The following is an excerpt from Robert Spencer’s new book The Sumter Gambit: How the Left Is Trying to Foment a Civil War, which you can order here.
On September 1, 2022, in a nationally televised address, the nominal president of the United States, Joe Biden, declared war on half the country.
In a dark, threatening speech before an ominous red-and-black background and flanked by two Marines in full dress uniform, Biden declared that “Donald Trump and the MAGA [Make America Great Again] Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” For the first time in American history, a president declared that his primary political opposition was outside the bounds of acceptable political discourse. The message couldn’t have been clearer: The establishment Left, entrenched in power in the United States but deeply afraid of losing that power, was intent on criminalizing political opposition. Dissent from Biden’s agenda and you could end up with the thought police breaking down your door at four a.m.
Probably more out of historical illiteracy than historical awareness, Biden’s handlers chose the 83rd anniversary of Hitler’s invasion of Poland and the beginning of World War II for Biden’s profoundly disturbing and un-American speech.
“As I stand here tonight,” Biden declared in front of his ersatz Nazi background, “equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.” Biden said equality and democracy were under assault, and then he proceeded to assault them. He said he intended to “speak as plainly as I can to the nation about the threats we face,” but he wasn’t referring to China, or Russia, or North Korea, or the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, and certainly not to the woke America haters who infest our public schools, colleges, and universities. No, Biden’s big threat to the nation was Americans who dared to vote against him and reject his policies. Biden came closer to calling for war upon American citizens than any president since Jefferson Davis.
“Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal,” Biden complained. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” He immediately drew a distinction between them and the “good” Republicans: “Now, I want to be very clear…up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans. But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.”
The point Biden was making was clear: The Republicans who played ball with the globalist, socialist Democrats and allowed them to implement their agenda with just a few quibbles here and there — Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Adam Kinzinger, and all the rest — were the “good” Republicans. A “good” Republican was one who acted and spoke and voted just like a Democrat, but who had an “R” behind his name. A “bad” Republican was one who offered an actual alternative to the “America Last,” bug-eating, open-borders, Third World socialism that Joe and his henchmen were forcing upon us.
After making this frankly authoritarian statement, the corrupt senescent liar in the White House had the unspeakable audacity to add: “But I’m an American president—not the president of red America or blue America, but of all America.”
No, that was exactly what he wasn’t, not any longer, if he ever was. He effectively resigned from that position with that September 1, 2022, speech. He was not the president of Americans who wanted to see a strong, independent, self-sufficient America and a president who put America and its citizens first. He was at war with those Americans, and only God knew what was coming next.
“MAGA Republicans have made their choice,” Biden declared. “They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.” This was the “accuse your enemy of what you’re doing” strategy to a T. He went on to claim that the MAGA Republicans refuse to accept the results of free elections (not a word, of course, about the increasing evidence not only of election fraud but of FBI interference in the 2020 election, and all manner of oddities in the 2022 elections), and, with more of his trademark breathtaking dishonesty and audacity, proclaimed that political violence was unacceptable under any circumstances. Not a word about Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and all the others who cheered on the Left’s political violence in the summer of 2020. This wasn’t really about democracy and the rule of law at all. It was about criminalizing the legitimate political opposition, something that no previous president had ever dared to do.
Just days before this speech, Biden had called MAGA Republicanism “semifascism.” Fascism was once again on the rise, as it was in the darkest days of the 1930s. Biden’s speech embodied it.
Back on March 23, 1933, before he became the world’s universal symbol for the embodiment of evil, German chancellor Adolf Hitler spoke before the Reichstag, urging it to pass the Enabling Act, which would give him dictatorial powers. He said that this was urgently needed in light of an imminent threat to the nation. Hitler claimed that in 1918, Marxist organizations had seized power in Germany, leading to “a time of boundless misfortune for Germany, that is to say the working German Volk [people].” But he assured the Reichstag deputies that “the German Volk itself has increasingly turned away from concepts, parties, and associations which, in its eyes, are responsible for these conditions.”
These were the same rhetorical notes Joe Biden sounded during his ominous speech branding Donald Trump and his supporters as enemies of the state.
In his Enabling Act speech, Hitler accused the Communists of “pillaging, arson, raids on the railway, assassination attempts, and so on — all these things are morally sanctioned by Communist theory.” He also declared that the German people were already in the process of defeating these great enemies. He spoke of “the necessity of thoroughly rejecting the ideas, organizations, and men in which one gradually and rightly began to recognize the underlying causes of our decay.” He added: “Filled with the conviction that the causes of this collapse lie in internal damage to the body of our Volk, the Government of the National Revolution aims to eliminate the afflictions from our völkisch life which would, in future, continue to foil any real recovery.”
Biden sounded the same notes here again, declaring that the nation was bouncing back despite the best efforts of these internal enemies to destroy it: “American manufacturing has come alive across the heartland, and the future will be made in America — no matter what the white supremacists and the extremists say,” as if America First patriots, whom Biden was busy smearing as white supremacists and extremists, were against American manufacturing. “I made a bet on you, the American people,” Biden continued, “and that bet is paying off. Proving that from darkness — the darkness of Charlottesville, of COVID, of gun violence, of insurrection — we can see the light. Light is now visible.”12 Ibid.
