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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
On June 16, 2023, a date which will live in infamy, the Pearl Harbor base featured the story of Lt. Nick Grant, an “out gay cisgender man” who was a co-chair of the Naval Medical Force Pacific Transgender Care Team (NMFP TGCT).
The title of the Pride Month feature was “serving with pride”.
The Navy’s medical service, which can’t seem to do anything about active duty personnel killing themselves, has multiple “transgender care teams” for different regions composed of multiple specialists for different areas to “oversee and, in many cases, provide mental health, hormonal, and surgical interventions as needed to facilitate the gender transition process.”
There are some who say that the Navy ought to be focused on other things. Like getting its submarines to work. In the latest numbers, nearly 40% of attack subs are out of commission.
With only 31 subs operationally ready, the US Navy is more unready than ever to face off against the People’s Liberation Army Submarine Force of Communist China.
In 2017, 28% of submarines were out of commission. By 2022, it was 33%, and now it’s 37%. At the rate that the woke Naval brass are going, most subs will soon be out of order.
Under Biden, the number of operational nuclear powered attack subs has never gone above 33 out of 49. A third of our submarine attack fleet being out of order has become the new normal.
If only the Navy could repair subs as quickly as its transgender care teams castrate sailors.
As the U.S. Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) commander responsible for 37 attack and ballistic missile submarines, Rear Admiral J.T. Jablon is “committed to broadening the diversity, equity, and inclusion of our Submarine Force”.
“Diverse representation without equity and inclusion degrades our readiness. Barriers to inclusion are the unconscious biases we carry without our awareness,” J.T. Jablon claimed in the official DEI statement. Everyone in the submarine fleet must be subjected to racial struggle sessions and political indoctrination, opportunities must be awarded based on race.
Not only hasn’t DEI improved readiness, but submarine readiness has drastically dropped.
“Diversity and inclusion are cornerstones of high organizational performance and mission effectiveness,” J.T. Jablon argued. The state of the submarine fleet proves otherwise.
The Navy is more diverse than ever. Pride Month is celebrated at American naval bases all across the Pacific. And even the most basic functions of the fleet are out of order.
When Biden nominated Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, a Democrat fundraiser, the former contractor was supposed to untangle the supply chain issues. But his company, SBG, benefited from government contracts as a “minority-owned business and a service disabled veteran owned small business” and he’s shown no ability to fix the Navy’s problems.
Del Toro, who had served on the Naval Academy Alumni Association’s Special Commission on Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion to purge political dissent, announced that his focus would be on China, Culture, Climate, and COVID. The US Navy is going green and promised that, like California, it would reach “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050”.
The Navy’s 2023 budget wastes $718 million on fighting global warming. That’s more than 10% of the $6.2 billion in maintenance costs for 151 Navy vessels. If the Navy focused as much on getting its vessels operational as it does on global warming, identity politics and other partisan leftist causes, we would have subs in the water and have nothing to fear from China.
Instead, China is laughing while the US Navy commits to “100 percent zero-emission vehicles by 2035” and “100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity” and has partly achieved its goal by having “37 percent zero-emission attack submarines” sitting and doing nothing.
“They have 13 shipyards, in some cases their shipyard has more capacity — one shipyard has more capacity than all of our shipyards combined. That presents a real threat,” Del Toro observed of China’s shipyards. We could have shipyards too, but they ‘emit’ things.
At a Naval diversity summit, Secretary Del Toro told senior leaders that, “in order to maintain our strategic edge, the Navy and Marine Corps team must operationalize innovative and cohesive initiatives, rooted in DEI’s goals.” Our strategic edge is blunted, the fleet is failing and our capabilities are falling behind China while our military operationalizes leftist political agendas.
Instead of working on vessels, the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard urges everyone to become an “ally” and consult “reputable sources like the Trevor Project, the Human Rights Campaign, and GLAAD.”
Meanwhile, a GAO report found that ‘steaming hours’ for Navy vessels had consistently decreased even as the DOD treated the number of the decreased as classified information. Navy officials responded to the maintenance backlogs, not by improving performance, but by trying to decommission and reduce the number of ships in the fleet to improve the numbers.
