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In one of the least surprising developments of all time, this week’s White Dudes for Kamala Zoom call was a festival of estrogen where a bunch of weirdos, losers, mutations, sissies, whiners, dorks, geeks, and other key sub-sections of the Democrat Party gathered in the electronic ether to humiliate themselves at the feet of their mediocre candidate. That was no surprise. I didn’t check out enough of it to see if they started with a land acknowledgment or if they reassured some of the men participating that it was understood that some of them menstruate because every second I watched, I felt the testosterone draining from my body. Fortunately, being a conservative, I’ve got it to spare.
It was good for a laugh, at least for a moment. When you see a man debase himself so thoroughly, especially someone you despise, your first reaction is to point and laugh. But then, after you watch this grisly tableau for a while, your emotions morph into mortification. It’s painful to watch someone make himself look like such a complete zero. You want to cry out, “For the love of all that’s holy, have some self-respect. There’s a thing called dignity! Try it out!” But then again, if you purport to be a man and you support Kamala Harris, that’s what you are—a complete zero.
The Democrat Party hates dudes and particularly white ones, but it loves their money, so we got this abomination. Notice how it’s “Dudes” and not “Men?” They are really, really uncomfortable using the word because the term “man” either offends or scares them, or both. It’s not that they’re all that familiar with men – as JD Vance accurately pointed out, a key Democrat constituency is lonely cat women who are unworthy of a man’s love, and you can feel their fussy resentment bubbling up. They got their own Zoom call to make fools of themselves. The White Women for Harris thing the other day was a bunch of affluent Chardonnay guzzlers getting together to tell each other how their role was to listen to and obey, to never correct BIPOC women, and to use their privilege for good instead of evil. If it were any more cringe, your spine would snap. This kind of ritual self-abnegation is bizarre and psychotic. And yet these women and alleged men revel in it.
That this all furthers segregation is beside the point. Even making that observation is to somehow credit leftists with actually believing their own ideology. They don’t. When they tell you they’re against racism, they are lying. They’re not against racism. But they are not for racism either. They don’t care about racism. They seek to alternatively exercise it or exorcise it as the situation requires. This kind of moral flexibility is very useful; they are whatever they need to be at any given moment as long as it gains them power.
The same goes for trans nonsense, sexism, and Islamophobia. They don’t care about deluded people who think they are the other gender, or women, or Muslims. They care about their own power, and if they can leverage the alleged oppression of any of these groups to gain more power, they will do it. They will also oppress any of these groups to gain more power. Do you think the White Women for Harris who are so concerned with hearing the voices of BIPOC aren’t going to call the cops if they see one walking through their neighborhood at night?
There’s performative politics, and then there’s what these people do. Where does their capacity to ignore indignity and hypocrisy come from? It’s almost like a religion rather than an ideology. But that’s what happens when you have a void deep inside yourself that actual religion should fill. You fill it with this kind of nonsense.
This week, we saw a bunch of white dudes – males who won’t call themselves “men” and probably shouldn’t – explain how they need to do the work and do better. They are very sorry for their skin tone. They took the blame for everything wrong in the world, but they could expiate their racial guilt by writing a nice big check to Kamala Harris.
It’s odd to see someone accept his inferiority because his great-grandfather came from Northern Europe and because he wields a penis, such as it is. These are the people who babble endlessly about how we need to get rid of “whiteness,” with “whiteness,” in their eyes, meaning any kind of personal responsibility. Punctuality is whiteness. Achievement is whiteness. Reading is whiteness. Getting things done is whiteness. They make whiteness seem pretty great. It’s weird that people who are so quick to charge racism are perfectly content to categorize people who aren’t white as not having any of the characteristics that someone who is not insane would associate with competence. But then again, as we’ve seen, they really aren’t anti-racist. They’re simply pro-personal power. This craven groveling is really just a power play, a way to buy themselves a seat in the ruling class.
One thing about these white dudes is that none of them are poor. It is a fetish of a bored ruling class. Poor people don’t have time for this kind of nonsense. This is the kind of boutique belief that only people with a lot of money and time on their hands can afford to cultivate. And it’s just a pose. They are not serious about actually giving anything up. They might write a check to Buys Large Mansions or some other organization dedicated to the communist revolution, but they’ll never actually do anything that harms their status, station, prestige, power, or bank account in any significant way. Their submission is all an act, a pose, and a creepy one at that. It’s like they’re role-playing some bizarre pseudo-sexual fantasy. Traditionally, a dominatrix would be clad in leather and run around with a whip. For these losers, their tormentor is some 29-year-old, unmarried HR consultant lashing them over the patriarchy with her vocal fry as they scream “Yes, mistress!” and then apologize for assuming her gender.
