Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to take a pregame skate recently in the team’s LGBTQ+ warmup jersey, citing his preference “to stay true to myself and my religion,” which is Russian Orthodox. “I respect everyone. I respect everybody’s choices,” said the only player who refused to participate in Pride Night.
You can imagine the hysterics Provorov’s apostasy sparked among the enlightened sports commentariat. TSN’s Pierre LeBrun claimed Provorov “obviously does not respect ‘everyone.’ If he did respect everyone, he would have taken part in warm-up and worn the Pride Night jersey. Don’t hide behind religion.”
The “don’t hide behind religion” jibe is one of the dumbest and laziest smears going. It’s a favorite of bullies who act like they can bore into the souls of the heretics. It’s bad enough that LeBrun contends that the only possible reason someone might be disinclined to celebrate same-sex marriage or the sweeping “+” (I wonder if Lebrun could coherently explain what it means?) is deep-seated bigotry. But when these amateur theologians declare that dissenters are “hiding” behind faith, they’re not only arguing that religion is a mask for bigotry but that no genuine faith could possibly have a problem with the cultural norms he adopted about five minutes ago.
Of course, many orthodox faiths, not only Russians but Orthodox Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Lutherans and so on, believe same-sex relationships are sinful. Their adherents have believed that for centuries, if not millennia. A person of good faith can “respect” others — they can even respect people for taking a stance — without celebrating their choices. In a truly open and diverse society, we don’t demand everyone abandon their tradition and critical thinking to skate lockstep in a rainbow flag. Dear Lord, it’s such vacuous virtue signaling.
Because it shouldn’t be forgotten that the LGBTQ+ movement encompasses an entire open-ended ideological agenda, not merely the ability of gay people to live in peace or marry. Some of the other Flyers, for instance, spent time celebrating the achievements of a “nonbinary” 13-year-old. As old-fashioned atheist, I don’t care who you sleep with, but I do still cling to the antiquated notion that humans have immutable biological characteristics and that objective truths can’t be wished away. To my mind, that 13-year-old kid is a victim of an irrational, destructive and trendy pseudoscience. Yet folks like LeBrun will help normalize the quackery while hiding behind the idea of “tolerance.”
Most of the National Hockey League press also groused that hypocrite coach John Tortorella, a long-time figure in the NHL, hadn’t suspended Provorov for his sins. As coach of the U.S. national team, Tortorella once threatened anyone who refused to stand for the national anthem with a benching (a stance he regrettably reversed). The obvious difference is that those players weren’t asked to endorse the lifestyle choices of strangers but were voluntarily representing the United States — and every person in it — at international tournaments. That so many people are unable to distinguish between the act of honoring your country and celebrating who people sleep with says a lot about how warped our values have become.
Indeed, the notion that Provorov is bringing this acrimony on himself because, as a bigot, he simply couldn’t get himself to put on a jersey with a rainbow, seems preposterous. Provorov takes on all risk, with no reward. He will be forever smeared by the closed-minded people who write about him. In today’s world, dissenting from the progressive faith takes a lot of spine. Most players — most people — would rather not risk being denigrated and bullied by the mob. Who can blame them?
I respect totally what Ivan Provorov has done. If I were a professional
hockey player, I too would not want to be forced to participate in a
gay pride night.
Because where does it all end? Suppose the team decides that
members must celebrate a Critical Race Theory one night in
deference to their brothers and sisters of the Black race. That
they must wear big CRT letters on black jerseys. After all, the
White House fully supports CRT – the US military indoctrinates
all its members with it from the highest to the lowest ranks –
and schools instruct all ages about it every day.
If you are against this whacko theory as I am and you refuse to
participate in a Celebration of CRT Game Night – what will happen
to the player then, especially if religion doesn’t enter into it.
Not only are the leftist perverts pushing this LGBTBullshit lacking linear thinking, they’re lacking courage.
Had the hockey player been muslim, the drama-queen bitches would’ve remained silent.
The herd mentality that pervades the left displays dire cowardice when the religion of islam is at issue. (They know they can voice infantile hatred toward Christianity. Yet, the self same fools know they might have to go into hiding if they dare criticize islam.)
JESUS…. we are an ignorant lot.
Forgive us for the crimes we commit against our children.
We don’t commit those crimes against our children, only the leftist elites do that to other people’s children.
They do it to their own too. Some divorced sicko mother from Texas is ‘transitioning’ her 9 year old son in California.
“Who Doesn’t Wear the Ribbon?” Pretty much anyone who understands that the “ribbon” stands for … and invariably leads to … sexual mutilation. This is why the LGBTQ+ left never criticized radical Islam’s female genital mutilation; they had their own version waiting in the wings. The “ribbon” is part of the left’s war on children. And this is no metaphorical “war” or “moral equivalent of war”. The left is waging the real thing with actual mass deaths; 65 million from abortion and counting, plus unknown death and tragedy for children and adults via the fraudulent concept of “gender affirmation”.
The left which used to be the party of “tolerance” and “free speech” are now nothing but fascists. They demand you bow to their perverse ideas and must not only accept, but wear their colors or you are a racist, a homophobe, transphobic, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and now an “ableist”! Did I miss one? The worst part is that big business also bows. Why? Because if they support the “wokeness” and diversity racism then the Democrats will be hands off on their tax breaks, their monopolies and supply them all the cheap labor they could ever dream of through our completely open border. If this isn’t stopped we will soon become a country of just two classes. The rich Politicians in collusion with the crony capitalist oligarchs and the poor masses that will own nothing. Just like every other Socialist/Communist state in history.
It didn’t take long for tolerance of alphabet people to ‘progress’ to compulsory “celebration” of them. The idiots should quit while they’re ahead. They haven’t noticed that they’ll go right back into the closet in an end game socialist state, every time.
I’m so sick of “Rainbows” and of all the other hippy dippy BS and whining.. I’m also sick of “Pride”,…all of it.
I thought that we were taught that Pride was a sin. I think that it still is. What ever happened to humility? We could use more of that. That’s just my own personal and very humble opinion.