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Liberals claim that they care about other people, but the real mark of liberal governments is how little they care about their own people.
Times are hard in Canada under the corrupt radical Trudeau government.
As Canadians grapple with astronomical grocery prices, troublingly high numbers of people are flocking to food banks to feed their families. Last March alone, two million Canadians visited food banks—a staggering 90 per cent increase from 2019—and the most recent figures estimate that 12,000 new users access them every month. Food banks aren’t just frequented by unhoused and precariously employed folks anymore, either: now, one in five users has a steady job.
Faced with the deluge of need, community food programs across the country have begun closing their doors due to empty shelves
That means it’s the right time to bring a whole bunch of freeloading ‘refugees’ from terrorist Gaza to Canada.
The Liberal government will provide tax-free grants of $3,000 per adult and $1,500 per child to Gazan refugees arriving in Canada, the Department of Immigration announced Thursday…
Thus far, 4,782 applications have been approved, and 616 Gazans have arrived, typically as relatives of Canadian residents.
“While it is extremely difficult for people to exit Gaza at this time, Canada is making sure necessary support is in place for Gazans as they start to arrive in our country,” the department said.
The government has not disclosed the total cost of the refugee program.
“Canada is the only country in the world with a dedicated pathway for extended family members of its citizens or permanent residents in Gaza,” the department stated in a May 27 briefing note.
That’s not something to be proud of.
Incoming Secretary of State Marco Rubio previously warned Canada that it was endangering its own people and Americans.
In a letter Wednesday to U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, United States Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) expressed concern over the program, which he warned could lead to an increased risk of allowing individuals with ties to terror groups easy access to the United States.
“On May 27, 2024, the Government of Canada announced its intent to increase the number of Gazans who will be allowed into their country under temporary special measures,” Rubio wrote in his letter, which was signed by five other Republican senators.
“We are deeply concerned and request heightened scrutiny by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security should any of them attempt to enter the United States at ports of entry as well as between ports of entry.”
What could go wrong?
“Settlement support and this financial assistance are critical to address the immediate challenges that come with moving to a new country under such circumstances,” said Immigration Minister Marc Miller.
“We’ll continue advocating for the safety of everyone.”
Everyone except Canadians.
Canada is a social, political, and economic failure. They are trying hard to get some terrorism for additional enrichment.
Glad to see Canadians enjoying the diversity.
I hope the schemes will fail before two generations of Canadian girls get diversified.
But I’m not optimistic.
Nanc? Is that you? Good to hear from you. 🙂
Nothing for Canadians but everything to so called refugees this is the UN/CFR/Globalists for you and a One World Government under the UN/WEF/CFR/Globalists
The economics of food banks are fascinating. They are made possible by our superb economic system. For example if bread passes its “best by” date it won’t sell, so is donated to local food banks. Then desperately poor senior citizens scarf it up. Doesn’t hurt the income of the supermarket since that view is basically how much income is generated by the total of bread sold, the individual loaf doesn’t matter so much, would otherwise be tossed away if not sold.
I used to go to food banks until I realized I didn’t need the extra food. And like you said, it’s all Old.
I guess some people need that shit, though.
And I hate store bread. If you bake your own homemade, it’s delicious, but the stuff from stores is crap.
You just know that the Canuck government will be trying to send them here. Good thing Trump is closing the border.
I heard it reported that more Jihadis come from Canada than Mexico. I don’t know if it’s true but it’s a disturbing statistic.
Our FILTHY LIBERAL Government hates us. Take us over!!!!!
In Maryland illegals get a monthly $2,800 cash EBT card, a Food EBT card, furnished 100% govt. paid apartment my daughter and son-in-law can’t barely afford, and 100% paid Medicare with supplemental no out of pocket costs. All NGO paid in turn paid by the federal government.
Nine thousand-plus homeless US veterans in Newark, NJ alone.
…and Trump is planning Social Security and Medicare cuts to seniors.
Great start for 2025, yes?
Trump is NOT going to cut Social Security and Medicare. That’s a dirty lie.
The numbers of food bank users may be higher than the numbers say. In my state, there are people that visit multiple food banks and then distribute the food to their friends.
Daniel’s lead sentence says volumes. Hypocricy, thy name is liberal.
I’m going to send this article to the crazies running the food bank down my street here in Ottawa. They’ll probably call the cops on me and say I’m harrassing them with misinformation and of course the cops will do the lefties