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The split screen of Biden closing the deal on the nomination even as the White House was claiming that he was innocent on account of senility is really something. It’s another insane milestone in the surreal politics that would have seemed like over-the-top satire back in say 2006 before our political system completely lost its mind.
And since we are living in that world, it now entirely makes sense that the Biden administration would argue that Biden has been cleared on the grounds of senility and that he’s fit to lead the free world.
The White House began an online rapid response campaign soon after Hur began testifying Tuesday morning, culminating the day with a rare in-person Sams appearance before reporters at the White House.
“The case is closed. The evidence does not support bringing charges and it’s over, time to move on,” Sams told reporters. “There is no case here, the president is innocent. And that was the conclusion of this case.”
Hur clarified in his testimony earlier Tuesday that his report did not “exonerate” Biden as some Democrats claimed, though he ultimately did not find charges were warranted. When questioned if the White House disagreed with Hur’ and that the report exonerates Biden’s assessment on that, Sams avoided using the term exonerates.
“I think the report cleared President Biden,” Sams said. “The prosecutor had to decide, do I charge him or do I not charge him after this long investigation, and the decision was made not to charge and the case is closed. The president’s been fully cleared.”
Never has “fully cleared” sounded any worse.
Democrats want Biden cleared but they spent the hearing attacking the basis on which he was cleared. And when that failed, have turned to a popular whataboutist gimmick.
House Judiciary Committee ranking member Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) opened the hearing with a video montage of past Trump statements in which he appeared to confuse Biden with former President Obama, mixed up former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with GOP rival Nikki Haley and mistakenly called Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán the president of Turkey.
“That is a man who is incapable of avoiding criminal liability, a man who is wholly unfit for office, and a man who at the very least ought to think twice before accusing others of cognitive decline,” Nadler said.
This isn’t even a defense of Biden. Unable to do that, House Dems are reduced to arguing that everyone else is senile too.
The administration had tried to strike this material from the Hur report.
“We request that you revisit your descriptions of President Biden’s memory and revise them so that they are stated in a manner that is within the bounds of your expertise and remit,” the attorneys wrote.
What’s there to do about that except lie?
House Oversight Committee ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said at the start of the hearing that the president did not “seek to redact a single word of Mr. Hur’s report” — despite repeated entreaties by his lawyers to Justice Department officials.
Most conservatives insisted on not believing that Biden would run again. I said he would. He now has the nomination. Most still believe that he won’t make it to the election and that he’ll be replaced by Michelle Obama at the finish line. In our current insane political reality, anything can happen, but I still don’t think this one will.
Biden is the nominee and unless he steps down or breaks so badly that he has to be replaced, this is likely to be it. There will be no last-minute twist endings or surprises. He’ll accept the nomination and the election will play out the way that everything has until now. Everyone, including his own party, knows that he’s suffering from severe problems, they don’t even think he can win, but they’ll stand behind him anyway.
NAVY ET1 says
I believe you’re probably correct Daniel, but I still believe a “twist ending” is at least possible. A decrepit puppet president that gets 50% of the teleprompter wrong and shakes hands with nonexistent people might seem insane to us, but is indicative of his party and stands as a illuminating illustration of Democrat bone marrow and the cancer it hides.
RS says
JB is not running the show….its the globalists behind him along with the Chinese.
Beez says
BO is running the DC show.
steven kastein says
Why are so many of our tribe insane, anti-American misfits?
Js says
Hur chose to recommend the JB not be prosecuted because he would be a sympathetic defendant, probably for many reasons but certainly his failing memory. Joe pugnaciously refutes that and says his memory is solid. Schiff is mad because he wants Joe exonerated but not because of JBs failing mental health but just because he’s not DJT.
The fact remains that the documents were taken while JB had full cognizance of his actions.
Onzeur Trante says
That fact was so inconvenient that they danced around it for 5 hours.
Daniel Greenfield says
Documents were certainly taken. But there would be zero chance of Biden being convicted in the locales where he might be prosecuted. And zero chance of the case even coming to trial. So Hur chose to punt.
That said, Biden’s clearly out to lunch and looking at the transcript, if he were to ramble like that on the stand, it would help his case. He would never agree to argue that he’s out to lunch though.
Which is not an excuse.
