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Democrats push the “America is systemically racist” lie because they want blacks to feel angry, oppressed and discriminated against. What’s the upside? It guarantees Democrats get a near-monolithic black vote. Democrats tell blacks that in the quest for “social justice” and “equity,” the Democrats wear the white hat and Republicans wear the black hat.
It is a lie, without which Democrats cannot win presidential elections.
When I ran for governor in California, I received 3.5 million votes in that recall election in a state where non-Republicans outnumber Republicans three to one. Of the 46 replacement candidates, which included Republicans, independents and Democrats, I received 49% of the vote. The next highest finisher got 9%. California has 58 counties, and on the replacement vote, I carried 57. I entered the race late but raised $27 million in eight weeks.
We got donations from 150,000 individuals, half of whom lived outside of California. Why would a non-Californian donate to a California gubernatorial republican candidate? California, if it were a separate country, would be the fourth-largest GDP in the world. It is also a state with Democrat supermajorities in the Senate and the Assembly and where for the first time in the state’s history, people are leaving. Blame crime, the high cost of living, homelessness, poor government schools, underfunded public pensions, excessive taxation and job-killing regulations. People know that as California continues on this road it infects the rest of the country.
An L.A. Times columnist called me “the black face of white supremacy.” My sin? I noted that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a black male age 10 to 34 is 13 times more likely to be murdered than a white male in the same demographic. This is not a problem. It is a crisis. I advocate school choice in a country where, according to the national report card, nearly 85% of black eighth graders can neither read nor do math at grade level. I am pro-life. I support secure borders and national fiscal responsibility. I know that our biggest foreign adversary is the communist Chinese government, and that we have become increasingly dependent on a country led by a totalitarian communist regime that wants to dominate the world.
The number one responsibility of government is to protect people and property. Soft on crime George Soros backed district attorneys are doing neither. The people most hurt are the very black and brown people living in urban America whom the Democrats claim to care so much about. Reduce the chance of a bad guy being caught, convicted and incarcerated, and crime goes up. They may be criminals, but they’re not stupid.
The 10,000-pound elephant in the room is fatherlessness. Seventy percent of black children enter the world without a father in the home married to the mother; 50% of Hispanic kids and 25% of white children, which was the same percentage as black children in 1965. Today, 40% of all children in America enter the world without a father in the home married to the mother. Former President Barack Obama said a kid raised without a father is five times more likely to be poor and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in jail. Since the mid-1960s, public policy has incentivized women to marry the government, and incentivized men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. This is not a problem; it is a crisis.
My father, who never knew his own father, always told my brothers and me the following: hard work wins; you get out of life what you put into it; you cannot control the outcome, but you are 100% in control of the effort; and before you complain about what somebody did to you or said to you, go to the nearest mirror and ask yourself what you could have done to change the outcome.
I guess that makes my dad a black face of white supremacy. Well, this may be my last column for a while because this son of a black face of white supremacy is considering running again — this time for president. We’ve got a country to save.
Larry, I doubt you will read this but I hope that you will win.
The leftist elites have divided everyone, literally everyone in the western world. They are led by the 17 sustainable development goals developed by the UN.
Keep using the black face of white supremacy line too. It mocks the leftist elites what better way to defeat them than by laughing?
Also young minorities need reminding that during the days when America was a racist country, the black community started its own businesses, play them some soul music, or Tamla Mowtown.
That’s how they beat real racism.
In the words of Bob Marley. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.
Good luck with your campaign.
Larry, you are THE BEST. I am delighted you are running for president. You are a courageous man who speaks TRUTH. God bless you mightily.
My parents were very, very pro-civil rights in the 50s and 60s. My father, a kind, decent man, was so disappointed when the radical left got their hands on the movement and things became violent.
When I was young, I commuted on the Howard El in Chicago in the 70s, I was shocked at the vicious, hateful behavior of quite a few young blacks marauding the trains at that time.
I can’t believe how the left has hijacked what was once a peaceful movement. So many gains have been made for the black populace since then and yet the violent viciousness of BLM is worse than anything during the 60s and 70s. Far worse. We are in deep trouble in this nation.
How are you going to beat a corrupt voting system that is managed by the corrupt beauracrats that want to destroy America?
Yes, run Larry run. America needs your voice.
Please don’t forget to constantly remind Americans that the Marxist Left created and stokes a “self-feeding extortion loop” (ChatGPT has an excellent definition of it)
This extortion loop used by DEI bureaucrats, BLM, et. al., is fed off of guilt, social media shaming and threats of urban violence… and is bilking BILLIONS of dollars out of corporations and public treasuries, i.e., ordinary Americans.
”The 10,000-pound elephant in the room is fatherlessness. Seventy percent of black children enter the world without a father in the home married to the mother;”
And just what are these black father pos’s going to do if they are in the home? And just why did these black mothers chose to bed down with a useless pos?
The elephant is 70% or more of the black populations culture is a mess. A culture of bad decisions, theft, violence, no idea what respect for others means, and general lawlessness.
It is beyond fixing, and is now just something that has to be dealt with, like putting a bandage over a sore that wont heal.
Running for president, or getting your name, face, and agenda (which is a fine agenda) on television?
Being fully well aware that his Democratic Party was clearly the party of the protection of slavery, a crippled Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and foot-dragging on civil rights—President Lyndon Johnson must have uttered these words with a sense of wonder and awe: “I’ll have them n_____s voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”
The very same Democrat Party that enslaved their ancestors are one again enslaving them with Lies and wanting their votes
Truth will never be defeated it always lives to fight another day. The thing about arrogant people is they have a tendency to overreach and destroy them selves. Never do we get enough leadership. The left absolutely hates it when they are confronted with truth and defend their lies. Keep attacking never quit.
Truth will never be defeated but we will be destroyed as a country before that. We are losing now. Rapidly.
I have become so dejected, I’m not even sure the country is capable (or willing, or deserving) to be saved. It just keeps getting worse, and it’s getting faster.
Larry, may I suggest you run with Trump and not against him, as VP you could could do a lot to explain to young black men that success is the best revenge and cleaning up the neighborhood would be a good place to start… Come 2028 you could be the real President of America and I hope I live long enough to see that.
We will never save the country without having fair and honest elections, acce[ting lawlessness, and sin, and being ruled by governments who hate this country.