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TDS in San Francisco
Inexplicably, not everyone in America is feeling that Chris Matthews-like thrill up their leg at the thought of Donald Trump back in the White House. A couple of dozen Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers, for example, reportedly gathered at a San Francisco overlook on Inauguration Day to voice their agony in a primal scream into the void. They actually began with a countdown so that everyone could express their inarticulate fear and loathing of Orange Hitler in unison. Sadly for them, no one could hear this little squad of hysterical children over the roar of Trump making America great again.
Check out the ritual exorcism below:
Liberals in San Francisco suffering from severe TDS gathered to scream when Trump was inaugurated.pic.twitter.com/Rwe1omFTZU
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 20, 2025
Churchill’s Back
When Barack Obama first took office as President in 2009, he removed from the Oval Office a bronze bust of Sir Winston Churchill and replaced it with one of Martin Luther King Jr., which Obama claimed he felt was more fitting for him as the first (half-)black President. Rumors swirled that he had returned the Churchill likeness, gifted to America by the British government in July 2001, to the British because of anti-colonialist sentiment, but Obama claims it was moved to a prominent place near his private office where he saw it every day. “I love the guy,” he insisted in a 2016 press conference.
Upon his first inauguration, Trump restored the bust’s position in the Oval Office and made a proud point of showing it to then-British Prime Minister Theresa May when she visited the White House in 2017 (pictured above).
When it was Joe Biden’s turn, he swapped out the Churchill bust for those of Robert F. Kennedy, Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, and former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, because diversity or something.
Now the bronze head of the scourge of Nazism once again resides on a side table near the fireplace in the Oval Office, visible as President Trump sat in the room signing executive orders. That seems like an incongruous choice for a man the Left relentlessly painted as Hitler 2.0, doesn’t it?
Elon’s Sieg Heil
Speaking of Hitler, you would think that the Left-wing media would have learned, from the red tsunami that swept Trump back into the White House last November, that perhaps their tired old propaganda strategies like demonizing the Right as Nazis were no longer effective. But then you would be wrong; they still rely on this failed model of smearing political opponents because they have nothing else in their toolbox. We were not even a full day into Trump’s new term and the media hoaxes have already begun.
Delivering a speech Monday at Capitol One Arena celebrating the inauguration, Trump-supporting mogul Elon Musk at one point placed his hand over his heart and then extended his arm in heartfelt salute to the crowd. That was all it took to give the Left a fear-mongering talking point. The media pounced.
CNN, a network whose lack of credibility has resulted in $400 million in lost revenue in only three years, was quick to suggest that Musk’s gesture to the crowd was a Nazi sieg heil: “I just want to look at that salute that he gave again,” a reporter said. “It was quick. I think our viewers are smart and they can take a look at that, but it certainly was, it’s not something that you typically see at American political rallies,” another CNN reporter added.
The Left-wing propaganda outlet PBS followed suit. Sharing footage of Musk’s speech, PBS posted on the social media platform X that “Musk gave what appeared to be a fascist salute,” claiming that it “appeared similar to” the Nazi “Sieg Heil.”
As Breitbart News notes, other outlets that referred to Musk’s gesture as a “Nazi salute,” “fascist salute,” or “Nazi-like” include USA Today, Deadline, Al-Jazeera, Euronews, Wired, The Guardian, The Forward, and Politico.
Far-Left hysterics like Sen. Chris Murphy and Reps. Jerry Nadler and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dispensed with the “appeared to be” part of the propaganda and went all in on the demonstrably false notion that Elon Musk is a Jew-hating white supremacist. “I never imagined we would see the day when what appears to be a Heil Hitler salute would be made behind the Presidential seal,” Nadler blustered on X. “This abhorrent gesture has no place in our society and belongs in the darkest chapters of human history. I urge all of my colleagues to unite in condemning this hateful gesture for what it is: antisemitism.”
Murphy called Musk’s gesture “back to back, clear as day Nazi salutes.”
AOC, who boycotted the inauguration because she “doesn’t celebrate rapists” (unless they are members of Hamas) posted that Elon’s exuberant love for the crowd was nothing less than “a Heil Hitler salute that was performed and repeated for emphasis and clarity.” Musk should sue her, Murphy, Nadler, and anyone else promoting this repugnant lie.
