In Afghanistan, women and girls protesting the Taliban’s ban on education are being beaten and killed. CNN has a video of a 9-year-old girl being sold in marriage to a 55-year-old man in the Mohamedan tradition.
And Secretary of State Blinken has a playlist.
Secretary of State Blinken releases 2022 Spotify playlists – Axios
It was bad enough when Obama was doing this stuff, but now we’ve got cabinet members doing this? Is everyone in any administration tainted by the stench of Obama going to try and act like celebs and influencers.
But for anyone who really wants to find recommended music based on the pretend tastes of a guy who got a bunch of Americans killed, here’s the Blinken playlist.
And of course, Lizzo is on it.
Do I really believe that a 60-year-old white man is listening to Taylor Swift, Lizzo, and Bad Bunny?
I do not.
This feels like a list put together by some younger female staffer, with a few older blues numbers thrown in by Blinken to try and make him seem relatable. While the world is burning and Blinken has blood on his hands, the man is trying to become another social media influencer.
China is practicing wolf warrior diplomacy while Blinken puts out fake playlists. Unserious people catering to the unserious are in charge of the country.
And the media treats this nonsense as if it were news.
You can’t get a reporter to ask Blinken why USAID continues defying federal law and refusing to cooperate with SIGAR, the watchdog on Afghanistan, but they’re happy to republish his damn playlist.
And the one song that ought to be on it, isn’t.
Ugly Sid says
Make America Great Again?
Make America Go Away?
I know we have election processes.
Do we have elections?
Kasandra says
I have a song to put on his list and, for that matter, this entire maladministration’s list – “Beat It.”
Onzeur Trante says
What can one say that hasn’t already been said? Clueless, maybe?
Kit_Jefferson says
The odor in the air indicates that there is a lot that is rotten in the city of Washington DC.
Spurwing Plover says
This is just one reason we don want Islam or Sharia laws forced upon us a by a backwards group of zealots like Islam they can keep their primitive ways to themselves in their own nation but don’t expect the UN to object
Jeff Bargholz says
That song is perfectly apt for Blinken and every Dirtbagocrat in office. Most of the D bag voters, too. Best lyrics I ever heard. Great choice. I’m embarrassed that I never heard of Leonard Cohen before.
THX 1138 says
Welcome back Jeff. Just yesterday I was thinking I haven’t see you post in a while. Good to see you back.
Seems like quite a few regulars are no longer posting regularly any more. It seems to me that whenever a website gets a different commenting format some regulars disappear.
Jeff Bargholz says
Thanks. I was just bored with the whole website thing and occupied with my girlfriend is all.
I’ll try to be nicer to you from now on.
Daniel Greenfield says
This is the one with the original lyrics, the more updated version he performed removed references to abortion, etc because it would offend lefties.
THX 1138 says
“Do I really believe that a 60-year-old white man is listening to Taylor Swift, Lizzo, and Bad Bunny?”
C’mon man, we’re all eternal teenagers now. America and the West have been in eternal teenager mode since 1969. 60 is the new 16. Madonna is 64 that’s the new 14.
Taylor Swift is 33, that’s middle-age, do you see the content of her lyrics addressing adult and grown-up themes and issues? No, because 33 is the new 13.
When Barbra Streisand was 33 she was releasing “The Way We Were”, not that Babs isn’t an eternal teenager too, but in 1974 there were still adults writing adult songs sung by the New Eternal Teenager.
You need to read “The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development Is Bringing Down Western Civilization” by Diana West.
Daniel Greenfield says
Celebrities are innately self-involved,. I wouldn’t use most of them as examples of adult behavior from any era.
Was Judy Garland a functional adult? Was María Malibran?
Megastars tend to naturally get stuck in a childish phase, seek out attention, manipulate the public to give it to them, and go through manic depressive phases that bankrupt and occasionally kill them.
An adult society wouldn’t attack themselves to a single figure and worship them incessantly.
Jeff Bargholz says
And oh, yeah. Taylor swift, Lizzo and Bad Bunny all suck. I mean really suck. I’m talking ass suck and worse. Especially “Lizzo.” Only a retard could listen to that shit. A retard with particularly bad taste. A retard with an inoperable brain tumor and syphilis.
Cat says
“Imagine theres no Democrats (or RINOS)”
Thats my re write of song lyrics.
Happy New Year to Daniel &family
and to everyone here…..
Daniel Greenfield says
a good wish for the new year