The Black Lives Matter movement is a sham, based wholly on lies surrounding the tragic death of George Floyd. Like so many other deaths, Floyd’s was trivialized and profaned by Marxist radicals masquerading as “social justice warriors.” People of his own ethnic extraction commoditized his flesh and blood, exhumed his bones, and wielded them as weapons in a dirty little political war.
Democrat party leadership, breathless with excitement, knelt in solidarity with the forces of anarchy and destabilization — the fellow travelers, foot soldiers, and shock troops of global Marxist power. Social justice is a trojan horse for the asymmetric espionage cadres of today’s Axis of Evil — Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. BLM is just another tool in the totalitarian arsenal, aimed at corroding liberty by corrupting the social, moral, and cultural ties that bind us.
Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) and Candace Owens know all this and have trolled BLM hucksters, Democrat party lickspittles, and their propagandists in the legacy media by dropping a fashion hand grenade. During the Yeezy show at Paris Fashion week, Candace and Ye strolled into the spotlight sporting shirts printed with the revolutionary slogan — White Lives Matter.
The reaction from the establishment were hysterics and rage rivaling the intensity of the Spanish Inquisition. No wonder, since the same animating evil runs through the veins of every tyrant including those wearing tailored suits who even now haunt the halls of the White House and Capitol Hill.
The statement, “Black Lives Matter” is banal, it’s like saying, “the sky is blue.” The statements, white lives matter, blue lives matter, all lives matter are axiomatic. Only perpetual propagandizing from a Democrat party rotten with compromised Marxist sympathizers could produce an atmosphere so divisive across lines of pigmentation.
The left perpetually atomizes people, or corrals them into groups and then agitates based on immutable differences and/or manufactured economic class. This is the diabolical modus operandi of every swamp creature desperate to accumulate power, driven mad by an occult furor, and eternally lashed by insatiable greed.
The moral bankruptcy of the BLM hierarchy has been revealed in a swell of reporting on BLM finances. Approximately 90 million dollars has been grifted, much of it funneled into the coffers of BLM leadership. But, that is to be expected of an organization led by self-avowed Marxists.
As history has shown, every collectivist movement is, in reality, a totalitarian movement, which accretes power to those who control the means of production and are always corrupted by avarice. So, it should not be a surprise when BLM Marxists lavish themselves with multi-million dollar homes and luxury cars.
BLM continues to feed on the bile of ignorance and hate mongering.
Those who threaten the hypnotic mantra of the race-baiting left are marked for cancellation and personal destruction. Fortunately, people of means and independence of mind, like Ye and Owens, are rattling the cages.
White Lives Matter is the new Attica! Attica! Only now, brutality and oppression characterize big tech, the legacy media, the Democrat party, and its mechanisms of power — a weaponized DOJ, FBI, and IRS.
Ye and Owens rang their tin cups against the bars Democrats have forged just by wearing t-shirts imprinted with an obvious statement of fact. Despite the hysterics from the left, stating a fact isn’t racist. But the left, the Marxists among us, and Democrats (a trio of synonyms) are hell-bent on preserving their chattel-hold on the black intellect.
Their hold is slipping because of people like Ye and Owens. They’re panicked and it shows in their mad race to import a new chattel constituency via a flood of illegal immigration. Democrats know people are drowning, children are being trafficked and sexually abused, and fentanyl is poisoning tens of thousands of Americans daily. The shocking truth is — Democrats don’t give a damn. It’s in the nature of Marxists to discount human life, because the god-state is worthy of its human sacrifices.
But, facts are meager things in the face of ideology.
For Marxists, the religious impetus inherent in everyone is expressed in a devotion to an ideological golden calf that springs from the fires of the infernal Hegelian dialectic. What value does a human life have if the universe is merely eternal matter directed by mechanistic laws?
This is at the heart of why Democrats and statist Republicans can be so cruel. And, we are now reaping what we have sown by relinquishing our public education systems to the monsters of materialism. If you teach a child that he or she is merely an animal, don’t be surprised when he or she acts like one.
