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Whether it’s mocking Christians, sexualizing the sacred, or shouting their abortions, the Left thrives on transgressive behavior – violating the “bourgeois” values and Judeo-Christian morality which they so deeply despise. In the latest example, COVID lockdown tyrant Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan’s Democrat Governor, drew social media mystification and condemnation Thursday after appearing in a bizarre short video that parodied and sexualized the Catholic sacrament of Holy Communion.
Canadian feminist author and podcaster Liz Plank, who has worked at NBC News and Vox Media, posted the 8-second video to her Instagram account @feministabulous after conducting a short, fawning interview with Whitmer in which they discuss – what else? – “reproductive rights” – i.e., murdering the unborn. In the video clip, Plank is seen kneeling on the floor expectantly, then stretching her tongue to receive a Doritos chip from a proffering hand a lá a wafer to a Catholic communicant. The camera pans from Plank and we see that the hand that fed her belongs to Gov. Whitmer, who is wearing a Harris/Walz cap and a cryptically flat expression. She stares unblinking at the camera as the video ends.
Plank captioned the post, “if he won’t, big gretch will.” Whitmer had told Democrats at her party’s convention in Chicago in August that “in Lansing, they call me governor, but in Detroit, I’m Big Gretch!” Weird flex, but okay.
The caption continued, “Chips aren’t just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game-changer for U.S. tech and manufacturing, boosting domestic production of semiconductors to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers! Donald Trump would put that at risk.”
The $52.7 billion CHIPS Act was signed into law in August 2022 by President Biden, who claimed it would fight inflation. Americans are all painfully aware of just how well that worked out.
Social media responses to the short clip on Instagram ranged from understandably perplexed (“Strange,” political commentator Michael Cernovich wrote) to understandably appalled (“Wtf is this supposed to be? Disgusting,” wrote another user).
“This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen,” another user wrote. Creepiest might be a more apt description, because the video gives off the same disturbing vibe as a sex fetish video. Plank welcomes the Doritos chip with a sexually suggestive gratitude and satisfaction, like a BDSM submissive to Whitmer’s dominatrix. Whitmer, for her part, then draws us unwillingly into the kinky scenario with her commanding gaze. It honestly feels like a violation.
Many conservatives noted that the video was undeniably a mockery of the Catholic sacrament of the Eucharist, with Whitmer (mis)cast in the role of priest. Commentator Liz Wheeler tweeted, “Democrat Gov Gretchen Whitmer blasphemes the Eucharist, feeding a Dorito to a leftist podcaster as if it’s Holy Communion. Wearing a Kamala hat. It’s wild that some Christians refuse to vote when Democrats obviously loathe you… because you’re Christian.”
Democrat Gov Gretchen Whitmer blasphemes the Eucharist, feeding a Dorito to a leftist podcaster as if it’s Holy Communion. Wearing a Kamala hat.
It’s wild that some Christians refuse to vote when Democrats obviously loathe you… because you’re
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) October 10, 2024
The Citizen Free Press similarly tweeted, “What in the hell is Gretchen Whitmer doing. She appears to be mocking Catholics and Communion. This is the Democrat Party.”
What in the hell is Gretchen Whitmer doing.
She appears to be mocking Catholics and Communion.
This is the Democrat
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) October 10, 2024
Social media entrepreneur The Art of Purpose piled on with a post as well: “Gretchen Whitmer – Governor of Michigan, has released a new video where she openly mocks the Catholic religion. Their degeneracy has no bounds.”
Gretchen Whitmer – Governor of Michigan, has released a new video where she openly mocks the Catholic religion. Their degeneracy has no
— 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 🇺🇸 (@creation247) October 10, 2024
Who in Whitmer’s team thought this video clip, which has gone viral, was a good idea? If Whitmer, who is reportedly Christian, wasn’t savvy or sensitive enough herself to see how off-putting this video is, was there no one on her team to speak up and point out how it might adversely impact the crucial Catholic vote in the upcoming election? Could they not have found a more effective way to make their weak political point about the CHIPS Act?
Imagine if Republican VP nominee JD Vance, whom the Leftist media and leadership tried desperately to smear as “weird,” released a video in which he blasphemed, say, Islam and then stared into the camera as if possessed. Democrats would pounce and the fear-mongering would be apocalyptic. If Whitmer’s video was intended to be playful, it failed, although the anti-Christian bigots of the Left will no doubt find it entertaining. If anything, it came off as eerie, dark, and divisive.
