Reprinted from the Washington Times.
Editor’s note: The following op-ed marking the launch of the Freedom Center’s new Stop the Jihad on Campus campaign appeared November 5, 2015 in the Washington Times. Click here to view the campaign’s list of the Ten Top American Universities Most Friendly to Terrorists.
Calling things by their right names is a prerequisite for seeing them as they really are. Last spring I spoke at more than half a dozen universities, including Ohio State and Stony Brook, where I was confronted by mobs of students cheering Hamas, a terrorist organization whose declared goal is the extermination of the Jews. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. On virtually every major university campus in America organizations exist whose leadership is dedicated to spreading the propaganda lies of Hamas designed to weaken and delegitimize the Israeli state, and promoting Hamas campaigns like Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) whose goal is its destruction.
The two leading organizations in this terrorist proxy campaign are the Muslim Students Association (MSA), which poses as a cultural group but is really a recruiting tool for its founding group, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which was also created by a Brotherhood operative and takes an even more aggressive pro-terrorist role on campus defending Hamas rocket attacks on Israel and advancing its propaganda wars.
There are many ways to criticize Israeli policy, both reasonably and unreasonably. But what distinguishes these two groups is the relentless adherence of their members to the propaganda lines — and lies — of the terrorist organization Hamas, and their unwavering defense of Hamas’ aggressive wars against Israel and the Jews. A prominent slogan of SJP and MSA, chanted at ritual campus protests, is “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free.” The river is the Jordan, the eastern boundary of Israel, the sea is the Mediterranean, its western boundary. These groups are committed to the destruction of the Jewish state — an act of genocide.
It is true that some chapters of the Muslim Students Association, which is a sponsor of the Israel-hate fests called “Israeli Apartheid Week,” do not participate in these political activities. But name one of them who has dissociated itself from their hateful agendas.
Even more telling is an infamous panel of four maps which is a standard feature of the “apartheid walls” (another Hamas propaganda lie — the security fence is designed to keep terrorists out, not ethnic groups) that are centerpieces of their protests. The first map shows a green state called Palestine with the date 1947. There was no state called Palestine (indeed there was no people calling themselves Palestinians) in 1947. The next three maps with expanding patches of white purport to show the infiltration and occupation of the non-existent Palestinian state by the colonialist Jews. These lies are easily checked. There is no occupation by Israel of Arab land. Israel was created the same way Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria were created — on land that belonged to the Turks for 400 years previously.
The fidelity of the Muslim Students Association and Students for Justice in Palestine to Hamas’ genocidal agendas is no mystery since both were created by agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. The mystery is why American universities like Brandeis, UCLA and scores of other schools are funding operations of a terrorist organization to conduct Jew-hating propaganda on American campuses. Any other group that preached hatred of ethnic groups or supported barbaric terrorists who slaughter men, women and children as part of a demented mission to cleanse the earth of infidels would face campus sanctions, disciplinary action, and be charged with conduct code violations. But these two groups, hiding behind the rhetoric of diversity and the cloak of political correctness, are instead lauded by university administrators, granted university offices, departmental funding for their hate-fests and a stage for their terrorist-supporting propaganda.
To expose this travesty and raise these questions the David Horowitz Freedom Center has launched a campaign ( on American campuses. The campaign has issued a report on “The 10 Colleges Most Friendly to Terrorists.” These include San Francisco State whose students scrawled “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers” across the concrete stage at an anti-Israel rally. They include UCLA, where student government officers attempted to bar candidates for student government from accepting trips to Israel sponsored by pro-Israel organizations. They include Harvard University whose Dining Services administrators made a unilateral decision to ban products from the Israeli company SodaStream; and Rutgers University, whose Students for Justice in Palestine chapter displayed signs calling for a new Intifada (terrorist attack) against Israel at a recruitment drive.
It is a mistake to assume that these hate groups will be satisfied with mere rhetoric. Numerous leaders of the Muslim Students Association have gone on to high-level positions in al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. The most notorious of these was Anwar al-Awlaki, the head of al Qaeda in Yemen, who inspired the Fort Hood massacre and who before that was president of the Muslim Students Association at Colorado State. A recent student leader of the General Union of Palestinian Students at San Francisco State University spoke openly on social media about his desire to stab Israeli soldiers and leave school to join the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a terrorist group waging war against Israel. His postings led the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the FBI to place him under investigation. How many other student leaders are out there who are less forthcoming about their desires?
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