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There was a time when the media would ask, “What did he know and when did he know it.” Over the last half century it’s a question that can be asked of the media which has taken the lead in covering up scandals from its side of the political aisle, denying them and smearing anyone who pointed them out, only to later belatedly admit that its reporters knew that they were true all along.
Biden’s condition, as Dylan Byers documents at Puck from anonymous White House correspondents, is no different.
“Anyone who covers this White House knows he’s showing the signs of his age—he whispers, he shuffles, he misremembers,” one White House reporter told me. “Anyone with an elderly parent knows what this is.”
But it’s also one of those things they can’t talk about.
“It was something that felt indelicate to talk about,” one member of the White House press corps told me. In retrospect, some journalists felt like it probably warranted more coverage: “The amount of time we spent talking about it versus the time we spent reporting on it was not the same,” one of the reporters said. “There should have been tougher, more scrutinizing coverage of his age earlier.”
Democrats are currently caught between the party trying to protect Biden and leftists who want to topple him and replace him with, I don’t even know whom considering their past leading candidate was Bernie Sanders, a year older than Biden. That makes the potshots being taken by leftists at Biden’s age hypocritical.
But that’s what happens with an elderly political class. And D.C. reporters are used to navigating a political leadership that is already on the old side. Biden is losing it, but they’ll cover for him because that’s how the game is played.
It’s “indelicate” to report on the mental acuity of the man who has his finger (supposedly) on the nuclear button? Do these people here themselves talk?
Aaaaaaaand, Donald Trump is 77. Would it be indelicate to mention that in your brave expose???
Gigantic difference…one is beyond demented senile, the other has the mind and strength of a young man!
Aaaaaaaad, Donald Trump is sharp as a tack and in top mental and physical condition, while Alzheimer Joe has always been a moron and now he has Alzheimers.
The fact that you hate Trump and defend Beijing Biden shows that you hate America, peace, prosperity and common decency.
Trump isn’t feeble or senile, try again.
This post isn’t about numerical age, and you know it. The mental differece between Trump and Biden is by an order of magnitude. If you claim that you can’t see that, you’re full of it.
”But that’s what happens with an elderly political class. ”
There are so so many physically and mentally decrepit oldsters DC. They are all and most always were sick minded people. Egotistical, power needy, born stupid, and will be grasping for power from their death beds.
They really are the living/dying prof that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
My wife went through Alzheimer’s with both parents and recognized it in Biden before I did. He’s always been a vocal bumbler, so while I’m laughing she’s getting angrier and angrier at all those around him who’ve propped him up for political expediency. “Trust me, they know”, she said. “…because it’s impossible for them not to know, and that makes them some of the most loathsome people on the planet.”
True, that.
Your wife is right about all of it. Jill Biden is a repulsive human being and Alzheimer Joe’s handlers are just as bad. And they won’t stop lying about his condition, claiming his sharp and energetic.
It’s definitely Alzheimer’s and not a different form of senility. Look at the way he shuffles and falls down. Other forms of senility don’t destroy motor function and the body.
Biden’s handlers are pure evil. In Voltaire’s story, Dante’s Inferno, the corrupt kings and leaders were basted in boiling oil in hell but advisors and handlers were thrust directly into the flames for their wickedness…….
Sounds good to me for the Alzheimer Joe administration, especially his handlers.
You mixed up the author and book title but I’m sure you know the correct ones and were just distracted or something.
The fake news is about to go into “” mode. As was the case with Bill Clinton’s oval office Lewinsky predations (“it was only about sex”), propaganda media will soon sing in one forgiving voice that the doddering Joe Bite-Me’s population replacement treason was “only about senility.”
Those who still support Biden might want t o hide away until Jan 2025
There is an historic power struggle going on in America now, the outcome of which will determine whether America survives as the good and decent and free society, culture, and nation. we have known.
America has gone berserk in recent years and will probably self-destruct if the trajectory cannot be changed.
The suicide of societies and nations and cultures is not something new.
It has happened often in history when the ruling class becomes corrupt, power hungry, and looses its marbles.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely..
They’ll cover for him because they are not “White House reporters.” They are corporate media activists for the Left. Biden’s decline was visible well before the 2020 election and they covered for him and allowed him to campaign without leaving his basement or talking to any reporters that had not been pre-screened by Biden’s lackeys. Like so much in 2024 U.S., it’s largely the medias’ fault we’re in this mess.
When the leader is weak, there tends to be a power struggle between his underlings.
In the ancient world, underlings assassinated weak leaders but Alzheimer Joe’s handlers need him alive and propped up so they can hold onto power.
Frankly, If anyone has worked in the medical field., or have relatives with dimentia….. they know this is elderly abuse. This man is not responsible mentally, and is being put up on the world stage to represent the United States., he is just a figurehead being told what to do by those behind him. Shame on them for their arrogance, ego, and abuse, and lies to the American people. Theres a team of people who control him at the orders of Obama.
All true except for Obama as a mastermind. That lazy incompetent couldn’t organize a Girl Scout cookie sale stand.
We know Joe is completely “gone”. Has been for several years. Not every person at 75 to 80 years of age has Alzheimer’s. Some are still very sharp-minded and in really good shape. I am 74 and I see some of my friends are still very sharp minded. They may not quite run a 26 mile marathon but most are still extremely active. But when you are falling down, stuttering, confusion etc that is a dead giveaway. Joe is just a mere puppet. Actual power ? he has none. That is Obama in the background pulling all the strings. Sad part is, many thousands will die in places like Taiwan or the Ukraine. Our enemies will make their move very soon and America haters like Obama and others will make sure, Joe lets it happen, And Joe won’t even remember!!
Alzheimer Joe’s handlers pull his meat puppet strings, and Obangi isn’t one of them. He didn’t even conceive policy in his own administration. The only thing that lazy incompetent could conceive is a wet fart after a session with Reggie Love or a young hustler.
Wife and I volunteered to help in a nursing home near us for years. We have seen it all and it ain’t pretty. The reality is that our Nation is one fractured hip, one public display of complete mental confusion and incoherence from a president Kamala. this year. How much damage could she do in a few months ? Be afraid, be very afraid……
I’m one of the few people who thinks Heels Up Harris couldn’t be worse than Alzheimer Joe’s mysterious (for the most part) handlers, who she would doubtlessly fire straightaway.
What could she do to make America worse than it is now? Start a war? Not a chance. And I seriously doubt she agrees with the 18 million illegal aliens who’ve crossed the border since this administration took control A continuance would make her look bad and unlike Slow Joe she doesn’t have Alzheimer’s, so she’s aware how bad it is.