In 2019, more than half of the aircraft carriers were not ready to deploy. The US Navy is already badly backed up just repairing ships on routine deployments. In the event of a naval military conflict, another GAO report found that it would be absolutely overwhelmed.
The GAO report stated that the Navy “is in the early stages of determining how it will provide battle damage repair during a great power conflict.” The Navy has spent far more time thinking about how it will implement DEI programs and castration opportunities for sailors than it has how it will cope with repairing battle damage during a war.
The shipyards are not ready with “more than half the equipment at the shipyards is past its expected service life.” The submarines are not ready, with only 31 mission capable attack subs. And the fleet is not ready for a military conflict with a GAO report warning that “the Navy could handle a single battle damage event,” but they were “uncertain how the Navy might handle multiple simultaneous or near-simultaneous events”. But the DEI indoctrination is ready.
92% of ship fires may be going unreported, but Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday is on track with his true mission. “My goal is to put the Navy in a place over the next 20 years where we’re the most diverse service in the DoD,” Gilday told the State of the Navy.
China’s goal is to have the largest Navy in the world. After achieving that goal in 2020, it has kept on building and aims to have 400 vessels. But we will have the most diverse Navy. Our ships won’t work, but our struggle sessions will. We won’t win any wars except on ourselves.
The People’s Republic of China may take pride in ruling the seas, but we’ll take pride in Pride.
Neil says
As I’ve said before hundreds of millions of Americans will soon die as a result of the American’s peoples obsession with welfare handouts paid for by Federal Reserve & voting for the politicions who provide them. Get as far away from the cities as you can.
Laura Ann says
Military dysfunctional since Korean war 1950 onward , nowars won since, failure of V Nam, middle east incl Afghanistan utter flops. We will keep losing too. Gov. corrupt taking country down into a third world agenda 2030. Tiny number of real patriots left in 2023 to fight for our rights. Majority too dumbed down to realize anything going on.
Barbara says
Turning the military into a social experiment is stupid. They train to fight and destroy, not be nursemaids for the broken fingernail.
Chris Cloutier says
Not only is their gear falling apart but so is their recruiting. Numbers are through the floor for all branches. That might be part of the reason why they can’t fix things. I’m a vet but I would not recommend someone to join. Why would any young guy want to be part of this shit show? They wouldn’t obviously. they may have to start a draft again.
Yeah. And this time focus on drafting the LGBTQ+ crowd, since they are supposed to be nothing but the very best at doing things.
Plus, white males have always “hogged” the vast majority of posthumously-awarded Congressional Medals of Honor and other awards, medals and ribbons so that the LGBTQ+ folks can always stay home and protest the war when the spirit drives them. Let them have their turn. It’s only fair.
““I love how my male privilege entitles me to contribute to 99.9% of combat deaths and casualties!” – PJW video “I Love My White Male Privilege!”
Laura Ann says
All major cities will become war zones people fighting to survive. Some cannot leave, best to leave if able. Police will be scarce so will EMT’s. or ambulance service, fire dept., etc.
Semaphore says
I thought they already had…
Laura Ann says
Not all have yet, but quit a few.
Chris Cloutier says
Leave? Sure, but leave your liberal bs at the state line. Too many leave and then try to change their new home into what they left.
John says
We libs are being sent out by SOROS to colonize red states and turn them blue
We have done that to yvA and NC and AZ are next.
The Trumpets are old and dying off the future belongs to the young
Algorithmic Analyst says
Excellent points.
On a tangent, why is it so important to have Pride in one’s sexual perversions? (rhetorical question 🙂
Mark Dunn says
Pride is the umbrella, that shields the evil, against the reality of sin.
Mike says
Very very well said, I’ll keep that as quote of the day.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I am going to join Mike and say bravo to you for that very excellent thought, worded brilliantly.
10ffgrid says
How can there be “pride” in mental disorders ??? Leave it to the democrat party to champion such insanity.
Steven Smothers says
Very well said.