But I will go a step further and assert that there is a sulfuric whiff of the demonic about this 8-second clip. As I have stated many times, our nation is engaged in intense spiritual warfare, which one can see manifested in our volatile political and cultural conflicts. In this Whitmer video there is something macabre in the surreal, sacrilegious, sexual framing and the intensity of her direct glare. Am I reading too much into it? Possibly. Or maybe it is giving us a representative glimpse, in its small way, of the dark forces behind a libertine Democrat Party that has made child sacrifice its highest sacrament.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
If your Catholic, Christian or Jewish and you don’t vote Republican you need a brain scan to find out what’s wrong in your messed up head.
Vote Republican? You mean vote for Donald Trump — two different things.
The Republican Establishment (which is 90% of elected Republicans) doesn’t want Donald Trump to win and are doing everything to stop him from winning.
In any case it is very highly likely the election will be STOLEN once again by the totalitarian Democrats.
Has anything been done in the last four years to make voting 100% secure? NOPE.
You are always at the center of the country’s negativity, aren’t you. Do us all a favor and don’t vote. After all, you live in NYC and it really doesn’t matter there.
Intrepid, you may be surprised. From what I’ve seen (fwiw), Trump will get the black vote in NYC, and maybe the Hispanic vote as well. While upper middle class blacks will probably vote for Harris, low income blacks (and their numbers are legion) seem to overwhelmingly loathe her and Biden, as they saw their already marginal standard of living eroding further since Trump “lost” the 2020 election. I suspect the same is true in NY State’s other cities. Trump’s just rented Madison Square Garden for another rally, so he’s returning to NYC to campaign, come what may. If enough disaffected whites join the throngs of angry blacks, Trump might actually win the state. Currently, I’m travelling throughout the lower Hudson Valley, and I see more Trump signs on peoples’ lawns than Harris signs. Trump really has a shot at winning NY. It’s unchecked election fraud that I’m worried about.
Yes. In an honest election, the results would be historic. Even the MSM reporting 40% black support for Trump in NYC.
But … it’s NYC.
Election fraud will be rampant throughout the city. Plans to steal the election are likely in progress now.
So … I expect every black American who votes for Trump in NYC will have their vote discarded and replaced by 10+ votes for Harris.
I hope you are right!
I hope I am surprised. I thought he would win ’20 but we weren’t prepared for what the Dems did. This time around my wife and I are voting early. We already have our early ballots and are going to “bank our votes”.
Personally I think It’s looking pretty good for Trump. Maybe Trump can win NY but not NYC which pretty much controls the state. It’s overly populated with illegals.
After hearing that Barack Obama scolded Black men for not demonstrating large support for the Harris-Walz campaign, I conducted a little experiment in the Black middle class neighborhood in my Middle Tennessee town. Drove past small, well-kept homes on old historic streets — not a single sign. It was only when I got close to our large state university campus that I saw a couple of Harris-Walz signs, with a Trump-Vance sign in between those yards! Obama’s right, the enthusiasm is definitely lacking;-)
An elderly (80s), obviously liberal white couple lives across the street from me. There are now three signs in their yard: 1. large punctuation mark comma followed by LA. Get it? CommaLA? 2. Harris-Walz and 3. (the best for last) VOTE like your daughter’s RIGHTS depend on it! Is abortion the only thing these women care about? Sad.
Early voting starts here next week.
i agree. nothing regarding election integrity has occurred in the last 4 years. actually it has become worse in california and other states. the subject has been taken up by local, state and federal. the highest court in the land refused the subject. i cannot logically determine how this election cannot be the same or worse than the last. unfortunately, a great portion of the population has been refused the right to address. our leaders are ignoring the cries for address and moving forward with business as usual, importing votes to throw the balance. problem now is the disenfranchised voters and the imported votes have no allegiance. with no allegiance the government is no more, the left over shell of government is just a tyrannical version of its former self. be very cautious with all government and its employees (local, state, federal). the government will demand acknowledged as authority, if not you will be silenced, one way or another. these are the throws of death for a failing government.
Certainly worse in California.
