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The full horror of what happened to them is now coming out. It is just what you expected. What is unexpected is that it was The New York Times, so often unfair to Israel, that published this detailed account. More on the rapes, tortures, and murders of Israeli girls and women on October can be found here: “In harrowing detail, NYT reports on weaponization of rape, sexual violence on Oct. 7,” Times of Israel, December 29, 2023:
In a comprehensive, horrifying exposé published on Thursday {Dec. 28], The New York Times detailed the systematic sexual violence against Israeli women and girls employed by Palestinian terrorists during Hamas’s unprecedented October 7 rampage through southern Israel.
The two-month investigation includes interviews with more than 150 witnesses, medical personnel, first responders, soldiers, rape counselors, and government officials, along with the scanning of video footage, photographs and GPS data from cell phones.
The piece begins with the description of a harrowing video that circulated widely in the days after Hamas’s monstrous assault on southern Israel that Saturday morning. The footage, filmed in the early hours of October 8, shows the partially charred remains of a woman whose face is burned beyond recognition, and who is naked from the waist down, legs spread, her black dress hiked up. Her body is lying beside a car that was set alight on Route 232, which runs parallel to the Gaza Strip, where many people trying to flee the outdoor Supernova festival near Kibbutz Re’im were massacred by Hamas terrorists. Some 360 of the 1,200 people slaughtered that day were from the rave.
The woman in the video was later identified as Gal Abdush, a 34-year-old mother of two from central Israel, who attended the Supernova festival with her husband, Nagi Abdush, 36. Police say they believe Abdush was raped before she was murdered and her body set alight. It took about a week to identify her, according to the report. Her husband’s body was found days later, and was so badly burned that authorities needed DNA testing to identify him.
The New York Times said it identified at least seven locations across southern Israel where women and girls were apparently sexually abused or mutilated. Those the paper interviewed described finding the bodies of more than 30 women in and around the Supernova rave site and in two nearby kibbutzim in a similar state as Abdush’s — “legs spread, clothes torn off, signs of abuse in their genital areas.”
Photographs viewed by The Times included ones of a woman in a besieged kibbutz who was found with dozens of nails driven into her thighs and groin. Footage viewed by the newspaper showed two dead Israeli soldiers at an overrun military base apparently shot directly in their vaginas.
A paramedic from a commando unit told the newspaper he had found the bodies of two teenage girls, sisters aged 13 and 16, in a room in Kibbutz Be’eri with their clothes ripped. One was lying on her side with “bruises by her groin,” and the other “was sprawled on the floor face down,” the paramedic said, “pajama pants pulled to her knees, bottom exposed, semen smeared on her back.”…
Mirit Ben Mayor, a police chief superintendent, told The New York Times she believed the brutal atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists against Israeli women and girls on October 7 marked a combination of “the hatred for Jews and the hatred for women.”
Those who are capable of rational thought should, with such accounts as these, understand why Israel cannot possibly allow Hamas to exist as a military threat. This is only part of the story of what was done that day by the Hamas killers: the gang-rapes, the mutilation of bodies, the torture, the murders, and the hilarity exhibited — the joking, the laughing, the giggling — by Hamas killers as they did what they did to these Jewish girls and women. There is much more that has been left out: the rapes and murders of pre-adolescent girls, the slicing off of breasts, the seizure of girls not only by Hamas, but by those “innocent civilians” who accompanied Hamas on its rampage, participated in the torture and slaughter, and took back to Gaza their own female captives, to be used as sex slaves, as some may still be doing. But this is more than enough. The New York Times, so often to be condemned for its reporting on Israel and the Palestinians, this time deserves praise.
It doesn’t deserve praise at all, it took them a “The two-month investigation” to discover what FPM discovered and reported overnight.
The storm has died down and the islamic cowards have got the left wing support and worldwide protests against Jews they needed.
This was clearly deliberate and did not need any two month investigation.
