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Presidential teams have all sorts of players on them. And much as some might have hoped that after the first term, the Trump team would be ‘clean’, that’s proving not to be the case.
The adoption of Biden’s disastrous surrendering to terrorist deal by Steve Witkoff, Trump’s Middle East envoy, appears to have saved Hamas.
And we’re getting all sorts of leaks to the media by people supposedly on the Trump team blasting Israel and propping up Islamic terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon.
The latest one is an NBC News story touting Witkoff and a larger ‘nation-building’ agenda for Gaza.
President-elect Donald Trump’s envoy to the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, is considering a visit to the war-torn Gaza Strip as part of his efforts to keep a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas on track, according to a transition official with direct knowledge of the ceasefire process.
Witkoff appears to have had his activities directed by the Emir of Qatar. He appears to have had past financial dealings with the Islamic terrorist state which was also linked to 9.11. And Qatar is a state sponsor of Hamas.
But a basic question is who is this unnamed ‘transition official’ laying out an elaborate agenda for Witkoff who sounds more like an Obama or Biden official.
“Remember, there’s a lot of people, radicals, fanatics, not just from the Hamas side, from the right wing of the Israeli side, who are absolutely incentivized to blow this whole deal up,” the transition official said.
What kind of Trump transition-official rants about the “right-wing of the Israeli side”?
And pushes nation-building in Gaza.
At the same time, Witkoff is working to achieve long-term stability for the Israelis and 2 million displaced Palestinians, the path to which runs through the three phases of the deal reached this past week…
While managing the current phase of the deal and negotiating the next, Trump and his team also are contending with longer-term solutions.
“If we don’t help the Gazans, if we don’t make their life better, if we don’t give them a sense of hope, there’s going to be a rebellion,” the transition official said.
This is not what anyone outside Dearborn voted for. Trump voters don’t want America going back to the same failed Obama policies and trying to do nation-building in Gaza or making “their lives better”.
Some individual or faction in the Trump team however is aggressively pushing this and has an extensive agenda laid out to get right back to nation-building in a terrorist state.
The Trump team should be asking hard questions about who in the team is leaking materials anonymously to the media and whether they want to be in the business of this faction’s agenda of ‘nation-building’ in Gaza.
All I see are photos of the “poor Gazans” looking well fed and full of anergy and screaming, “Death to Jews!” Now it’s the same tired “both sides are to blame” rhetoric from the incoming Trump administration as from past demonRAT and Rino Republicans. What happened to President Trump’s threat to the islamic savages that they had better release the hostages by Jan. 20th, or there will be Hell to pay?
Hamass did release the hostages today. The ones who were still alive, anyway. One of them reportedly had both his hands chopped off. The islamopithecines are into that…They knew Trump was going to kill them if they kept the hostages and they’re cowards. It reminds me of Iran releasing the Carter hostages the day before Reagan came to office. And Trump is much tougher than Reagan was.
Was 2 fingers, not 2 arms
The “help me” game. Like it’s our responsibility to “help” the Pallys.
This is a repeat of the continuing play we have been subjected to since 1948. It appears to me that Israel gets what it deserves by not finishing the job. There are no other possibilities other than a Roman Peace. Otherwise , we will watch the same play again in 5 -10 years.
Why doesn’t Israel just handle its’ own problem? Why depend on the US?
Israel is trying to. It’s US administration that warn it to stop.
I don’t know. I notice a lot of Israeli politicians are far left loons who think it’s a good idea to give the Psuedostinians free stuff, and you know how treasonous their judiciary is.
You are callous and sound like a harlot for Hamas. Israel did the best you could to destroy Hamas, losing nearly a thousand young IDF soldiers, as Biden/Blinken blood libeled Israel and tied its hands.
I am game for helping people..
But inductive logic tells you that you cannot help some people or groups.
So given all the evidence, If you persist in wanting to “help”, I have to consider that you are stupid (idiot savant like) or have an ulterior motive.
Help them die, in my opinion.
Trump is better than Biden and always will be,
However, we should not be grading U.S. presidents on a curve.
If we do or if we have-to, we are doomed. We might give ourselves a pass or handicap, but the world won’t.
I thought MAGA was against such nation-building on principle.
Trump does pick some losers.. He picked McGregor during the 1st administration.. McGregor was eventually gone. Witkoff is worse. Not saying the other nations are great, but anything to do with Qatar is pure poison.
Eve if Witkoff is gone tomorrow, the damage it seems i done.
Qatar stooge Witcoff was just praised on TV by ambassador Herzog. Witcof proudly announced that he is continuing to oversee Gaza and keep Israel in line! Then, Witcof gave a speech on TV where family said “what a nice guy, he loves Trump.” Witcof is being packaged and sold to US but Witcof is really a representative of Qatar, the world wide sponsor of Jew hate (see college campuses in the US),Hamas, and worse. The question is why would the new Trump administration be allied with Qatar?