These resonances were real and ominous. For the first time in over two hundred years of American history, a president had declared that his primary political opposition stood outside the bounds of acceptable political discourse. The logical next step was the one Hitler took: He blamed one of his strongest adversaries, the Communist Party, for the Reich- stag fire, and outlawed it accordingly. With the Communist deputies barred from being present, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act, and Germany’s unfortunate fourteen-year experiment with a representative republic was over.
But that couldn’t possibly happen here, could it? It would be as outlandish and frankly inconceivable as the prospect of a president of the United States standing in front of a couple of Marines and a strongly Nazi-esque backdrop and denouncing his legitimate political opposition as an enemy of the state. Simply could not happen! Not in what leftists piously refer to as “our democracy”!
The day after this speech, Biden took it all back. Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Biden: “Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to the country?” Biden replied: “I don’t consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country.” Yet on September 4, Biden tweeted: “The MAGA agenda represents an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic. It doesn’t respect our Constitution. It doesn’t believe in the rule of law. And it doesn’t recognize the will of the people.” The implication was clear: If Americans abandoned the “MAGA agenda,” they would have nothing to fear.
But what of those who refused to do so?
Biden and his cronies are disgustingly selfish people who will get their Agenda 2030 come hell or high water.
Depopulating and globalising us all.
To be fair to *Biden, when Peter Doocy asked him about his bullshit projection speech, the retard had most likely completely forgotten it. (His handlers had to show him a transcript afterwards to remind him.)
Consciousness of Guilt
He’s pretending the 2020 election was not a three dollar bill.
He has no option now. He’s chosen to ride a tiger. He dare not dismount.
He rides or faces disgrace, and long-term imprisonment of his family.
The only winner is China. They hit the lottery.
It’a notable that Mr. Spencer referenced the 83rd anniversary of Hitler’s invasion of Poland. That invasion was justified by the false flag attack by Nazis dressed in Polish uniforms on a German radio station.
Even a quick review of Biden’s speech reveals a mountain of false flags meant to intimidate, not inspire. What can we expect next? Maybe a marching parade of nuclear tipped missiles flanked by armed troops in the style of China, Russia and N. Korea.
Well, first, Biden is a pathological liar. So there’s that. Second, he didn’t begin this attack with the Independence Hall harangue. Hadn’t he already called his political opponents “semi facists?” Hadn’t he already said that opponents of the Democrats’ attempted nationalization of voting laws to allow massive cheating were the legitimate heirs of Bull Connor? Why, yes he did. What a vile person. What a horrible President.
Biden and his ilk are the results of the leftists movement thats been going on for years and the M.S. Media have been hiding this stuff from the rest of us since their the partners in crime with the enemy
I will not be watching the SOTU. I hope millions will join me in not doing that because…ratings, the only thing that matters these days.
I’m not watching either. Why would anyone waste time watching a pathological liar give a speech?
Joe Biden in a speech condemning extreme “political violence.” At face value, that statement seems OK.
Nevertheless, a number of things are wrong. in what he said about “political violence” Biden was speaking about the mayhem that occurred on January 6, 2021, Biden even said that, and slanderously called the American patriots” insurrectionists” who had been framed in that leftist set up, but he said nothing about the most extreme horrendous political violence carried out, repeatedly in different cities by the violent lawless criminal and malicious and even, at times, murderous Marxist, of Antifa and BLM.
Furthermore, Biden didn’t condemn the political /religious violence, many times over, by Muslim terrorists. As one of the major characters in Iran’s Islamic revolution in 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini had, rightly, declared, “All Islam is politics.” [1]
In addition, Biden completely failed to condemn all violence, not only “political violence.”
For the horrible reality is the there is much non-political violence ranging from bands of Criminal gangs, as the most heinous and evil MS-13 to domestic home violence.
That speech delivered by Joe Biden was terrible and so is he.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 332
The tragedy might be that America has reached the end of her being a Republic. With the now corrupted FBI with its abuse of its power as observed that it took a sinister part in the insidious set up against the patriots on January 6, 2021 and the later FBI harassment of American Patriots who attended that January 6th rally and the Biden gulag for tyrant Joe’s political prisoners from the day of 1/6/22 and later the FBI raid invasion of residents of Donald Trump, along which many awful other event sines that have occurred since Biden took Office on 1/20/21 those are omens that are overwhelming that United States is come to the very end of her Republic. This is indeed, very tragic and sad.
With the infected and thoroughly infiltrated leftist FBI and considering all the terrible harm Joe Biden has done to the United States is still doing and will continue to do is so very horrendously terrible that the damage might be irreversible . I really hope I’m wrong.
President imposter Joe Biden is leading America to ruin. The terrible harm that Biden is doing to the USA might even be irreversible. As Abraham Lincoln had said, “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
That Socialist, tyrant, Joe Biden, likes and admires Communist China very much and will support that Red tyranny as for a he is able to. Likewise, Biden won’t oppose its President Xi Jinping in any way.