Leftist have descended into a kind of insanity, illustrating the truth of St. Paul’s warning to the New Testament church at Rome in his classic analysis of that descent….to the reprobate mind now on display.
Romans 1:18-32 (esp. vs 28)
Why isn’t birth control the issue before Abortion?
Wouldn’t it be preferable to abortion?
It’s a dog whistle.
Abortion brings in the donations and riles up the NGO riff-raff who make up the election fraud army.
It’s not an issue at all for most Americans. Although I think it should be, it’s just not.
Excellent points Dan !!!!!
Abortion, killing babies, is one of the actions witches revel in.
Considering we have a Pope who appeared onstage with drag queens, I wonder if the Vatican also needs a brain scan.
All so the Pope at the Vatican with Pachamama idols…
No matter. They are sticking this in our face just before election because they know they will win. Simply Nov 3 2020/Round 2.
,What bothers me is not that they goofed around and parodied a religious rite. It’s,that they posted it on Instagram.
Whitmer is a politician. She’s in public life. She should know better. Nobody who knows good judgement from a German shepherd would do tjat. Facebook, X, and Instagram are not your living room, folks
She’s long been known to be involved with Witchcraft, along with some of her cronies.
Since abortion is their unholy sacrement, instead of a Dorito chip it should have been a human embryo placed on her tongue!
Well, at least you called an embryo, an embryo, and not a baby.
What are you going to do about all those embryos frozen at the fertility clinics?
Close down the fertility clinics?
Not a bad idea. At least that would stop a few people like you from being born. Your Mom should have dropped you off at one years ago.
He would not have been born if his mother had not found the preventive method too hard to swallow.
And we would have been spared his endless B.S.
A frozen human embryo is a human life held in suspended animation which can be reanimated prior to implantation and continue development into a fetus some weeks after implantation.
Closing down fertility clinics would kill any human embryos, which even at that stage of development organs (critical body structures) are formed.
So no, I would not advocate closing down fertility clinics for that reason.
Considering the Eucharist is symbolic cannibalism of the body and blood of Jesus, a Dorito chip symbolizing an embryo isn’t too far fetched.
symbolic cannibalism…….you really are one sick little fck aren’t you. So glad you live in NYC and not in my country.
In John 6:53–57, Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.”
Now here come the Christian “INTERPRETERS” who will adamantly claim those words don’t really mean what they mean. They wholly mean something else altogether.
So much nonsense in the Bible has to be “interpreted” to make any sense.
I’m certain there are Muslims who do the same thing with the Koran but any rational and honest person would know the Muslim “interpreter” is merely evading what the Koran is actually saying.
Dear THX 1138:
Let’s use LOGIC here.
If the words of Jesus, in the book of John, were not meant as a metaphor, then how many gallons of blood and pounds of flesh would it take to feed the multitudes who would partake?
Christians are not “spinning” passages of the Bible, they are simply reading them in their proper and logical context.
Try reading the Bible like any other great literature and you might begin to understand the Creator.
Dear Sir or Madam THX 1138
Please read this to get a greater understanding of the miss information that you have
about Christians.
Thank you, I hope it helps you & in this way you will get more thumbs up than down.
There’s your ignorance showing through again…
The satanic catholic fake church literally believes they are literally eating the flesh of Jesus and literally drinking his blood…
That is cannibalism…
Much like satanic islam… where some will literally eat the hearts of their victims and drink their blood…
May I suggest… you keep your mouth shut Intrepid… you idiot…
Excuse me, I don’t think I was conversing with you. And I don’t have to listen to you either.
All you have to offer is bitter cheap little man insults. You are nothing to me in the order of things and whatever you have to say to me is irrelevant to my existence.
Maybe you should take up something constructive like knitting.
Have fun consorting with Satan
It doesn’t matter who you’re talking to… if you’re opening your trap spewing false in formation… you need corrected !
You don’t know jack squat about religion… not even your own Homosexual loving, allah worshiping satanic fake church…
I’m having to teach you most everyday…
But yet… you act as if you’re a Bullwinkle…
Are you a Bisexual? Attending a homosexual fake church… bragging about picking up babes while at service… then claiming you’re been married for 34 years… and… always accusing others of being gay…
The shoe must fit…
You must be a Bisexual… picking up other Bisexuals at your homosexual fake church…
You have the mind of a lonely little child. Wazza matter?…….Mommy didn’t give you enough attention? Daddy beat you with a strap? Same old crap all the time. But you have managed to finally scrape the bottom end of your dirty mind intelligence this time.
