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For the first time since the aftermath of September 11, American troops are not officially engaged in the War on Terror. We have left behind Afghanistan to the Taliban and Iraq to Iran.
And are we at peace? Not in the least.
Hardly a month passes without an Islamic terrorist plot. American ships are under fire and Americans are being held hostage around the world. The appeasers blame our support for Israel, just as they earlier blamed the War on Terror, but if we end our support for the Jewish State, as Biden is trying to do, will the Islamic terrorists leave us alone to live in peace?
Some argue just that. Influential voices in politics and on social media tell us that we can have quiet if we cut and run from everywhere, end freedom of speech and make other changes to our way of life so that we no longer offend the hordes overrunning the world. And our country.
‘Dear Infidels’, a compelling new short documentary from PragerU, offers a dash of ice cold water from those who have been there, former Muslims and soldiers who have seen the enemy from the inside offer a timely warning that we have fundamentally misunderstood Islam.
Our response to Islamic terrorism has been defined by a Marxist binary of oppressors and oppressed. When we are attacked, the binary that pervades politics and the media, teaches us, it is because we are oppressors and the Jihadists are a liberation movement. Rather than defeating the terrorists, we must end our colonialism, capitalism and oppressive ‘whiteness’. The Jihadists must be allowed to win as many times as it takes until they are fully empowered.
The Marxist binary is just as much of a lie when it comes to Islamic terrorists as it is when applied to BLM, the Bolshevik revolution, Castro’s Cuba, the Paris Commune or the Weathermen. Islamism is not a reaction of the helplessly oppressed, suffering from ‘Islamophobia’: it’s an ancient totalitarian movement seeking to dominate all of mankind.
“You will kill Israelis, you will kill Americans,” an ex-Muslim recalls being told as a child in ‘Dear Infidels’. “Why should we kill Americans? They are not Muslim.”
It’s as simple as that. The Jihad against us is a primal mission that the PragerU documentary distills into its purest form.
“I’ve had these conversations with a high ranking Al Qaeda guy, and this guy lived in America,” Jason Tuschen, who had served on Seal Team 7, describes in ‘Dear Infidels’. “And he was explaining it to me, we want to kill you, you’re either gonna convert or you’re gonna die.”
That stark binary choice is inescapable in the Muslim world where Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists live in fear. The tidal flows of migration have brought terror to western nations as well, and yet many of these nations continue to believe that they need to win hearts and minds, rather than learn basic history, secure their borders and expel those who won’t live in peace.
The false Marxist binary that Islamic terrorism is a response to oppression rather than a form of oppression has crippled our understanding and our responsiveness.
In the binary, Muslims are reacting to what we do, rather than acting. Islam is not an ideology that spent over a thousand years conquering much of the world, but a woeful minority. To believe otherwise is to be accused of ‘Islamophobia’. And yet for all that Americans are accused of this invented ‘bigotry’ after every Islamic terrorist attack, the real hatred is on the other side. And it’s a hatred motivated by a conviction that Islam is the final answer. And that those who reject Islam are contemptible and evil, ‘infidels’ who obstruct the new Islamic order.
“Serving in Iraq, I never saw hatred like that, they had this belief in this greater cause, to install a Caliphate, return to the greater glory of Islam,” Tuschen describes in ‘Dear Infidels’.
Islam has its own vision of an ideal world order based on the imposition of sharia law. And some of the military men in PragerU’s documentary had come face to face with its ugliest side.
“We came into this village and there was blood everywhere. They had just finished stoning this little girl,” Omar Vieira, formerly of SEAL Team 4, described. “Whether you’re Muslim or not, you have to abide by Sharia law.”
“Islam is to govern all aspects, social, political, private, that affects everybody’s life.”
Appeasement, often held up as the solution by the Left and now by some influencers who claim to be conservative, is doomed because the root of Islamic grievances is not our foreign policy, it’s our beliefs and values, it’s our Constitution and our insistence on not being Muslim. No amount of surrenders will ever be enough until we surrender our country and ourselves.
The long march of retreats that began with Obama have not brought peace, only more war.
The territories controlled by Islamic theocratic movements have grown sharply since September 11 and at the peak of the Arab Spring, they ruled much of North Africa and the Middle East, and as the war against Hamas continues in Gaza, they have much of the world behind them.
Europe, apart from a few outliers like Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, has made peace with Islam, and many American political leaders, including some on the right, are not far behind.
And that’s not new.
There was a time in the twentieth century when Communism and Nazism seemed inevitable. The intellectual elites had abandoned the idea of America and had fallen to arguing over which totalitarian system to replace the Constitution with. The Soviet Union, Germany and Italy appeared to be vital. They had radical new ideas for the elimination of personal freedom and feeding the individual into a relentless collectivist machine stamping out a new world order.
