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Last month, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation revealed that singer Buffy Sainte-Marie, an indigenous icon for more than half a century, is really Beverly Jean Santamaria, born in 1941 in Stoneham, Massachusetts, with no indigenous ancestry whatsoever. Also on display last month was the fakery of the composite character president David Garrow profiled in Rising Star: The making of Barack Obama.
David Horowitz called 10/7 the worst massacre of Jews for being Jews since the Holocaust. In the words of Bari Weiss, “this was a genocidal pogrom. It was a scene out of the many places Jews had fled – a scene from the history of the Nazi holocaust.” Not so for Obama, formerly known as Barry Soetoro.
The attack was “horrific, and there’s no justification for it,” Obama said, “And what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable.” As a number of commentators have noted, this charts a moral equivalence between Israel and the terrorist mass murderers of Hamas. Despite claims to the contrary, the composite character has never been a supporter of Israel and never one to unite Americans of different backgrounds. On the other hand, he is closer to outright Jew-haters than most people know.
In 2005, a year after his historic performance at the Democratic National Convention, a smiling Obama was photographed with Farrakhan, looking pleased to be in the politician’s company. The meeting wasn’t his first association with the Nation of Islam and prominent members.
In Dreams from My Father, young Barry gathers books from authors such as James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright and W.E.B. DuBois. He finds “all of them exhausted, bitter men, the devil at their heels,” and “only Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different.”
In Los Angeles, Barry and his friend Ray meet a tall gaunt man named Malik, a follower of the Nation of Islam. As they chat, a bystander says “Malcolm tells it like it is, no doubt about it,” but readers learn nothing about Nation of Islam doctrine. In “Nationalism of Fools,” a 1985 essay in the Village Voice, the great Stanley Crouch described it in fine style:
The Nation of Islam offered a rageful revision that would soon have far more assenters than converts. Though it seemed at first only a fanatical cult committed to a bizarre version of Islam, Elijah Muhammad’s homemade Nation was far from an aberration.
Where others explained the world’s problems with complex theories ranging from economic exploitation to sexism, Muhammad simply pinned the tail on the white man. In his view, black integrationists were only asking for membership in hell, since the white man was a devil “grafted” from black people in an evil genetic experiment by a mad, pumpkin-headed scientist named Yacub. That experiment took place 6000 years ago. Now the white man was doomed, sentenced to destruction by Allah.
In the context of prevailing media images and public racial struggle, this was all new. Here were Negroes who considered themselves the chosen people. They proclaimed that the black man was the original man, the angel, and that since the first devils to roll off Yacub’s assembly line were the Jews, the idea of their being the chosen was a lot of baloney.
Neither [Martin Luther] King nor any reputable people doing serious work would have anything to do with the Nation of Islam. It was too racist and too much of an intellectual embarrassment.
Farrakhan is good with all of it, and also on record that Hitler was a “very great man.”
Despite Farrakhan’s long record of Jew-hatred, Obama was pleased to pose with him in 2005.
In 2008, Obama rejected Farrakhan’s endorsement, but Hillary Clinton said that wasn’t good enough. That same year, Obama’s church gave Farrakhan an award, prompting Obama to “decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan.”
The composite character had many opportunities to issue such statements in the past, including his 1995 book. He only spoke out when Farrakhan became a campaign issue, and the candidate condemned only his anti-Semitic “statements,” not the vile racist doctrines that Crouch called out so clearly. When it came to the Jews, Farrakhan was not backing off.
“They stole land in Palestine,” Farrakhan said in 2010. “And this Synagogue of Satan knows that the end of their time of rule is up.” In 2017, Farrakhan said Jews “are in fact Satan,” the “enemy of God and the enemy of the righteous.” In 2018, Farrakhan claimed he was not an anti-Semite but only “anti-termite.” And so on, but clear condemnations of this bigot from the former president are hard to find. He now proclaims moral equivalence between Islamic terrorists and their Jewish victims, and he’s not done.
“Obama’s narrator,” David Axelrod, has been hinting that Joe Biden should drop out of the 2024 presidential race, doubtless in favor of Michelle Obama. She was unreadable in college, as Christopher Hitchens said, but now boasts two books. In Becoming, Michelle reveals, “David Axelrod would lead the messaging and media for Barack.” For all but the willfully blind, he still performs that role.
Like Buffy Sainte-Marie, Barack Obama has been a fraud from the start. As David Samuels noted in “The Obama Factor,” the composite character helped precipitate “the disaster we are living through now.” In a fourth term through Michelle, things would surely get worse for the Americans people and their allies. As Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.