TruthLaser says
Biden’s behavior with Hur reminds me of how some behaved when called to the draft board (when there was still a draft). One athletic guy (no females then) had another break his leg with a baseball bat to be temporarily deferred with a classification of 1Y. The guy with the bat (who was first team all-city (NYC) in basketball, was called and his act got him to see the psychiatrist. His behavior, answers, and distractions made him 4F, permanently not qualified. He then went to a big b-ball college. At least these “gentlemen” were not presidents.
Jeff Bargholz says
Pedo Joe has always been a shifty criminal. Even by the Washington District of Corruption standards, he’s particularly sleazy. Once a cheap thief, always a cheap thief.
Noah Andeark says
I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to Chicago and the DNCC this summer! It’s going to be Hillaryarious. Unfortunately, I can’t eat the level of popcorn that I would like to due to digestive issues, but it’s going to be SO MUCH FUN!
Greg says
Joe Bite-Me’s brain is as fit as a fiddle. Don’t believe it? Ask Haitian refugee Karine Jean-Pierre, spokes-babe for the White House. Still don’t believe it? Then you’re spreading Russian disinformation and doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin– FISA warrant pending.
internalexile says
So, once again, it’s “Who are you going to believe–Joe, or your lying eyes?”
Daniel Greenfield says
The Party. Always the Party.
Jeff Bargholz says
It does look like the party is going to stick with it’s meat puppet. Just a week ago I was sure they wanted anybody but him but now it seems they enjoy the power that rubs off on them from Alzheimer Joe’s mysterious handlers too much to run another loser in the election. If the D-Bags steal the next election with the same cheating they. used last time, I seriously doubt America will recover.
I really hate seeing that retard pretending to be President. I mean, seriously. The guy shits his pants every day. How many times does he have to fall down on video before the Dirtbagocrats admit the demented truth?
Raymond in DC says
We could soon get a taste of the coming debacle if just a few more GOP House members, after Buck, decide to retire early. That means Hakim Jeffries becomes Speaker, and Republican investigations come to an end. Democrats already hold the Senate and White House. At that point, they can do as they wish.
Beez says
There’s a way out for JB. He’ll turn his delegates over to Greaseball.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The Party, always the Party. I saw that first-hand in the SF Bay Area.
TruthLaser says
The Party is what the Democrats conceal with their term “The Democracy.”
Onzeur Trante says
How many times did the Democrats say “exonerated” and “gratuitous” at the hearing? They were at their best at yesterday’s psyop.
RS says
Even Mr. Hurd did not say Biden was cognitive. Vroom. Vroom Vroom. Start up your engines.
Fred says
We have entered a thru-the-looking-glass world where spokespersons for the administration tell us our president is not guilty of national security crimes that would have resulted in any one of us being locked up for 30 years, and the reason he’s not guilty is because he’s old and forgetful. But he is qualified to be the CEO of the most prosperous and most heavily-armed nation in the world because he’s not guilty of the crimes for which he was being investigated. And his opponent is not qualified to run for office because he too had national security documents but he’s not old and forgetful. But he is charged with 91 felony charges which are gradually unravelling.
Oh, and Biden’s fit to run for re-election because he’s fine except for the normal forgetfulness of old age and doesn’t have any felony charges lodged against him by left-wing prosecutors who ran for office on the promise of ‘getting Trump’. And they don’t worry about Biden’s low approval ratings, because they’ve got work arounds for the election and they’ll do the ballot counting, especially in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona.
Did I leave anything out? As Noah Andeark says above, the convention in Chicago should be riveting.
TruthLaser says
The DNC could shape up to present Biden as Victor Hugo presented Quasimodo as the Pope of Fools at the Festival of Fools.
Steven Kardas says
Biden: “Get me the Red Phone I’m going to nuke North Dakota.”
Biden handlers: ” Thats North Korea sir and we should not be
nuking anyone before your nap.”
We have reached a point where so many are pretending everything is fine when it clearly is not and it has become a serious wide spread national psychosis.
” You can ignore reality but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. ” – Ayn Rand
TruthLaser says
Biden can be diverted from the red phone with ice cream. He has to be followed around the White House by an ice cream person with a bicycle.
BLSinSC says
Hur DID NOT Exonerate Joe!
Joe said he was NOT INCOMPETENT!!
john blackman says
the emperors new clothes have been confirmed by no less than all of the democrats , i dont want to hear another negative comment about the empty suit that america has in the geriatric ward in the white house , enough already . !!
Stan says
Jerry Nadler had to have surgery to combat obesity. Anyone lacking that much self-discipline shouldn’t be directing other people’s lives.