Fred says
Mental disorders are points of pride among idiots. Have you ever heard anyone say they have below average intelligence? Watch a large group of women discussing politics if you want to see the dangers of the misinformed working together in large groups. Every 40 years or so massive disasters occur because weak men create great disasters. Weak men are created by really stupid and weak women. Great men are created by strong and virtuous women. Such women are in short supply now and have been for years.
TRex says
Could be a defense mechanism to shield themselves from the untreated mental illness they suffer. Indulgence in guilty pleasures is their method of distraction. Those who support them but don’t participate in the vulgarities are, vicariously, validating their own sins. Just my opinion..
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good point, thanks!
Fritz the Cat says
How in hell will our military attract recruits when there is zero confidence in our so-called Commander-in-Chief and our ability to fight wars and win?
Trump 2024 or very soon, game over.
We need a Patton.
Barbara says
That is the answer as to why the military is not meeting its recruitment requirements. Who wants to have CinC who does not know where he is.
John says
Obama running the show anyway.
Leona says
True! Evil POS!
Chris Cloutier says
Recruiting is way down for all branches. Can’t imagine why. They’ll have to reinstitute the draft. So we’ll have a bunch of people forced to serve against their will. That will make an excellent fighting force.
Ugly Sid says
“Emetic” is both a noun and an adjective.
That means the subject of the article is doubly emetic.
It certainly made me puke.
CowboyUp says
They said a smaller navy would be easier to maintain and keep operational, but they can’t even manage that. The most effective military in history has been turned into an incompetent social club.
Kasandra says
Well, then, just think how capable the Navy would be if we reduced it to a single carrier battle group or even just the U.S.S. Harvey Milk. This is utter insanity and we’re going to pay dearly for it.
Hormel Chavez says
Consider this – The U.S.S. Harvey Milk is an oiler. Not kidding.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Cowboy! I would suspect DEI results in lower quality maintenance and repair.
sgt_doom says
No offense intended, but I do not understand why people do not get this: DEI are communist political minder systems and are now in place across North America —— in school systems, universities and colleges, public librsry systems, the Pentagon and military, various corporations, etc.
Perhaps my duty station on Quemoy, just off the coast of China during Mao’s bloody Cultural Revolution (1966 — 1976) afforded me a jump ahead in communist knowledge, but we all should comprehend this!
Fidel Castro had his political officers (commissars) on every block in Havana —— American and Canada now have their DEI systems in place!
Jim Morton says
I served in subs for 30 years. I got out in 2020. We used to laugh about the rusty Russian subs and their maintenance problems. What did we learn? Rather than remaining focused on excellence we banned smoking and then said smoking pole was ok. Brought women on subs and now are focused on genitalia. Subs appear to be silent and deadly., not to the enemy but to themselves. Down periscope represented an authentic sub crew. I wonder what the remake of that would look like now. Imagine being the weapons officer and screening people to handle weapons. Is half the crew unable to stand watch due to mental illness? Is the transitioning reactor operator still on watch? We kicked a guy after 16 years active service out because he refused to hold a weapon and protect the reactor. I believe maintenance is an issue. I served on our current oldest submarine, I served on a bad luck sub that continues to have problems and my 1st sub I was pet of the commissioning crew on is over 30 years old. I think all designed for a hull life of 30 years. And if you designed the bill to last 30 years why design internals that would last longer? Of course the fleet can’t go to sea. It is sad to watch an empire die. But this problem started when we cancelled the sea wolf class submarine and built 3. And somehow we neglected to them plan a replacement for the Ohio class? How many signs do we need that we are being led by fools inside the military and government?
Lastly, does anyone still think and play cribbage? have they mangled the submarine song that I grew up on?
Stop reading this post if language offends you.
Submarines once, submarines twice
Holy jumping Jesus Christ
We go up, we go down
We don’t even frick around
Aaaooogah, aaooogah, DIVE! DIVE!
Rat shit, fat shit
Dirty little twat
69 a-holes tied in a knot
Cocksuckers, motherfrickers
Gobble gobble goo
We are submariners
Who the frick are you?!