I would agree. How many articles have been written in the NY Times calling for Nuremberg like trials for these crimes-none. There have been columnists calling for investigation of crimes by the IDF of course, of course, in spite of all the history of the IDF literally warning arabs they were coming and to leave. Yet, here we are. It’s as if, and I mean this seriously- I feel they’re actually more inclined to attune people to accepting these horrifying sociopathic sexual torturings as somehow the ‘fault’ of a lack of some homeland. I mean, how could they ‘investigate’ for two months, come to these conclusions and then…. virtually no calls for anything except the usual demand for a ceasefire’.
And after earlier articles with a tone of apathy for the innocent people of Gaza.
American media is complicit by hiding the truth or arguing that it is terroristic.
OH, so you think the women raped themselves? Get thee gone, troll!
What innocent people in Gaza? There were none. Watch the crowds desecrating corpses and torturing still alive women brought back to Gaza – not one protest, not one cry of indignation. What about the repugnant ‘families’ still detaining the captives – one’s faith in humanity falters after seeing these horrors. Terrorists of the basest kind, obeying their masters who treat them like slaves. Shame on all of them!
Hamas made an act of war. At the bare minimum, Gaza must be taken over by Israel and under Israeli military authority/occupation for at least a generation with a war crimes trail for any Hamas savage that took part in a war crime.
But, but, but the U.S. administration says that Israel should have no future role in Gaza, should not be allowed to create a buffer zone to push Gazans away from the border, that Gaza should be governed by a reinvigorated P.A. (which continues to praise terrorists and pay them stipends for committing terrorist acts), that Gazans who want to should not be allowed to decamp for other places. And the U.S. administration must know best and have Israel’s best interests at heart. Doesn’t it?
Israel did take over Gaza for a time, and Our President, George W. Bush, convinced (forced?) PM Ariel Sharon to turn it over to the Arabs in 2005. Thousands of Jews left thriving towns, farms, and the best greenhouses the world has ever seen. (Okay, maybe I’m prejudiced, but they grew beautiful roses and excellent, bug-free hydroponic salad greens.) Those Jews lost everything and when I last heard here in far-away Appalachia, where little knowledge penetrates, they have never been compensated for their losses. Many lived in substandard housing, often trailers, for quite some time. Jewish refugees in an allegedly Jewish country! So a military takeover is not a good answer; it will only stretch the military even thinner than it already is.
This is tiny David (Israel) versus the truly massive world power, Islam…there is no hope for Israel practically, yet the world powers seem to coddle the bully against the tiny state. Does America really support such unfairness? Do the universities really teach a love of such obvious brutal Islamist oppression? Say it is not so! But it is.. Shame on the ignorant masses of uneducated PhD’s who deserve to be fired for their terrible failure to teach the truth. I am disgusted by all who thrive on this travesty….But I know that the true Almighty God, who sees all, will repay the terror on its perpetrators a thousand fold.
Obvious a generation of youths in our universities support the barbarism. So what if they are ignorant, they are old enough purportedly to think. By supporting and demonstrating for Hamas and its savagery, they, in effect, are accomplices. They should be made to feel the pain for their viciousness. Kick them out of college, make them work, or better, send the fools to Gaza or Yemen cuz they clearly do not merit living here.
Just pray for Israel. If you already pray, pray a little bit more. Every decent person who reaches out to a just and loving G0d and asks Him to help them is a warrior in this battle, and together we might just win it.
It’s just (p)islam, being practiced in the manner of the pedophile “prophet”, mohammed the pig-faced dog.
If you as the terrorists at the terror org CAIR, they’ll tell you “ISLAMOPHOBIA”!!! And continue to bugger each other as muslim “men” are known to do.
Your questions are centuries old.
There is a not uncommon phenomenon in disordered humanity: men who become sexually aroused by causing violent death experience orgasm even without physical contact with the penis.
The act of taking life in a violent fashion produces the same ecstatic pleasure as lovingly creating life through sexual intercourse. It is disordered love that nourishes and produces death.
Ugh. There are some truly sick people out there. Islam seems to produce more than its share of them.