And now it’s happening all over again. The Islamist mobs chanting or praying en masse on campuses and streets, seizing control of public spaces and imposing their will, appear inevitable.
That is why ‘Dear Infidels’ is so vital. The new PragerU documentary challenges the appeasement and defeatism that has taken over so much of the civilized world. It reminds us that Islam is not a reaction, but an action, and that rather than blaming ourselves, we must understand that we are in a clash of civilizations over the fundamental issue of freedom.
Islam, like the Left, promises an ideal new world order in exchange for our freedoms. Appeasement is not an option. Our only choices are defiance or submission.
The men and women interviewed in ‘Dear Infidels’ faced those choices and reacted to them in their own ways, whether in their personal lives or on the battlefield, with courage and integrity.
But it’s not a choice that only they face. As the power and violence of Islam grows in America, we will sooner or later all face that choice, whether to fly our flags and live free, to speak out and stay true, or to sell out our friends, neighbors and allies in the hopes of winning a reprieve.
PragerU’s ‘Dear Infidels’ is a warning and a challenge to a political and cultural leadership seeking an accommodation with a totalitarian ideology. In a time of universal lies, it tells the truth. Men and women have been killed all over the world for telling that truth. They have been stoned, stabbed, bombed and beheaded for it. They have been censored, canceled and blacklisted for it. And yet despite and because of that, it is vital that the truth must be heard.
Dear Infidels is currently free to stream at PragerU.
Just who was the Dip-Wad who called Islam the Religion of Peace? I suggest they get their head examined
Just in case some people have forgotten, I will provide a reminder ….
The moron who called Islam the religion of peace on 9/11 was George W. Bush.
Bush also provided every accommodation possible to the Saudi “Royal” family to
hightail themselves out of the USA without any investigation of their complicity in the
9/11 attacks/atrocities against America in the name of Islam.
It is a disgrace.
Immediately after 9/11 the president of the USA and Congress should have issued an ultimatum
to the Saudi “Roya;” family and all other depraved psychopathic berserk murderous Islamic scum..
Mecca and Medina and Riyadh should have been leveled to the ground on 12 September 2001.
George W. Bush. He said that to keep the Saudis in our corner, that is, to keep the petrodollar going. That was weakness. In 1974, Pres. Nixon quietly parked a fleet off the Saudi coast and quietly told them “Sign, or we’ll do to you what we did to Iran in 1954.” They couldn’t wait to sign the petrodollar accord.
Very insightful, thanks Daniel!
I know people like that, who make excuses for Islam at every point I bring up, who put the blame on us, who think appeasement is the solution. Nothing I say has ever gotten through to them.
The political, social, psychological advertising campaign of Nazi Jihadists in America and around the world promotes, packages and ‘sells’ hatred and murder as if they are human rights and social justice.
Say ‘jihad’ and they say ‘Gaza babies’. They leave out ‘….is killing its own…’ between the words jihad and Gaza babies. Say ‘massacre’ and they say ‘starvation’. They leave out ‘…..of Israelis has nothing to do with Hamas causing its own…’ between ‘massacre’ and ‘starvation’. Say ‘genocide’ and they say ‘humanitarian crisis’, leaving out ‘….of Israel and Jews is our way of solving….’ between ‘genocide’ and ‘humanitarian crisis’.
To paraphrase Mrs. Emhoff: Lying is personal truth.
A memory of things that never were is a many splendored thing.
Now, a product can’t be sold where there’s no market for it. So why is there a market for it in America? What is Jih’ad’ appealing to in the heads or hearts of voters who elect the squ’ad’ and keep this ‘ad’ministration in power???
The answer I believe has to do with religious doctrine that is built on the premise, on the vision, on the absolute necessity of converting non believers, and if that fails, ‘replacing‘, i.e. ‘removing’ by exile and death. That is the solution for the frustrating thousands of years’ problem of pesky non compliance to enable fulfilment of said replacement doctrine.
Islam is a replacement religion. Judging from what I read from some of the comments to Front Page Magazine articles, it is not the only one. I find that distressing; though the comments are few.
A replacement doctrine contains no universal element of humankind. Its exclusivity breeds contempt, disrespect, intolerance, frustration and finally the hatred that has no moral bounds against those who don’t share the vision.
It is counterintuitive; but when one truly feels part of the nation of humankind, one is more acutely aware and appreciative of the differences that make oneself and each person unique in God’s world.
The problem is modern Americans and Westerners, even today’s Hindus and Buddhists, don’t know or understand what real religion is. Real religion is Puritan religion.