Hardball1Alpha says
This is why I was proud to be “Anti-Sub”… you tube slugs are some twisted Squids.
All joking aside, great comment.
As I say, thank God I never had to do what I was trained to do… i.e., start or continue WW3 via on top, on time, on target B-57 nuclear depth bomb strikes.(if we survived the first strike)
Ask yourself how many Squids, or Chair Force types nowadays would actually “turn the keys” if ordered to do so.
Thank you for your service
Former Viking Aircrew.
Ugly Sid says
Haven’t played cribbage in decades. Bars in New England used to provide boards and cards to their patrons.
Thanks for your service.
Floyd Looney says
How many subs and naval vessels were on deployment or in port (for various reasons) at a time in a normal environment? The article doesn’t tell us.
Daniel Greenfield says
Thank you for your service and for sharing the benefit of your experiences with us.
Bruce Valley USNA '66 says
“From all appearances, our Navy’s present civilian and military leadership could not be doing more to destroy our service’s readiness and war fighting capabilities if they were working, directly and full-time, for our prospective adversaries. That they are, in fact, drawing paychecks from our government speaks volumes.”
Mark Dunn says
I love it. The Evil Empire (The USA, Europe, and english speaking common wealth nations) has no military force, only an evil ideology.
Ugly Sid says
You love it? You love what?
Please describe this evil ideology.
Hardball1Alpha says
The bane of many Navy personnel has always been “corrosion control”… as in, efforts to prevent salt water and spray from eating away everything aboard ship or aircraft.
DEI is a caustic and corrosive ideology that destroys unit cohesion and teamwork, and ironically, reveals itself on the hulls of rusty ships pulling into port.. but it earns Brownie points for the next gold star on the Navy Achievement Award.
Remember, paint is bad for the environment,.. and no Officers are ever forced to chip paint… that’s for uneducated Enlisted types.
Sadly, I agree with a prior comment that warns of massive human loss of life being the wake up call.
And, as a Life Honorary Member of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, my first question back in 1999, after taking their oath to “Remember Pearl Harbor, and Keep America Alert!… was… “Alert to What?”
Wait until they learn about “omni-directional warfare” and the PLA’s unrestricted warfare doctrine… and they’ll see how DEI is such a subtle yet destructive weapon they wield thru America’s 5th column ignorami.
Daniel Greenfield says
Excellent way of putting it. Preventing moral corrosion can be much harder than preventing physical corrosion.
Hardball1Alpha says
Corrosion of Conformity is a popular band..
P.J. Clairvoyant says
We will be a big Honduras, and the submarines will end up working for the Tijuana and Golf cartels. Wokism will get us straight to the third world, which, by the way, it represents.
Kathleen Janoski says
Retired Navy here…seems the US Navy is now run by The Village People.
RAM says
Why is one of their hits always played at Trump rallies?
Ugly Sid says
Because the music’s good?
Conservatives are the tolerant ones.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
It’s a mental illness, clear and simple. It’s brought on by those with too much free time on their hands and who know not what work is, those who “toil” in university professor lounges, etc. It is restricted to the USA and a few sheeple nations in Europe. By far most (thinking) 1st world nations across the globe to not subscribe to such suicidal, weak-minded rubbish.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good point, they don’t have the luxury of engaging in such foolishness.
sunnyvaleken says
Like RIGHT NOW: we need a new President and VP; we need a new Secretary of State; a new Secretary of Defense; hell, we need to replace the Biden regime, top to bottom. We need a thorough house cleaning in the FBI, DOJ, CIA and all the agencies I didn’t list. The communists have ascended to infect every level of government which means the government is the domestic enemy.
Biden is a traitor taking money from foreign governments & players to implement policies they like. He has sold out to China and he needs to go, now.
DDgunninWahooRunnin says
It’s not the Biden regime. Biden is a mentally-compromised puppet. Obama (and his globalist bosses) are the puppet masters, meaning we are witnessing the 3rd Obama regime. The state of our military and DEI are just two aspects of his promise to “fundamentally transform” America.
sgt_doom says
Riiiiggghhht, Obama is a “mastermind” — great humor, bubba!