Mark Dunn says
I was taking a smoke break, and a co-worker said he watched the DNC convention on TV. The coworker went on about some young black man named Barack Obama. I listened politely, the whole thinking who would vote for a black muslim? Don’t ask me who is going to win the big game, on Saturday, or for investment advice.
Toni Logan says
That’s because he successfully claimed to be a “Christian,” and because many Christians wanted to believe him, they did just that & did no research on their own.
Mark Dunn says
His name was my first clue, there was a problem. Barack is the name of muhammads horse, according to that wonderful book.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Lloyd! I had her first album. She fooled me all these years 🙂
THX 1138 says
President Michelle Obama it will be. There is simply no way the Uniparty with their Deep State apparatus is going to let President Trump win. If you think assassination is beyond them, you’re in denial to the Uniparty’s thoroughly evil nature.
“Dinesh D’Souza, a very smart and brave man, wrote this on Twitter/X:
“The Left is freaking out over the fact that Trump intends to do to them exactly what they’ve been doing to us.
Two can play at this dangerous #PoliceState game. If they win in 2024, it might be the ruin of us. But if we win, it might just as likely be the ruin of them.
Get ready!”
Faulty premise in this post: If it’s true that we are already living under a police state (and we are), then the people in charge of a police state will not permit their opponents to win. However we might overturn this tyranny, it’s not going to be through another rigged election run by the tyrants.” – Michael J. Hurd
Intrepid says
THX….letting us know what he really wants to see happen. Our rezident soothsayer hath spoken.
Obviously you are too lazy to fight for any change because that is your M.O. You would rather wallow in a sea of leftist blather, including your own.
Intrepid says
Hey maybe Buffy will date you. She sounds like she is right up your………….
Artist says
no way will ” Michelle” be Barry Soetoro’s fourth term. The never ending din regarding “Michelle’s” gender fluidity and oft photographed xy package will follow “Michelle” and Barry everywhere. Barry is obviously reluctant and willing to come out of any of his many closets even though his words support others doing so. It would be a circus and only the most indoctrinated progs would embrace this closeted, fraudulent duo.
Cat says
They’d need an enormous amount of vote fraud. Which they have And a campaign of “transgender rights” revealing Obama marriage and supposed kids as a lie and that they lied because “your transphobia” and then. Explain where the kids came from too. So, that’s a lot but who knows. Michelle running as a true female? I don’t think all are convinced of that status. Just as Joan Rivers. Oh, she’s deceased.
TRex says
Those “indoctrinated progs” behind the scene aren’t stupid. How do you think Biden got elected? I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see “Mike” enter the race not long before the election. She wouldn’t have to spend much time campaigning, her popularity among the “indoctrinated progs” and the LIV’s (but I repeat myself) and the guaranteed voting “irregularities” could be all that’s needed to insure a win, especially against Trump. It could be another “October surprise” just a little ahead of schedule.
Horace Yo says
Hurd’s statement is correct even if he is an objectivist. The Democrat Propaganda Police State which is now full blown communist will try very hard to stop Trump. Nor will they permit any other true American patriot to win. The correct way out to victory is to have a foolproof way or various foolproof ways of verifying the voted ballots One way would have a printed serial number on every ballot that would be read by the machine and used to establish a database that could be used to verify that there was no hanky panky going on in the ballot count. Of course the Democrats would never permit such a thing and they have no intention of preventing fraud because then they would not win. They will have to be forced to accept full transparency and inspection of the ballots and no mail in ballots unless they are numbered and thoroughly verified.
BLSinSC says
I’m BLESSED!! I’ve never HEARD of the “Buffy”! Unfortunately, I’ve been “touched” by the BUFFOON – barry soetoro! Everything he did was destructive and his demented deputy joe has amazingly out done him! I’ve always said that the DEMOcrats should be forced to change their name to the HYPOCRITES – it shows more and more as they gain power!
Intrepid says
Maybe they should change their name to the Hamasocrats. They might be able to get The Hamasington Post to hire one of their propagandists.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Hamasocrats. That’s a good one.
Arthur Vasquez says
They both need to repent or fall into a reprobate mind, which means God will reject them. They will die in their sins.
BLSinSC says
Looks like all my posts are “awaiting moderation” Was it something I said?
Cat says
Mine are too most of the time. And… the thumbs up and down are not working again! Is it one spiteful guy sitting there sad and lonely who is against me or is it a vengeful leftwing Ai?!? Idk. But it’s annoying,
Evil Incarnate says
TPTB have hijacked democracy. They’ve converted it from self-government to manipulating the masses.
They don’t get votes by making people’s lives better. They do it by pushing people’s buttons- “…suppress your vote through voter ID… ” “… control your reproductive rights…” “the constitution says blacks are 3/5 of whites…” “…mostly peaceful protests…” “Trump led an insurrection so he could hold on to power…”
They don’t even think about how to do it. It’s become instinctive. “DePape was saying the same thing the insurrectionists were saying.”
