Last week I read a shocking statistic. It is not a surprising statistic, but a shocking one nonetheless. Figures now reveal that a staggering 40% of people under age five in Germany come from a migrant background. That is to say, almost half of young children in Germany are not ethnically German.
Some would argue that this doesn’t matter a great deal, people are people, and Germany will still be Germany. But even if we try to persuade ourselves that this is the case, deep down we all know it is not. Germany was German because of the German people. Now, in a couple of generations, it will be something else: the place formerly known as Germany. This will particularly be the case if, as I suspect is likely to be the case, many (if not most) of those under fives come from an Islamic background. That will change the face of Germany forever. Indeed it is already doing so.
In my book, Beyond Terror – Islam’s Slow Erosion of Western Democracy – I argue that it is immigration from Muslim societies that will defeat Western civilization. Terrorism will not. The West will not lose a military war against the Islamists, it only needs to lose the demographic war, and the culture war, and that has already been lost.
The UK, for example, has for decades seen massive immigration from the Muslim world, and this has changed the country beyond recognition. Female genital mutilation is now so widespread in the UK that specialist (taxpayer-funded) clinics have been established across the country to deal with the medical aftermath of this crime. There are eight such clinics in London alone, and a new one opened last year in Wales (attended by a Labour politician, who tweeted how pleased she was to have an FGM clinic in her area). While we build shiny new clinics, not a single person has ever been convicted of this crime.
Police show great ‘cultural sensitivity’ to FGM, and as a result, nobody is punished. There’s a reason for this. The reason the police pussy-foot around FGM is the same reason they pussy-foot around forced and child marriage: because the majority of cases involve Muslims.
British society has in effect capitulated to Islam; the law is subject to the requirements of Muslim scripture and not the other way around. Just recently in Britain it was also revealed that the Home Office (the government department ultimately responsible for both law and order and immigration) has been turning a blind eye to forced marriage for some years. We have therefore accepted it. We’ve accepted it because we will not offend or upset Muslims, that is the priority of our law enforcement, just as it is when 1,000s of young British girls are gang-raped by gangs of Muslim men.
Britain and Europe are losing the battle for our moral and cultural soul, and it is this reality that is handing victory to Sharia. The stated aim of the Muslim faith, as demonstrated throughout scripture, is the global subjugation of the non-Muslim to Sharia. Jihadi terrorists aim to achieve this through terror, others are achieving it through immigration and the exploitation of human rights laws. Muslim advocacy groups routinely use language of ‘human rights’, ‘inclusivity’ and objections to ‘discrimination’ in order to normalize Islamic practices in Western society. They also demand restrictions on free speech, thereby impairing our ability to object. We are slowly but surely reflecting an Islamic state. A person in Britain is perhaps just as likely (if not more likely) to be prosecuted for ‘hate speech’ as for raping an underage girl. ‘Hate speech’ will very often amount to criticism of Islam, or more importantly, Muslim immigration.
The key to saving the West from Islam is to end mass immigration, deport those immigrants who simply will not adapt to our laws (for example deporting non-British citizens who practice FGM or child marriage), and robustly apply the law to all people, regardless of their religion.
There are no signs of this happening however, and no signs either that the immigration is going to stop, or even reduce.
While we focus on terror, Islam is defeating us through the back door. Terror is not the problem, ‘extremism’ is not the problem, Sharia is the problem and whether it is achieved via the bomb or the ballot box, Sharia will be the result. It is that result we must prevent, and we must act now to do so, or the Western world will disappear not with a bang but with a whimper, and with our own consent.
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