A picturesque and once-peaceful university town, Freiburg – like many places in Germany – has been transformed by the arrival of Muslim migrants. More than a million of them were admitted to Germany in just one year – 2015 – which is when Angela Merkel flung her country wide open to migrants, who have overwhelmingly been Muslims. Diversity! Why should anyone have reason to worry?
Since 2015, hundreds of thousands of Muslim economic migrants, claiming to be asylum seekers, have continued to flood each year into Germany. The results have not been good. More on the situation in just one city, Freiburg, can be found here: “North Africans terrorize German green university city,” by John Cody, Remix News, January 24, 2023:
One of the most liberal cities in Germany, the university city of Freiburg located in southern Germany, is facing a massive crime wave perpetrated by North African migrants as well as mass riots at the city’s main asylum reception center.
The violence at the reception center has required the police to launch major operations on five separate occasions. Freiburg’s police forces were overwhelmed during the incidents and forced to call for reinforcements from neighboring districts and the German Federal Police to control the chaos, according to German newspaper Stern.
Just on Sunday, approximately 40 foreigners, mostly North Africans and Syrians, attacked each other with knives, sticks, and other objects. Officers made three arrests, but just hours later, another mass brawl broke out involving knives, with 300 foreigners either fighting or watching the fights unfold. Later, at midnight, a third riot broke out involving 40 men who attacked each other with various objects, according to police.
There has been chaos in the city center of Freiburg, with Muslims attacking each other – Syrians against North Africans – but these “mass brawls” with knives disrupt life for everyone in the city, not just the Muslims directly implicated. People are afraid to go out at night, for fear of being caught in the midst of a brawl or a riot.
The next day, residents of the asylum home triggered fire alarms and then threatened the responding firefighters and police officers with a knife. When police went to make arrests, they faced considerable resistance.
The “asylum home,”which is where shelter is initially provided to those immigrants — mostly Muslims — claiming asylum, was turned by its inhabitants into a trap. They deliberately set off fire alarms in order to attract firemen and police so that, upon their arrival, the Muslims could attack them. This was an assault on the forces of order that represent the state, which the Muslim migrants regard with contempt, for they see it as run by and for Infidels.
A few hours later, staff said they were threatened by North African residents inside the center, requiring a large police response….
The staff at the asylum center are there, remember, only to help migrants. They provide temporary shelter, help migrants prepare their applications for asylum, and at the same time, aid them in applying for the many state benefits – housing, medical care, education, family allowances, even unemployment benefits – that they might qualify for. Yet instead of gratitude, the North African Muslims threatened the staff at the asylum center with violence; the police quickly responded and, no doubt, the “large police presence” that was deemed necessary to prevent harm to the staff has not been fully removed. Many of those police officers will no doubt remain to provide permanent protection to the threatened staff.
And this deployment of police at the asylum center occurs at a time when more police are needed in the center of Freiburg, For the influx of Muslim migrants has led to a steep rise in the city center in both crimes of property – street robberies, smash-and-grab attacks on shops, cars vandalized and set on fire, house burglaries – and in crimes of violence, including rapes, beatings, and murder.
Police describe the suspects as “young men, mainly from the North African region, who have often only been in Freiburg for a few days and whose identity is usually not certain.” When they are stopped during a theft and “confronted with the accusation of the crime, the perpetrators usually act unimpressed. Police officers are often insulted or attacked.”…
When these Maghrebins – North African Muslims – who often fail to give their right names or nationalities, and who often pretend to be younger than they are (so that they will be tried, and sentenced, as juveniles) — are caught by the police committing a crime (pickpocketing, shoplifting, smash-and-grab at shop windows, street robberies, home burglaries), they are not the least bit cowed. They insult the police, even physically attack them. And why not? These police are Infidels, and representatives of the Infidel state; Infidels are “the worst of created beings.” They seem to think they have a right to make us, the Muslims, the “best of peoples,” obey their Infidel laws. Of course we’ll fight back. And besides, we don’t consider taking property from the Infidels a crime. It is ours by right: we are merely helping ourselves to a proleptic jizyah.
Many of the thefts take place in high-end clothing retailers and at the perfume counters of department stores. Police report that the number of such crimes has “skyrocketed,” with most of the suspects men from North Africa. Media reports indicate that many of the migrant men lie about their age in order to avoid stiffer penalties, a trend that is well-documented in Germany….
These Muslim shoplifters know what they are doing. They head for the most expensive clothing stores where they can make off with very expensive sneakers, silk scarves, lingerie, Italian suits, and to department stores, where they go straight to the perfume department, to make off with very expensive, and conveniently easy-to-hide bottles of perfume. Muslims work in shoplifting gangs; while some members engage the salespeople in conversation, or start a distracting ruckus, other members go to work grabbing the most expensive items they can find. There’s a great deal of money to be made.
