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Nearly every studio and outlet now has DEI requirements which translate into discriminating against qualified talent over diversity quotas. They’ve led to occasional lawsuits and government legislation to end this practice of illegal discrimination, but this is a unique lawsuit filed by a white producer against Al Roker, for not discriminating against white writers.
A white liberal attacking a prominent black personality for not being DEI enough is a good snapshot of an insane racist industry where discrimination is driven more by white ideologues than minority talent.
Al Roker and his production banner have been sued by Bill Schultz, a former executive producer on an animated kids TV series in development. Schultz (The Simpsons, King of The Hill, Garfield) claims he was fired for objecting to the company’s failure to follow a diversity initiative intended to bring minority writers onto PBS television productions.
The lawsuit, filed in New York federal court on Tuesday, alleges executives at Al Roker Entertainment “callously disregarded” a diversity, equity and inclusion program, commonly called DEI, mandated by PBS, which covered the bulk of the production expenses for animated series Weather Hunters, by attempting to have black writers touch up scripts written by white scribes to give the appearance of a diverse writers room.
When you’re bringing in unqualified writers, not because of their abilities but because of their skin color, that is what you end up with.
Similar practices are commonplace in various affirmative-action arrangements and boosted the careers of people like AOC’s father. Government contractors routinely bring in minority partners who do none of the work.
Weather Hunters decided that it needed qualified writers more than it needed DEI garbage. And Al Roker apparently agreed, but a white guy named Bill Schultz disagreed.
The lawsuit says efforts to boost diversity were particularly vital to PBS given that Weather Hunters‘ target demographic was black families. But Schultz claims that Al Roker Entertainment executives, who were allegedly given “totally authority” to manage the series by Roker, “treated the DEI Policy as discretionary and an obstacle to be circumvented.”
“Instead of giving the chances to BIPOC writers as had been the plan, the story editor, repeating a strategy previously advocated and backed by Al Roker Entertainment management in writing, wanted to have ‘non-BIPOC’ writers write the stories, and then bring on a ‘BIPOC’ writer and after the stories/episodes [were] shaped, they could be ‘hand[ed] off to BIPOC writers,’” states the complaint.
Schultz, a former Carton Networks and Marvel Studios executive who worked on the series since 2014 and was paid $544,000 for the initial 40-episode order along with a piece of net revenue (25 percent with certain deductions and reductions), says that he informed Roker of his production banner’s refusal to properly follow PBS’ DEI policy but that he didn’t address the issue by reprimanding allegedly problematic executives.
What basis is Schultz suing on?
The complaint brings claims for violations of New York’ human rights law, which bars discrimination on the basis of race, as well as breach of contract and negligence, among several others.
The world’s worst white man is suing a black man for discriminating on the basis of race… because he didn’t discriminate on the basis of race.
Hey, I think anyone with this attitude should be forced to list all jobs, etc. with : “WHITES NEED NOT APPLY”! Let’s stop playing games, and hiding behind the term DEI. That is the coward’s way, because this is exactly what they mean, so they should stop playing games and put it up front. Somehow I doubt anyone wants to go so far as to blatantly put it in those terms however. Why not? Oh right you want to cover it up with “DEI” making it sound what? Noble somehow or other?? But it isn’t, is it? It’s just as racist as the old term “BLACKS NEED NOT APPLY” no matter how you wrap it up and tie ribbons around it.
Woke DEI and other abbreviations of the same insane guilt leads to failures and disasters. DEI is why passenger airlines are falling apart in flight! Look into it. Waste of money and layoffs to pay DEI employees to sit there and do nonessential work because they are simply not qualified. There is the Peter Principle and there is DEI. With the Peter Principle the person can go as high as their abilities will take them and that is still a good productive employee, DEI means someone is hired to placate the demonic commie libs looking to make trouble and problems where none exist. DEI weakens people to not try. DEI destroys the lives of those who are taking advantage of it. There is no DEI or Peter Principle in entrepreneurs. You swim or sink, fly or grounded by your own efforts and genius and will. It’s all mindsets.