No amount of reporting or “investigating” of the horrors perpetrated by Hamas on innocent Israeli’s will change the hate=filled, disdainful mindset of the American Left. Hatred is the brand name of the slimy goop that the Left slathers over all those who question their lies and conceit.
If you don’t believe that Islam is depraved beyond any hope of reconciliation with humanity, consider this. Hamas is a religious organization, an outgrowth of the Muslim,brotherhood. The monsters torturing Jewish women to death believed that Allah, their homicidal stand-in for a moral deity, commended them to do what they did, and that they found favor with him for doing it. Islamaphobe is a sobriquet every decent man and woman should wear with pride.
The more one hears of the vile acts committed, the more one has to come to the conclusion these are not human beings who deserve to walk among us in a civil society. Centuries of inbreeding has destroyed their cognitive abilities altogether.
Islam must be destroyed.
Muslims are savages.
Satan hates women ! Get it ? This is the demonic work of satan and his evil minions. WHY does satan hate women and girls? Because it was a female that gave birth to satan’s greatest foe, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. You see, satan has tried to destroy Jesus since the garden and now he is trying to destroy Israel so Jesus has no place to come back to.
But just like Biden, he is as dumb as a stump BUT he knows Scripture, BUT he doesn’t know the future. He doesn’t realize yet that he is the biggest loser in all eternity. (Kinda like those who refuse to accept Christ as their Saviour and choose an eternity in Hell instead of an eternity in Paradise). Doesn’t make much sense, eh?
Satan hates women ! Get it? Satan is real and so are his ‘helpers’. And he is really ticked off right now because he knows that Jesus is coming back to ‘lock him up’ for 1,000 years and he ain’t a happy camper.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus………….
The systematic sexual violence against Israeli women and girls by the jihadists of Hamas during and after their murderous jihad on October 7th is horrendously vile and heinous to the most evil extent possible. Those jihadists Hamas by their brutal crimes of torture and rape of young Jewish girls and women have exposed they own vicious misogyny of the demonic evil mindset which is the resort of their religion which is Islam.
Some naïve Westerners who don’t know and understand about the bloody and deadly essence of Islam’s jihad , might be shocked and stop and wonder “Just how can those jihadists of Hamas be so totally unconscionably evil to commit those horrendous sex vile heinous affront and hideous crime, actions ? “
The answer to that question is found in the Bible, which informs its reader that there are some men who are completely horrifically callous heartless and unfeeling because they have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. [K.J.V.]
For them, that “hot iron” is Islam.
That demonic jihad entity, Hamas, with is jihadists, have no limits, at all, to its cruel heinous and vile horrendously horrific Islamic evils that it so maliciously and murderously commits.
Well, this is a very difficult topic. We have heard of the psychotic savagery, the nails driven into the girls’ abdomens, vaginas, thighs, of girls then pleading to please be killed so their suffering will no longer be felt. Words cannot reflect what i would like to do to those savages.
One act of justice might be feeding them live to the Komodo Dragons in Indonesia is not off my list for those psychos.
The attack was Satanic and demonic. Satan continues to rage at Jews and also against Christians, but his days are numbered.
Agreed. THe reason why the State-sponsored attempts to deal with “radicalisation” have been ineffective is that radicalisation is when demonisation becomes demonic possession.
Hamas needs to be banned from traveling to any Nation and and America Especially their total backwards types who make the most Primative People look far more advanced
The Islamic religion is responsible for this.
No one with one molecule of decency could read the article and not want to go out and take out a few themselves! I’ve read some pretty disgusting stuff about hamass, but this just tops it all! It’s one thing to kidnap, murder, and keep a soldier’s remains for years, but tho commit the atrocities they have done now? NONE of them should survive! Israel has a tough job ahead of them because once they finish off hamass then hezbollah will crank it up! It’s an abomination that the WORLD has not come to Israel’s defense and aid! I guarantee that if we had PRESIDENT TRUMP in charge there would be a two front assault on hamass!!
This is how evil obama is, if the Israelis drive the arabs out of gaza, as they should, obama will fly them to America and pay to house them in your town, using your tax money.