This isn’t the first crime wave involving migrants in Freiburg. Already in 2016, following a string of sexual assaults and thefts, nightclubs in the city joined together to bar migrant men from entering.
Such a ban on admitting migrant men to the nightclubs in Freiburg, where the people kept out would overwhelmingly be Muslims, if imposed in the United States would not withstand a constitutional challenge based on its being a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, but Germany, fortunately, has no such clause to limit its freedom to act.
Despite the history of crime in the city, Green and other left-wing politicians have often pushed for more migrants to come to the city under the motto “We have space!”
It takes a long time for reality to set in for some people. Violent brawls among Muslims, and crimes committed by Muslim migrants are overwhelming Freiburg, yet the city’s left-wing politicians still insist on welcoming them because, their idiotic slogan proclaims, ”We have space!” They still refuse to recognize the crime wave in Freiburg and, indeed, in those cities across Germany where significant numbers of Muslim migrants now live. Everywhere it’s the same story of Muslim migrants committing crimes of property and crimes of violence, always against Infidels.
Foreigners are responsible for a massively disproportionate share of crime in Germany, according to police statistics.
On New Year’s Eve, mass riots took place in major German cities, which involved migrant men attacking ambulances, firefighters, and police. The events have led to a new public debate about mass immigration in the country and called into question Germany’s open borders immigration policy.
These mass riots included vandalism — smash-and-grab of whatever was on display in shop windows, the torching of cars, setting fires in the street. In Berlin, ambulances were fired upon, as were firemen trying to douse the fires that had been set – cars aflame, tires burning, stores set alight – by Muslims. The police struggled to chase down rioters, but were themselves attacked, with rocks, Molotov cocktails, and even gunshots. This has led to a great outcry in Germany, with many demanding that Merkel’s open-door policy on immigration be ended immediately.
This is Freiburg, this is Germany, today. The street violence, the increase in every type of crime, the attacks on the representatives of state authority – policemen, firemen, ambulance drivers – are happening at a time when Muslims make up only 7% of the country’s population. But what will happen when the Muslim population inexorably rises, as has been projected, to 20% of the total by 2050? What will German cities look like then?
One of the finest period instrument ensembles – the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra – Is based there. Listen to them on You Tube (Bach, Vivaldi, et al.), and imagine what is happening just outside the venues where the orchestra performs and records. Vile, murderous Muslims at large, eager to destroy the music being performed, the historic instruments being played, and the musicians themselves.
You liberal fools. what did you expect. Make the greens live with the Muslims!!
Many ‘educated’ leftists don’t realize there is a huge gap between theory and reality. Of course, others pay the price…
Nancy, their theories aren’t so great to begin with.
Easy. Lock the doors and burn the building down. End of problem
Ladies and gentlemen…the religion of peace.
Go to “thereligionofpeace.com”
Where you may be rigorously censored.
I was.
Half my posts disappeared. The censor even emailed me taunts, when I complained.
“Your comment awaits moderation.”
is one word and one syllable shorter than
“Your comment is awaiting moderation.”
Censors aren’t bright enough to have mastered the English tongue. Why bother when one holds the big eraser.
Excellent article, thanks.
Take biometric data when immigrants are arrested.
Stores need to screen visitors before letting them in.
Every free enterprise known is by intrinsic definition implied, “WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE/ACCOMODATION TO ANY AND ALL FOR ANY REASON OR NONE.”
Just like lowering the Drawbridge opening the gate and allowing in the enemy to Kill, Rape Maim Plunder, Pillage and Burn the whole Kingdom
The kingdom sacked; Yes.
The emotional fool Merkel’s gated home; No
She believes her little Palasade will remain free of islamic contamination. (The unwashed masses will have to deal with ’em, but not her.)
She is just hoping the alligators will eat her last.
Am I the only person here who wondered from the start if she was a Stasi plant? She never seemed right to govern a modern democratic state and I am left wondering how the hell she got the job.
Leftist methodology in action.
No, you’re not alone.
Ever heard of a Trojan horse ?
Many years ago, my mother, of blessed memory and a survivor of Mauthausen, the labor brigades and a death march visited Vienna, one of the sites of her abuse at the hands of the Germans. Noting the presence of a considerable number of Muslims even back in the early 80s, she understood what would eventually happen to that city. And she had a good laugh about it.
It has been said that the Europeans felt so guilty about the Shoah that they decided to let all the Muslims conquer their countries. There might be some truth to that.
Germany & France are suffering two act of vandalism a day.
“The Strange Death of Europe” is worth a read.
When are the Leftists who support and push these destructive policies (and “diversity is our strength” mantras going to be recognized as the destructive wretches they are. I know that, as good post-modernists, they don’t believe in the existence of objective fact but sane, reality-based, people can see what is happening all over Europe. They have to get over the notion that opposing the demographic and cultural destruction of Europe puts them on a par with the Nazis and stand up against the intentional destruction being visited upon them by their own Leftists and the people they import as human sledgehammers to destroy Western Civilization, which both the Left and Muslims detest.