Love the “bisexual projection.” I guess that is all you are capable of. It still burns you that you fell for all the lies I told you a few years ago about chasing women. That is how gullible and basically stupid you will always be. I guess it bugs you that no one falls for you end times prophecy B.S. either. Some message. Guess what, no one cares, judging from the downvotes you get.
Have fun crapping into your Beema Bob a Looma seat. Don’t forget to scrape the brown stains off the seat.
Look, believe what you like. I don’t care. You are just some worthless pond scum that got washed up after the last hurricane. You kindergarten insults are getting as worn out as you are.
Oh look….almost Sunday. Time to recite the Nicene Creed and play some music for the faithful. That is more than you will ever get to do.
Have fun consorting with Satan, your best buddy. I thought I smelled sulfur. Or was it one of your farts?
You say… “All the lies [you] told”…
Then you mock and insult God’s Holy Bema Seat…
All the while you worship the fake god allah in your homosexual fake church…
Yes… your credibility is most certainly questioned…
Must be tough living in the hell you have created for yourself. You are just a bitter small minded Beemaseat loser who thinks I am mocking God. No Sumsy, I am mocking you. But please keep it up. I need a good laugh now and then.
I never know what you will blabber about next………I just know you are the angriest bitter person I have ever run across in my life. And for what? So you can feel like a big man. Considering the number of downvotes you get, no one does.
Besides being a bitter little obsessive stump in the mud, you have no idea what you are. You certainly aren’t any Christian I have ever run across. Must be tough when no one buys into your crackhead message.
I have always felt you desperately need psychiatric help. Whatever you believe it has made you psychotic. And has nothing to do with reality. Someday we will read about you. And I will laugh and laugh and laugh. Until then take a bath. You really do smell like a girly man Mamoni sulfur boy.
“symbolic cannibalism”
Imagine the orgiastic delight the witches feel, having caused the deaths of millions of innocent babies.
Ultimately the essential thing that is being mocked and should never be mocked is the human need for exaltation, worship, nobility, sacredness, holiness, devotion, and reverence for moral values — human aspiration — man’s dedication to a moral ideal.
But you don’t need to be a Christian or a Jew to desire the highest possible to man.
“Religion’s monopoly in the field of ethics has made it extremely difficult to communicate the emotional meaning and connotations of a rational view of life. Just as religion has pre-empted the field of ethics, turning morality against man, so it has usurped the highest moral concepts of our language, placing them outside this earth and beyond man’s reach. “Exaltation” is usually taken to mean an emotional state evoked by contemplating the supernatural. “Worship” means the emotional experience of loyalty and dedication to something higher than man. “Reverence” means the emotion of a sacred respect, to be experienced on one’s knees. “Sacred” means superior to and not-to-be-touched-by any concerns of man or of this earth. Etc.
But such concepts do name actual emotions, even though no supernatural dimension exists; and these emotions are experienced as uplifting or ennobling, without the self-abasement required by religious definitions. What, then, is their source or referent in reality? It is the entire emotional realm of man’s dedication to a moral ideal. Yet apart from the man-degrading aspects introduced by religion, that emotional realm is left unidentified, without concepts, words or recognition.
It is this highest level of man’s emotions that has to be redeemed from the murk of mysticism and redirected at its proper object: man.” – Ayn Rand
Actually you do need to be human. And since you aren’t you will never know human aspiration — dedication to a moral ideal.
I enjoy your putdowns of THX, the insulting nobody.
THX treats with contempt those who disagree with him, He lectures us from his ivory tower. Any disagreement is cast aside as “superstition.”
He doesn’t realize that atheism is also superstition. He offers no explanation whatsoever for the infinite variety of the molecules of life, the origin of energy, the velocity of light. In his world, man is God and should worship himself as such. Like Stalin, Mao, Adolph……
Every website discussion board has one of these: THX is truly the asswipe of Front Page Magazine.
I like that. The ‘asswipe’ of Front Page Magazine.
This site has three or four AW’s but THX is the most prevalent.
He has reimagined Western History to fit his own preconceived notions that make up his contempt for Western religion. But they have nothing to do with reality.
