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I was the co-president of TorchPAC, a pro-Israel group at NYU, from 1999 to 2002.
While we held rallies, protests, marches, writing letter campaigns, petitions, and articles, I could also see the major efforts and inroads that the pro-Palestinian proponents were making in the common culture. This worried me at that time, but there didn’t seem to be anything I could do about it.
For the last 20 years I’ve been living a private life and working for my family business. But our old adversaries and enemies at NYU from Arab Students United, Students for Justice in Palestine and similar anti-Israel groups never stopped being activists. They never stopped organizing; they never stopped building alliances, connections, friendships and working toward their common cause. Linda Sarsour, who has appeared at hateful NYU events, and I are the same age, but we followed different pathways.
The same is true of many old pro-Israel and anti-Israel college activists.
“How did so much antisemitism appear here in the United States,“ people wonder. “How are the pro-Hamas voices able to organize such massive rallies?” The answer is that they have been organizing for the last 20 to 30 years. They planted the seeds, watched them grow into trees, and now we are seeing their poisoned fruit. They have done a fantastic job. This is what explains the ability to hold a rally in New York, Brussels, and London at the same time. They are a worldwide organized community.
There aren’t nearly as many anti-Semitic people as you might think. What we are seeing is the “network effect” of social media manufacturing the illusion that everyone thinks the same way. And the effect that this has on the consciousness of ordinary people is supremely powerful. People take their cue from what they think “everybody” thinks – even from small highly organized groups that can control the conversation and then control hearts and minds. Our adversaries have been incredibly successful in this regard.
The intensity of the pro-Hamas forces in the United States has awakened many people to the fact that we can no longer afford to be on the sidelines of the conversation. Hundreds of people I have spoken to feel activated and motivated – like I do – to make a difference and change the conversation in this civilizational struggle.
Although we cannot stop our adversaries from doing what they are doing, they too cannot stop us from doing what we can do. We too can organize, we too can build alliances, and we too can change perceptions. We too can take part in the fight.
What is required is simple. We must decide that it is time to become active and do it in an organized fashion. We must community organize. If we do this, when we do this, we will find tremendous strength. Each single voice will be amplified by 1000, just as our enemies are. One person alone may feel weak, scared and ineffective, but many voices coming together in unity can be extremely powerful. The pro-Hamas rallies are waking many of us up and helping us organize.
The silent majority will be silent no more.
Daniel Rosen is the former leader of the TorchPAC pro-Israel group at New York University whose activism against campus antisemitism was reported on in the New York Post, the New York Sun, and multiple Jewish newspapers as well as the Village Voice. He worked for the Jewish Agency and now serves as co-CEO of a local family business.
Who organized, Daniel? Leftist professors and DSA political activists? The multitudes of third world foreigners admitted post Emmanuel Cellar’s 1965 Immigration Reform Act which WE supported to the hilt and to this day refuse to reconsider? Well, not me, I reconsidered when I left Jewish day school and was enrolled in an “integrated” pubic school.
I was a pro-Israel activist at San Francisco State University while I mistakenly audited classes at that dump of a school. That was when Hatem Bazian was there working on his Master degree–and organizing, very effectively. We Jews couldn’t muster 25 people for Israel–and thats out of what was an estimated 2000 Jewish students (I’m a tad skeptical of the NJCRC’s definition of “Jewish”, still, there would’ve been a lot of Ashkenazim at that school). Anyhow, you know the rest: the GUPS (General Union of Palestine Students) won–big time–thanks to its alliance with spoiled brat students and Marxist professors. Jewry seemed a bit…demoralized.
Your call to action… what, exactly, do you propose?
Thankyou , there are plans in motion.
The rented mob always seems to be on high alert through Instagram, tik tok and other noxious websites. It’s interesting that the police hear about these violent demonstrations being organized, but make very few arrests.
Please let us know, what, when and where.
They told us they were at war with Jews and Christians, and we did not believe them.
We all have to do a better job of believing their threats,and acting upon those threats.
