No, Democrats don’t really want to defund the police. What they want to do is replace a justice system that protects people from violent crime with one that punishes them for political dissent while treating criminals as martyrs and heroes.
That’s Black Lives Matter in a nutshell.
Senate Bill 82 in California is moving to legalize muggings by treating them as misdemeanors as long as the mugger doesn’t steal over $950 and no one was too badly hurt by the mugger.
Meanwhile, this is what happens when you drive over the big ugly yellow BLM sign painted on the street.
Santa Cruz police investigators have arrested two men in connection with the Friday night vandalism of a “Black Lives Matter” mural in downtown Santa Cruz.
Brandon Bochat, 20, of Santa Cruz, and Hagan Warner, 19, of Boulder Creek, were arrested Saturday, each being charged with one count of felony vandalism and one count of conspiracy to commit a felony. Investigators determined that Bochat and Warner took turns driving their vehicle during the commission of the vandalism.
Officers have been investigating throughout Saturday and, with assistance from community members, detectives were able to obtain video of the crime, in which a vehicle is intentionally “burning out” and applying tire tread marks across the length of the mural.
Both suspects have been booked into Santa Cruz County Jail.
Felony vandalism and conspiracy to commit a felony for driving down the street.
Mugging someone shouldn’t be a crime, but driving over a racist hate group’s slogan is.
The entire disgusting episode wouldn’t be complete with a hysterical outburst of victimhood and black fragility.
Mayor Donna Meyers hosted a community meeting Sunday, following the vandalism of the Black Live Matter mural downtown.
One community member said, “This is not an isolated event. And it’s not about some young kids having racist thoughts doing a thing. They have a community.”
“This is actual an act of violence. It’s psychological damage,” said Abi Mustapha, Santa Cruz Black Lives mural artist.
Punching an elderly Asian woman in the face and grabbing her purse is an actual act of violence. These are tire tracks on yellow paint.
City leaders on Sunday also felt emotional about the vandalism and promised to bring justice.
“There is emotional, psychological, and just in my soul damage,” said Sonja Brunner, the Santa Cruz Vice Mayor.
Santa Cruz Mayor Donna Meyers added, “The city will throw all the resources needed to right this wrong. As I stand here I’m started to shake more and more, and it breaks my heart.”
Police said they are still looking for two other people involved.
“Let’s face it, of the 5,000 plus streets segments in our city, that was the only one. We can see what took place here,” said Santa Cruz Police Chief Andrew Mills.
“For those who seek to minimize the events that took place, to negate the responsibility of ‘they are just kids fooling around.’ Shame on you. This was meaningful to this community,” Mills added.
If only Andy Mills put in as much time stopping actual criminals as he does kneeling to the racist mob.
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