Christianity and Judaism, in their pure form, are just as deadly and dangerous to freedom and liberty, as Islam. The same is true of Hinduism and Buddhism. All five religions are weaponized for the primitivism, brutality, and totalitarianism of theocracy.
The majority of today’s Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists are highly secularized without even realizing just how highly secularized they are. This creates blinders for them and renders them unable to understand what their religion in its pure, undiluted, unsecularized form would do to them, their freedom, and their modern way of life.
The closest thing we have today to pure Christianity and pure Judaism are the Amish and the Hasidim.
Can you imagine the theocratic, backwater, primitivism America would become if the Amish or the Hasidim were in charge of this country?
And let me hasten to add that even the Amish and the Hasidim, to a large extent, are influenced and leashed by the secular modernity that surrounds them. Even they can’t see it.
Imagine going back to the barbarity of the Maccabees or the Massachusetts Puritans. Now that there, is your real, good ole time, conservative, religion.
I dare Daniel Greenfield to convert to Hasidic Judaism, he wouldn’t be able to live that way, he is too modern, too secularized, too rational, too this-worldly. And yet Hasidic Judaism is the closest thing the modern West has to the Maccabees or the Zealots.
Hasidic Judaism is a mystical movement dating back to the 1700s which went its own way.
It’s not “pure Judaism”.
And you obviously know nothing about Judaism or Christianity.
Thanks for this. Was open-mouthed when I got to the part about Christians and others being as dangerous as islam — someone failed to read the article above!
Knew right after 9-11, as many of us did — we started researching islam and quickly found out what it was all about — By 2003, untold numbers of us KNEW what we were facing — but, just as with other issues, the etablishment has blatantly lied to us about it since then,
Islam is the only “religion” that includes a system of government with its own laws. If they get away with “we hate them because of Israel,” it’ll be “we hate them because they are a Constitutional Republic rather than under sharia.
In the 16th century, the Puritans insisted that conjugal love should be the only reason and basis for marriage. Prior to that, the elite classes married chiefly for monetary benefits. And the peasants followed the customs of their “betters.” But THX believes they were all just about “altruism.”
He also believes that Islam is based on altruism … er somethin, …
The Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony will take care of
the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk hate-filled Freedom suppressing Islamic scum.
You can bet on that.
Where do I enlist?
Dear THX1138:
It seems you’ve struck out again with a dubious history lesson.
Consider this:
Pure Christianity is: making a sincere effort to obey and emulate Jesus of Nazareth each and every day.
You should know, THX, you can’t be taken seriously when one day you argue that Christianity is flawed for preaching a form of altruism and the next, claiming that Christianity would ultimately lead the world into some sort of theocratic tyranny.
Well said bro. Well said.
Yoga goes back 7000+ years or more. Not just exercises to facilitate spiritual experiences, but ethical and moral principles which are as important. They may appear altruistic but are actually primarily for the benefit of the student. For example, prohibition against murder, saves one from getting in a lot of trouble with the law, the victim’s family, etc. Prohibition against adultery also saves one from a lot of trouble, STDs, jealous husbands, etc. Prohibition against gluttony, mainly for the benefit of the student, as gluttony is one of the worst punishments one can experience. Prohibition against stealing, many benefits, such as avoiding retaliation from the person robbed, etc.
Wow, rackin’ up the down votes as per usual. I’m even getting some help today from the folks who recognize you for the fraud you are.
Way to go T. Insult the guy who runs the site.
I seem to remember a similar run in between you and him a year or so ago….if I may quote Greenfield yet again
“September 29, 2023 at 9:14 pm
The idea that you and your particular belief system, for which you are an absolutely terrible representative, represent ‘reason’, is as much of a fallacy as the idea that Fauci represents science.
You are only as good as your arguments.”
Now that was a great day.
But hey T, keep it up. What’s it like to be a ‘know nothing know it all’ and so consistently moronic.
You obviously have an amusement park all your own inside that brick you call a brain.
Can you imagine the theocratic, backwater, primitivism America would become if the Objectivists were in charge of this country?
We would be sitting around in college seminars all day asking ourselves if we are being selfishly reasonable or reasonably selfish about everything, afraid that Ayn Rand or frauds like you would come around chastising us for “wrongthink”.
The penalty would be having to read the collected works of Lenny Phuck-off and Richard Salsman, and watch the many Ayn Rand videos from the 1960s
Sometimes the only way to understand something is to live it and be part of the community until it is nearly a part of your DNA and a feeling..Data points, lots of data.
Christians often can’t believe that slimes believe what they believe because it does not exist as a logical construct. It is alien.