He wants to ‘reshape the world’ according to his goddess heroine Ayn Rand, but no one cares what he wants.
It’s obviously easier to copy and paste Ayn Rand’s thoughts than say or think something new for yourself?
It’s a trolling trick, to get his victims to argue against Ayn Rand, who is harder to refute than THX.
Actually it’s not that hard. She really doesn’t have all that much to say either. Ultimately she is as boring as he is.
So Whitmer isn’t seeking reelection?
The Polish Catholic descendant population of Michigan is over three times as large as coddled Muslims population. Inspire it to a high Turn-out, and add it to Jews who flee the Democrat party in horror, and you have a GOP win.
She’s long been known to be involved with Witchcraft. It isn’t a secret.
DON’T WORRY MARK…. the pOpE, Biden, Pelosi… oh she’s mad…. really mad… and Kamala, are OUTRAGED like they were when The Last Supper was mocked at the Satan Olympics.
Okay… why never against Mohammad and Islam? A Jihad Suicide Vest for Virgins?
“Our Soldiers spill RED BLOOD so others can have PURPLE FINGERS!” SC This is for the Iraqi’s and Afghani’s who proudly voted but had to dip their fingers in purple dye to ensure they don’t vote multiple times. Our soldiers died for their Right to Vote in FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS… AND YET WE HAVE CHEATING HERE AND THEN A MASSIVE CONSPIRACY TO COVER IT UP, no investigations, no FBI? What happens too is that the cheating is so massive, the FBI just throws up their hands… “What… prosecute hundreds of thousands? LOL!”
Who are the County Clerks, AGs, and all the election officials, the DAs, and then the Judges?
Here in Albuquerque, INDIVISIBLE.ORG operatives run all the polling sites. I was at two of their meetings and it was like a Blast to the Past with elderly hippies who surely spit on our soldiers when they came back from Vietnam. (WERE YOU ONE OF THEM OR YOU SPIT ON POLICE NOW?) They had sign-up sheets to be poll workers. When I voted in person in 2020, it was like a Hippie Reunion. I was actually shaking marking my ballot because they were surely going to cheat. How? They have access to the computers, who has voted and who hasn’t and who probably won’t vote due to not voting in years. So, the night before election day, they vote for all these people, times all the polling locations. If by chance a person comes in who they voted for already, “Sorry, we have that you voted.” BUSTED but they say “oops, our mistake.” (In 2008, the Democrats registered by 12-year-old son, now non-stop calls. Then calls for Anita, Susan, Abran, Kristian, and they added my mother who died in 2009 and never lived in Albuquerque!!! The night before the 2016 election, they called and said Abran hadn’t voted yet. I HAVE THE RECORDING AND PLAYED IT ON RADIO! How did they know he/my son’s phone call that I took, hadn’t voted. “Do you need a ride? Do you know the voting location?” I said, “I DON’T HAVE TIME BUT CAN I SEND MY BROTHER TO VOTE FOR ME?” Two people said I could… ON TAPE. WHAT’S THAT COMRADE THKS?=====ANOTHER… a Mexican, Idalia Lechuga-Tena, voted twice, got caught… “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to!” LIAR! She was a democrat activist and surely helped others do the same. DA KARI BRANDEBURG DID NOT PROSECUTE HER.
SO, HOW DOES TRUMP DEFEAT THE ENEMY WITHIN THAT RUNS EVERYTHING? He said he’s hired 600 attorneys… but hopefully “WE” will watch them!
“…runs everything” – including vote counting.
As Stalin remarked in one of his mellow moments: “what matters is not the number of votes, but who is counting them.”
Camala H.*s quite realistic victory would be a historical catastrophe for America and the West. The 20 million illegal migrants would become legal with democrat amnesty act assuring that the Republican party would never had a chance for election victory. A nightmare which is dangerously close to turn real. And if it does can anyone here say what would be left for the patriotic conservative American to do about it?
fear nothing but the day god stops weeping. there are no known historical examples of government that has not failed. maintain the moral code and you will be fine.
I can’t get over how so many women are cutting off their nose to spite their faces by voting for Whitmer, Harris, and other Democrats like them.
For reasons I can’t understand, a lot of women (and quite a few men too) are so obsessed with the abortion issue that they’re willing to vote for candidates whose policies will, except for making abortion easier, make their lives harder under their leadership.