Submediocrities like Obama, the Clintons, Bush, are script readers, chum, they don’t have the requisite neurons for any global strategy, they are the minions of the Deep State!
(I don’t include Manchurian Joe since he cannot even read a script!)
Political theater is the realm of the actors —— the super–rich reside at the top!
Robert Kunkel says
A former and I have been a shipbuilder and ship repairer for over 40 years.
The collapse is imminent. We have issues beyond the service – we have lost our labor and skill sets in the shipyards.
The higher ups and this Administratiion have become talking heads. Just so they know – we are a nuclear sub fleet – we have been 100% emissions free and green for decades..
And quite frankly – I never turned my head during my watch to see who had my six. That is about to change with all this scuttlebutt
Algorithmic Analyst says
Excellent points. Where I used to live, SF Bay, was the biggest ship building area in the world during WW2. But I think the skill sets are mostly gone. I kind of watched them disappear over the decades.
Ragnor says
China’s Capture program has succeeded far beyond anybody’s wildest fantasies. The CCP completely owns and rules America by proxy. They have decimated our manufacturing capability (which is a major reason why we won WW2), control our government through bought and paid for politicians and lobbyists, they control all the major media, big tech and corporations through outright ownership and control of the their executive management, and now have crippled our military using DEI and other radical woke agendas.
The facts are clear and now undisputable, the more politically correct and woke America has become, the worse life for normal Americans have become…by any measure. Facts are facts and the numbers don’t lie if they haven’t been manipulated.
stpaulchuck says
The “enlightened” people hate the military, and manly men. Guess who’s in charge now. Certainly not the likes of Stormin’ Norman,
Our whole infrastructure is a disgrace. Our rail system is in terrible shape. Our airways system is a mess. Joetato has given away a HUGE part of our war fighting equipment and our Strategic Oil Reserve and likely does not ever intend to replenish it. Fossil fuel ya know. And he’s been shoving mental cases into the military to destroy war fighting ability and morale.
NAVY ET1 says
Just as I’ve always told people that the state I grew up in, Illinois, is a good state to be FROM, so too is the branch of service that I dedicated many years of my life. As I type this from my man-cave, surrounded by the awards, achievements and minutia of militaria that comes with those years, it all starts to ring pretty hollow in light of the current administration’s dismantlement through these Marxist policies, but still proud of the particular NAVY that I served in, even though it continues to disappear a little more each day.
We need a strong National Defense not free stuff to these invaders lets just bus them to Washington D.C.(District of Criminals)and let them live with the Democrats who support this invasion lets also send them to the UN facility
Kynarion Hellenis says
Let westernkind be themselves and stop the genocide.
Only westernkind could create the submarine. Only westernkind invests in the maintenance and improvement of their feats of engineering and inventiveness.
Westernkind must have a meritocracy in which they can express their culture and employ their characterstic inventiveness and industry without shame.
Walter Byrd says
WTF? It’s not as if we don’t spend enough on defense. We spend more than next seven nations combined. How could we be falling behind?
Daniel Greenfield says
Much of the money is stolen or wasted. Poorly thought out programs and advanced technology that doesn’t pan out combined with old infrastructure that is decaying. These are the work of political generals in hock to defense contractors with no larger vision beyond finding ways to cash in and advance their careers.
There’s no vision here for a large scale military that can win wars.
Semaphore says
Yes, the MIC has always been rich in cronyism. Retired aerospace/defense worker here.
sgt_doom says
Outstanding comment!!!
On 9/11/01, there was an estimated $2.3 trillion in unaccounted for and missing DoD funds, by 2018. That number had ballooned to $21 trillion!
In 2018, the combined assets under management of the Big Four investment firms (BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity) was $21 trillion!?