Ye and Owens have struck a chord, and moved the liberal hate machine to madness. Now many more see them for who they are. The left hates White Lives Matter, not because it’s racist, but because we’re all — as our founding fathers envisioned — equal before the law. Democrats, in particular, cannot abide the thought that they aren’t better than the rest of us.
Nicolas Carras says
More tragic than blacks killed by blacks? Between 1980 and 2008, 93% of black homicide victims were killed by blacks. That’s what plagues the black community, but the BLM doesn’t talk about that. That’s what plagues the black community, but the BLM doesn’t talk about that. As they do not speak of slavery in Africa and in certain Arab-Muslim countries.
Saint George Floyd… Oh, man.
Intrepid says
Do you have a St. Floyd cross hanging around your neck?
Kasandra says
“Ye and Owens have struck a chord, and moved the liberal hate machine to madness.” Well, they didn’t have to move it very far, after all.
Dani says
not as tragic as the millions of black children murdered in the womb or blacks shot by other blacks, but those lives don’t matter to imbeciles like you
Kynarion Hellenis says
Equality before the law is a foundational principle of western civilization, suited only to people who grasp the innate value of others who differ from themselves. It is anathema to tribalist people, for whom self-government is impossible and power is the supreme virtue.
Virginia says
“The statement, “Black Lives Matter” is banal, it’s like saying, “the sky is blue.” ”
Although I appreciated Kanye’s and Candice Owens’ gesture at the Paris fashion show (wearing the White Lives Matter t-shirts), the phrase in general “(Fill in the blank) Lives Matter”) is stupid.
RD Scott says
According to the Biden admin, the only lives that matter are people that voted against Trump. Tim Ryan Jr. said it best… they MUST kill the MAGA people, once and for all. He’s repeated his “kill and confront” statement many times since the first time, so he didn’t misspeak. He just got the two words backwards. He meant the Left must confront and then kill us. We’re not stupid just because our elected Republicans morons act it.
Walter Sieruk says
Yes, obviously White lives matter, that a fact that the murderous Marxist hooligans of BLM refuse to recognize. What malicious and deadly villains they have proven themselves to be.
Walter Sieruk says
Regarding the horrendous criminal malice –filled rioting looting violence arson and other wicked kinds of destruction committed by domestic terrorists of BLM, it’s therefore fitting to note the liberal Democrat, Lyndon B. Johnson had in a speech, rightly, declared” “There is no American right to loot stores, or to burn buildings, or to fire rifles from rooftops. That is crime – and crime must be dealt with forcefully and swiftly, and certainly – under law.”
Walter Sieruk says
Some things need to be known, if for nothing else but for the sake a balanced perspective
Which is that George Floyd was a vicious hardened criminal therefore it’s very wrong to make some kind of a “hero” out of hooligan was such criminal that he not was not only on drugs but was also involved in drug trafficking .
Mr. Floyd was so totally despicable that he even entered a pregnant woman’s home under a false premise of deception to let his lawless ruffians lot her home , all the while he threateningly pointed a gun to that pregnant woman’s stomached ‘You better cooperate.”
The list of crimes that Floyd was guilty of can to go on. It’s absurd as well as wrong to make a “hero” out of heinously wicked thug. As the Bible reads “Woe to those who call evil good…” Isaiah 5:20. [N.K.J.V.]
Walter Sieruk says
Just to think about it. How so many white people do support BLM they are worse than naive, they must be deluded ignorant fools to be unaware of how this BLM leader and other heads of actually think of them.
The leaders of BLM will manipulate those White people as their “useful idiots” meaning their stooges and tools to complete their goals and if that leader would ever accomplish their agenda, they wouldn’t think twice, after using them, about discarding them [eliminating them].
Furthermore, BLM is a pro-Islamic Marxist violent domestic terror group. This is also known as the “Red/Green Alliance.” Those who are so despicable to engage in such a demonic alliance are fated to fail terribly in the end.