Muslims are not only at War with Jews and Christians,
Muslims are at War with
Sunni v Shia (see the 8 year Iraq / Sand Nazi Iran war)
I would suggest one of the first things to organize around would be the public translation of the Hamas charter which says words to the effect that so called “peace” will not be achieved in this world until all the Jews are killed. And secondly I propose there should be widely deseminated translations of so called Islamic “holy” books that first Islam will conquer the people of “the Book”, The Jews, and then Islam will conquer “the Sunday People” that is Christians. Since neither Jews nor Christians nor for that matter Hindus and all others, being non Muslims, they either have to convert to Islam or be killed.
Any Muslim who denounces sharia would still be a citizen in good stead.
Anyone who believes in sharia should not be permitted into this country, ever. Just as America would not have let into our country nazis when we learned what nazism was, we now have functional knowledge of what sharia is, and all people and groups that espouse it should be deported. No to nazism and no to sharia.
Are you kidding? America knew exactly what Nazis were and let them into the country in large numbers.
The jews who year after year ignored or look the other way when the heinous Pro-Palestinian (Anti-Israeli rather) groups thrived in colleges and universities are directly responsible of this deplorable situation. Their silence or even sometimes mild support by towing the leftwing line offered an intellectual respectability to these groups.
Now it is time to back track and re-evaluate the US Jewish mindset. Huge endeavor considering the traditional devotion of the Jewish community to anything leftwing and taking into account the number of jews who are actively involved in those organizations.
“While We Lived Our Lives, They Organized”
…pretty much sums up the division in this country between Dems and Repubs!
I find most people don’t know what community organizing is and it has to be told to them.
Lucky them. I was raised by one. They didn’t miss much.. I call them community disorganizers. They’re the Communists who come in to get a community to turn against itself so they can get a nice paycheck from whoever is paying them to start trouble.
Since they falsely identified themselves as Palestinians, the Arabs have gone all out spreading their insidious propaganda. Even Israelis refer to them as Palestinians, thus mindlessly contributing to the widespread acceptance that the land named Palestine is Arab land. Instead of countering the Big Lie from day one, Jews should not be surprised that the brainwashed world are parroting that Palestine should be returned to these Arabs.
Since there is no sign that Israel is opposing directly this false claim, it should focus on eliminating all the genocidal killers. The Arabs are well ahead in their propaganda.
You’re right. Words matter, especially when you’re dealing with brainwashed true believers. I call them Gazans, since they’re all from Jordan, Egypt or nearby lands. The Jews are the true Palestinians. The Gazans are just the unlucky ones who got stuck in Israel at the end of the war. The ones no other country wants, even the ones they came from.
Very good point
I spend a lot of time on Twitter countering false claims
I always try to use the term Arab
Palestinian Jews
Palestinian Arabs
I am a senior and I’m trying to get other seniors to tweet
Not too much luck
I only tweet Important people
The Pope
Leader of Qatar
I don’t bother with the little nasty people
Most American Jews will probably support the Islamic destruction of Israel, thats how liberals are. They are destroying America right now with the open border.
All that anyone needs to know about Islam is what most Islamists will freely tell you. They believe that in the beginning of time, Allah gave Muslims the entire world. As time went on, many fell away from the only true religion. Allah directs all Muslims to wipe out or assimilate all non-believers and retake the world for Islam. After all, it belongs to Islam and no one else has any right to it. In fact, in the end times, Jesus will return to earth and murder all the people foolish enough to follow him and not Mohammed. That, my friend, is Islam. It’s why the Nazis loved them so much. They thought alike. Never mind that Islam only arrived on the scene about 1500 years ago, they don’t believe that. They believe convert or die, the world is theirs.
The problem is England owning the “charity” institutions and PR agencies, and running foreign propaganda through them for profit. So England runs Russian and Islamist propaganda, recruits whoever joins them as assets, uses them to destabilize the USA while Russia and the oil sheikhs put up the money.
England took over all of the major Jewish institutions in the 1980s and handed them to the Rothschild-Bronfman mafia who run support for the PLO as part of the package of running Russian operations. People follow the money to see who is funding the Muslims and Communists, and they find “the Jews”. So we have Charlottesville and “Jews Will Not Replace Us”. That was the last gasp of American resistance in opposition to Hamas.
The idpol groups are all foreign powers who should be viewed as England’s gays, England’s blacks, England’s Jews. The goal is to monopolize social movements, people’s personal identities, under the Crown. They overdid it and monopolized them all under Russia and Hamas instead.