Remember that the Nazis were leftists, too. They also had the end goal of destroying Western civilization.
the ‘left’ and Islamoterrorists both want to practice the condemnations of God Almighty. therefore they and by association us will be again thrown out of the garden of Eden.
The leftists will all convert to Islam and will participate in the slaughter of their countrymen who will not convert, exactly as has happened in whatever country the Muslims conquered. The traitors joined the Jihadis.
Visited Freiburg in the mid 90s and it was a classic German town with a church built over centuries call Munster. The islamists were just getting a toehold but it was still a nice place. Im glad i visited then and took pictures because its all doomed.
We are on the same path.
A friend of mine is a great fan of the 3rd world and sympathizes greatly. I warned her about the teachings in the Koran, but she had an edition with all the most evil teachings omitted. She had an asylum seeking Muslim boyfriend for a few months, but one day he got too physical when she visited the Asylum seeker lodgings. She needed help to free herself, and since then she has avoided the house. This is probably how most liberal to leftist Europeans will get to know the Islamic religion, which teaches peace. But then it is a bit late, when the wolves are already inside the gates.
Islam has showed us the reason the suffix ‘Phobia’ although inaccurate is appropriate.
We have ample evidence to fear the ‘incarnation of the Anti-Christ’ group. Using fear intimidation and the infamous schimpter sword whose lunar curved design is in conflict with the straight and true of the broadsword, those who use the dark of the moon as a symbol, rather than the clear brilliance of t the Sun.
America was discovered as a result of the Khyber pass and the silk road to India being so lethal to non muslims was incentive for Queen Isabella to commission an exploratory venture to go around.
In the spring of 1492 Columbus set sail. in the autumn Saladin was conquered and Fatima freed form the Islamoterrorists of the day.
America is a God given refuge from the ‘peaceful ministrations’ of the Islamic hoards.
Yet. only a faithful nation will continue to receive the blessings of the One True God.
Pursue the proclamation of being a Saint — What else is there in life?
“Many Muslims feel the same way. Their religion teaches them that Muslims are the best of people and that non-Muslims are decidedly inferior.”
UNIDOus (we note this is not English even as the movement is funded by corporate special interest that benefit
from ‘cheap’ labor illegals as well as American tax dollars. Former la Raza VP Cecilia Munoz operated out of the
Obama White House and was on Biden’s transition team for open borders and amnesty)
1. “The Race” thrives on ethnic supremacy — and the elite sheeple’s unwillingness to call it what it is. As historian Victor Davis Hanson observes: “[The] organization’s very nomenclature ‘The National Council of La Raza’ is hate speech to the core. Despite all the contortions of the group, Raza (as its Latin cognate suggests) reflects the meaning of ‘race’ in Spanish, not ‘the people’ — and that’s precisely why we don’t hear of something like ‘The National Council of the People,’ which would not confer the buzz notion of ethnic, racial and tribal chauvinism.”
The fringe is the center. The center is the fringe. Viva La Raza.
“This is country belongs to Mexico” is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!
“Multiculturalism” has been sold by so-called intellectuals as the enlightened tenet for an educated, civilized Western world. Yet, the truth is that from the moment of its adoption, Multiculturalism has wrought nothing but the erosion and outright destruction of Western societies’ values and traditions. Yet, the big Lie of Multiculturalism — now exposed for what it is — lives on in ever-shifting forms, i.e. in the form of Diversity, Equity and Exclusion. In the end its goals are all the same: wiping out the histories and traditions of Western Civilization’s nation states. Europe will never be the same. America, heed the warnings and learn your lesson before it is too late.
Ive been in Freiburg many times back in the 1970s when I lived in Bavaria and always enjoyed my visits there eating and drinking great Beer and Schnitzels and now it is truly sad that such a lovely Town in the Black Forest has become such a place full of ungrateful violent young men who have been told they have the right to treat German women in the same manner as they would back in whatever shithole islamic garbage dump they crawled out of.
Germans are ashamed of the actions of their Fathers and Grandfathers and yet welcome with open arms a gang of young men from a religion that is even more hateful of the Jewish people than even Hitler himself was as islamism is the new nazism.
At the highest peak in all of Germany, not far from Freiburg is the mountain known as the Zugspitize and at the top is an islamic prayer room, with a toilet beside it with a sign outside stating ” Toilet for use by muslims ONLY ”, in German of course.
Ask a German if they are aware of that prayer room, and do not be surprised when they tell you they never heard of such a thing and they may even tell you its just fine, why not…
Glad I lived around there in the 1970s, happy memories.
I was there in 2011 and was not aware of it. Thanks for the heads up. Will bring bacon grease with me on next visit👍
Start eliminating the problem one by one
They make a desert and call it peace. Calcagus. Chieftain upon invasion by Roman Empire into Caledonia around 80 CE.
atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.
Where are the men of Germany??