The Democrat memo went out decreeing that JD Vance is weird, and I say let’s go with that. Let’s talk about weird. Let’s talk about pasty femboys degrading themselves on video for their communist candidate. Let’s show some choice clips to guys who sweat when they work. They’re going to love it. Nothing real men like more than to make fools of themselves by reveling in their impotence.
It should be no surprise that the Democrats don’t understand real men. After all, they don’t know real men because no real man will have them.
Seep for Wolves Chickens for Foxes Mice for Cats White Dudes for Harris Catching the Pattern of Fools?
The new political correctness
Wierd – JD Vance
Not Wierd – Tampon Tim who requires tampons be in the boys bathroom
Well, since the Left is so comfortable with “Jews for Hamas” (their version of what the Nazis called “useful Jews” who were temporarily tolerated since they helped the Nazis facilitate the “Final Solution”), why not “White Dudes for Kamala”? Everyone less stupid than Biden KNOWS that large swaths of the population (whites, males, Jews, observant Christians) are hated by the Dhimmicratic Party. Unless you’re an illegal alien, a transgender, a Muslim or a “Palestinian”, they aren’t on your side.
I’ve taken to understanding these people as narcissistic tricksters in service to Lilith. It’s true, they’re weak minded and scared of men so they cling to the feminine as their savior.
Having had to fight my own way out of this disgusting persona some 30 years ago has left me with nothing but contempt for them.
“Real Men” jokes making their way around the barrcks back in the 80’s must have been on the author’s mind as he wrote this. They were the pre-internet Chuck Norris memes,
“How many Real Men does it take to fix a broken light bulb? None. Real Men aren’t afraid of the dark.” was my favorite.
Also: Schlichter for SecDef
To see white men cave in to the woke is an abomination. The men who beat women in sports are completely lacking self respect. What does the prize really mean to them for their obscene narcissism? So they can Bragg about what? Most men married to progressives have no quality of life. If they don’t bow to all the “isms” they are toast. Self respect has become blurred to these automatons.
When Trump was ambushed by the black journalists he showed the liberal weenies how to stand up for themselves. He didn’t cave into a ball of mush he told those tropes how he wanted to be treated. At that moment he stood above the rest. He stomped on their presuppositions about white males (or any other race).
The underlying truth is that women need masculinity and they hate indecisive beta males. I am not referring to macho phonies but real men who love their wives and children but stand on their convictions. The trans narcissists are only imitating women at the expense of their own masculinity. They have traded their integrity for a bowl of porridge. They are the laughingstock of the world. So is America when we tolerate such idiocy.
Handing over their money is the only way the feminists will tolerate these neutered ass kissers. Once the paycheck is handed over or the fundraiser ends the abuse gets stepped up a notch and the soy boys come crawling back saying “please mother, may I have another?”.
Beta men are a complete waste! These adult boys are also among those frequently medicated, often living with parents slowly seething with envy and resentment of the achievements and prowess of real men that over time solidifies into rage and then gets violently directed at innocent others. They are often bullied, as well as being intimately accustomed to receiving physical, verbal & emotional abuse for a being male by misandrist mothers, spouses and “friends”!
Weak fathers, passively seeking approval from their screeching, bitter, know-it-all wives, provide the most self-degrading examples for their sons–and daughters. Where once these young boys might find mentors who are teachers, Boy Scout leaders, coaches or a friend’s dad, these environments are now thoroughly infiltrated and polluted with the same obsessive garbage and deviancy.
They are the rapidly growing group of porn-addicted males who are completely unskilled in the fundamental male competencies of self respect and personal dignity, honor, integrity, self discipline, success and achievement, resiliency in the face of adversity as well as physical development, emotional self control, and building and keeping interpersonal friendships and intimate relationships.
Instead they become another whining subset of men who are wasting their lives, time and talents hiding from themselves and the world.
And these same constantly bitching women can’t stand them for becoming what they said they wanted.
Real men are very, very special. Become all of who you’re meant to be and cast a deaf ear to women who cannot and will not respect and appreciate you; they aren’t worth your time anyway.
Very well said. Thank you.
Not so funny if it turns into world war three