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Hili Kupershtein is a young woman who lives in the south of Israel, very close to the border with Gaza. She grew up used to the sounds of warning sirens and the need to rush immediately to the nearest safe room because of incoming rocket fire from Gaza. Now she describe for the outside world, that has trouble understanding what it must be like to live in a place so terrorist-tormented as the Israeli towns bordering Gaza, her own thoughts on the “war crimes and atrocities” visited on Israelis by the terrorists of Hamas. Her de profundis despair can be found here: “I Am 21-Years Old; This Is What It Is Like in Israel,” by Hili Kupershtein, Algemeiner, October 9, 2023:
…As an Israeli, I am closely familiar with existential fear. But on Saturday, I learned that I knew nothing about fear….
They violently broke into homes and slaughtered children, families, and elderly people, some of whom were still in their pajamas.
Families were hiding in shelters, parents were lying on top of their children to try to protect them — hearing the terrorists inside their homes on the other side of the door, trying to break down their shelter doors to murder them. They did not know that aside from the brutal bloody murders, the terrorists were violently kidnapping families, the elderly, and people who lived alone, by putting guns to their heads, kidnapping them, and dragging them into Gaza….
In another instance, a peaceful music party was being held in a large field. At 6:30 in the morning, Gazan terrorists crossed the border and violently massacred the young Israelis as they ran to save their lives. More than 250 were killed, some were injured, some were kidnapped, and some are still missing….
Every Israeli’s social media accounts are flooded by people posting about their missing loved ones and asking if anyone has seen them. I recognized two people I know, who went to a high school right next to mine. It seems almost everyone knows someone who is missing or kidnapped.
Hundreds of people are still missing. We do not know if they are alive, injured, or dead.
Hundreds of people who woke up on Saturday morning either in their home or at a peaceful party are now on a missing person list.
I am still scared for my life. I am scared for the lives of my family and friends. Every one of us knows a person who was called to reserves.
This war is unlike anything I have experienced.
Hamas’ people and supporters are violent terrorists. They are brutal, merciless, and inhumane. They commit abhorrent war crimes. They spare no life of peaceful families. They are out for blood, and no one is safe.
I write these words and my hands shake. My phone keeps buzzing from notifications about more and more sirens that are sounding, civilians and soldiers who are killed, terrorists from Gaza who still are on the run inside Israel, along with other disasters.
My online feed is full of pictures of my friends who are in reserves, and who are now going to battle to protect the lives of Israeli citizens and our democratic country. They are asking me to pray for them. I am anxiously waiting for some of them who are now offline to respond.
I am afraid. The only thing that is left for us to do is pray and speak out against the war crimes and atrocities that are being committed by the Hamas terrorists in Gaza, and the thousands of people in Gaza who support and protect these terrorists.
You should too.
But it is all Israel’s fault if you listen to the legacy media.
Plus there’s a story about a hospital that the Israelis have hit which I hope and pray is a lie, but a lie travels faster than the truth.
It was shown to be a lie and shown to be a rocket of Gaza origin that misfired at least one day ago. I wonder why you haven’t heard? Video shows this and theres are audio recordings that were released of two muslim leaders deciding to say it was `israel. It fell on the parking lot and not the hospital.
Sure, they are rioting in the US capital and US streets and around the world chanting they plan to genocide the Jews, But, they were going to do that anyway.
I finally heard about it being a lie, from Dennis Prager. The vast majority of British people have only heard the BBC story about a bomb hitting a hospital in Gaza and the implication is that Israel was to blame.
Well, if ‘the large majority of people’ in the UK and elsewhere continue to trust their official media after decades of proven lies, they shouldn’t complain when the other kind of media prove them to be idiots.
The islamo-leftist groups are a minority in the Western world – but they have been brainwashed and trained by their fascist leaders to make a lot of noise – with typical fascist techniques seen some 90 years ago in Europe. And where do you think the funds come to pay for all the commotion?
Unsurprising. The legacy media includes The New York Times , which buried the Holocaust on the back pages if it deigned to cover it at all and whose Pulitzer Prize winning corespondent Walter Duranty (BTW, the prize has never been taken back) described the Soviet Ukraine as a “cornucopia” during a famine that accompanied forced collectivization that killed millions. Or The Washington Post which printed a fake story about a child drug addict, or TIME magazine, which informed its illiterati that Menachen Begin’s name “rhymes with Fagin” and descrived the Prime Minister of France as “Jew Blum” while concurrently likening Hitler to a naughty boy raiding a jam jar while reoccupying the Rhineland and invading Austria.
I hope Israel is going to follow through with the occupation of North Gaza and boot out any Hamas supporters and transfer actual Hamas members to the hot place. Israel should empty out Gaza at least to the Wadi Gaza.
If they don’t take over North Gaza they will keep getting their people slaughtered. forever. The Hamas killers are Muslim Jihadis who are ordered by the Koran to kill all the Jews and they will not stop and they are trying as hard as they can to do it. Don’t give them a place to do it from. If Hamas keeps attacking Israel from South Gaza then ship them to China or North. Korea or Iran Judging from past experience Israel will not do that. They would rather keep fighting on into the future.
Yes and Biden is trying to keep Israel from clearing out Gaza as they should. He wouldn’t want to displease Hussein Osama.
What is most important for policy is that the leftists who now control Washington reverse course and stop funding Iran, Hamas and other related groups. And start supporting Israel in rooting out the evil who are doing these things. But I think they will not do this, because they are so enamoured of the prospects of the nuclear deal and the two state solution that they will try to prevent Iseael from destroying their enemies.