I am not even factoring in Trump’s snarky anti Netanyahu posts.
Geopolitically, why? It’s not for a few votes in Dearborn. That is over. Either we never knew Donald Trump or he changed and now harbors Jew-hate, or he wants to build sky scrapers in and rule the muslim world, or something…… IDK!
I figure Trump will fire Witlesscoff. He learned from hi first term in office not to tolerate scum like that.
MAGA is also against plandemics and mRNA jabs.
And H1Bs.
OTOH, Trump has surrounded himself with “The Best of the Best of the Best.”
In other words, he’s not getting any advice from anyone whose faced the Leftist Beast on the frontline.
He’s getting his advice from people who’ve been vetted by all the best commies and globalists.
Trump 2.0 is shaping up to be about as effective as Trump 1.0.
That said, we should not be disappointed.
So soon we forget:
No one with our knowledge, understanding, or awareness of the Leftist problem could get anywhere near ‘dog catcher’ – much less POTUS.
Trump thinks he must ‘compromise’ everything to advance any ‘America First’ policy. He’s mistaken, but he doesn’t know that because his advisors are ‘the best of the best of the best.’
That is, they are all vetted by the enemy – globalists or whatever you want to call them.
We must do what we can to ‘guide’ Trump closer to the correct decisions, but it won’t be easy. It doesn’t help by attacking Trump for every foul up.
How do you guide while not “attacking.”? Id call this humiliating surrender to Hamas deal something other than a “foul up.” And to the commenter below, it seems Tiffany’s husband’s family has ties to Hezbollah.
A public stance supporting Israel would keep all of these factors in line. But that is not what Trump did. Israel’s surrender to Hamas now is Trump’s surrender to Hamas. He owned it. He looks weak in the face of Islam.
But perhaps that is his message and his goal. Make America Obama again.
What about Tiffany Trump’s father-in-law?
This is the hip0cracy of the nodding bobble-heads that give Trump a pass ‘…cause it’s Trump…’
We need to hold this administration’s toes to the fire all the way.
No compromise.
To quote Axios perfectly:
“The team represents the Trump worldview: Traditional conservatism is dead — and its biggest, lifelong advocates neutered to the point of irrelevance. ”
Does this sound like winning or a looming Trojan Horse? Musk, the Imam, and Trump calling Netanyahu a dark-hearted S.O.B. are not a good start.
I assume you refer to video Trump posted of the asst to UN head’s anti-Semitic trope that Netanyahu is dark and starts all wars in the world (even when he wasn’t even the PM). or did I miss another gloating anti-Israel Trump quote?
He could have shown true leadership and morality by supporting the victims of terror in a deal rather than benefiting their murderers and captors. But the new admin seems to have joined lying lefty BS that Hamas supporters in Gaza should be our concern and not the holy land of Judaism and Christianity, Israel. Why isn’t there any concern for Israel? Not one word for what Israeli people have bern through, suffered, and sacrificed. So, this looks a lot like Obama again. Explains the chummy chit chat they had. This type of leadership makes the US an anti-Semitic nation. That happens perhaps unwittingly for most or many US citizens.
I really hope the stinkweeds are rooted out.
Last week, this year’s Torah reading of the book of Exodus began once again throughout the entire Jewish world. When reading Exodus, it is clear that Pharaoh’s problem is that he thinks he is negotiating with/dictating to Moses instead of dealing with God’s demands, which are non negotiable. That’s pretty much what’s going on today. Trump (apparently with a Witkoff and others who have Trump’s famous ‘ear’) thinks he’s negotiating with/dictating to Israel instead of dealing with God’s demands. It is not a moral moment for Trump. His pro Israel cabinet right now looks like window dressing. I am bracing for his inaugural address. Hopefully there will be inexplicable strategic moments of morality to bring clarity and resolution. MAGA cannot happen without IGWT, In God We Trust.
The nation that needs building is Israel. That means the termites must be removed, not built into a nation. The next move for America should not be hope policy. Hope was a false buzz word for Zer0bama. Israel has put up with Arab hopes to destroy it for far too long. Now, genocide of Jews has more support in the world. This is no time to hope for peace by neglecting to kill the enemy and on top of that to subsidize and empower the enemy. The only hope is that new generations will not be taught to hate and kill Jews. Now, that looks like more than just hope. It would be fantasy, especially for Israel, an island in the Middle East, to expect. Today’s reality is what there is to decide policy on.
There is no shortage of Jewish traitors. The Holocaust years had many.. My guess it is the fly in the ointment here is a sick Jew, or a JINO, Jew in Name Only.