Trump supporters quickly shot back on social media with photos of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other Democrat leaders also appearing to make a Nazi salute. Others, like Libs of TikTok’s Chaya Raichik, had fun mocking the Left’s Hitler obsession:
Elon posed in front of the Eiffel Tower. You know who else posed in front of the Eiffel Tower?
Coincidence or dog whistle for something much more sinister??? https://t.co/8UARyEgFwZ pic.twitter.com/e5TuudcCIM
— Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) January 21, 2025
Musk himself responded to the faux controversy on X, writing, “Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is sooo tired.”
Indeed it is, but keep it up, Left-wing propagandists. Pathetic gaslighting like the Elon Musk lie was in no small part to blame for your humiliating election defeat. While you cling to your impotent politics of personal destruction, Trump, Musk et al are launching a new era of American greatness.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
These people are void of anything resembling humility. Whatever possesses them at any given moment becomes, in their eyes only, that which others, regardless of context, should relegate as truth.
They can cry, scream into the void, share their angst among one another because WE DON’T CARE.
Our once great nation was in peril, American lives, safety, futures and our Constitution were being defiled regularly and these people only cared about that which most Americans find obnoxious; their self aggrandizing. pontificating to
Apparently, these media idiots still haven’t figured out that we don’t listen to them anymore.
They are all like aging actors and actresses who can’t face reality; so don’t because not only do we not need you, we don’t want you anymore!!
Time to sunset your whining, screaming, depression and get on with life; one you can actually create now that the leftist totalitarians no longer call the shots.
Also, you may no longer use illegals to clean your house or as gardeners to maintain your yards as they are being immediately shepherded to their native homelands by our Homeland Security and Border patrol.
Still sad, awww, time to visit your local big Pharma advertiser and we’re sure they can help keep you nodding off and oblivious to reality. For the red wave across America, we’ll be busy working with Trump MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
Goodbye, don’t let the door hit you on the way to your safe room!
Revisionists have been beating the drum since VJ day.
And in many ways they’ve succeeded.
I’m stunned by the number of people of sober character and a seemingly sane frame of mind
… who believe WW2 would never have happened without Churchill and FDR starting it.
To be fair, I’ve been living in this sewer of lies with everyone else and I don’t blame people for becoming confused.
Churchill – like Trump – was a man with serious flaws – like a hero in a Greek tragedy. But to focus on a man’s flaws, and blame him for anything and everything for decades until people start to believe the lies:
Is a Big Lie. And more.
It tells us who the real Enemy hates. Today it’s Trump. Orban. Millei. etc. In 80 years Trump will be blamed for everything from black child slavery in the Congo to Muslim terror attacks on 10/7 to letting Iran get a nuke.
Assuming, of course, that we’re still here.
President Trump is carrying out a bligzkrieg against the malevolent Left and nefarious State Department.
There are so many vital things going on, it’s hard to keep track of everything.
Please share this with your friends.
Here’s a critical Executive Order:
The left will frame this as “Trump refuses aid to starving Palestinians ,“ when we all know any aid would go to Hamas to replace all the munitions confiscated by the IDF.
This is incredible. The name MUSK, and take out the letters M,U.S and K and replace them with T, L,E H, I and R then arrange them they spell HITLER ! My God ! That can’t be just a coincidence…..
Hitler was a Vegan and Gun Control Advocate just like with most all Liberal/Democrats
Think how much Trump has single-handedly stimulated the US economy in just 24 hours…. Diet Coke is spiking, Sharpie pens are flying off the shelves, HUNDRED OF BILLIONS in AI data center build-outs, and thousands of Leftist lawyers are now commanding massive fees for their Marxist expertise.
Those screamers in S.F. should be screaming about the decline of their once great city. All they did was scare a few birds. In Musk’s head, the idea of Hitler or Ancient Rome never entered his mind. But, it did for the left. He even said it was a heartfelt gesture to the crowd. The Democrats and leftists this time around are going to be like dueling with an unarmed man.
All those NOT MY PRESIDENT useful idiots can now pack their bags and Leave because we wont miss them
The petulant brats always threaten to leave, but rarely do.
Even Bush43’s BFF Ellen Degeneres sulked back here from her flooded estate in England.
Barack Obama was a white caucasian.
Based on the old south dictum, “one
drop of white blood makes you white.”
Real simple, eh. This probably reduces
the true black population in the USA
by tens of millions.
Too bad we’re are still so messed up
by this race thing. MLK Jr. was so
right on. Color blindness is the only
way to go.
By the way, black and white are not colors.