generations is that too many young men have been left adrift without a viable path to reintegrate what they have been sold as inherently toxic about being a man. Young men have withered under the anvil of self-serving, radical “feminism” culturally castrating them until they have sought refuge in abandoning biologically driven imperatives. The irrational attempts to remove from both sexes those differences in our brains, hormones and the evident changes that accompany puberty are dismissed en masse by futile attempts to falsify the potency of the human endocrine system and the cellular dictates that occur by that identification immediately following egg fertilization which determines the sex of the newly developing life in the woman’s womb.
Too many fathers and mothers have abandoned their children to the lies promulgated through social media platforms and reinforced in movies and music.; some of the most influential and powerful forms of subliminal seduction.
While I am no fan of Andrew Tate, there are markers for men necessary for them to learn emotional self control, develop their bodies for reasonable strength and fitness and becoming financially successful. Leftists poo poo all of this wanting a world of neurotic soy boys whose natural aggression no longer exists.
In Judaism, G-d chose a young shepherd who faced a larger, more powerful man, Goliath. He did NOT succumb to fear, trusting G-d and himself, he used a sling and stones and toppled him.. A young shepherd whom G-d entrusted with his people as King. He knew sheep and while they are the same species each one is different. He carried a rod and a staff implements to guide the sheep and protect them. He used all this and as a man he was a warrior. In battle, leading from the front, not the back. He was not without flaws and his strength came in facing himself, repenting to G-d and his resolution not do what he had previously done again.
So he is an intelligent, strong, caring, merciful, protective, driven, ambitious, man unconquered by internal fear, He was a sensitive poet and a man who sought guidance when needed.
Is this who Andrew Tate is as a man? NO
Your comment explains how Tate has the influence he has. Is there a justification for it? NO
‘…The rain falls on the just and the unjust..’ I live in tornado alley, so I get what you are saying, but I do enjoy, that some of the brain dead Hollywood actor types are upset, with their corrupt incompetent government.
It kind of reminds me of J6, where Dems were ok with all those mostly peaceful riots elsewhere, until one broke out at their House.
The end of progressivism? Maybe I’m too paranoid but it seems to me they have deep reserves of incompetent malcontents incited to keep the battle going.