If you give the so called Pals hope, it’s important to know what their hope is. It’s the death and destruction of Israel. Any plan to make a Pal state out of Gaza is a plan to destroy the Jewish people. The future of the Jews is in Israel.
As long as Pals occupy Gaza, there will be big trouble. The only real hope is to get them to leave. Alternatively, Israel should take half of Gaza, build a big beautiful wall, and go.
Witkoff is the JINO Kapo of the Trump administration just as Blinken was of the Biden administration. In addition to his conflict of interest dealings with Qatar, he is a long-time friend and golfing buddy of Trump.
Worse he is a Qatari pro Hamas cutout.
“If we don’t help the Gazans, if we don’t make their life better, if we don’t give them a sense of hope”
Gazans? For Gazans read Hamas.
“If we don’t help the Gazans, if we don’t make their life better, if we don’t give them a sense of hope, there’s going to be a rebellion,” the transition official said.”
This unnamed (and therefore cowardly) transition official is either Witkoff himself or one of his minions. The forecast of a “rebellion” if the Gazans are unhappy in the future is preposterous. “Rebellion” against who? Hamas will again be in control of the entire Gaza Strip, so any rebels would be summarily executed by Hamas. Whoever warned of a “rebellion” is either stupid or thanks the media is stupid (actually, a pretty safe bet).
Those who have access to a good paper archive might care to read the joyous over-optimistic – even Utopian – stuff that was written about Gaza at the time the wicked Israelis pulled out; Gaza would be a combination of Singapore, with lucrative light industries, Monaco – with casinos and swish hotels – and even Zurich, a banking hub for the entire Middle East.
Dr Condoleeza Rice arm-twisted the Israelis into permitting a free and fair election in Gaza, unaware that the Gazans are like the Taigs in Northern Ireland and the Geek Cypriots, quite unable to resist the opportunity to vote for psychopathic lunatics.
interesting perspective
I agree with the sentiments here, however, I’m guessing the real reason Israel agreed to this deal was because it became no longer advantageous for them to continue the war. Killing every Hamas member would mean probably thousands more civilians deaths and probably many more hundreds of IDF deaths. Trump’s record with Irael is quite good. People expecting everything to go their way expect too much. It’s not Trump’s fault a big, steaming pile of excrement was left for him to clean up.
Yesterday I listened to Caroline Glick interviewing the man who owns MEMRI. He said our politicians and their entourages think the Emir of quatar is our ally. He plays them very well. In English he says one thing Arabic another. I believe as part of Trump’s daily briefing, he has to listen to a Memri video.
so hostages for terrorists ! hasnt worked before , wont work again . if and when and there is no guarantee that all the hostages will be returned it will be game on again . more oct. 7 s. which is what they have already said they will do . what needs to be done and it seems the jews dont have the stomach for it is that gaza should be cleared of all civilians leaving only tunnels and terrorists, then carpet bombed to ash , which is what the fakestinians did to their victims on oct. 7 . then leave it that way and kicking the arabs into the sinai where they can live in tents or tunnels . leave them there for 40 yrs. the jews were stuck there after the exodus . it didnt kill them apart from natural attrition which is a solution to the fiction of a 2 state . the jews are hated the world over for no real reason , this way the world will have a reason . its a win ,win for israel . and a solution for the current hamas problem . let egypt feed and clothe the miserable terrorists seeing they have been arming them since forever .
I totally agree. Send the rats scurrying into the Sinai and raze Gaza to the ground. Use the rubble to build a pier or something.
Steve Witkoff a Qatar pawn. Trump easily deceived. Trump, Kushner and Witkoff all compromised by Qatar money and deception. Trump administration compromised internally, not what we had hoped for. Qatar actually in charge, destroying Israel, we Jews and supplanting western civilization with fundamentalist (orthodox) Islam. Israel is still on its own, we must be strong. Four more years of hell. Truth can be brutal.
Israeli Expert Sounds Alarm Over Qatar’s Double-Game | The Caroline Glick Show
Which ‘Trump Transition Official’ is Pushing ‘Palestinian’ Nation Building?
“The only people civilized who deserve to live in our historic homeland are we Jews.” – Samuel Lurie
“Learn about Islam. That is the most important thing for people to do. Learn who it is that you are not.” – Samuel Lurie
Islam 101
Start by reading 11 pages marked starting from the middle of page 4 thru page 14. The entire paper is 47 pages.
Read also “A recent comment is as follows.”
An HONEST conversation about ISLAM
Jew Exposes Arab Muslim Beliefs From the Inside. Moriel Bareli on The Caroline Glick Show
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Allahs Marty’s think they will go to Paradise with 1000 Virgins they end up ina Flaming Lake of Fire and Brimstone