Obama colluded with Venezuela’s regime, the way that he had with Putin.
Nine years before the Socialist tyranny became a nightmare of mass murder, repression and hunger, he was pressing its tyrant’s flesh.
After several days of the US and Cuba trading warm words that have hinted at a détente after a half century of hostility, Mr Obama said that he was seeking “a new beginning” with Havana.
But it was his unexpected handshake and the smiles he exchanged with Mr Chavez that caught many at the summit by surprise.
Asked what he had said to Mr Chavez, Mr Obama replied with a smile: “I said como estas”.
Hugo Chavez, the socialist president of Venezuela, told state television: “I hope this doesn’t harm Obama, but if I was from the United States, I’d vote for Obama.”
Chavez, who like Obama is seeking re-election, also called the American president “a good guy,” reports Reuters.
“I think that if Obama was from Barlovento or some Caracas neighborhood, he’d vote for Chavez,” said the Venezuela leader.
It’s quite a contrast to how Chavez described Obama predecessor George W. Bush — as “the devil.”
Chavez predicted both he and Obama would win re-election, possibly leading to better American-Venezuelan relations. He said both he and Obama were battling the “extreme right” in their election battles.
“Obama’s atrocious statement on Chavez’s death” was a Washington Post headline in 2013.
While Obama had pandered to Russian clients like Cuba, Venezuela and Iran, President Trump stood up to them. And he’s doing it now.
Private military contractors who do secret missions for Russia flew into Venezuela in the past few days to beef up security for President Nicolas Maduro in the face of U.S.-backed opposition protests, according to two people close to them.
Russia, which has backed Maduro’s socialist government to the tune of billions of dollars, this week promised to stand by him after opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself president with Washington’s endorsement.
It was the latest international crisis to split the global superpowers, with the United States and Europe backing Guaido, and Russia and China urging non-interference.
Yevgeny Shabayev, leader of a local chapter of a paramilitary group of Cossacks with ties to Russian military contractors, said he had heard the number of Russian contractors in Venezuela may be about 400.
Meanwhile the Democrats are doing everything possible to undermine America’s standing in the world and our foreign policy. Moscow no doubt appreciates the assistance that Pelosi and Schumer are providing it. Much as it appreciated Obama’s assistance.
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