CowboyUp says
Part of that is how military aircraft are contracted. We paid for 200 B-1s, and took delivery of 100 for the same overall cost of 200. We paid for 100 B-2s, and took delivery of 21 for the same overall cost of 100. We paid for 700 F-22s, and took delivery of 195, for the same overall cost of 700. The overall cost of the programs are the same, regardless of how many are delivered, so as the number delivered drops, the unit cost rises proportionately. The contractor got their money, the politicians got to claim they cut defense spending, though they didn’t, and the tax payers and service members depending on having sufficient quantities of the most advanced weapons systems to win and survive, get screwed.
I don’t know how weapons system procurement works in the navy, but most of the cost of any weapons system is in the specialized tooling and fixtures required to build it when they tooled up to build 29 Seawolf class subs, then cancelled production after 3, they wasted a LOT of money.
The DoD spends a lot of money developing perfectly good systems, like the EFV, that they don’t purchase.
We’re also spending a lot of money on global warming nonsense, and biofuels that increase wear and maintenance on powerplants, and the cost to run them, while decreasing efficiency. Changing the names of our bases to satisfy woke isn’t cheap either.
TRex says
Where are the Congressional Oversight committees? They hold hearings and buy the BS or act outraged then they turn around and authorize the funds to keep it going. War is good business even if there isn’t an active one going on. Everybody gets a cut of the action from the politician who brought “jobs” to his district by authorizing some spending bill to the contractors who rip us a new one with every project with cost overruns to the tens of thousands of “civilian” employees with do-nothing union jobs. I worked on several govt construction jobs and personally witnessed deliberate job “slow-downs” to necessitate 7/10’s (work 7 days a week 10 hours a day paying tons of overtime) to meet contract deadlines. The theft of tools and building material was outrageous and there were always 5 man crews doing what two men could easily accomplish. These jobs were in Wash DC, Baltimore and Annapolis and they all ran the same. From there I moved to a State “white collar” job and witnessed the same thing but on a smaller scale. The mantra was always ‘we don’t have enough funding’ but they always found the money for whatever dumb shit they wanted to implement. This is how our governments run especially where unions are involved. No one gives a shit about the taxpayer. All they are concerned with is demanding more pay and benefits, doing as little as possible and riding the gravy train until they’ve “earned” an early retirement. Mr. Greenfield alerts us to the sorry state of our navy and most of us are appalled by the condition of its operating efficiency and low moral but, even worse, is the complete corruption and disarray at all levels of government and it has only cost us $32T to get here. We are surviving on a wing and a prayer and who knows how long it will last?
Kasandra says
Something arounf 75% of the military budget is spent on personnel. The countries whose military budgets you’re comparing us to largely have conscript armies to whom they pay zilch.
Floyd Looney says
How many subs and naval vessels were on deployment or in port (for various reasons) at a time in a normal environment? The article doesn’t tell us. We can’t compare.
Daniel Greenfield says
20% is the ideal norm for in dock.
John Keating says
Like little Fidelito Castro-Trudeau here in Cubanada, the plan is to destroy the oil industry, the agriculture industry, the education system, confiscate all legally owned firearms and flood the country with followers who embrace that loathsome ideology Islam, masquerading as a religion.
Christopher Robert Riddle says
“I’m Going To Fundamentally Transform This Country”(B.H.Obong/election night,2008).
Leona says
He & Big Mike! Sickening duo! Evil to the core!
Miranda Rose Smith says
This is nauseating. This is surrealistic. At one tme, castrating captured sailors was a hideous, evil thing, done by pirates. Now we have a navy that castrates its own sailors. I hope the DoD has a sizable chunk of money tucked away someplace, for the class action lawsuit they’re going to get hit with when a bunch of these lost souls, these mixed-up,suggestable, bombarded with propagamda young MEN say”OOPS
I was a boy, all along. Why didn’t you TELL me?:
John says
Just imagine who is in charge at the relatively few stations that are part of our nuclear deterrent. We’re going to get a phone call one day from a Chinese general and certain prearranged events will happen:
1) president will come on TV and tell us we just got an ultimatum from China-Russia alliance and they convinced our scientists that they can hit us but we can’t hit them. And then we’ll hear that we had to come to terms…their terms. America will have surrendered. They have complete control of DOJ, DOD, EXEC branch, Intel, Treasury, Wall St., Surveillance state.