Their policies make the cost of living higher, take-home lower, jobs less plentiful and secure, the risk of crime, terrorism, and war greater, and government interference greater—But at least it’s easy to get an abortion!
it is called pride, and pride is a universal sin. pride will not allow corrective decision making. sins are the parasites of the mind. the parasite does not consider the life of its host.
That’s a good point. Why does the left support abortion, when it opposes so many other things? Well, superficially, it is a popular policy with some of the public. But more deeply, it is fundamental or characteristic of the left, killing innocent babies. The kind of thing they love to do.
We all knew Whitmer was low-life trash when she aided the FBI in entrapping people in a “plot” to kidnap her useless ass.
Two benefits come from this filth video.
¹ It removes all doubt concerning what a depraved fool she is.
² It puts her surrogates in the press in a painful dilemma on how to react: Do they condemn the obvious, or also drop to their knees in supplication?
I couldn’t have said it better. There is a major political divide between conservative and liberal factions today, and the tensions will only increase, irregardless of who wins. This political nose-rubbing will only make it worse. Expect unrest, no matter who wins, and prepare as best you can.
Are you surprised?
Any Catholic who votes Democrat after this macabre video is voting for Satan. They truly are evil and hate America and it’s values.
catholicism is already satanic… just like so many other fake churches too…
They worship the fake god allah of satanic islam… a fake god once known as Baal… which goes back to the Tower of Babel…
Baal is allah…. a satanic moon god… with a new name…
The satanic catholic fake church… is satanic!
The satanic catholic fake church DOESN’T need Jesus…
1) They have Mary as their intercessor
2) They have dead saints to pray to
3) They have indulgences/good works to earn their salvation… like satanic islam does
4) They worship the fake god allah who has no Sons
5) They have Purgatory Prison to earn themselves into islamic paradise
6) They have all authority from heaven since God retired
7) They have the Poop as the Vicar of Christ on earth
All Jesus is to the satanic catholic fake church is… to prime the cult members to become cannibals… like satanic worshiping muslims who eat the hearts and drink the blood of their victims…
See St. Paul’s warning to the New Testament church at Rome in his classic letter, Romans 1:18-32 (esp. vs. 28).
The left is possessed by an amoral insanity growing from “the reprobate mind”. Leftist have a “darkened understanding” unable to know right from wrong. In fact, their ethical sensibilities are exactly reversed from the Judaeo Christian ethic.
There is no logic or historic reference that bridges the difference between a ‘person of the Bible’ and a ‘person of leftist ideology’. America is in deeper trouble than most people realize.
this devil Whitmer did not allow Michigan citizens to buy seeds to plant crops and flowers in their garden during the fake lockdowns of the pLandemic = the first salvo in the coup d’etat of USA without firing a single shot – the cinching salvo was the rigging and stealing of the 2020 election and the 2022 election in states like Arizona – all while her vile disgusting husband was partying on their yacht!
There isn’t anything to vile and demonic these demonic possessed bastards will do to flaunt in front of their constituents their blatant disregard for the very rules they put in place and yet their insane demonic constituents re-elect them.
These are demonic times we live in. These are signs of the so-called last days – doesn’t matter if you believe it or see it – it’s here and it’s going to get worse before Christ returns. This is not religion, this is fact.
Sick of the “entertainment politics.” Loathsome people are running the country, but we already knew that… Trump/Vance. Make America Sane Again.
Hmm, “gretch” rhymes with “wretch.”
“Retching Witmer,” I like that, nice ring.
Just another Liberal Atheists/Infedel out there who probiblly thinks we all came from apes
They would never mock Islam. One reason is survival. The other is radical Islamicists are at the current time allies of the Left in their hatred of Western civilization.
Gretchen Whitmer is definitely demonically possessed with many demons.
Maybe we have a low opinion of demons.
What self-respecting demon would possess Whitmer?
Besides she’s obviously an enthusiastic member of Team Satan.
So possessing her would be overkill.
Witches invite demons to possess them. It’s one of the feelings they revel in, being possessed by demons.
All Karen’s take Doritos and Perrier for their satanic communion.