The Democrats lead, And the Republicans get right on board.
Craig Austin says
In Canada we have “status” cards for individuals based on race. They are more valuable than any other card in your wallet, often the free “get out of tax” and other benefits. People lie about their background for cash and prizes, being an oppressed undedog has many obvious benefits with no downside, unless you get outed.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good point. I was just thinking how she played the victim card well in her records.
Hoagie says
My first wife who was Jewish God rest her soul, loved Buffy. I could never stand the fraud to be honest. I wouldn’t like her if she was an honest injun.
Mark Dunn says
Honest injun lol!
Ed Snider says
Al Jolson in blackface, heap no good kemo sabe. Redface with eagle feather in hair, best kind of squaw.
Mark Dunn says
Stop it you’re cracking me up
Roark says
At least, Al Jolson didn’t make any secret of his true identity.
Roark says
Those who mitigate such malevolent acts are themselves monsters. Only abhorrent individuals prevaricate evil acts.
Such crimes against humanity are prima facea incomparably monstrous and bare no equivocation.
Those who dissemble on behalf of these crimes reveal their own true repugnant putrid nature.
Another False Prophet for the left you don’t need anymore of these types to know of their False Religion of Liberalism
Justin Swingle says
PERHAPS Buffy should start a club with Elizabeth Warren. Or even Kamala Harris who suddenly became black when offered the V.P. slot.
Toni Logan says
But you know, you can be a male, but say you identify as a female, so why in the world can’t you identify as being Native American whenever you want to? it’s hard to find sanity these days!
Madeline says
President Obama’s former church in Chicago is fake Christianity. It does not require baptism and nor a renunciation of another faith. Muslims are accepted as full members. It’s all a pretense to mask extreme hatred of whites. More compassionatly, I suppose one could see it as a pathetic attempt to fit in and belong with the dominant group, even though one hates them.
Andrew Blackadder says
How strange it seems that a guy called Barry Sothero, whose Mother converted to islam, at least in Indonesia if not Hawaii, was registered as a muslim, due to both his parents being muslims, then later he converts to Christianity and changes his Christian name to an islamic name once he embracing Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
And yet not one single islamic scholar has issued a fatwa against this apostate and in fact they all applauded him when he spoke in Cairo. .
Sure seems fishy to me.
John Blackman says
obama is a closet muslim and employs what all muslims do , lying ! or in muslim parlance taqiyya , [ religious deception ] . considering most americans are ignorant of what islam is it has been a pushover to fool them . their elected officials know and are complicit in the deceit .
Louis Emery says
I have no problem for one person to speak for a group that is different from their own upbringing. Should classical musicians only play music that was composed from their European ethnic group? Note that if she had been adopted into some Indian family (oops— native american; first peoples, etc whatever the kids these days call the various original, multi-wave migrants to this continent …) , no one would complain. It would have been good if she didn’t make a composite character of a Native American. They were all different, which is the part of Indians ethnology that interests me.
Mark Sochor says
You seemed to have made contradictory statements. Dress like an American Indian, sing their songs and speak their language. But, if you ain’t one don’t call yourself one for fame and fortune. There’s a psychological name for that problem in some psych book somewhere. Barrak on the other hand is a halfrican America hating Muslim masquerading as a Christian to accumulate power. That’s far worse.
WhiteHunter says
Why don’t the so-called “Palestinians” now claim that they are, in fact, the direct, blood-descendants of the Canaanites–and PROVE that by DNA testing and present-day, scientific archaeology, and then claim that the Israelites stole their “land” by conquest? Which, of course, the Old Testament records that they did.
And then submit that claim, from 3,000+ years ago, to some “international court” for adjudication (I’m not sure which one!) for “a redress of grievances, and ‘reparations,’ and the ‘return’ of ‘their land.'”
The lawyers for the Defense–Israel, and the Jews–might, if they even chose to appear and argue at all (which they shouldn’t bother to), might say, “Because GOD gave it to us. Any Questions?”
Miranda Rose Smith says
Why did this hoax take over half a cemtury to be exppsed? Wjy did nobody dig out earlier that Buffy Saint-Marie was as Cree as Ingrid Bergman? Usually, these things are dug out pretty fast. Tjhink of George Dupre’s claim to have been tortured by the gestapo, Lillian Hellman’s story about her amti-,Nazi heroics with her friemd Julia, Hillary Clinton’s claim to have come umder fire im Bosnia, the Universoty of Virginia’s “Rape on Campus” story in Rollimg Ztone