2) Chinese elements will show up to co-govern (for a while) with “useful idiot” round eyes who brought this disaster about. Eventually they’ll pull the plug on them, as communist doctrine calls for.
3) gun control will be implemented immediately. “List weapons” claims will be ignored and examples will be made. Our military and police will enforce. Failure to comply and China – Russia take out a new city of 100,000+ at their discretion. Remember…like COVID, we have NO CHOICE. We MUST comply with “the authorities.”
People, esp the GOP and the masses, have no idea who we’re dealing with.
Dane says
While I understand the concern and the staggering number of subs that are out of commission currently, I personally know a sailor working on one of these subs in the Pearl Harbor shipyard. He works long hours, to include 24 hour shifts, half of the time through weekends and holidays. I agree the concerns in this article is real, but these sailors do work hard to make these repairs and I don’t believe “pride” is limiting this work, as the article seems to suggests.
sgt_doom says
No offense, but I don’t believe you do understand: you are describing very poor conditions stemming from EQUITY understaffing —nobody in that category should be working 24–hour shifts, part of the structural problem!
Study the USS Connecticut Incident, the USS Bonhomme Richard Fire and Vessel Destruction and the umbelievable Chicom surveillance balloon overflight, which traversed North America in the exact flight plan to perform low altitude precision terrain mapping and RADAR center identification for future missile strikes!
We are in a DefCon 3 condition – strictly Red Alert time!
You know how many Air Force fighter pilots they removed from active duty for refusal to SPIKEVAX?!
The number of operational Navy air wings?
They are restructuring the USMC in the most deleterious manner possible!
My experience in military intel in the USAF and USMC (Naval intelligence) tells me we are in a world of trouble!
Forty seaports throughout Latin America are either owned or managed by the CCP/China; eleven Earth Satellite Stations are also spread throughout Latin Ameruca! The CCP has at least one submarine base, and multiple SIGINT facilities, in Cuba!
Jams O'Donnell says
It’s a new concept – “Live by the sword, die by the spanner”
Bye-bye US Empire – and good riddance. After its gone maybe you’ll have the cash to build new roads, railways, sewage systems and all the other necessaries you don’t have now because it all goes to the MIC.
Raymond in DC says
Democrats and feckless Republicans gave Biden $1.2 TRILLION to deal with infrastructure needs. What’s he accomplished with all that money so far?
Kosh's Shadow says
Actually, typically complex warships are 1/3 ready to be deployed – 1/3 in maintenance, 1/3 in training, and 1/3 deployed, so this is not a huge difference, only about 4% higher than expected.
I read that there’s Sub named for Jimmy Carter just hope they never name a ship for Obama or Biden
sgt_doom says
Outstanding article and far too understated with regard to the actual details of a pathetically unqualified High Command and a Pentagon and military restructured to look like the PLA and function like the Egyptian Army!
The USS Connecticut Incident was utterly shocking to me, had to read that over numerous times!
Had to thoroughly study the USS Bonhomme Richard Debacle ——at least 34 Naval officers and a bunch of admirals SHOULD have been court–martialed, instead they tried to blame it on the lowest rankimg guy, and the amount of DISINFORMATION towards character assassination the Navy pumped out to the PuppetMedia on Seaman Mays was far superior to any pastmactions of the old Soviet Union and the CCP!?!? The NCIS and ATF should have been tcompletely investigated and excoriated foemtheir ultra–incompetent non–performance!
(Del Toro put out the most simpleton summary of that, claiming water pumping fire ships were unnecessary and wouldn’t have made any difference —— vessels which can pump out 50,000 gallons of water a minute would have no effect??)
The US Milleytary is an epic fail, and I do not state that in a frivolous manner!
Bobwitten says
…so, that’s 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3= 4/3???
Buck Wheat says
It’s not only the Navy. More than two-thirds of active duty service members are within the overweight or obese ranges of the body mass index, according to a report by the American Security Project released in October 2023.