It’s not called communion in satanic catholicism…
It’s called Eucharist in satanic catholicism…
A distinction for cannibalism…
A Christian, particularly, shouldn’t make fun of another denominational person. However, God wants all men to “…come unto the knowledge of the truth,” 1; Timothy 2:4. The Lord’s Supper that believer’s can participate in, is simply a memorial. It’s about remembering what the Lord did on our behalf and what believer’s have in common together in Christ. That bread, though, is not the literal flesh of Christ, in spite of what Catholicism says about the “transubstantiation.” Even the 16th century teenage girl, Lady Jane Grey, understood that (she was the nine days Queen of England). Christ said He was “the door,” but He’s not a literal door.
Catholics, and I was one, need to read that Bible and they need to rightly divide it to understand what’s goin on in it. Interestingly, the Catholic bible, and most other versions, have removed the key to understanding the Bible. The words “rightly dividing,” in 2 Timothy 2:15, have been changed to useless, unhelpful words, such as, “correctly handle.” Believer’s need to read the King James Bible.
Catholicism is a hijacked Judaism. It’s just Covenant Theology and God is not behind it, nor does He fret over it. He is forming the church the body of Christ which He began with Paul in Acts 9. It’s the people He is going to use to repossess and govern the heavens with. God temporarily suspended His program with Israel. It’s Israel God is going to use to repossess and govern the earth.
You’re spewing the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrines of the devil…
Whereas the majority won’t understand what you’re saying…
For instance…
1) The church began with Paul… <<< Lies… deception
2) Israel is suspended… <<< Lies… deception
You need to come out of those doctrines of the devil !
Should I even bother?
1) The church began with Paul… <<< Lies… deception
Answer: The church the body of Christ did begin with Paul: 1 Timothy 1:16
"Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that IN ME FIRST Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.
2) Israel is suspended… <<< Lies… deception.
Answer: God's program with has been suspended (temporarily). Romans 11:15
"For if the CASTING AWAY OF THEM be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?"
I'm not certain what your view is on the Bible, but it's God's Word's. It claims to be God's Word's. Those words in those verses are clear.
God paused His program with Israel shortly after Stephen was stoned in Acts 7, and He began something new with Paul. God revealed the "secret" to Paul (Ephesians 3:1-9).
And God, in fact, temporarily put Israel aside. God is going to the Gentiles in spite of Israel's fall, and one of the reasons is because the church the body of Christ has to do with God's plan to repossess the heavenly realm from the satanic host. THAT was HID from Satan:
1 Corinthians 2:7-8
"But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: [8] Which none of the princes of this world knew: for HAD THEY KNOWN IT, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."
The church began with Paul… <<< Lies… deception
1) The first in "longsuffering"… NOT the first to be in the church…
Israel is suspended… <<< Lies… deception.
2) 11:1 … "I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid."
11:2… "God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew."
11:4… "But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal."
Baal = the fake good allah
The MYSTERIES of the church was ONLY given to Paul
Christ Jesus told the Apostles…
Mr 1:14… "Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD"
Mr 4:11… "And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the MYSTERY of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables"
The 'Paul is Savior' doctrines of the devil is a cult !!!
Do yourself a favor. Don’t bother or he will start making up stuff about you, like he does to me. Unless you need a diversion now and then into chrackhead land.
Typos and fix: crackhead land.
You’re way to stupid to understand the discussion… all the while you make a mockery of God’s Holy Word…
You’re more interested in worshiping the fake god allah at your satanic fake church!
The fact stands… I’ve never made up anything about you… everything is from your own mouth… lies or whatever you claim…
Ok fckhead….it’s pretty clear you have a massive insecurity complex. I don’t care where it came from.
Maybe mommy and daddy didn’t particularly care for you. After all, why would they?
Maybe you were that fat smelly kid who never got picked to play on the baseball team. Maybe you were the skinny smelly kid who could never get laid. I don’t care.
All you have are your pathetic insults….the ones you simply make up to make yourself feel better. Again, no one cares
You can insult me all you like….it only makes you look and sound pathetic.
No one cares about your sophomoric endtimes message or your silly bema seat. And no one cares about you quoting the bible. Anyone can do that. It’s similar to THX quoting Ayn Rand. It’s moronic. You aren’t exactly a scholar, in anything.