Biden has such a strong admiration for Red China that he even has his Beijing type political prison in Washington DC which must obviously be modeled on how Communist China mistreats and abuses its own political prisoners who were falsely arrested on January 6, 2021 at Washington D.C
For in the Biden gulag the American patriots falsely arrested in that leftist set up gets worse, those the patriots are kept 23 hours alone in single dark moldy cells to not working plumbing, and this means not even a working toilet. They are also given little food and the little they do receive is of very poor quality. In other words the food is terrible, they are also denied proper medical care, no matter how much anyone on them might desperately need it
This is like the political prison in Communist China. So it’s no wonder that Joe Biden likes Red China and have many of his polices favoring that Red tyranny.
That villain and impostor “president” Joe Biden is harming the United States on many different ways. One of which is ruining the US economy and is continuing to do so.
Biden has also destroyed the US/Mexican border wall and security system.
This had to be deliberate which means that Biden is sinister subversive treasonous fiend.
That also applies to the other in power “behind the curtains” who use that their puppet “president” as the stooge and tool to achieve their insidious Red /Green agenda.
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato also wrote, “The price good man pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
The ancient Greek Philosopher, Plato, did have a good valid point when he had written, “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
When applying that wise statement to Joe Biden, his “measure” is more than lacking, it’s outright terrible.
For Biden is the obedient “lap dog” of the Communist President of China, Xi Jinping. Likewise, Biden is also the faithful supporting servant the close ally of Red China .Which is that anti-America “mullah regime” of Iran. That hates the United States that it sets up billboards in Tehran that read “Death to America” and calls the US “The great Satan.”
Surely, the “measure” of Joe Biden is so very horrendously evil that he is an affront to the Office of the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US Constitution as well as a calamity for America and a disaster for the American people.
The sad part of all this is there are so many LIV’s bereft of any historical knowledge. They hear what they want to hear and that is “Orange man bad”. That’s enough for them to see this speech as appropriate. They are also the same people who believe our form of government is a democracy. Biden and his cohorts capitalize on this level of ignorance and hatred.
Well said. We have a left-wing-nut presidential administration bent on the destruction of Christian America and Christians in general. Not to mention the ages old goal of destruction of Israel. They also are bent on the complete moral decay of the occidental world.
Why would anyone other than the brainless drones watch? It will contain zero reality in what has happened, it will be Act 395 of the Biden word salad tour, and will yet again, cement the fact that he has no concept of the truth, doesn’t care that he doesn’t and the sycophants will laud every word.
The tragedy might be that America has reached the end of her being a Republic. With the now corrupted FBI with its abuse of its power as observed that it took a sinister part in the insidious set up against the patriots on January 6, 2021 and the later FBI harassment of American Patriots who attended that January 6th rally and the Biden gulag for tyrant Joe’s political prisoners from the day of 1/6/22 and later the FBI raid invasion of residents of Donald Trump, along which many awful other event sines that have occurred since Biden took Office on 1/20/21 those are omens that are overwhelming that United States is come to the very end of her Republic. This is indeed, very tragic and sad.
With the infected and thoroughly infiltrated leftist FBI and considering all the terrible harm Joe Biden has done to the United States is still doing and will continue to do is so very horrendously terrible that the damage might be irreversible . I really hope I’m wrong.
President impostor Joe Biden is leading America to ruin. The terrible harm that Biden is doing to the USA might even be irreversible. As Abraham Lincoln had said, “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
Joe Biden in a speech condemning extreme “political violence.” At face value, that statement seems OK.
Nevertheless, a number of things are wrong. in what he said about “political violence” Biden was speaking about the mayhem that occurred on January 6, 2021, Biden even said that, and slanderously called the American patriots” insurrectionists” who had been framed in that leftist set up, but he said nothing about the most extreme horrendous political violence carried out, repeatedly in different cities by the violent lawless criminal and malicious and even, at times, murderous Marxist, of Antifa and BLM.
Furthermore, Biden didn’t condemn the political /religious violence, many times over, by Muslim terrorists. As one of the major characters in Iran’s Islamic revolution in 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini had, rightly, declared, “All Islam is politics.” [1]
In addition, Biden completely failed to condemn all violence, not only “political violence.”
For the horrible reality is the there is much non-political violence ranging from bands of Criminal gangs, as the most heinous and evil MS-13 to domestic home violence.
That speech delivered by Joe Biden was terrible and so is he.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 332
The thing is if you go to telegram or gab or even rumble there are tons of actual neo-nazis who claim to be right wing. Most say Trump works for Israel half the time and say Maga the other.
They are mostly reactionary to the left, and the left stopping to be a problem would make then go away.
This clearly mainstreams them and pushes people to them. The left very much realizes they do this. This is clearly more about pushing people to them than starting a world war.
It’s like everyone forgot their great switch.
Seems to me it is a communist / NAZI / Islamic demon that is running the Biden admin.