For the Bible informs its reader “Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 11:21. [N.K.J.V.]
Walter Sieruk says
heads heads of BLM admire and like him Furthermore leaders of BLM should be justifiably arrested by the FBI for sedition against the USA. That if the FBI is really still doing what it was originally to do. That’s highly doubtful.
That same Marxists leaders those two domestic violent and destructive terror organizations should then be imprisoned for inciting the mindless mob to engage in violent and malicious behavior which endangers the safety , security and lives of the public.
BLM are not genuine civil rights groups but Un-American dangerous terrorist entities that incited harm to many peaceful innocent law-abiding people.
Rich says
Although George Floyd death was tragic, as all deaths are, he was no Saint, he was a drug addict and a gangster, he should be an example to the youth of black Americans of what happens when your running and gunning, that the music videos glorifying the thug life is only on TV but this is the reality of real consequences of not cooperating when being questioned by police
Walter Sieruk says
That Black man, Darrel Brooks is a murderous racist terrorist villain who murdered White people the heads of BLM admire and like him Furthermore leaders of BLM should be justifiably arrested by the FBI for sedition against the USA. That if the FBI is really still doing what it was originally to do. That’s highly doubtful.
That same Marxists leaders those two domestic violent and destructive terror organizations should then be imprisoned for inciting the mindless mob to engage in violent and malicious behavior which endangers the safety, security and lives of the public.
BLM are not genuine civil rights groups but Un-American dangerous terrorist entities that incited harm to many peaceful innocent law-abiding people.
Walter Sieruk says
The heads of BLM have joined with the leaders s of Antifa , they will both fail to achieve to goals of their scheming Marxist agenda in the end.
Also in time, this demonic cult alliance of the leaders of Antifa and BLM will have it all comeback down hard on them. For the Bible Informs tits reader “Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 11:21. [N.K.J.V.]
Rich says
Although George Floyd death was tragic, as all deaths are, he was no Saint, he was a drug addict and a gangster, he should be an example to the youth of black Americans of what happens when your running and gunning, that the music videos glorifying the thug life is only on TV but this is the reality of real consequences of not cooperating when being questioned by police
Lightbringer says
Tragic? Look up the classical meaning of tragic and stop using a word that you do not understand incorrectly.
And St. George of Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. It’s something that happens dozens of times a day lately in every community in this country. He died the death that many who cannot control their impulses die, looking for a better high.
Scott Norris says
If white lives really matter, then why was I banned at FB for saying just that. I said black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter. Tell a Democrat that white lives matter and watch their BP go up 40 points immediately. Tell a BLM or Antifa member white lives matter, and you’ll be in the emergency room or the morgue.
Stephan Morrow says
I find ‘White Lives Matter’ so condescending. Western civilization brought us into the 21st century with its achievements. re: Wright Bros, Marconi, Einstein, Edison, Ford etc. They made us pre-eminent. & now we should be grateful for being recognized as a people who have value? This is the product of going along esp among young college students who have been brainwashed. The level of intellectual pursuit in academia has been so degraded there really isn’t that much difference btwn students and the lesser educated. In the old days there was a real difference in the frame of reference btwn the street and students who would be immersed in great lit, history, philosophy. Now: everyone drinks the same Kool Aid from the media. The culture is being led by the gutter. Imagine: Mozart, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Shakespeare, etc: rejected as dead white men. So thanks so much as we bow down to our new lumpen masters.
Final note: we are like creatures sitting on the branch of a tree devouring the plums so that the juice is dribbling down our chins while we saw at the limb we are sitting on.
Art Dir
The Great American Play Series
My play is about the decline of the Republic :
Cat says
The use of his death to kill David Dorn, a good man, was tragic.
Daniel Hargreaves says
George Floyd’s life was tragic and a waste. Zero contribution to society.
Hugh Jassol says
His whole life was tragic — wasted by him.