Your quote, “Christianity and Judaism, in their pure form, are just as deadly and dangerous to freedom and liberty, as Islam.”
You are insane, you do not know what you are saying, are you taking any medication that alters your perception of reality? Have you bothered to read the Old & New Testament & the Quran ?
THX 1138 Please keep of the Ganja & drink less alcohol.
Islam truly is anti-Christ. No love, no life, no joy. Just death and torment.
Yes, I would call that Satanic.
Churchill said that appeasement was feeding the crocodile hoping that it would eat you last; in other words “sell out our friends, neighbors and allies in the hopes of winning a reprieve”; especially if it is about “a quarrel in a faraway land between people of which we know nothing.”
I do wonder though at how many “appeasers” are really thinking of the word “appeasement” as a more palatable word than “surrender”. They want us to surrender because they hate us and our country as much as the Islamists do; they think that the enemy (Islam) of my enemy (America) is their “friend”.
One can only hope that they get eaten first.
Why Marxists side with Islamists? For the same reason Hitler made alliance with Stalin. Until Hitler broke the deal. Both Marxism and Islamism are collectivist religions. One with human god the other with divine god.. Both have one ultimate goal. Ruling humanity with iron fist. If one of the two ever became victorious, the victor will turn their guns toward the other. Just Like the alliance between Hitler and Stalin. In Green red alliance there no room for the two, after their common enemy is destroyed. In this case Israel and America.
David Horowitz wrote in “Unholy Alliance” the history of leftist/islamist connection.
The fault laid in ignorant politicians such as Geoge W. Bush, whu understood Islam like he understood WMD.
You can’t blame everything on Bush Jr. Even tough he was an idiot of a president . The problem with America and Anglo west in general. Is their population are too ignorant about Islam. Since its inception in 7th century Islam is in a jihad to rule the world with iron fist One doesn’t have to study the entire Islam history. Just read U.S history and Barbary pirates and the creation of Marine corps.
My serious study of Islam began on 9/11. Briefly, Islam is a primitive dangerous superstition founded by a known killer. The whole cult thrives in dar al Islam against dar al harb. The only assurance a Muslim can find about going to a pagan orgy after death can be achieved by dying while trying to kill anybody not them. See the 9/11 criminals just before they took those airliners.
I don’t believe our politicians who crow about the ‘peace loving religion’. When “W” Bush went on about that I was immediately suspicious. Now I know. America is being sold out by traitorous ‘elected’ leaders.
I hope to be wrong as we are all better off.
The whitewashing of Islam started right after the 11/9-01 terrorist attacks: Islam is peace, not terror. Bush started and Obama and Biden continued. The EU also joined the same chorus of Islamic whitewashing. Now it is no longer just a whitewash, but it is required to welcome Muslims. If you criticize Islam, you are accused of Islamophobia.
A superb, must-watch PragerU documentary.
I can’t help asking those whom it surely will infuriate–those who, unlike me, David Horowitz and his stableful of excellent, well-informed, clear-headed writers here on FPM, and a few brave, outspoken others–those who refuse to face History, Facts, and Reality, to draw the undeniable Conclusion after watching this documentary:
Do any of you ever wonder why there’s never been a single–not one!–terrorist massacre or bombing in the former Soviet satellites of Eastern Europe, all of them now free, independent, sovereign nations?
Here’s why: Because they’re all Christian, primarily traditional Roman Catholic, nations, with well-guarded boarders, and don’t allow Islamist (or other unknown and unknowable) “migrants” from the Third World, even enemies, to enter at all, much less to settle within them, win “citizenship,” “elect” fellow-Islamists to their parliaments or presidencies or prime ministerships, and impose Sharia and a “caliphate.”
And those long-suffering, once-brutalized (first by the Czar, then by Hitler and then by Stalin), but now proudly independent, sovereign, Western-style free republics don’t bother to apologize for their wise, stiff-necked refusal to surrender to the U.N., the EU, the so-called “ICC,’ or the White House for their refusal to submit to their own national suicide.
I wish we’d follow the examples of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. They at least are determined to survive; as it stands now, we don’t, don’t have the Will to, and won’t.
A type of appeasement of Islam manifests as the hopeful notion that there are different Islams, like moderate Islam as practiced by moderate Muslims. Islam cannot be watered down. The real Islam is the Islam practiced by ISIS and Hamas. Any practice of moderate Islam is just to anesthetise the ignorant as to Islam’s evil reality.
“We want to kill you, you’re either gonna convert or you’re gonna die.”
Nope. I vote for a third alternative: “YOU are going to die.”
We are in the Islamomarxist stage. But as Surah 9:33 demands, “Islam must triumph over all.”