(The Bernie Sanders supporter who targeted Republicans in a mass shooting at a congressional charity baseball game.)
I wrote this brief overview in 2018. It’s worth updating for the horrible things that have transpired in the last 4 years. Including the assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh.
But this is just a small snapshot from the height of the ‘Resistance’ era.
In the two months from May to June, 30 Republican members of Congress were attacked or threatened.
On September 9, Rudy Peters, the Republican running for Congress in the 15th District in California, was attacked by a knife-wielding man shouting, “F___ Trump”.
The attacker, Farzad Fazeli, an Iranian Clinton supporter, had previously posted, “Don Trump won’t clean his own house, so he’s too dirty to know right from wrong. Impeach/incarcerate him before more children die. P.S. complacency is worse than being the shooter.”
Next month, Shane Mekeland, a Republican running for the Minnesota House of Representatives, suffered a concussion after being punched in the face at a restaurant. “You f____g people don’t give a s___ about the middle class,” his assailant had shouted at him.
State Rep. Sarah Anderson, a Republican, was punched by a man when she tried to stop him from vandalizing her campaign signs. Indivisible Team protests at Dana Rohrabacher’s office (R-CA.) ended with a 71-year-old female staffer being injured by the actions of the leftist protesters.
Also in October, Kristin Davison, the campaign chief for Adam Laxalt, the Republican candidate for governor in Nevada, was left with pain and bruises after a confrontation with a Democrat operative. Her alleged assailant faces a charge of misdemeanor battery.
I’m not even bothering to list the death threats, including the ugliest ones, there are just too many.
The highlight was still a mass shooting by a Bernie Sanders supporter targeting Freedom Caucus members.
James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders volunteer, delivered by opening fire on Republicans playing baseball.
Hodgkinson had spent the weeks before the shooting staring at the site of his future attack and working on his laptop. What was he doing on his laptop? Ranting about Trump and Republicans. Or as the title of a Facebook group that he belonged to put it, “Terminate the Republican Party.”
A few days before the attack, the Huffington Post ran a piece calling for executing Trump “and everyone assisting in his agenda”. It has since come down, but a similarly themed piece defending a “violent response” to President Trump is still up.
As soon as it happened, the media rushed to sweep it under the rug. The FBI, in one of its most shameful moments, announced that Hodgkinson, who had a hit list of Republicans and asked where he could find them, was not out to commit an act of political terrorism, but was suicidal.
Motive unknown.
Hodgkinson, who was from Belleville, Illinois, did not have a diagnosed history of mental illness, but was “struggling in a lot of aspects of his life,” FBI Special Agent Tim Slater said at a press conference.
Slater said that the shooting appeared to be “spontaneous,” and that investigators had not yet determined Hodgkinson’s motive. He was “acting alone” when he opened fire, the FBI said.
“It was a pattern of life where you could tell things were not going well for Tom,” Slater said, referring to Hodgkinson by his middle name.
Hodgkinson had a piece of paper that listed the names of six members of Congress, the FBI investigation revealed. However, there was “no context” included in the list.
Slater asserted that this was not a “hit list,” and that the FBI did not believe that Hodgkinson had any targets among, or had made any threats against, any of those six unidentified members of Congress.
“Hodgkinson made numerous posts on all of his social media accounts espousing anti-Republican views, although all of the posts reviewed thus far appear to be First Amendment-protected speech,” the FBI said in a press release.
A spokesperson for the FBI’s Washington Field Office said that Hodgkinson “espoused anti-Republican rhetoric,” but that because Hodgkinson is dead, “We may never know his motivations.”
No one on the Left apologized for anything. Instead, the ugliness went on.
The media will play up the Pelosi attack to the maximum extent possible. And beyond getting into the weeds of the attacker’s motive, we ought to remind them of just how the media and the authorities have treated violent attacks against Republicans. It’s more than a double standard, it’s legalized violence conducted with the complicity of the authorities and the media.
Yeah, the Pelosi hammer man is a schizophrenic hard-drug using homeless guy from Berkeley, just the kind of guy the Democrats enable. Yet they blame it on Trump.
Exactly. And we’re all supposed to empathize with that slimy crook, Paul Pelosi, after being told to forget about Rand Paul, judge Kavanaugh and Lee Zeldin.
Apparently the infamous insider trader and drunk driver got hammered in the head with his own hammer right in front of the cops, who only took 16 minutes to arrive. It must be nice to be part of the Dirtbagocrat Pelosi crime family. Except for the hammer in the head bit. I’m sure he prefers to get hammered on wine and go drunk driving.
Ten bucks sez Bezerkely’s brightest, David DePape, went hammer time because he was angry that Nasty Nancy isn’t far enough left to suit him, and boy, will the fake news media try to censor that info.
“Bezerkely’s brightest”
lolol, good one 🙂
Apparently there’s a manifesto, green party no less. I’m glad the left/msm jumped the gun, a-gain, and went all in on their usual narrative. It aged even less well than the Hobbs ‘watergate’ break in. The hypocrisy is hard to hide, and the double standards obvious. What a dumpster fire the democrat party has become, lol.
A green manifesto. Shocker. I just knew it had to be something like that.
I remember some politician, in AZ I think, who got shot in the head by a rabid leftist because she wasn’t far enough to the left to suit him She lived but she’ll never be the same and she was the poster girl for gun “control” (ban) for a minute.
Did you see the part where Paul and the Perp were both holding the hammer, trying to take it away from the other, then the police ordered them to drop it. Paul complied, whereupon David took control of it and fractured Paul’s skull with it. Only then did the police tackle David.
hammer mer man is a schizophrenic hard-drug using homeless guy from Berkeley, just the kind of guy the Democrats enable. Yet they blame it on Trump.
You forgot sandal wearing nudist activist and stoner.
Sorry, it seemed like a lovers quarrel to me. Plus Paul Pelosi is usually “”“hammered.”
Yeah, it’s poetic justice that old Paul pulled a hammer on DePape and got hammered in a new way when Berkeley Boy took it from him. If he had a conscience he would see the irony for getting a taste of the harm he and his wife inflicts on the general public on a daily basis.
I have no sympathy for him whatsoever and I’ve been hit with a hammer before.
>The media will play up the Pelosi attack to the maximum extent possible.
Yeah. You should read Ron Kampeas’ anti-Republican screed on the Jerusalem post about the Pelosi attack.
Violence, terrorism and cover ups is the how the leftists stay in control.
Never let a good hammering go to waste. Dems will use this 24/7 until the midterms. This happened at precisely the optimum time. Who would-a-thunk it?
Well! Maybe we’ll be hearing a lot less about abortions.
The hammer guy was just playing the knockout game, except no one died.