This was as gross as it gets
Anti-Catholicism is the ongoing, acceptable bigotry, for atheists and certain protestants alike. As for THX, under Rand’s own worldview there is no reason to suppose that any “moral ideal” has any validity. In an atheist universe, things just are what they are. As Jacques Monod held, the universe is benignly indifferent to all such notions. Even Rand held sway over her group through intimidation and, it would seem, terror of excommunication, tragically dying lonely and alone. Her story is ultimately a sad story, and very unheroic.
Yes, anti-Catholicism has been called the last acceptable bigotry. The problem of bigotry still is broader than that. Bigotry is a method of division and all are subject to it. Specifying one or another can fall into the trap of a victimology contest. I deplore anti-Catholicism, but do not find it a singular as it is sometimes described. In fact, if we were all as identical as clones biologically and identical in environment, division would still be a method of rule by those using that practice.
Christ Jesus referred to the Money Changers, Scribes, Sadducees and Pharisees as…
“Thieves, snakes, serpents, blind guides, fools, dog & pigs, children of the devil, dead mans bones, unclean, White Sepulchers, scourge and desolate”… to name a few…
These all were fakes… doing the work of satan…
And catholicism does the work for satan… and people need to know…
Pt 2
Your silly accusations:
Being a member of a “satanic Muslim loving ELCA church” (C’mon Sumsy, is that all you got? Not impressed.)
Chasing women in church…. you fell for that hook line and sinker….it still eats at you. You are that stupid and desperate.
Making people feel good with music (OMG what a sin that is)
Me playing the Rock Star? (jealous much? No one will ever accuse you of being one)
So here’s the deal sh*t for brains, you can write/say what you like, you still have an insecurity complex. You will never be smart, just pathetically angry.
Now this is the last post I will make to you and I will make it again and again. Basically I am running out of new material and since you only have your tired repetitive crap that’s all you will get.
See a doctor. Your problems are numerous and you are bordering on the psychotic. They say Adderall helps with symptoms.
Here’s some links to some info about your inferiority complex:
Considering your posts, for you the question is how many pinheads can be on the head of a pin?
It isn’t just a whiff of the sulfuric demonic, it is a fundamental part of the leftist program, to deny anything spiritual, and reduce humanity to the material level, without immortality, with no higher goal than to enjoy the pleasures of demonic sexuality while they can. It is even provable mathematically, if there is no afterlife the optimal strategy reduces to getting in the last bloody backstab.
Catholics are not the only ones who take communion. Protestants do as well. So she is basically mocking Christians.
The difference between Catholics and the rest of Christendom, is what one thinks about that bread, or what they think that bread is exactly.
You notice that brave Liberal Red Neck progressive elites like Gretchen Whitmer don’t satirize or mock Islam primarily because they know their heads will likely end up on sticks in their front yards, or the hoods of their cars… or they’ll be involuntary participants in a Cuisinart blade technique demo reel. This is the price Judeo-Christians pay for allowing themselves and their religion to be intimidated, persecuted, prosecuted and drummed down by the secular totalitarian state and its institutions over the last 60 years into a bumper sticker religion of weak and ineffectual Christians.
Liz Plank claims that men were beneficiaries of Roe v. Wade. She is right as long as she understands that the men who primarily depended on the benefit of Roe v. Wade were whoremongers.
Hey Gretchen! Now do Islam.
think the big miss here is the fact the chips program is being likened to the body of christ. pretty sure this is a violation of church and state. i cannot see how this is not a type of violation that requires removal from office.
love one another. that does not mean you have to love one another’s actions or thoughts. it means to allow enough respect to give each other the time needed to learn from their mistakes. it does not mean we lower ourselves to evil. we are all there is from here to infinity, so treat each other as the cosmic treasure you are. love one another, and remember in the realm of infinity mankind knows nothing. surprisingly, even as the modern age has allowed man to know mankind on earth is the only living thing for light years into infinity. man continues his morbid trek to kill one another and put himself above others causing great misery to other mankind. truly tragic. fear nothing but the day god stops weeping.
Whitmer and Plank, with their sulfurous stench, are a good reason not to go to Hell. It will be populated by people like them.
Is it any surprising? Nope, especially given the fact that “Witless” Whitmer was supported by Hillary Clinton through Onward Together during her bid for re-election to the Michigan House of Representatives, not to mention People for the American Way, which is associated with the Tides Foundation. Both organizations have backed progressivist (a.k.a. totalitarian) candidates for YEARS.